Melissa Sternhagen, University of Wisconsin Center-Fox Valley; Jeff Hoerning, University of Wisconsin-Platteville; Cathy Bronold, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Information Literacy, Computer Efficacy and Readiness
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Melissa Isabel Zelaya, Clemson University; Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University; Jeff Bertrand; Tianwei Wang, Clemson; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University; John R. Wagner, Clemson University; Sabarish V. DUPE Babu, School of Computing, Clemson University
Michael E. Pelletier, Northern Essex Community College; Linda A. Desjardins, Northern Essex Community College; Paul Chanley, Northern Essex Community College; Il (Johnny) Yoon, Northern Essex Community College
Kristin Kelly Frady; Rebecca S Hartley, Clemson University Center for Workforce Development; Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University; Hope Epps Rivers, South Carolina Technical College System; Elaine L. Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College; Stephanie Denise Frazier, South Carolina Technical College System
Erik N Dunmire, College of Marin; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College; Nicholas P. Langhoff, Skyline College; Thomas Rebold, Monterey Peninsula College; Eva Schiorring, Canada College
Kapil Chalil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University; Kristin Kelly Frady, Clemson University; Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson University; Jeff Bertrand; Rebecca S Hartley, Clemson University Center for Workforce Development
Nicholas P Langhoff, Skyline College; Eva Schiorring; Erik N Dunmire, College of Marin; Thomas Rebold, Monterey Peninsula College; Tracy Huang, Canada College
Addressing Diversity Issues in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jackie Perez, Texas A&M University - Dwight Look College of Engineering; So Yoon Yoon, Texas A&M University; Teri Kristine Reed, Texas A&M University; Cecelia Diane Lawley, Texas A&M University
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Klaus Bartels, San Antonio College; Steven F. Lewis, William R. Sinkin Eco Centro, San Antonio College; Bahram Asiabanpour, Texas State University
Addressing Diversity Issues in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tressa Kay Mikel, University of California, Berkeley; Frank Hoang, University of California, Berkeley; Pedro S. H. Kim, UC Berkeley; Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven; Shannon Ciston, University of California, Berkeley
Surendra Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology; Daniel Johnson, Rochester Institute of Technology; John Morelli, Rochester Institute of Technology; Michael Eastman, Rochester Institute of Technology; Vincent Amuso, Rochester Institute of Technology; James Moon, Rochester Institute of Technology