as far west as Southern California to as far east as Pennsylvania.Dr. Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design courses, and studies the use of context and storytelling in both K-12 and undergraduate engineering design education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2010) and M.S./B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Jordan is PI on several NSF-funded projects related to design, including an NSF Early CAREER Award entitled ”CAREER
Master’s degree from Florida International University currently pur- suing a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He is currently focused on the research area of Software Testing including MicroServices architecture.Dr. Monique S Ross, Florida International University Monique Ross earned a doctoral degree in Engineering Education from Purdue University. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Elizabethtown College, a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Auburn University, eleven years of experience in industry as a software engineer, and three years as a full-time faculty in the departments of computer science and engineering. Her interests focus on broadening participation in
Paper ID #22808Gamification in Computer Science Education: a Systematic Literature Re-viewMrs. Mourya Reddy Narasareddy Gari, North Dakota State University I am Ph.D student at North Dakota State University. My research work is to see how different Learning strategies affect the student learning.Dr. Gursimran Singh Walia Gursimran S. Walia is an associate professor of Computer Science at North Dakota State University. His main research interests include empirical software engineering, software engineering education, human factors in software engineering, and software quality. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society
cycles, with definite goals reached each iterative cycle. Agile requiresteams to break large tasks, such as designing a system to act upon GPS data, into small, bite-sizedpieces. In the GPS example, this would involve turning the overall goal into objectives able to becompleted in 1-2 weeks like: • Design an interface to poll the EMLID system for positional data Figure 4: Drive by wire hardware for braking and steeringFigure 5: The Reach GPS unit and an example of the waypoints collected along a driving path.Data plotted using ♠❛♣s✳❣♦♦❣❧❡✳❝♦♠. • Develop an algorithm to extract heading and velocity data from progressive geographical timestamps • etc.The Agile mindset proved highly useful to our senior design team
.[3] "Standards-Based Grading Overview," Active Grade, 2012.[4] S. Ambrose, M. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. Lovett and M. Norman, HHow Learning Works: 7 Research Based Principles for Smart Teaching, San Franscisco: Wiley, 2010.[5] M. Townsley, "What is the Difference between Standards-Based Grading (or Reporting) and Competency-Based Education," Competency Works, 11 November 2014. [Online]. Available: standards-based-grading/. [Accessed 30 12 2019].[6] L. Davis, "Standards-Based Grading: What to Know in 2019," Schoology Exchange, 13 2 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 12 2019
perceptions of their level of engagement with the class and active learning. Thestudents in both sections were asked a series of questions designed by the authors, to elicitcandid responses. The survey was conducted separately from the regular student courseevaluations and was completed before the final course grade postings. Table 7 compares studentresponses on the midterm survey (S = Synchronous, N=41/41 and A = Asynchronous N=19/20).The only significant difference (p < 0.1) found using the Mann-Whitney U test was for thestatement “I felt more engaged during activities than lectures”. Table 8 compares studentresponses on the final survey (S = Synchronous, N=39/41 and A = Asynchronous N=20/20). Theonly significant difference (p < 0.5) found
student courseevaluations and was completed before the final course grade postings. Table 7 compares studentresponses on the midterm survey (S = Synchronous, N=41/41 and A = Asynchronous N=19/20).The only significant difference (p < 0.01) found using the Mann-Whitney U test was for thestatement “I felt more engaged during activities than lectures”. Table 8 compares studentresponses on the final survey (S = Synchronous, N=39/41 and A = Asynchronous N=20/20). Theonly significant difference (p < 0.05) found using the Mann-Whitney U test was for the statement“I prefer the use of activities and discussion rather than lecture only content”.The students were asked specifically, “With which activities or parts of the course have you feltmost
stakeholders, evaluating thealternatives for satisfying the win conditions, managing the risks that stem from the selectedalternative(s), and obtaining the stakeholder approvals and commitments to pursuing the nextcycle are the four basic steps of the spiral model2. For example, if sensitive information is storedand accessed but the end user is not invited to participate in the trade-off analysis andprioritization of the requirements, then the software project is at risk of failing to satisfy thesecurity needs of the user.Having key stakeholders such as user and customer representatives involved is a hallmark ofagile software development3, which is considered to not only inherent the iterative andincremental natures embedded in the spiral model but
testing and regression testingDeliverable 3 Update test design plan, and perform continuous integration testing and regression testingDeliverable 4 Complete the test design plan and perform system testingNote that developing and testing the same project sometimes involved changing requirements; onthe other hand, testing the same project did not involve changing requirements, thereby making thetesting process a lot easier.4.3 Sample ProjectsThis section summarizes some of the group projects used for testing in CEN4072 in 2016, 2017,2019, and 2020. The summary includes the semester (year) the project was done, the project name,a short description of the project, the language(s) used, and development and testing tools used. In2016 and 2020, the
learning readiness and project-based learning outcomes: the case of international Masters students in an engineering management course,” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 453–465, Aug. 2007.[3] G. Zavala, M. E. Truyol, and A. Dominguez, “Professional development program on active learning for engineering faculty in Chile: First stage,” in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2017, vol. 2017.[4] M. Marques, S. F. Ochoa, M. C. Bastarrica, and F. J. Gutierrez, “Enhancing the Student Learning Experience in Software Engineering Project Courses,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 63–73, Feb. 2018.[5] L. F. Capretz, “Bringing the human factor to software
introduction to the project, often under the guidance ofsomeone with considerable project knowledge.Computer Science (CS) programs have recently experienced a surge in enrollments surpassingthe growth of the late 1990’s [9]. There has also been an increase in the number of non-majorstaking CS courses. Despite there being more students in CS courses, the number of womengraduating from CS programs was still only 15% in 2015 [9]. Since HFOSS projects are builtwith the intention to better the human condition, they often exemplify characteristics thatresearch has shown attracts women to computing such as helping others and working in diversegroups [2, 10]. There is some evidence that working on HFOSS projects is appealing to women[13, 14]. The 2016 Open
) Overall, I found Part 2 helped me understand why ... 1. duplication can make code hard to understand 2. duplication can make code hard to modify 3. E XTRACT C USTOM B LOCK can make code easy to understand 4. E XTRACT C USTOM B LOCK can make code easy to modify5 Results and DiscussionOn average, it took 50 minutes per participant to complete the entire study (tutorial and survey). Weprovided minimal help to some participants via a live support feature of our online study website.Most of the help was given for the tutorial tasks prior to the refactoring tasks, in which participantswere asked to fill in the missing parts to complete Part 2’s objective (basic-slides). Next, we presentthe analyses and their results and discuss how they
University of Michigan-Dearborn Advancement ofTeaching and Learning Fund and the NSF Award #1245036 Collaborative Education: Building aSkilled V&VF Community. We would like to thank Ms. Raminderdeep Randhawa who workedas Research Assistant on this project and Ms. Navin Tama who worked as a Graduate StudentInstructor for the fall 2016 offering of CIS 375. They gave generously of their time and energy tothis project.Bibliography1. Branch R. (2010): Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach, Springer, 2010.2. Ardis, M., Chenoweth, S. and Young, F. (2008): “The ‘Soft’ Topics in Software Engineering Education”, Proceedings of 38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference (Vol. 1, Oct 2008), IEEE Press, Saratoga Springs, NY, 2008, pp. F3H1
forth. ● Application (a): Using learned material in new and concrete situations. For example, using information, methods, concept s, and theories to solve problems requiring the skills or knowledge presented.A topic’s relevance to the core is designated in a similar manner: ● Essential (E): The topic is part of the core. ● Desirable (D): The topic is not part of the core, but it should be included in the core of a particular program if possible; otherwise, it should be considered part of elective materials. Figure 1: IEEE SE2014 Software Verification and Validation Coverage [7]One of the challenges of teaching software verification has been the lack of quality teachingmaterials at
audio service by filling out an online form. Once the form issubmitted, the data are stored in the database. An administrator at ACPL can log into the systemthrough the Web interface and manage the system. The functionalities for the administratorinterface include searching, reading, creating, and updating users’ and radios’ profile, as well asassigning audio radio(s) to a user or an organization.The main challenges to implement such an architecture lie in two aspects: Figure 1. System Structure of Our Web Application (1) Ease of use. The information for both the user’s interface and the admin’s interface must be displayed in a user friendly manner. Especially, the user’s interface should be accessible to
Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering, [Webpage], Retrieved January 29, 2017 from URL [5]. The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula: IEEE-CS and ACM, (2015), Software Engineering 2014 Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering, [Webpage], Retrieved January 29, 2017 from URL [6]. Acharya, S., Ackerman, A. (2012), Software Engineering Education Needs more Engineering, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition – Software Engineering Constituent Committee, June 10 – 13 – San Antonio, TX[7]. McGraw, G. Software Security - Building Security In, Addition-Wesley
course. - As a focus group member co-developed six hours of course modules to address identified gaps in a content area familiar to the University program and its local industry partner(s). - Assessed course contents through at least two delivery cycles. Implementation Academic PartnersSix institutions Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Montana Tech, University of Michigan,Virginia State University, Fairfield University, and Milwaukee School of Engineering supportedthis project as an ‘Implementation Academic Partner’ and carried out the following tasks: - Used entire or partial courseware developed by this project in at least one course through at least two delivery cycles. - Evaluated the course(s) and assess the
, the fact that the product had a real user in mind meant thatstudents were less inclined to compromise on the quality of their work.Instructors who try this variant should be mindful of intellectual property. In the Spring 2020, weintroduced a legal agreement where the students agreed to give up their intellectual property to thecustomer.DiscussionThe course presented here has increased the process focus beyond the level that is normallyincluded in a typical software engineering curriculum. This course design is highly flexible andapplicable at other institutions. In addition to the possible variations discussed above, we foundthat the choice of the primary programming language(s) has not impacted the learning outcomes;although when
reason(s) would you give to recommend students participate in projects found reason(s) would you give to recommend students not participate in projects found generally answered the first question with a variation of ”it is a potential source ofprojects where you can gain experience”.In the second question, the students made notes about the relative lack of project choices, and thelack of communication from the project leaders.The question of why there is a contradiction between these two statements stems from two factors.The first factor was simply the number of projects that the students could apply to. While studentswere allowed to view approximately 20 projects, fewer than 10 were accepting
analysis and requirements specification. Students respond byRequirements saying the needs statement could be represented as a Decision(50 mins) Tree, a Decision Table (truth table) or a Use Case. The answers are then discussed in class.ALT: In this exercise students Identify the ambiguity (or ambiguities) in RequirementsRequirement the given statements. They then discuss and propose how the ManagementAmbiguity ambiguity may be corrected.(50 mins)ALT: Stated and In this exercise students read the given stated need and write RequirementsImplied down implied need(s). The answers are then discussed in class. ManagementRequirements(25 mins
allows projects in EPICS toaddress complex and compelling needs in the local or global community. EPICS teams, or course sections, each consist of 8-25 students and are student led witha faculty or industry instructor, which we call an advisor. Graduate student teaching assistantssupport the advisors and each one supports 3-4 sections providing a mechanism for consistencyacross teams. Each team or course section comprises multiple sub-teams, each one of whichsupports a single design project. Once a project is delivered, a new project is then identified bystudents under the guidance of their faculty mentor(s) and community partner(s). Exampleprojects include designing assistive technology for people with disabilities, developing
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW’16 Companion, San Francisco, CA, USA, Feb 27 - March 02, 2016, pp. 333-336. 4. J. Perkel, “How scientists use Slack,” Nature, January 2017, vol. 541, pp. 123-124. 5. M. Gofine and S. Clark, “Integration of Slack, a cloud-based team collaboration application, into research coordination,” Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 2017, vol. 24, no.2, pp. 252- 254. 6. J. Gaines, O. Akintewe, and S. Small, “Engineering design instruction using Slack for project support and teamwork,” 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 16-19, 2019, Tampa, FL.7. X. Zhang, Y. Meng, P. Pablos, and Y. Sun, “Learning analytics in collaborative learning
. Riley, Using mobile phone programming to teach Java and advanced programming to computer scientists. Proceedings of the 43rd annual SIGCSE, 2012.[5] R. Carbon, M. Lindvall, D. Muthig, P. Costa, Integrating product line engineering and agile methods: Flexible design up front vs. incremental methods, First International Workshop on Product Line Engineering, 2006.[6] Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, URL:[7] M. Catala, S. Dowling, D. Hayward, Expanding the Google Transit Feed Specifications to Support Operations and Planning, No. FDOT BDK85# 977-15, 2011.[8] G. Chastek, P. Donohoe, J. McGregor, and D. Muthig, Engineering a Production Method for a Software Product Line
analytical thinking.• More money – Testing jobs come with • Financially rewarding. good salary packages. • You get to work in a very lucrative ind ustry.• Career growth – Some professionals • It’s a means to an end: learn on the “s think that testing has better growth hop floor” and move up to roles such as Solutions Architect, Director ‐ Project Management, Chief Technology Officer, or
course? A module for an LMS? Adapt a metric to be applied to course projects? Practice • In managing student projects, can the instructor practice skills that (s)he can teach to students? • Can student projects help develop relationships with industry that can lead to joint research or development projects? • Can the instructor’s experience in industry develop internship or funding opportunities for students?review and machine learning. If your area is intelligent tutoring, you could lead students inworking on intelligent tutors for topics that you teach.Other opportunities are related to research areas that do not involve course tools. One idea
three, weeks 14-15, includes packaging the modified software system for the next iterationof the course, individual reflection by team members on their participation in the course project,and final presentations and demos. A weekly course assignment schedule is shown in Table 1.Students are assigned Reading Response Questions in Phase 1 (weeks 3, 4, and 5) and Phase 2(weeks 6, 8, 10, and 12). These are questions on assigned readings and need to be answered inwriting.Table 1. Course Project Phases and Weekly Assignment Schedule Phase Week(s) Assignment Purpose Program Review Install and evaluate the course project, analyze 1 Report documentation
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Environment & Development”,Oxford University Press, 1987.[2] United Nations, “UN - Conference on Environment and Development”, [Online], Accessed January 31, 2019.[3] United Nations, “UN - World Summit on Sustainable Development”, [Online], Accessed January 31, 2019.[4] United Nations, “UN - Sustainable Development Goals”, [Online]h, Accessed January 31, 2019.[5] R. Amri and N. B. B. Saoud, "Towards a Generic Sustainable Software Model," Fourth International Conferenceon Advances in Computing and Communications, pp. 231-234, 2014.[6] M. Dick, S. Naumann, and N. Kuhn, “A model and