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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 54 in total
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amber Genau, University of Alabama at Birmingham
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decade, the author hasrepeatedly taught an Introduction to Engineering Materials course for materials majors, which istypically taken by students in the spring of their sophomore year, and is the first course wherestudents are expected to write full technical lab reports. This paper will discuss the steps that theauthor has taken to scaffold the experience of report writing for students, including the creationof a 4-page department-wide technical writing guide. Other steps including assigning students toread and answer questions about a short technical journal article, requiring peer review ofclassmates’ reports, and multiple graded and ungraded mandatory submission steps for eachreport. These activities have resulted in significant improvement
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Reihaneh Jamshidi, University of Hartford; Kamau Wright, University of Hartford; Paul E. Slaboch, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
further develop students’ technical writing skillsthroughout the semester by introducing a three-part strategy: (1) Focused instruction time –Allocating select times throughout the semester to focus on one section of lab report; (2)Reviewing samples as a group – determining which samples or attributes of samples wereeffective or ineffective; and (3) Peer review – Students reviewed each other’s lab reports andgave feedback. The goal of focused instructional time and reviewing samples was to allowstudents to improve their writing skills by focusing on one section of lab report at a time, andthus learning the writing techniques more effectively. The peer-review part of the strategy wasdesigned to draw students’ close attention to quality of writing
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Ruzycki, University of Florida
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Paper ID #11347Writing, Speaking and Communicating – Building Disciplinary Literacy inMaterials Science Undergraduate Students.Dr. Nancy Ruzycki, University of Florida Director of Undergraduate Laboratories, Faculty Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Engi- neering Page 26.1778.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Writing, Speaking and Communicating – Building Disciplinary Literacy in Materials Science Undergraduate StudentsAbstractDisciplinary
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University
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Paper ID #29292Using Creative Writing as a Tool for Learning Professional Developmentin Materials Science and EngineeringDr. Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020Using Creative Writing as a Tool for Learning Professional Development in Materials Science & EngineeringAbstractCourses in professional development can be a catch-all to address student skill building in areassuch as technical writing, communication, career path reflection, and ethics. While each of theseskills is important to student development, the
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sabrina Jedlicka, Lehigh University; Gregory Mark Skutches, Lehigh University; Siddha Pimputkar, Lehigh University
Tagged Divisions
Paper ID #26714Integration of Peer Communication Fellows into Introductory Materials Sci-ence Courses: Wiki Article DevelopmentDr. Sabrina Jedlicka, Lehigh UniversityDr. Gregory Mark Skutches, Lehigh University Greg Skutches earned both his Master’s (1997) and Ph.D. (2001) in English with a specialization in Composition and Rhetoric at Lehigh University. He joined the English Department at DeSales University in Center Valley, Pennsylvania in 1999 and returned to Lehigh in 2006 to establish and direct the Writing Across the Curriculum Program and teach courses in literature and first-year writing. In the fall of 2008, he
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Learning
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan P. Gentry, University of California, Davis; Gianmarco Sahragard-Monfared, University of California, Davis; Edward Thomas Conley, University of California, Davis
Tagged Divisions
content and reflections from the instructor, TAs, and students.1. IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic disrupted higher education worldwide in March 2020. Colleges anduniversities abruptly stopped in-person instruction and instead required remote teaching.Instructors’ challenges included preparing virtual lessons, learning videoconferencing software,and selecting appropriate graded assessments. At the same time, students’ learning routines weredisrupted as many returned home and were away from their peers; some students also lost thesafety net that the university provided, such as reliable food and shelter [1]. Furthermore, bothstudents and faculty were affected by limited internet connectivity and additional familyresponsibilities due to the
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacquelyn E. Kelly, Arizona State University; Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Dale R. Baker, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
include instructors, peers, engineers or the general population. Forpracticing engineers this may include colleagues, superiors, clients or manufacturers. Included intenor is the mood that the language communicates. For example, if an engineering student iscommunicating in class with his or her peers, the mood may be casual or inquisitive. In contrast,if a practicing engineer is providing a design recommendation to a manufacturer, the mood mightbe professional and authoritative. Typically, the tenor dictates which mode of communication ismost appropriate. The third variable of register, mode, refers to the medium of communication orspecifically how one will be communicating. For example, communication can occur verbally orthrough writing. The in
Conference Session
Professional Development in Materials Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Cadwell, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Wendy Crone, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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• Error, Negligence, Misconduct, Human Subjects in Research • The Basics of Laboratory Safety • Literature Search Skills • Strategies for Reading Journal Article • Peer Review of Scientific Papers • Plagiarism • How to Document Your Research • Treatment of Research Data • How Research Is Funded • Student Research and Intellectual Property • Publication, Authorship, Patenting, Copyright and Trademark • Writing an Abstract • Presentation of Research • REU and Fellowship Opportunities for
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Learning
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tiffany A Mathews, Penn State University; Kirstin Purdy Drew, Pennsylvania State University; Kristin Ann Dreyer, Center for Nanoscale Science (an NSF funded MRSEC)
Tagged Topics
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engaged in creating and editing materials for themselves as part of establishingtheir digital professional presence.As an example activity, the CV/resume peer-editing exercise required participants to eithercreate or revise their existing CV/resume or personal statement, and then bring it to a moderatedbreakout room discussion for peer review. Peer review was chosen because it provided studentswith the opportunity to view a variety of writing styles and provide constructive comments, bothof which can lead to improvement in students’ writing [6-7]. To encourage critical feedback anda collegial environment, breakout room discussions were moderated by program coordinators[8]. Some students were further motivated by the peer-review exercise and took
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Siddha Pimputkar, Lehigh University; Gregory Mark Skutches, Lehigh University; Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University
Tagged Divisions
English Department at DeSales University in Center Valley, Pennsylvania in 1999 and returned to Lehigh in 2006 to establish and direct the Writing Across the Curriculum Program and teach courses in literature and first-year writing. In the fall of 2008, he launched the Technology, Research, and Communication (TRAC) Writing Fellows Program, which has grown into an organization of 85 discipline-based peer writing tutors who, in total, work with more than 1,300 students at Lehigh each semester. His research interests include topics in writing across the curriculum, composition theory, argument theory, and peer learning with a special focus on writing fellows programs.Dr. Sabrina Starr Jedlicka, Lehigh University
Conference Session
Professional Development in Materials Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Holt, MSE at VT
Tagged Divisions
symposium again for 2008.The reason JUMR is a special opportunity is that it is only for undergraduate submissions. Theguidelines and review process take the students’ level into account. The students are comparedwith their peers, not with others who have significantly more experience. This protocolencourages the students to write and revise their own papers rather than having an advisor orsupervisor writing the paper and adding the student as an author.At the JUMR symposium, the undergraduate student is once again in a session that is forundergraduate presenters. The student is not compared with more experienced presenters andthey have the opportunity to present their work to their peers as well as to faculty and industryprofessionals. The
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhihua Xu, University of Minesota Duluth; Victor Lai, University of Minnesota - Duluth; Ping Zhao, University of Minnesota Duluth
Tagged Divisions
incorporation improved significantly. These statistical results indicatethe group project was effective in improving the students’ learning outcomes.Figure 2. Comparison of mean evaluation rating of question5 (a) and question 6 (b).Figure 3. Comparison of average grades between the classes with and without group projectincorporationFor the ChE class administered with staggered deadlines coordinated with the lectures, webelieve this format offers less tangible improvements to student learning. First, the staggereddeadlines provide accountability for students to work on the research project throughout thesemester. Second, peer editing of reports among group members require students to assesscritically others’ writing. Third, students improve their
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching and Outreach
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary B. Vollaro, Western New England College
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created such a large array of projects from all of my peers, and that is what really made it stand out to me, everyone had something that looked fresh and original and not just a rehashed outline that was set to follow.” Insightful:” It was also cool to see how much we learned comparing our wanted posters to the new posters. “ (Wanted Posters was an assignment during the first week of the semester.) ”Posters are good as time and effort put into them.” The paper was much easier to write for this class due to the resources that were available. “I think this paper was very interesting to do, and to see how all the terms we have learned in material science all year come together. I think material
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anu Osta, Rowan University; Jennifer Kadlowec, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
consisted of a set ofhands-on laboratory experiments on material testing while for spring 2016 a non-hands-onproject was assigned. For spring 2016 the students were required to simulate a material propertyor a basic manufacturing process using any finite element analysis software, or write a shortreview article on a topic closely related to the subject of materials and manufacturing. It was 3intended to add enrichment to the learning experience beyond the confines of the traditionalclassroom and positively impact a students’ academic performance. This would also lead todevelopment of better pedagogical practices by the engineering faculty, help the college to bettermeet the ABET objectives by
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William M. Jordan, Baylor University
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. Develop a set of experiments that can be used to answer the research question. Write up a formal report and make a group presentation about their project. Since this was a Mechanical Engineering class they were required to write a report in the format required by ASME for journal publications.Approach to classWith this limit to how many materials courses the program can offer each year, the authorsearched out ways to increase this number. One approach is to offer additional materials contentthrough small group research courses. This would help accomplish several different goals asdescribed in the previous section.It is important to see how this approach fits in with how other universities use undergraduatestudent research. One university
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sayyad Zahid Qamar P.E., Sultan Qaboos University; Majid Al-Maharbi, Sultan Qaboos University; Josiah Cherian Chekotu, Dublin City University
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aspect of human dimension (both self and others) in a science/engineering course like MS can be a daunting task. Learning outcomes could be “activelyparticipate in class discussions; avoid plagiarism in report writing and properly cite publishedsources; work in teams on mini-project, swapping roles as team member and leader; andconduct peer assessment of project team members.” Learning activities could be lecture andclass discussion on team work, and professional and ethical responsibility (includingplagiarism, citation and referencing); and project presentations and discussions. Assessmentmethods could be keeping records of active class participation (individual and group); recordsof meetings with project teams for individual and team work
Conference Session
Materials Science and Engineering of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University; Blair London, California Polytechnic State University; Katherine Chen, California Polytechnic State University; Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
. This year, we have adjusted one of the designprojects so that it is meant for individuals in a catastrophic disaster, like a tsunami or a category5 hurricane.At the time of this writing, we have only completed a third of the second freshman cohortexperience. However, surveys of the students after the first quarter of their freshman sequenceshow that we have successfully begun to build strong connections with their peers, helped themsee the value of their “engineering support” courses, given them hands-on experience withengineering and design, and enabled them to pick up useful skills. Roughly three fourths of thestudents indicated that the course gave them more confidence in their potential engineeringabilities. However, at this point, we are
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac L. Howard P.E., Mississippi State University; Braden T. Smith, Mississippi State University
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LaboratoryAbstractThis paper describes a construction materials laboratory that interfaces what are often lessdesirable activities for engineering students (i.e., writing, presenting) with physical experimentsand calculations. The paper’s primary objective is to present the recent incorporation of panelevaluations to expose students to presenting and to emphasize competition. Writing exerciseshave been part of the laboratory for years, and are described in some detail. Emphasis is on oralcommunication. As might be expected, student responses to these panels have varied widely,though overall assessments to date seem to indicate value added to the laboratory experience.1.0 Introduction and BackgroundTechnical communication (oral and written) is a formidable
Conference Session
Materials Selection & Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Olshefsky, ASTM International
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important.Educators can show how a specific standard relates to a practical outcome through hands-onactivities in the laboratory. The steps may include calibration and set-up of a testing apparatus,preparation of test specimens, recording the results of the test, performing any necessarycalculations, writing a test report, and interpreting the results. A student who is being introducedto the language of standards for the first time may find interpreting the actual language ofstandards difficult to follow. Therefore, it may be necessary to prepare a simplified outline ofthe necessary steps to perform a complete test. Any simplification of a method should remainconsistent with the original technical standard. In addition, some testing standards may take too
Conference Session
Introductory Materials Engineering Courses of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth DeBartolo, Rochester Institute of Technology; Melissa Zaczek, Rochester Institute of Technology; Cory Hoffman, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
failure mechanisms based on fracture surfaceanalysis, microstructural analysis, and a basic stress analysis of the incident that caused failure.Students are responsible for sectioning, hardness testing, metallographic sample prep, andbackground research on the component and/or material. All project deliverables, including thefinal summary report, consist of presentations made to their peers in lab.Feedback from students indicates that they find the project to be a valuable part of the course.The students make noticeable improvements in their presentation skills over the course of thequarter. In some cases, the in-lab presentations lead to discussions of different failure modes orloading scenarios among the students. Interviews with graduating
Conference Session
Emerging Issues in Materials Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane Folz, Virginia Tech; Christine Burgoyne, Virginia Tech; Janis Terpenny, Virginia Tech; Richard Goff, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Page 14.1017.2allowed for a change to the laboratory courses without significant impact on the content orquality of the lecture courses.Incorporated into each of these courses – before and after the curriculum change -- was a strongcommunications component. The assignments were developed with the goal of teachingstudents to provide succinct, well-written evidence of their laboratory work through memos andprogress reports. Assignments were graded by both the technical and the communicationsinstructors, providing an assessment of the writing quality as well as technical content.In addition to a change in the curriculum was a change in instructors for these labs. Theprocessing lab was assigned to a new faculty member in fall 2007, and the
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick Ferro, Gonzaga University
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. Students were also required to evaluate thepodcasts, as part of the listening assignment.After producing their own podcasts, students in MENG221 were then required to listen to fourother podcasts from their own cohort and provide an evaluation. Previous studies have shownthat students gain pedagogical value from listening to their peers’ podcasts [3]. The two topranked podcasts from the semester were submitted to the ASM podcast contest [2].The reason that the MENG221 podcast project is a Rich Learning Experience, according to Fink,is that it involves Learning How to Learn, Caring, Foundational Knowledge and Applicationtypes of learning. Traditional projects in materials courses, such as writing a research paper,may also be considered as a Rich
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Noah Salzman, Boise State University; Rick Ubic, Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
summer experience.Many participants evolved a new understanding of research as a result of participating in thesummer experience. In particular, they better recognized the collaborative nature of research andthe challenges that can arise as part of the process of doing research. Participants acquired bothtechnical and professional skills that they found useful, such as learning new programminglanguages, becoming proficient at using new pieces of equipment, reviewing technical literature,and improving presentation and communication skills. Undergraduates benefited fromdeveloping new relationships with their peers, while the teacher participants benefited fromdeveloping relationships with faculty and staff at the university. While most of the
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alison K. Polasik, Ohio State University
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individuallyout of class, followed by a reading quiz and pen-and-pencil activity during lecture. In labs,students are given short warm-up activities introducing them to the use of a new programfunction or computational method. The rest of the lab period was devoted to in-class exercisesthat covered a computational application or concept similar to the homework assigned for theweek. In this way, most of the deep learning occurred in the presence of peers and with thesupport of frequent help the instructors. In completing assignments that required writing scriptsfrom scratch, students are encouraged to write out pseudo-code or “map” their programmingplan.As with any new course, minor modifications to pedagogy, structure, and assignments weremade in each
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anastasia Marie Rynearson, Campbell University; Alison K. Polasik, Campbell University
Tagged Divisions
-basedassignments, peer instruction, and a symposium-style poster presentation for the final project.Learning outcomes for the course include the technical Materials Science and Processingknowledge as well as writing laboratory and research reports, developing experimentalprocedures, and gathering data to form conclusions. Using the ICAP framework developed byChi & Wylie, many of the course activities are designed to fall within the Constructive andInteractive modes of engagement.BackgroundThe Interactive>Constructive>Active>Passive (ICAP) framework can be used as a lens tounderstand how various aspects of a course engage students and contribute to cognitiveengagement and learning. ICAP is a way to further define the broader area of “active
Conference Session
Materials Lab Experiments and Demonstrations
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Kessler, Iowa State University; Prashanth Badrinarayanan, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
polymer processing.Lab ImplementationEach lab took approximately two hours for the students to complete. For many of the labs, therewas only one instrument available, so the six lab sections had to meet at different times duringthe week. A graduate teaching assistant along with graduate and postdoctoral research associatesfrom the instructor’s research group assisted with running the multiple sections of the same labthroughout the week. There were 12 lab reports written by each four member lab section (Lab12 and Lab 13 required a joint report). Four of the reports required a “Formal Lab Report”format, four required a “Memo Lab Report” format, two were in the form of a PowerPointpresentation, and two were to be webpage reports.The write-up
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rika Wright Carlsen, Robert Morris University
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 your   method   o All  sources  must  be  peer-­‐reviewed  scientific  publications.    In-­‐text  citations  and  a  list  of   references  must  be  included  in  your  write-­‐up  (any  standard  reference  citation  style  may  be   used).   • Next  lab:  You  will  synthesize  PVA  hydrogels  using  your  proposed  methodology  and  measure  the   mechanical  properties  of  the  hydrogels.      
Conference Session
Materials Science and Engineering of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Alexander Dillon, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
, prediction of the effects of materials processes, and designof experiments to determine the feasibility of engineering tasks. To attain success on theindividual examinations, students must demonstrate that they can synthesize fundamental contentknowledge and critical thinking skills, and apply these to unfamiliar situations based on real-world problems.Peer-assessment, self-assessment, and self-reflection on learning processes are emphasizedthroughout the semester. Teaming skills are assessed through peer- and self-evaluations at theend of each project. In the teaming evaluations, students provide a numerical rating forthemselves and their teammates, and they write self-reflective comments on teaming-relatedlessons learned during their project
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Cavalli, University of North Dakota
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and testing results along withshort write-ups on recent peer-reviewed research related to composite materials. Projects werecompleted in groups of 3-4 students for both on-campus and distance groups.Pre- and posttests were administered during the course. Students were asked to complete thepretest within the first week of the semester and the posttest no earlier than the start of the lastweek of the term. Content questions on the tests were multiple choice or true/false. Thequestions are shown in Table 2. Three additional questions were included regarding studentconfidence related to the course material. These are shown in Table 3. While the pre- andposttests were not graded, completion of each was required and given the equivalent of 50% of
Conference Session
Introductory Materials Engineering Courses of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Mitchell, Tulane University
Tagged Divisions
also served as an industrial consultant to ExxonMobil, Laitrum, Inc. and LLB, Inc., and has secured over $1.0 M in external research funding. Brian has authored 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, 3 peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and one U.S Patent. He is also the author of a textbook entitled “Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials Engineers” that is published by John Wiley and Sons. In addition, he has given over 30 national and international presentations, including nine presentations to Louisiana elementary school children though the state’s “Speaking of Science” program