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Displaying results 32251 - 32280 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
SE Curriculum and Course Management
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Francis Lutz, Monmouth University; James McDonald, Monmouth University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
. Thiswould free up the selection choices of interns and eliminate possible duplication of material.The academic leaders of the Software Engineering Masters’ degree program(s), which theorganization will use in the future for its software engineering interns, should be invited to abriefing with the organization’s management and a small cross section of employees so they canbetter understand the daily functions of the organization. A short panel session withorganizational management followed by an open Q&A session and, perhaps, one-on-onediscussions with a cross section of individual employees could substantially increase theunderstanding faculty would have of the interns’ academic needs.There is a very diverse range of continuing professional
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas, Austin; Juan Garcia, University of Texas, Austin; Michael Webber, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Lake City, UT. 5. Reay, N. W., Li, Pengfei, & Bao, Lei. (2008). Testing a new voting machine methodology. American Journal of Physics, 72(2), 171-178. 6. Winer D. (2003). What makes a weblog a weblog? [Weblogs at Harvard Law Web site] Accessed January 14, 2009. 7. Vygotskoy, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. In: Cole M, John-Steiner V, Scribner S, Souberman E, trans-eds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 8. Ocker, R.J. & Yaverbaum, G.J. (2001). Collaborative learning environments: Exploring student attitudes and satisfaction in face-to-face and asynchronous computer
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Anderson, United States Air Force Academy; Matthew Snyder, United States Air Force Academy; Michael Maixner, United States Air Force Academy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
implementation of this course. Our thanks andappreciation for their effort and hard work: Mr. Lonn Rodine, Mr. Rob Lotz, Mr. RichardBoschee and Technical Sergeant Jonathon Solomon. Page 14.560.14Bibliography1. Volk, K. S., “Industrial Arts Revisited: An Examination of the Subject’s Continued Strength, Relevance and Value”, Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1996.2. Menicucci, J., Duffy, J., Palmer, B., “Hands-on Introduction to Chemical and Biological Engineering”, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.3. Farrow, D., “Development of a Manufacturing
Conference Session
Issues and Opportunities in IE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Marlin Thomas, Air Force Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
. This also presents the greatest challenge for IE educators tomaintain a curricula core for the discipline and profession.End NotesThe views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official positionof the Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.References1. ALDRICH, J.G., 1912. “The Present State of the Art of Industrial Management,” Trans. of the ASME, Vol. 34, Paper 1378, pp. 1182-11872. BILLINGS, C., J.J. Junguzza, D.F. Poirier, and S. Saeed, 2001. “The Role and Career of the Industrial Engineer in the Modern Organization,” Ch. 1.2, Maynard’s Industrial Engineering Handbook, Ed. K.B. Zandin, Ch. 1.2, pp. 1.21-1.373. EMERSON, H.P. and D.C.E. Naehring, 1988 , Orgins of
Conference Session
Learning about Power Systems and Power Consumption
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kala Meah, York College of Pennsylvania; Wayne Blanding, York College of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
C 3 VdLR A B C Discrete, VdL _R Filter _Inv Ts = 5e-005 s. 7 VdL_R (pu
Conference Session
Introduction to Materials Courses
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Surendra Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
] P. Steif and M. Hansen, Feeding Back Results from a Statics Concept Inventory to improve Instruction, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference, 2006.[4] R. Edwards, R. Englund and S. Sweeney, Direct Assessment of Mechanics of Materials Learning with Concept Inventory, Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, 2007. Page 14.1143.12[5] B. Self, P. Cornwell, F. Costanzo, G. Gray, D. Evans and J. Lane, The Dynamics Concept Inventory Assessment Test: A Progress Report and Some Results, Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference, 2005
Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Energy Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Somerton, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
design method and the importance of energy inour society.References1. Mid Atlantic Solid Waste Consultants, “Larimer County Two-Season Waste Composition Study”,, visited 3/6/2009.2. Cochran, Soni, “Vermicomposting: Composting with Worms”,, visited 3/6/2009.3. Datar, M.T., Rao, M.N., and Reddy, S., “Vermicomposting - A Technological Option for Solid Waste Management”, Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, v 24, n 2, May, 1997, p 89-93.4., visited 3/6/2009.5. Davis, Karen C., Perkey, Megan L., Harth, Nicholas B., and Dees, Nathan, “STEPing into the Classroom: An
Conference Session
Engaging Students in Learning
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Problem-Based Learning (p. 13). New York: St. Martin’sPress.7. Albanese, M.A. & Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-Based Learning: A Review of Literature on Its Outcomes andImplementation Issues. Academic Medicine, 68. 52-81.8. Marshall, J. and Marshall, J. (2007). In Search of Teaching Excellence. American Society for EngineeringEducators, June, 2007.9. National Joint Apprenticeship Training Commission (2008), Course 42, International Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers.10. Michaelsen, L., (1998). Three Keys to Using Learning Groups Effectively. “Essays on Teaching Excellence”.Center for Teaching, University of Southern Maine. Vol. 9, No 5, 1998.11. Price, P.C., (2006). Are You as Good A Teacher as You Think? Thought & Action, Vol. 14, Fall
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Meehan, Virginia Tech; Robert Hendricks, Virginia Tech; Peter Doolittle, Virginia Tech; Richard Clark, Virginia Western Community College; Carl Shek, Virginia Tech
materials to complement anyPowerpoint slide presentations that we develop. Secondly, the interactive learning materials muststimulate student thinking, rather than gaming. The learning materials may include circuit simulations,20tutorials to reinforce the theory upon which the laboratory exercise is based, general reference material onthe laboratory equipment, and material related to specific exercises21 as well contextual information onapplications of the materials by engineers in industry.At the beginning of each effort to develop a specific learning module, we identify the learning objectivesto be covered, the instructional method(s) that will be used, and techniques to evaluate the learningmodule, and to assess whether the learning objectives
Conference Session
DELOS Best Paper Nominations
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Liao, Wayne State University; Chih-Ping Yeh, Wayne State University; Qunfang Liao, Panasonic Automotive Systems
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, “An analytic foundation for the Toyota Prius THS-II powertrain with a comparison to a strong parallel hybrid-electric powertrain,” SAE paper 2006-01-0666, 2006.9. N.C. Harris, T.M. Jahns and S. Huang, “Design of an integrated motor/controller drive for an automotive water pump application,” Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications, 37th IAS Annual Meeting, vol. 3, pp. 2028-2035, 2002.10. F.L. Luo and H.G. Yeo, “Advanced PM brushless DC motor control and system for electric vehicles,” Industry Applications Conference, IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 1336–1343, 2000.11. P.J. McCleer, “Electric drives for pump, fan, and compressor loads in automotive applications,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial
Conference Session
Software Engineering Curriculum Support
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
James McDonald, Monmouth University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
Technology (ABET), we are required to specify educational objectives for theprogram and to measure our graduates’ achievement of those objectives. The objectives that wespecify are intended to be things that our graduates should be able to achieve within the first fewyears after graduation. We are seeking your assistance to insure that the objectives we haveselected are appropriate for your organization and to help us measure our graduates’ progresstowards achievement of those objectives.On the next few pages you will see a series of questions about the objectives and your opinionabout ’s achievement of those objectives. We would appreciate it if you would take afew minutes to review these questions and provide appropriate answers. When you complete
Conference Session
International Engineering Education II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Mowry, University of St. Thomas-St. Paul
Tagged Divisions
see An excellent introduction can be found at: “Developing a Study Abroad Opportunity for Engineering Undergraduates,” S. R. Eisenberg, J. M. Murray, U. DeWinter, Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference. Page 11.1357.12
Conference Session
BME Curriculum Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas-Austin; Mia Markey, University of Texas-Austin
Tagged Divisions
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. 2005.2. Markey, M.K., K.J. Schmidt, and S. Hays. Non-linear PowerPoint as an aid in learning probability, random processes, and statistics. in ASEE Gulf Southwest Section Meeting. 2006. Page 11.233.20
Conference Session
FPD3 -- Professional Issues for First-Year Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Simmons, University of Queensland; Elise Barrella, Bucknell University; Keith Buffinton, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
X Curtin U of Technology Engineering and Prof Studies X X X X X X U of S Queensland Principles of Prof Eng and Surveying X X X X
Conference Session
Engineering Without Borders Programs Involving Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Bernard Amadei, University of Colorado-Boulder; Robyn Sandekian, University of Colorado-Boulder; R. Scott Summers, University of Colorado-Boulder; Angela Bielefeldt, University of Colorado-Boulder
Tagged Divisions
. 0431947. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.Bibliography[1] United Nations Development Programme. 2003. Millennium Development Goals: A Compact Among Nations to End Human Poverty. Human Development Report, 2003. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. See also[2] Bartlett, A. A. “Reflections on sustainability, population growth and the environment”, Renewable Resources Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1998, pp. 6-22. Page 11.566.9[3
Conference Session
Meeting ABET Requirements
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Gunn, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
reader will need to understand the text. Page 11.781.15THEORETICAL BACKGROUND24. Mathematical model used to predict system behavior presented with ample explanation and leadin 25. Equations numbered 26. Punctuation with equations (: with follow/s/ing only) 27. Equations have spaceEXPERIMENTAL SETUP ANDPROCEDURE28. Schematic of equipment used29. Figures/Tables correct (Figure 1. Title)30. Figures oriented correctly Clearly labeled and referenced31. Highlights of equip. used32. Highlights of the procedure (not specific steps)RESULTS AND DISCUSSION33. Data presented with clear indication of what data applies to34. Reader will understand what this data
Conference Session
Moral Development, Engineering Pedagogy and Ethics Instruction
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Riley, Smith College; Ida Ngambeki, Smith College; Lionel Claris, Smith College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
pursue Page 11.1287.11new ideas that emerge from the integration of personal experience, technical content, andconcepts in ethics.References 1. Mattei, N.J. Is covering ethics in an analysis class effective? ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2005, p 9069-9079. 2. Dyrud, M.A. Four reasons for including an ethics component in engineering classes. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2003 p 2317-2322. 3. Dyrud, M.A. Training faculty for ethics across the curriculum. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, 2000, p 6409-6415. 4. Riley, D., Ellis, G., and Howe, S. “’To Move People from Apathy’: A multi-perspective approach to ethics across the
Conference Session
Electromechanical & Manufacturing ET Curriculum
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Li Qian, South Dakota State University; Teresa Hall, South Dakota State University; Shanzhong (Shawn) Duan, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
predictionwith finite element analysis for turning processes. Submitting to Journal of Undergraduate Research, SouthDakota State University.12. National Science Foundation. (1998). Shaping the future. Volume II: Perspectives on undergraduateeducation in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Arlington, VA: NSF., 1998.13. Qian, L. (2005). Teaching multi-axis complex surface machining via simulation and projects. Proceedingsof the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. June 13-16,2005.Portland, OR.14. Lamancusa, J. S., Jorgensen, J., Zayas-Castro, J.L. (1996). Putting design and manufacturing back into theengineering curriculum. Proceedings of
Conference Session
Assessment Methods
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abi Aghayere, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
instructor. When students know that the instructordemonstrates genuine interest in their learning on an ongoing basis, and they see that s/heis willing to spend the extra time to ensure that they fully understand the concepts taughtin class, they will be more motivated to learn, and are more likely to rate the instructorhighly in the course evaluations.For instructors interested in adopting this technique in their courses, the first step is todevelop a detailed listing of the course topics in the order they will be covered in thecourse. Use an easy-to--read textbook or provide a set of concise course notes so that thestudents can readily map the various course topics in the module surveys to appropriatesections in the textbook or course notes. The
Conference Session
ChE: Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith Lodge, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Aluminum channelBoard of Education End of metal rod Rubber bandBattery pack (servo power) Sump Pressure Transducer Page 11.1320.10 2.0 Volumetric flow rate, Q / mL s-1 Figure 2. Flow data Data obtained with a fully opened valve 1.5 l linear fit
Conference Session
New Horizons in Academic Integrity
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Jordan, Baylor University; Bill Elmore, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Rapids, 1989.5 Meade, J., “Cheating: Is Academic Dishonesty par for the Course?”, Prism, Volume 1, Number 7, pp30-32, 1992.6 Harding, T., On the Frequency and Causes of Academic Dishonesty Among Engineering Students, presented at theA.S.E.E. Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, June 2001. In CD based Proceedings (no page numbers).7 Moffatt, M., Undergraduate Cheating, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J., 1990.8 Carpenter, D.D., Harding, T., Montgomery, S., and Steneck, N., P.A.C.E.S.—A Study on academic integrity amongengineering undergraduates (preliminary conclusions), presented at the A.S.E.E. Annual Meeting in Montreal, June2002, in CD based Proceedings (no page numbers).9 Seebauer, E.,and Barry, R., Fundamentals of Ethics for
Conference Session
Building Communities for Engineering Education Research
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech; Ruth Streveler, Colorado School of Mines; Nancy Chism, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Karl Smith, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Ronald Miller, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
this project.The authors also thank the RREE Executive Committee members who participated in therevisions of the 2005 RREE: Robin Adams, George B. Forsythe, Frank Huband, MarciaMentkowksi, and Marilla Svinicki. Additional thanks go to Robin Adams forconversations that led to the development of the participant poster activities.References[1] S. Fincher and R. Adams, presented at the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Savannah, GA, 2004.[2] O. H. Griffin Jr., A. Aning, V. K. Lohani et al., presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2004.[3] R. Streveler, K. Smith, and R. Miller, presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR
Conference Session
Faculty Development Toolkit
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen Estes, U.S. Military Academy; Ronald Welch, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
s who encourages her Wellesley students to question their traditionalconservative values. While she possesses many of the necessary traits, she may lose your vote inthe scene where she publicly and inappropriately confronts recalcitrant student Betty Warren(Kirsten Dunst) in class. However, she never used that technique with any other student and itwas Betty Warren, who chases Ms. Watson’s departing taxi the longest and touches her handfrom her bicycle. Later Betty writes, “She came to Wellesley to make a difference, but to change for others is to lie to yourself. My teacher Ms. Katherine Watson lived by her own definition and would not compromise it even for Wellesley. I dedicate this, my last editorial, to
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian Belu, Wayne State University
Tagged Divisions
. A. Eadie - The Undergraduate Teaching of Measurement and Instrumentation - Engineering Science andEducation Journal, pp. 109-113, June 1997.5. A. S. Eadie. E.A. Knight, and I.J. Kemp - Work-based Learning in Instrumentation - Measurement andControl, Vol. 31, pp. 137-140, 1998. Page 11.448.126. C.D. Johnson – Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall, 2003.7. G. Karady and K. A. Nigim – Improve Learning Efficiency by Using General Purpose MathematicsSoftware in Power Engineering - – IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp 979-985, 2003.8. T. Laopoulos, March - Teaching Instrumentation and Measurement in the
Conference Session
ChE: Outreach Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sundararajan Madihally, Oklahoma State University; Eric Maase, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. Each group wasallowed five minutes to present their report which included question and answer sessions. In the first group, the two male members monopolized the presentation with the threefemale members only participating during the question and answer portion. The initial groupalso provided no introductions of group members nor motivation(s) for the experimental work.Prior to the beginning of second presentation, the instructors gave immediate feedback onpresentation strategy and reminded the students about the required equal participation from allgroup members. This method of immediate comments to influence the presentation behavior ofeach group was followed for all presentations and the expected improvements in
Conference Session
Effective & Efficient Teaching Skills
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
June Marshall, St. Joseph's College; John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
educators, we need to utilize the above-identified techniques and tips toensure the very best learning experiences for our students.Bibliographic InformationAlbanese, M.A. & Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-Based Learning: A Review of Literature on Its Outcomesand Implementation Issues. Academic Medicine, 68. 52-81.Angelo, T.A., (2001). Classroom Assessment: Guidelines for Success. In “Teaching Excellence”. Center forTeaching, University of Southern Maine. Vol. 12, No 4, 2000-2001.Bennett, J.B., (2001). Teaching With Hospitality. In “Teaching Excellence”. Center for Teaching,University of Southern Maine. Vol. 12, No 1, 2000-2001.Bound, D. & Feletti, G. (1991). The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning (p. 13). New York: St
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Laboratory Systems
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Lord, University of San Diego; Leonard Perry, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
classroom,” PC World, January 21, 2004 or Microsoft’s site on “Tablet PC: Transforming Education”at Bach, M., “The Tablet PC High School,” NCCE Conference, February 2006.3 Garfield, M. J., “Acceptance of Ubiquitous Computing”, Information Systems Management, 22(4), 24-31, 2005.4 Colwell, K. E., “Presentation Technology: Digital Ink and Notetaking,” TechTrends, 48(3): 35–39, 2004.5 Frolik, J. and Zurn, J.B., “Evaluation of Tablet PCs for engineering content development and instruction”, Session1620, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2004, Salt LakeCity, UT.6 Brophy, S. and Walker, G., “Case study of the pedagogical impact of tablet PCs as a
Conference Session
Recruiting and Retention
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Richardson, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
students and we are not planning additional programs at this point intime. Two of RIT’s goals are to have no more than 10% attrition for freshman studentsfrom the freshman to sophomore year and a graduation rate of 74% in 2011 for enteringfreshman students. The ET departments would like to see increases in our studentsuccess rates so we can be active participants in achieving these goals.Bibliography 1. Gereffi, G., Wadhwa, V, (2006) Framing the Engineering Outsourcing Debate: Placing the United States on a Level Playing Field with China and India Retrieved 2/2006 from 2. Richardson, C., Gupta, S., Valentine, M., Merrill, R., Amuso, V., Multi-department Engineering and Engineering
Conference Session
Manufacturing Education Innovation and Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Qualters, Northeastern University; Jacqueline Isaacs, Northeastern University; Thomas Cullinane, Northeastern University; Ann McDonald, Northeastern University; Jay Laird, Metaversal Studios
Tagged Divisions
attitudes and beliefs of the millennial generation. Journal of College and Character, 2. 4. Wilson, M.E. (2004) Teaching, learning, and the millennial student in New Directions for Student Services (106), pp59-71. 5. DeBard, R. (2004). Millennials coming to college in New Directions for Student Services (106). pp 33-45. 6. Davis, Douglas A. (January-February, 2003) Academe (89)1 9-22. 7. SAGSET, The Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulations in Education and Training. Site last accessed May 10 2005. 8. Poggenpohl, S (2003) “Communication Spaces: Games - a transactional context.” Creating Communicational Spaces Conference
Conference Session
Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paris von Lockette, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Leung, Y. K. (1984) Computer Simulation of End-linked Elastomers. I. Trifunctional Page 11.168.12 Networks Cured in the Bulk , Journal of Chemical Physics, 80, 3877-3884.6. Eichinger B. E. and Leung, Y. K. (1984) Computer Simulation of End-linked Elastomers. II. Bulk Cured Tetrafunctional Networks, Journal of Chemical Physics, 80, 3885-3891.7. Hagn, C., Wittkop, M., Kreitmeier, S., Trautenberg H. L., Holzl, T., and Goritz, D. (1997) The Creation and Spatial Structure of End-Linked Bimodal Polymer Networks: A Monte Carlo Study, Polymer Gels and Networks,5, 327-337.8. P. R. von Lockette and E. M Arruda