Paper ID #23327Evaluating the Quality of Project Summaries for S-STEM ProposalsDr. Yvette E. Pearson P.E., Rice University Dr. Yvette E. Pearson holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and M.S. in Chemistry from Southern University and A&M College and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science from the University of New Orleans. She is Associate Dean for Accreditation and Assessment in the George R. Brown School of Engineering at Rice University, a Program Evaluator for the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, a reg- istered Professional Engineer in Louisiana, a former Program Director in the Division of
Paper ID #33405The Path from Community College to Engineering Bachelor’s Degree ThroughPartnerships and NSF S-STEM Funded ScholarshipsDr. A. Fort Gwinn, Lipscomb University Dr Fort Gwinn is associate dean of the Raymond B Jones College of Engineering at Lipscomb University and also teaches Mechanical Engineering courses in machine design, vibrations, and finite element anal- ysis. Prior to coming to Lipscomb University in 1999, he spent 22 years in the automotive and aerospace testing industry where he gained valuable insights in engineering design and analysis.Dr. Todd Gary Todd Gary is the external evaluation for Lipscomb
Paper ID #29368”It’s not about making money, but it kind of is about making money”: HowSocio-economic Status Influences Science and Engineering Identity forCommunity College Students in an S-STEM ProgramDr. Sarah Rodriguez Sarah Rodriguez, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Higher Education & Learning Technologies at Texas A&M University - Commerce. Dr. Rodriguez’s research addresses issues of equity, access, and reten- tion for Latina/o students in the higher education pipeline, with a focus on the intersections of gender and race/ethnicity for Latinas in STEM. She has experience coordinating large-scale
Paper ID #25179Discerning Advanced Manufacturing Education Pathways: Insights from Ru-ral Northwest Florida’s Program Origin StoriesCurtis S. Tenney, Florida State University Curtis S. Tenney, MSLS, is a doctoral student with The School of Information at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida and a research assistant at the FSU Information Use Management and Policy Insti- tute. His research passion is focused on the intersections of culture, community, and human information behavior.Dr. Marcia A. Mardis, Florida A&M University/Florida State University Marcia A. Mardis is a Professor and Associate Dean at
. Rob Garrick, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Paper ID #26273 Robert D. Garrick, Ph.D., P.E., is a Professor in the Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical En- gineering Technology at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and Department Chair. Garrick worked for 25 years in automotive engineering research and holds seven U.S. patents.Prof. Maureen S. Valentine, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET) Maureen Valentine, P.E., Professor, has been a faculty member at RIT for more than 25 years, serving as instructional faculty
received his Ph.D., M.S.E.E., and B.E.E. degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Ga. His memberships include ASEE and IEEE (Senior Member).Dr. Michael E. Kuhl, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE) Michael E. Kuhl, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology. He earned his PhD in Industrial Engineering in 1997 from North Carolina State University. His research and teaching interests are in simulation, operations research, and decision anal- ysis with a wide range of application areas including autonomous material handling, healthcare systems, project management, cyber security, and supply chain systems.Prof. Maureen S. Valentine
TechnologyAbstractThis paper introduces two scholarship projects funded by the National Science Foundation thatfocus on students who transfer at the 3rd year level from 2-year schools to the engineering andengineering technology BS programs at our university. The objectives of both the projects are:(i) to expand and diversify the engineering/technology workforce of the future, (ii) to developlinkages and articulations with 2-year schools and their S-STEM programs, (iii) to provideincreased career opportunities and job placement rates through mandatory paid co-opexperiences, and (iv) to serve as a model for other universities to provide vertical transferstudents access to the baccalaureate degree.The Transfer Pipeline (TiPi) project awarded 25 new scholarships
in 2020-21, as shown by the Student Demographics reported in Table 1.Students in this program believe that remote undergraduate research programs “give opportunities tostudents all over the country to participate in research projects …. without having to live in the samelocation”; “[collaborating] with people from different backgrounds …. enhance[s] the research process”;and “[Diversity] is important to gain an extrinsic understanding of how our work can impact others, soby promoting diverse collaboration, it also improves the work itself” (Student Testimonials).The active outreach to high school students allows undergraduate community college researchers to takeon high school mentees. This serves to lessen the gap between undergraduate
Mission College S-STEM ATE* S-STEM HSI* Laredo College IUSE AISL HSI* ATE Miami Dade College S-STEM S-STEM* ATE* Palo Alto College IUSE S-STEM* ATE* West Hills CC S-STEM ATE* S-STEM S-STEM* Central Arizona 2 College ATE* HSI* LA Harbor College S-STEM Lee College IUSE HSI-F19 NMSU Grants ATE HSI* Phoenix College DRK12 HSI* HSI-F19 San Joaquin Delta S-STEM
. J. Atman and L. J. Shuman, "Characteristics of Freshman Engineering Students: Models for Determining Student Attrition in Engineering," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 139 - 149, 1997.[3] F. S. Laanan, "Transfer Student Adjustment," New Directions for Community Colleges, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 5 - 13, 2001.[4] M. R. Laugerman, Academic and Social Integration Variables Influencing the Success of Community College Transfer Students in Undergraduate Engineering Programs, Ames: Iowa State University, 2012.[5] D. S. Doucette and D. J. Teeter, "Student Mobility among the Public Community Colleges and Universities in the State of Kansas," in Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research
students’ motivational factors that led them to choose and continue topursue an engineering baccalaureate degree(s).This studied used Eccles's (1983) expectancy-value theory of motivation as the guidingtheoretical framework to show the relationship between competence and value beliefs as themotivated actions towards earning an engineering degree. It relates competence to, “Can I earnan engineering degree?” and task value beliefs to, “Do I want to earn an engineering degree?”Twenty students (12 first-year and 8 second-year low-income engineering transfer students) wereinterviewed about their experiences in engineering. Additionally, these twenty studentscompleted a survey collecting data on their demographics, recognition, social belongingness
University. He may be contacted at s for research collaborations or other information.Dr. Karen L. Butler-Purry, Texas A&M University Karen Butler-Purry is the Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies as well as a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Her research interests include computer and intelligent systems applications to power distribution systems and engineering education. She can be reached by e-mail at Shannon Walton, Texas A&M University Shannon D. Walton, PhD, is the Director of Recruiting for the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies and the Director of
effectivenessof the project in increasing the graduation rates in CS/CE of Hispanic and low-income students.We have also expanded the scope of the program to include the Electrical Engineering program.In accomplishing the project goals, the key components were designed to provide academic andmotivational support for student participants throughout their enrollment at the State Collegesand FAU.IMPLEMENTATION OF MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTSIn this section, the status and progress related to each of the major project components arereported.a) Curricular refinement of gateway courses in mathematics and computer scienceDuring years 1 and 2, a team of gateway mathematics faculty from each State College incollaboration with faculty from the FAU ‘s Department of
support from peers with similar interests and characteristics. In addition,engineering programs should consider the development of learning communities centered aroundtransfer students that would offer opportunities for mentorship and foster relationship andcommunity building.References[1] S. Olson and D. G. Riordan, "Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Report to the President," Executive Office of the President, 2012.[2] J. Fredrickson, "Today's transfer students: Who are they?," Community College Review, vol. 26, pp. 43-54, 1998.[3] L. E. Malcom, "Charting the pathways to STEM for Latina/o students: The role of
and resources.AcknowledgmentsThis project has been funded by Engineering Education Transformation Institute (EETI) with theCollege of Engineering at the University of Georgia.References[1] J. R. Hills, "Transfer shock: The academic performance of the junior college transfer," The Journal of Experimental Education, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 201-215, 1965.[2] F. S. Laanan, D. Jackson, and M. Darrow, "Experiences of engineering transfer students: From community college to university," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2010: American Society for Engineering Education.[3] J. Laier, S. Steadman, and G. Jefferson, "Improving transfer student success," in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis
Paper ID #32880Deanna Craig, Clemson University Civil Engineering Clemson University 2021 graduate American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Implementation of a Guided Mentorship Program in a STEM Community of Practice at a Two-Year CollegeAbstractCommunities of Practice (CoP) have become powerful models for facilitating social learning inhigher education. The Engineering Scholars Program (ESP), funded by an NSF Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) grant, is a CoP designed toenhance the social learning experience of two-year college students preparing to transfer to a four-year university. A key feature of
improved including additional possible addendum to the articulation agreement. Tofurther assess the viability of the Program, Wright College will lead the expansion of the HPATmodel at its sister colleges and will implement the model at another 4-year transfer institution.Similarly, IIT will explore implementing the model at another 2-year partner institution(s) and theexpansion to disciplines other than engineering. 11ACKNOWLEDGMENTJ. Waranyuwat, B. Haffercamp, S. Lemons, J. Mandolini, M. Bauer, J. Alvarado, Wright CollegeEngineering Team (L. Huertas, M. Llopiz, S. Calabrese, G. Baird, K. Jones, M. Haptas, B.O’Connell), M. Angara and in memoriam
Oxford, UK. Professor Zilouchian is senior member of several professional societies including Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, ASEE and IEEE.Dr. Nancy Romance , Florida Atlantic University Dr. Romance is Professor of Science/Engineering Education and Director of FAU’s STEM Collaborative. She is currently PI on the Title III Hispanic Serving Institution STEM Articulation grant and Co-PI on the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s NSF S STEM grant guiding engineering majors toward completion of a MS degree in Artificial Intelligence. Her work is focused extensively on science and engi- neering activities to promote enhanced classroom engagement of students and increased discipline-based educational
transferring in the fall semester following participation in theprogram. Students in the program work with researchers from San Francisco State University,UC Merced, and NASA Ames Research Center.Implementation of the Summer Group and Individual Research Internship Programs showssuccess in helping students in solidify their choice of major, improving preparation for transfer,enhancing student self-efficacy in pursuing careers in engineering, and acquiring knowledge andskills needed to succeed in a four-year engineering program. As a result of their researchexperience, the participants have also expressed that they are now more likely to apply for otherinternships and consider pursuing advanced degrees in engineering [27].F. NSF S-STEM Scholarship
assistance until this goal was met. Prior to proposal development, each KickStarterteam performed a STEM-self assessment and developed a STEM plan, out of which researchproposal concepts were identified and matched to the appropriate NSF program, e.g. S-STEM,ATE, and later HSI. In 2016, HSIs in KickStarter cohorts began to acquire grant awards, initiallyin S-STEM and ATE. When the HSI program solicitation was announced, HSIs in KickStarterbegan switching from pursuing the Small Grants for Institutions New to the ATE Program trackto the equivalent track in the HSI program, quite successfully. A total of eleven HSI awardswere earned by 2-year HSIs participating in KickStarter for an 85% award rate. In 2019 theKickStarter program ended and no new
Institutions to Four-Year Completions,” Snapshot Report 17, Spring 2015. 2. Carlos Lopez and Stephanie J. Jones. "Examination of factors that predict academic adjustment and success of community college transfer students in STEM at 4-year institutions." Community College Journal of Research and Practice 41, no. 3, pp. 168- 182, 2017.3. Benjamin W. Cowan and Nathan Tefft, “College Access and Adult Health”, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 26685, released January 2020.4. J. Beaumont, T. Lang, S. Leather, C. Mucklow, Report from the policy sub-group to the Nutrition Task Force Low Income Project Team of the Department of Health, Radlett, Hertfordshire: Institute of Grocery Distribution; 1995.5. J. Beaulac
, and could perhaps be helpfulif a follow-up is written in the near future.On behalf of the students, faculty, staff, and community members, the authors wish to expresstheir gratitude to the donor company and all those that helped pave the way for the developmentand installation of fabrication laboratories and makerspaces throughout the country and theworld.References[1] S. Weiner, M. Lande and S. Jordan, "What Have We ”Learned” from Maker Education Research? A Learning Sciences-base Review of ASEE Literature on the Maker Movement," in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, 2018.[2] V. Wilczynski, J. Zinter and L. Wilen, "Teaching Engineering Design in an Academic Makerspace: Blending
. All weretransitioning to a four-year institution from a two-year institution. Three were transitioning to theuniversity in which the REU program was held with another transitioning to a differentuniversity. Two participants were sophomores, and two were juniors. The community collegeparticipants fields of study were; Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, and Aerospace Engineering.The pre- and post-surveys focused on topics such as engineering self-efficacy, feelings ofinclusion, career success, engineering creativity, and global kinship based on Assessing Womenand Men in Engineering (AWE)’s Longitudinal Assessment of Engineering Self-Efficacy(LAESE) assessment design [6] as well as Ragusa [7] literature. The data
. Conclusions AM education is multidisciplinary and can be used in a myriad of ways regardless of thesubject being addressed. The participants were very eager to learn with and about AM. Puttinglearners in hands-on learning situations where they were able to use AM technology wasbeneficial to the participants understanding, and they all expressed enthusiasm to apply it to theirown specific content foci. Acknowledgement This project has been funded by NSF Award Number 1601587 entitled ‘AM-WATCH:Additive Manufacturing – Workforce Advancement Training Coalition and Hub’. References[1] Huang, S. H., Liu, P., Mokasdar, A., & Hou, L. (2013). Additive
, A. Gupta, S. Hasanov, A. Nasirov, A. Elliott, F. Alifui-Segbaya, and N.Nanami, “The Trends and Challenges of Fiber Reinforced Additive Manufacturing,” TheInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-18, 2019,[7] A. Imeri, N. Russell, J. Rust, S. Sahin, and I. Fidan, “MAKER: 3D Pen Utilization in 3DPrinting Practices,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE 2017, Columbus,OH, USA, June 24-28, 2017, [Online]. Available:, [Accessed March12, 2019].[8] A. Imeri, N. Russell, J. Rust, S. Sahin, and I. Fidan, “MAKER: 3D Printing as an Alternativeto Fabricate the Motorsports Parts,” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE2017
field.References[1]. National Science Board, “Science and Engineering Indicators 2018”. NSB-2018-1. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at[2]. J. McFarland, B. Hussar, X. Wang, J. Zhang, K. Wang, A. Rathbun, A. Barmer, E. Forrest Cataldi, and F. Bullock Mann, “The Condition of Education 2018” (NCES 2018-144). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from[3]. V. Lundy-Wagner, “Developmental Mathematics and the Community College STEM pipeline”, ASEE Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June, 2014.[4]. L. Jimenez, S. Sargrad, J. Morales
socialsupport to my students, as well as enrichment and research or practical experienceopportunities. I have been the PI and Co-PI for grants received from NSF, NASA and theDepartment of Education amounting to over $5 million to develop the engineeringprogram and award CSEMS/S- STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Math)scholarships to students at San Antonio College. An NSF discretionary grant from EngineeringEducation I obtained in 2003 allowed me to initiate the EDGE (Early Development ofGeneral Engineering) 13 a summer program, designed to attract and retain high schoolstudents into the engineering field. The program continued through 2015 with help fromDepartment of Education MSEIP funding. A majority of my mentees have participated in
. National Academy of Engineering and American Society for Engineering Education, (2014). Surmounting the barriers: Ethnic diversity in engineering education: Summary of a workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2014.14. National Academy of Engineering; Grand Challenges for Engineering: Imperatives, Prospects, and Priorities. Washington: National Academies Press, 201615. Woolsey, S. A. & Shepler, D. K.; Understanding the early integration experiences of first- generation college students. College Student Journal. 45, 4, 700-714, 2011.16. Antonio, A.L., Chang, M.J., Hakuta, K, Kenny, D.A., Levin, S. & Milem, J.F. , Effects of racial diversity on complex thinking in college students. Psychological Science. 15, 8
students need and create a learning environment that is both academically rigorousand culturally balanced. Concrete examples showed how STEM faculty have used results oftheir student surveys and other practices to adapt their course(s) to be more culturally responsive,helping students feel welcome, respectful of each other's culture and backgrounds, engaged withSTEM, and prepared for the cultures they may encounter as they transition to the workforce.Thirty-eight post webinar survey responses (a 40% response rate) indicated that the webinarexceeded expectations (47.37%) or mostly met expectations (47.37%). Survey respondentsindicated that their confidence level to introduce culturally responsive instruction into theirclassroom/ institutions