comparable issues adjusting to the requirements of college and the conceptis definitely scalable to larger class sizes.Intrinsic motivation seemed not to be an issue with this group of students based on the highpercentage who took the quizzes. However, this study will be repeated in the spring semester2011 with a low-stakes version of the quizzes to determine whether larger gains can be madewith required quizzing.AcknowledgementsThis project was supported by a grant from the Center for Teaching and Learning at Boise StateUniversity. Page 22.1625.9References1. Wilcox, P., S. Winn, and M. Fyvie-Gauld. (2005). "‘It was nothing to do with the university
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, NY). He worked as a researcher for NASA Langley Base in Hampton, VA, for 2 years. His research activities include embedded systems, software development for embed- ded systems with real time simulation, real time gamming simulation programming, and web application programming.Farrukh Zia, NYC College of Technology / CUNYDr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Professor Andy S. Zhang earned his master’s in mechanical engineering from the City College of New York in 1987 and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1995. Prior joining the Mechanical Engineering Technology department at City Tech in 2000, he served as an engineering instructor for
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students as part of the summer program offerings. These programs are Page 22.560.11an excellent opportunity for the engineering students to become familiar and comfortable withthe world in which they will have to operate while at the same time learning to look at issue froma different perspective and getting to know cutting edge research and technology overseas.References 1) Johnston, S. F. “Towards culturally inclusive global engineering?” European Journal of Engineering Education Mar2001, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p77-89, 13p 2) ABET link: 10%20EAC%20Criteria
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-world projects at their new positions. Page 22.613.11AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the Little Rock National Airport Executive CommissionersDeborah Swartz and Ronald Mathieu for their support during the project. The authors would alsolike to acknowledge two other students that worked on the project, Rodney L. Arnold and TaraN. Lancaster.References 1. Caldwell, B. S., Perspectives on Systems Engineering and Impacts on SE Education, Proceedings of the Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL, May 2009. 2. Sage, A. P., Systems Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
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UIDapproach, we can create more inclusive learning environments that are more flexible and canaccommodate different learner characteristics. Our future work will investigate ways ofimproving the process of finding and mitigating inaccessible language used in all levels ofengineering education, in addition to making the environment more accessible and inclusive forstudents.References1 Synergies (2008 Annual Report). Rep. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering. Web. .2 Vision, the NACME Continuum (2010 Annual Report). Rep. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering. Web. .3 Variawa, C., and S. McCahan. 2010. Design of the learning environment for inclusivity. Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for
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visit, sponsored some projects, donated money and equipment, and hired MSWC graduates.References 1. U.S. Fire Administration (2001, December), Wildland Fires: A Historical Perspective, Topica Fire Research Series I(3),, Retrieved September 1, 2010. 2. Absolute Astronomy (2007, October), October 2007 California wildfires,, Retrieved September 5, 2010. 3. V. Dharanalakota, S. Reddy, F. Maradona, and V. Gona (2010, January), Wildfire Detection and Monitoring System, Master’s Project Report in the area of Wireless Communications, National University, San Diego, CA, (
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q. ITEC 3290 Technical Writing r. ITEC 3292 Industrial Safety s. ITEC 3300 Technology Project Management t. ITEC 3800 Cost and Capital Project Analysis u. ITEC 4293 Industrial Supervision v. ITEC 4300 Quality Assurance Concepts w. CHEM 1020 General Descriptive Chemistry Page 22.392.8 x. ITEC 3200 Introduction to Statistical Process Control y. MATH 1074 Applied TrigonometryIssues with a Bearing on the Creation of the New BS-PSET Program:Two additional issues that were identified as extremely important in the structuring of theprogram were the selection of the accreditation agency
, and identify effective strategies. Attempt a truly open ended design experience for teachers; and observe subsequent results with students. Seek to establish collaborative teaching efforts with existing teachers and programs that already teach creativity; e.g., bring Art and STEM teachers together to lead students in an open ended design experience. Continue to promote international exchange of educators who have experience with the use of design at all levels of education (K-20).Bibliography 1. Macho, S. (2010). American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE): K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division, AC 2010-2063, and
. (1995). The problem-based learning approach as an enhancement factor of personal meaningfulness of learning. Higher Education, 29(1), 93-101. 7. Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., & Sullivan, W. M. (2009). Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. San Francisco: Jossey-‐Bass 8. Ford, M. E., & Nichols, C. W. (1991). Using goal assessments to identify motivational patterns and facilitate behavioral regulation. In M. Maehr & P. Pintrich (Eds.), Advances in motivation and achievement, Vol. 7: Goals and self-regulatory processes (pp. 57–84). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 9. Ford, M., & Smith, P. (2007). Thriving with
. “Employers are looking for[AEE’s] CEM…and did not know what the LTU CEEM was all about….” The graduate alsoimplied that adding a co-op or internship would help.On the same scale, graduates were asked to rate the statement, “The amount of work required toearn a CEEM was appropriate.” The average rating was 3.68 with 73.7% agreeing or stronglyagreeing. One of the graduates who disagreed commented that he wanted more hands-on work!Another graduate who agreed to the statement loved the practical experience and wanted more tosupplement the coursework. The authors are encouraged to add more.Next, the graduates were asked to complete the statement, “The level of material that we coveredin the course(s) was….” On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being too easy and
experiment, organize, plan, examine, prepare questionOutcome Recognizes Indicates how Uses existing Examines the Formulates the Determines the Accepts theElement: applicable existing theory/history in measure(s) of control and data that are limitations and analytical theory/history developing an effectiveness by evaluating appropriate to extensions that aDesigning models, or differs/compleme experiment which the alternatives
Operated Device - Develop a battery-operated device that addresses one of thefollowing categories: quality-of-life improvement, improvement in education, commercialvalue and/or entertainment. The device should be portable, self-contained, and able to operateindependently of other supplementary equipment, should not interface with any line-powereddevice(s), and is restricted to alkaline AAA, AA, C, D, 9-volt, and/or lantern batteries. Eachproject should include a mathematical model that calculates the lifetime of the device and thepower consumption.The bridge and catapult design presented formidable challenges in several ways. Students donot have access to workshop areas so a supply of basic tools, saws, glue guns, scales, measuringdevices, were
discussions, will be important in future studies. The focus of the preceding research,however, is the instructional design of distance learning. The Guided Distance Learning Modeltakes a step forward in the integration of traditional educational techniques into distanceeducation courses.Bibliography1. Davis, J.L., Computer-assisted distance learning, part II: examination performance of students on and off campus, Journal of Engineering Education, 85, 1, 77-82, (1996).2. Daily, B. and Daily, M., Effectiveness of a multimedia televised distance education program for engineering majors, Journal of Engineering Education, 83, 4, 383-387, (1994).3. Boulet, M.M. and Boudreault, S., Using technology to deliver distance
Composite S-video Digital (Firewire IEEE 1394) Page 4.425.10 Table 4: Standard comparison of 3 different kinds of video format.VII. Serving and Hosting Streaming VideoThe major concern in configuring a server for hosting streaming videos is the networkbandwidth. Without determining the bandwidth that the user’s Internet connection can handle,the streaming video will not be continuous. For example, if the streaming rate is set higher thanthe maximum data rate a user can receive, then the video will be pausing half of the time and thiscan be very
Intuitive Edge, Los Angeles, California, Jeremy B. Tarcher, Inc.Hanks, Belliston, Draw! A Visual Approach to Thinking, Learning and Communicating, Los Altos, California,William Kaufmann, Inc.Hollins, B., and Pugh, S., Successful Product Design, Kent, England, Butterworths PressIngle, K. A. 1994. Reverse Engineering, New York, McGraw-Hill Inc. (excellent ME/EE reverse engineeringexamples)Koberg, D., and Bagnall, J., 1976, The Universal Traveler, Los Altos, California, William Kaufmann, Inc.Laithwaite, E., 1994, An Inventor in the Garden of Eden, Cambridge, England, Cambridge University PressMcKim, R.H., Thinking Visually; A Strategy for Problem Solving, Belmont, California, Lifetime LearningPublications, Division of Wadsworth, Inc.McKim, R.H
consideration of graduate construction coursework, faculty course loads andcapabilities, student and local industry needs and limitations, and departmental resources.Setbacks to commencing the graduate program occurred due to limited initial course enrollmentand the need for additional marketing of the program. Based on the local constructionindustry’s interest in the program and level of construction activity, it is expected that theprogram will eventually provide graduate education meeting the demand for a higher level ofconstruction knowledge.I. IntroductionGraduate construction programs are certainly not new, having been started at some institutionssuch as Stanford University in the mid-1950’s.1 Since that time more than 40 similar programsin