environment of this first course consisted of implementing multiple facets ofeducation technology and methodologies as the courses consisted of distance learners as well ason campus students. This created a unique environment for the application of “learning bydoing” as students were geographically dispersed throughout the continental United States.Hence, the course contained both a lecture component and out of class meetings. The course wastaught through Cisco WebEx®, which is an online meeting and video conferencing tool. Allcourse lectures were recorded and archived in order to assure students had the capability toreview covered lecture material or reflect upon class discussions regarding the design of thisimmersion-training vest. The class was
exercises and semester projects may be given from following which reflect theexpertise of the STEM faculty instructors: • biomechanics of locomotor systems encompassing dynamic force and moment analyses applied to the musculoskeletal system, and locomotor energetics and physiological constraints. • biofluids of flow systems encompassing kinematics of fluid flow and its application to blood circulation in the body.Each of these two main technical topics offers lecture, demonstration, laboratory exercises andsemester projects as explained below:4.1 Biomechanics of Locomotor SystemsIt is well understood that structure and function are interdependent for species fitness andsurvival. An understanding of material and mechanical
the Arena® simulation environment, reflects both thesemodels of operations to provide a means of comparison for futurechanges and improvements. The difference between the two models liesin the use of the ticket counter scheduling. The number of ticket countersin the current system model is fixed at two ticket counters per air carrier.Each ticket counter has two physical positions and is able to serve twocustomers at any one time.The per-use model was found to scale very well during the simulationexperiments. The ability to reassign a ticket counter to a different aircarrier in order to meet the passenger input demands greatly reduces high Fig. 2. DTCIS
heads of „non-traditional programs.‟” Similarly, an April 2002 email announcementfor the second meeting reflected this theme with the statement, “Currently, each of the major societies … has active department heads groups that forward the interests of their respective programs. Our objective is to create a similar supportive Page 15.41.3 activity. For example, at the first meeting, we discussed the benefits of having ASEE serve as the 'parent' organization for ABET evaluators of non-traditional degree programs. It was widely felt that ASEE's participation in the selection of ABET evaluators for our programs could be helpful. In
Technology (IIT) in a capstone designcourse and within the framework of an IPRO (interprofessional projects program). Page 22.96.2 2011 ASEE Annual ConferenceTeamwork, innovation, and complex problem-solving skills make successfulprofessionals - and reflect the overall performance of their organizations. Since 1995, theIPRO team project course at IIT has been teaching students how to excel in theworkplace by providing them the practical tools that can make a difference in theirprofessional and personal lives.The IPRO program joins together students from various academic disciplines to work asa team to tackle a real-world problem
interpret through words and pictures alone. The positive survey results reflect aninitial success of using multimedia tools to supplement the classroom instruction.Keywords: multimedia, CAD, online, videoIntroductionThis paper reports the development and use of a multimedia online learning tool to create anonline self-study environment to supplement the classroom instruction in engineering courses;the Supplemental Multimedia Online Learning Tool (SMOLT). Multimedia forms of obtaininginformation have been widely adopted by students when available in both traditional and non-traditional learning environments such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The valueof a multi-media approach to supplement classroom learning is well understood however
, water was poured into the still to a depth of 5 cm for a total volume of 36liters. The students learned from the tests results that active solar distillation can outperformpassive solar distillation by several factors as reflected in Fig. 2. The maximum production ratereached in the passive system was 1.35 L/m2/day, while that reached in the active system was 3.6L/m2/day. Figure 3 shows typical results of the temperature time history at various locations inthe distillation system. Due to having low investment and operation cost, students learned thatsolar distillation is the most economic method for use in the rural dry and hot climate of WestTexas where solar energy is abundantly available. Throughout the world, the availability ofclean water
multidisciplinary introduction to engineering course, a unique introduction to engineering MOOC, and another MOOC focused on exploring global challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective. She is interested in curricular and co-curricular experiences that broaden students’ perspectives and enhance student learning, and values students’ use of Digital Portfo- lios to reflect on and showcase their accomplishments. Amy earned her Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Arizona State University (ASU), and is currently pursuing her PhD in Engineering Education Systems and Design.Mr. Keirien Taylor, Arizona State University, UOEEE Keirien Taylor is a research assistant at Arizona State University’s Office of Evaluations and
. • I use my personal email more frequently than my school email. Also, update as much and as soon as possible to blackboard. Industrial Robotics • I have taken online classes in the past and I didn’t learn as well as I do in face-to- face lectures. • I hope Blackboard works throughout the semester. The survey results (Table 2) reflect the following facts for each challenge and the possible impact onthe program quality. Table 2. Possible impact on program quality with respect to challenge type Challenge typeFacts Possible impact on the program quality Technology • About 40% percent of students
. Unlike prior years, when the semester ended with acelebration of each student group’s learning and accomplishments, this semester concluded withboth students and instructors mentally exhausted by the crush of last-minute token reviews andrevisions.Action Steps: Revising Peer ReviewBased on reflections within the instructional team and student input, the token and PR processhas been revised in several ways. These are shared as both principles (see italicized headings)and specific actions.Keep It SimplePR is valuable, but it also requires time and mental energy. Our first change was to eliminate thePeer Review Definition stage. Very few tokens repeated this step, and its removal has theimmediate benefit of eliminating 50% of all PRs. Furthermore
analysis relied upon thequalitative methodology of open coding; that is, a strategy that divides the narrative data intodiscrete units of analysis (quotes) reflective of the major themes that are embedded in the wordsof study participants [15]. The coding scheme represented emergent themes and variables ofinterest, including challenges and strengths of the workshops. Themes are presented below withillustrative quotes drawn from the participant responses (in italics), staying true to the language ofthe participants.5.2. Participant demographicsSixty-six participants completed a survey from one of the four workshops on MRE Education. Themajority of these participants were white, male, and current faculty. • 74% Male (87% of the sample reporting
Safety and Security Engineering11. X X X Capstone Course Safety and Security Engineering12. X X X Capstone CourseOutcomes for the overall program will be measured by: 1) trends in the numbers of studentsenrolling; 2) student, alumni and employer surveys; and, 3) assessment of final student thesis andproject reports and presentations by internal (faculty) and external expert review boards. Long-term success of this program will be reflected by increased numbers of individuals whosuccessfully graduate and enter security and safety careers as a result of this unique
importance of the artifact and then to explain how the artifact reflects theculture which produced it. The fruits of these activities were two group presentationsduring the course of the semester –practicing the final methodology of the end project—and a group paper in English to summarize their project in Sevilla, Spain, and inMilwaukee, Wisconsin, two cities seemingly disparate in culture.Evaluation and assessment of collaborative effortThe end-of-semester student questionnaire results appear in Table 1. Page 12.53.5 Proceedings of the 2007 American Society of Engineering Education Conference and Exposition Copyright @ 2007
ways, typical of the ______ curriculum. First, instruction inthe department is geared toward practical applications in all courses. Calculus, for example, istaught not as a stand-alone tool, but in the context of practical applications. Second, our studentsperform far more hands-on work than typical undergraduates. Partly this is a reflection of theUniversity’s emphasis on undergraduate education, but a big part is also due to a departmentalculture promoting hands-on experience as critical for our students. For example, all of ourstudents work with bomb calorimeters as part of an energy lab, build circuits and operationalamplifiers as part of an instrumentation course, and perform water quality tests as part of anenvironment lab. All students
market:The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Department of Labor) indicated in its 2005-2006 edition ofthe Occupational Outlook Handbook 2 that biomedical engineering is expected to be a fast-growing occupation in the near and intermediate future. In recent years, the U.S. Department ofLabor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics has added standard occupational classification for"biomedical engineering" to be included in the forthcoming labor market reports and forecasts.This reflects the coming of age of biomedical engineering as a distinct discipline, and recognizesits increasing presence in the labor market. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureauof Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, 2005, industries with the highestlevels of
items should be reflected; for example,Emergency Generator Log, Fire Sprinkler Log, Filter Log, Daily Rounds, Electrical ReceptacleTest Log, Kitchen Hood Inspection, Water Chemistry Test Log, and Vehicle Log.The students were asked to review maintenance records and find out different performanceindicators, such as the percentage of in-house vs. outsourcing work orders performed, percentageof in-house vs. outsourcing costs, and the percentage of preventive vs. corrective maintenance Page 14.1136.13conducted. The following text is quoted from the students’ report: “The first component that wefocused on was the computerized facility maintenance
. Figure 4. Mechanical solution to trailer release system. Page 11.766.11 Figure 5. Photo of students racing their solar car. Note the crack in the pavement.Figure 6 shows a graph of the motor current data demonstrating the time at which the trailerrelease motor was energized to pull the pin and release the trailer. This is reflected by the dropin current between about 170 and 180 feet in the course. The current to the vehicle drive motordrops because the motor used to pull the trailer release pin is activated and the solar panel is onlycapable of about 2.4 amps. The students measured the current
towards interdisciplinary cooperation in the next phase, which isa long way from the initial state three years ago when we were not quite familiar with oneanother’s areas of expertise, it would be worthwhile to share our reflections on the journeywith other teachers.Context Over the course of 3-year-cooperation (from December 2013 to November 2016), threecurricular experiments were conducted consecutively in the Spring Semesters (i.e., Februaryto June) from 2014 to 2016 at National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taiwan. The firstexperiment was meant to be an initial try-out, embedding two 8-hour sessions of futuresthinking curriculum in an existing selective advanced CE course, with the purpose offamiliarizing engineering teachers with futures
-engineering majors.This reflects the fact that the interdisciplinary disciplines are essential to develop recent cuttingedge technology. These results can be seen in Figure 9. 83% Engineering 62% No 38% Majors Experience Experience in MDP in MDP 17% Non-Engineering
engineeringundergraduates. To accomplish this, it has chosen a method which lies mid-way between the twoextremes found in typical engineering curricula, namely self-learning and explicit courseinstruction. In the selected model, the cost to a specific course, or academic term, is small, andthe distributed nature of the modules (once per term for the first three years of the program)enhances their impact by keeping teamwork always “front of mind” for students.Upon reflection, the success of the team’s initiative can be largely attributed to the team’scharacteristics as a well-functioning team, made up of people with complementary expertisewhich covers the broad spectrum required to teach teamwork skills to engineering students whilenavigating significant and varied
natural environment” [6, p. 21]. Theimpact that the studio course was perceived to have on the students may be one driver for facultyto continue to teach the course. Additionally, the multiple publications describing the courseshow how the faculty members used the interdisciplinary course for research [6], [15] [16].From the faculty reflections from course published by Sochacka and colleagues [6], theinstructors speak of their openness to learning more about each other’s fields as well as thediscomfort that came with it. Through the design studio, the authors state that in workingtogether, they questioned “the values, beliefs, and understandings [they] hold of [their]disciplinary selves and of each other” [6, p. 19]. From an institutional
pollution should be responsible for the cleanup. Reflecting on thepresumption that more than one party could be identified as a “contributor” of pollution,a percentage allocation must also be determined. Once an allocation has been made, itthen must be determined if the identified “contributor” has the ability to pay theproportionate share. Which of the identified parties possesses the financial resourcesand/or insurance coverage to pay for a cleanup? Pollution cases may require adetermination of whether employees or other individuals may have been impacted byenvironmental pollution and suffered either acute or chronic health effects.In pursuit of identifying responsible parties and implementing remedies for pollution orcontamination, this paper
participation equivalent to asingle 3 or 4-credit course. Building upon this credit structure, some academic units have establishedcredit-use policies that incentivize multiple semesters of participation in VIP [5]. However, whethercurricular incentives yield higher persistence has not been examined.The VIP model has been adopted by twenty-six colleges and universities, and at the Georgia Institute ofTechnology (Georgia Tech), additional departments continue to adopt and refine curricular policiesregarding the program. This expansion demands reflection on how policies affect student persistence inthe VIP program, and how other factors may contribute. We hypothesize that different Georgia Techcredit-use policies affect student persistence in different
reflected in one of the Program Education Objectives (PEOs): Within 3-5 years aftergraduation from the JI, the graduates should be able to apply their creativity and globalperspective in their engineering or non-engineering professions. We use this paper to report tothe community our thoughts, practices, and outcomes of the interdisciplinary engineeringeducation at the JI.Interdisciplinarity in Engineering CurriculaThe curricula of the engineering programs at the JI are enriched with elements beyond technicaltraining. There is a first-year Introduction to Engineering course that allows students to have ataste of engineering in an interesting subject area before they claim a major; the capstone designprojects allow the students to join each other
(e.g. group vs individual) and whether the interactionswere tailored to specific student needs. Overall, 92% of students rated the experience as“excellent” or “good”, but 8% of students did identify the mentoring experience as “lacking” or“poor”. The students were not provided with information on what a good mentoring relationshipmeans. Instead they were expected to reflect on their own expectations. In regards to thenegative experience one student commented: “My mentor seemed to push off all mentorship work to her PhD students. I felt guiltyasking questions because she would hand all the questions over to her extremely busy students.The students took a lot of time out of their day to meet and discuss with me and I thank them forthat
the reflective markers and combinethe images to read the 3D positions of the markers at a 100 Hz frame rate. This information isrecorded and used to reconstruct the skeleton of the participant, or can be used as raw data inpoint-cloud form.Figure 9. Motion capture laboratory with cameras and motion-capture suit. Page 26.630.8Painting/DrawingPainting and drawing utilize several different media, such as charcoal, oil paint, andwatercolor. However, the typical drawing surface is two-dimensional in nature. Our goal in thiseffort was to allow students to “draw” and “paint” in three dimensions, using the capture volumeas a canvas. Additionally
Studio. In 2002,the University of Illinois at Chicago was among some of the earliest to offer an interdisciplinaryproduct development program, engaging business, design and engineering. Corporate partnerssponsor a section of the course, and, with faculty, design project statements that are both ofstrategic interest and educationally appropriate for a senior design capstone course sequence.Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary product development courses are increasingly beingoffered at more institutions, with the motivation being that they better reflect real-world productdesign processes, and that considerations outside of a single discipline influence a successful endproduct [2, 3]. Interdisciplinary programs offer unique experiences for
name matters. As outlined above, e+ is a specialized design-focused degreeprogram, requiring students to focus in engineering design thinking and doing, and anengineering disciplinary emphasis—while developing a secondary area of expertise via theconcentration. This multifaceted specialization is distinctive amongst the traditional discipline-specific engineering programs in our college. The authors hope that removal of “general” fromthe program name better reflects the unique combination of specificity and customizabilityafforded by the program curriculum and that the renaming will help the program grow in sizeand stature. We also hope that this lesson-learned serves as a cautionary tale to other collegesinterested in creating a new program
previously incomplete. Chepén’s officials stated that the studentscarried out a conscientious work and had a positive valuation of the information collectedfrom local actors. Interviewee 2 stated that all the students’ work had been very fruitful interms of reflecting what the residents said, which had not been addressed in a comprehensivemanner previously due to lack of specialists.The students’ projects were feasible, consistent and applicable to the actual city context,which was highly appreciated by the city officials. During the workshop’s closure, the Mayorsaid that the municipality’s contingency plans were being drawn up using the course projectsas reference.In interviews, the former students of the course stated that they have substantially