reflection through arts- and humanities-basedactivities. Work is ongoing to support this claim (e.g., see [9] and [10]).This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1806889. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References1. Yenawine, P., & Miller, A. (2014). Visual thinking, images, and learning in college. About Campus, 19(4), 2-8.2. King, P. M., & Kitchener, K. S. (1994). Developing Reflective Judgment. San Francisco, CA USA: Jossey-Bass.3. Grant, A. M., Franklin, J., &
. Her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees are in Science Education from Arizona State University earned in 2002 and 2008, respectively.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and holds a PhD in Education, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. She researches cross-disciplinarity ways of thinking, acting and being; design learning; and engineering education transformation.Ms. Molly H Goldstein, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Molly Goldstein is a Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, West
port, through which most of the commerce (export and import) of the country passes. INSTITUTIONAL MILESTONES Founded on October 29th 1958 Start of academic activities 1960´sBID/ESPOL I PROJECT(1972 – 1982) BID/ESPOL II PROJECT (1983 – 1992) • Improvement of existing laboratories. 1970´s • • Technical Programs (3 years programs) started
Renewable Energy Bioactuation (BSBA) Bioactuation (BSBA) Biomass (HyBi) Biomass (HyBi) And Env. Design (SEED) And Env. Design (SEED) Storage (RESTOR) Storage (RESTOR) S. Chi Liu , CMMI S. Chi Liu , CMMI George Antos, CBET George Antos, CBET Larry Bank, CMMI Larry Bank, CMMI L. Esterowitz, CBET L. Esterowitz, CBET Y. Gianchandani*, ECCS Y. Gianchandani*, ECCS J. Regalbuto*, CBET
community colleges (varies significantly by race/ethnicity)Source: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics (2004-2006) Montgomery College Science, Engineering and Mathematics The role of community colleges in the education of scientists and engineers• Hispanics and American Indians/Alaska Natives have attended community colleges in higher numbers than have Whites, Blacks, or Asians/Pacific Islanders• Female graduates in S&E fields are far more likely than male counterparts to have attended community Colleges• Open admissions, proximity to jobs and family, and low tuitions and fees make community colleges attractive to a large number of S&E studentsSource: National
personal growth and confidence in theirengineering design ability.References [1] Esparragoza, et al., "Assessing interactions among students geographically dispersed during multinational design projects," presented at the 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, 2014. [2] H. Maury-Ramírez, R. J. Pinzón, and I. E. Esparragoza, "International Collaborative Learning Experience through Global Engineering Design Projects: A Case Study," in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, ed: Springer, 2008, pp. 212-215. [3] E. Esparragoza, S. K. Lascano, and J. R. Ocampo, J. R., Assessing interactions among students geographically disperse during multinational design projects. ASEE, 121st
-1711533. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] Paulson, D. R., & Faust, J. L. (1988). Active and Cooperative Learning. Los Angeles: California State University, Los Angeles. Retrieved from[2] Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231.[3] Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics
is 15 cm, V1 velocity is 5m/s and V2 velocity is 2m/s. b) What is the D2 diameter, if the D1 diameter is 10 cm, V1 velocity is 5m/s, and V2 velocity is 2m/s. Figure 4. Module 2 – The Continuity Principle and the Module 2 assignmentModule 3 – Fluid Pressure Measurement & ManometersModule 3 reviews the concept of fluid pressure calculation in systems with manometers. For thesimulation setup, a well type manometer is used. The simulation is set-up in a way so that it isinteractive and students can select a
) critically evaluating the state of research andrecommending improvements, and (c) identifying neglected topics that require the attention ofresearchers. Our completed systematic review will contribute in each of these three areas.Bibliography1. Ma, W., Adesope, O. O., Nesbit, J. C., & Liu, Q. (2014). Intelligent tutoring systems and learning outcomes: A Page 26.1754.10 meta-analytic survey. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 901-918.2. Sabo, K. E., Atkinson, R. K., Barrus, A. L., Joseph, S. S., & Perez, R. S. (2013). Searching for the two sigma advantage: Evaluating algebra intelligent tutors. Computers in
Renewable Energy Bioactuation (BSBA) Bioactuation (BSBA) Biomass (HyBi) Biomass (HyBi) And Env. Design (SEED) And Env. Design (SEED) Storage (RESTOR) Storage (RESTOR) S. Chi Liu , CMMI S. Chi Liu , CMMI George Antos, CBET George Antos, CBET Larry Bank, CMMI Larry Bank, CMMI L. Esterowitz, CBET L. Esterowitz, CBET Y. Gianchandani*, ECCS Y. Gianchandani*, ECCS J. Regalbuto*, CBET
and Bowers (1997) of studentsstudying physics found that reading is, in fact, more important than hearing.IntroductionHaving been challenged by a member of the public—specifically a K-12 school teacher—toprovide authoritative source(s) of the STATEMENT, what was envisioned as a simple search andproof would ultimately reveal a lack of evidence for the cited statistics. The STATEMENT beingreferred to here is that people (or students) learn (or recall/remember): • 10% of what they read • 20% of what they hear • 30% of what they see • 50% of what they hear and see • 70% of what they say (and write) • 90% of what they say as they do a thingThere are various forms and permutations of the STATEMENT found in published
underrepresented minorities in engineering. Nonetheless, a story is not completeuntil it integrates not only some of the characters, but also their environment, history, beliefs,values, ways of knowing, doing and being. Similarly, as part of the engineering educationcommunity, we must add more factors to this story – the stories of struggle, subjugation, andoppression.Bibliography 1. Blaisdell, S. (2006). Factors in the Underrepresentation of Women in Science and Engineering: A Review of the Literature. Women in Engineering ProActive Network. 2. Cohen, C. C. D., & Deterding, N. (2009). Widening the net: National estimates of gender disparities in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(3), 211-226. 3. Beddoes, K
Finds Unprepared Students a Persistent Problem. Retrieved from on October 3, 2016.Bataineh, M. (2015). Think-Pair-Share, Co Op-Co Op and Traditional Learning Strategies onUndergraduate Academic Performance. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(1), 217-226.Bonwell, C., & Eison, J. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom.ASHEERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, George Washington University, Washington, DC.Boulmetis, J. & Dutwin, P. (2011). The ABCs of Evaluation: Timeless Techniques for Programand Project Managers. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 131.Brown, S., & Vranesic, Z. (2009). Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design. NewYork: McGraw-Hill.Chi, M. (2009). Active-Constructive
,therewerealsopromisingexamplesofmiddleschoolteachersutilizingtheSTEAMTrunks.Table2belowpresentsillustrativeexamplesofprojectsutilizingeachoftheSTEAMTrunks. 7Table2.IllustrativeExamplesofSTEAMTrunkUtilizationSTEAM Grade ProjectDescriptionTrunk Level(s) 3DPrinting 5thGrade Aspartoftheschool’sScienceandEngineeringFair,students designedandprototypedoriginalinnovationstosolvereal worldproblems. 8thGrade Student’sdesignandprototypehelmetsthatwouldmore effectivelyprotectagainstinjuryinavarietyofcontactsports. Electronics 4th/5th IntheirRoboticsenrichmentclass,studentsusevarious Grade
audience1 Building a Learn NC (web) Teacher 8th grade Building a paper bridge: Walston, S. (n.d.) mathematics bridge and An class measurement introduction to problem solving2 Lesson Plan Beam UCLA (web) Engineering Not stated Building a for Mulchandani, A. graduate bridge Bridge (n.d.) student Building3 Build a Teaching Ideas (web) Teacher Ages 7-11 Building a bridge
that established the ”Center of Excellence in Signal Integrity” at Penn State Harrisburg. He was a co-author for the Best Poster Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, for the paper ”Transmitter Pre-emphasis and Adaptive Receiver Equalization for Duobinary Signaling in Backplane Channels”. In addition, of Best Paper Award at the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 96, Seoul, Korea, for the paper ”Basis Matrix Representation of Morphological Filters with N-Dimensional Structuring Elements”.Dr. Sedig Salem Agili, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Sedig S. Agili received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from
– think of trying to gather more new contacts than your roommate. In projects,we will continue to emphasize how all students have unique talents to bring to their teams.References[1] T. Rath, StrengthsFinder 2.0, New York: Gallup Press, 2007.[2] M. L. Loughry, M. W. Ohland and D. J. Woehr, "Assessing teamwork skills for assurance of learning using CATME team tools," Journal of Marketing Education, vol. 36, pp. 5-19, 2013.[3] S. Zemke and D. Elger, "Curricular elements that promote professional behavior in a design class," in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Chicago, 2006.[4] J. Asplund, S. Agrawal, T. Hodges, J. Harter and S. J. Lopez, "The Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 Technical Report," Gallup Inc., Washington DC, 2014.[5] S. J
purpose of this paper is to recommend adapting new pedagogical methods to theaccepted topics in an introductory probability and statistics course for engineeringundergraduates—methods that better match the learning characteristics of Millennial students inour courses. In a nutshell, those characteristics may be summarized as: (1) They want relevanceto their major, and future engineering career; (2) They want rationale (for the textbook selected,and for specific course policies and assignments); (3) They revel in technology (to collect data,compute, communicate, and multi-task); (4) They want a relaxed, hands-on environment; (5)They prefer instructors who rotate among several classroom delivery methods.Considering the “Five R‟s” learning
and minorities continue to be underrepresented in engineering, both nationally and atRoger Williams University. In 2012, women constituted just 12% of engineering graduates at theuniversity, while minorities constituted just 4%. In an effort to boost the enrollment, performance,and persistence of underrepresented students, the university applied for and received an NSF S-STEM grant to integrate engineering, biology, and marine biology students into an existingprogram supporting underrepresented students on campus. The combined program, known asSTILAS, provides participants with a $10,000 NSF scholarship, supplemented by the university,as well as dedicated tutoring and advising, and co-curricular activities such as field trips and
and multipleoutcomes including economic, environmental and social issues surrounding sustainability.Students are expected to show effort in researching, demonstrating an awareness of all avenuesof sustainability. The assessments are derived from exercises, problems, and project addressingsustainability issues, including greenhouse gas footprint, energy use, and water use.Table 6. Sustainability in Engineering course assessment Course objective/s Assessment Results Sustainable practices needed in environmental and Students were able to find, comprehend, analyze, civil engineering find needed information for quantify, synthesize information about the future solving open ended problems
metallurgical engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SD Mines). Between 2008-2013, he served as site director of the NSF I/UCRC Center for Friction Stir Processing (CFSP). Since then, he has been involved in a range of projects involving friction stir joining and alloy processing in a variety of metal alloys including aluminum alloys, ODS steels, titanium alloys, cast irons, and dissimilar metal alloys. He is also actively engaged in STEM-Ed projects and serves as the director for the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) ”Back to the Future”, coordinator for the Army Educational Outreach REAP program for High school students at SD Mines, and PI for the S-STEM Culture and Attitude program
duein class the following week. Two midterm exams and one final exam were given, and studentscompleted two Matlab projects in groups of three.ParticipantsThe course was taught by the same instructor in both terms considered in this study. Theinstructor was a full-time faculty member at the university with over 10 years of teachingexperience. S/he had taught the DTSS course discussed here several times prior to the two termsin question. Student participants in the study were predominantly male, junior or senior students,majoring in electrical engineering. The majority of students were also domestic and in-state.However, they varied greatly in GPA. The students were also diverse in race/ethnicity with overhalf being either White or Asian. The
, Portland,Oregon.[6] Ezzell, S., & Gordy, P. (2004, June), Energizing Your Engineering Program ThroughCompetitions And Team Based Projects Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference, Salt LakeCity, Utah.[7] Lumsdaine, E., & Loukus, J., & Dreyer, J., & Chenoweth, S., & Lumsdaine, M. (2009, June),Forming And Managing Project Teams In A Large Capstone Design Course Paper presented at2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas.[8] Harding, T. (2007, June), Benefits And Struggles Of Using Large Team Projects In CapstoneCourses Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii.[9] Underwood
of liquid at the nozzle port is calculated asfollows: 𝑝 𝜌𝑔ℎ (2) where ph = hydrostatic pressure (Pa, N/m2, or kg/m-s2) ρ = liquid density (kg/m3) g = acceleration of gravity = 9.81 m/s2 h = height of the liquid column (m)For this lab, multiple fluid heights are tested. The liquid flow rate through an orifice can becalculated as follows: 𝑞actual 𝐶 𝐴 𝑝 𝑝 (3) where qactual = actual liquid flow rate (m3/s) A2 = area of the port (m3) gc = conversion factor = 1.0 kg-m/N-s2
Temperature Shape Factor for Plane Shape Factor for Pressure 𝐹𝑑 - 𝐹𝑝 - Couette Flow Flow H Channel Depth m k Thermal Conductivity W/m2K Thermal Conductivity of Thermal Conductivity of 𝑘𝑃𝐸𝑇 W/m2K 𝑘𝑆𝑇 W/m2K PET Steel L Length m 𝐿𝑓 Latent Heat of Fusion kJ/kg 𝑚̇ Mass Flow Rate kg/s N Revolution Rate
: 1. Include descriptions of the cultural context 2. “[A]ttend to the embodied nature of the protagonist” [39, p.17] 3. Consider how other people affect the central character 4. Identity choices and actions of the central character 5. Attend to past experiences and how they impact the choices and actions 6. Create a story with a beginning, middle, and end 7. The plot should bring all the data together into a meaningful story that explains why the central character acted the way s/he didQuality ConsiderationsThis project will be monitored by an external review board and an internal framework.Internally, we will use the Q3 framework outlined by Walther et al. [41] and Walther
Psychology, 101(4), 817-835.2 Kell, H. J., & Lubinski, D. (2013). Spatial ability: A neglected talent in educational and occupational settings. Roeper Review, 35(4), 219-230.3 Newcombe, N. S., Uttal, D. H., & Sauter, M. (2013). Spatial development. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, 1, 564-590.4 National Research Council (NRC). (2006). Learning to think spatially: GIS as a support system in the K-12 curriculum. Committee on the Support for the Thinking Spatially, National Research Council, Publisher: The National Academies Press, URL: http://books. nap. edu/catalog. php.5 Sorby, S. A. (2009). Educational research in developing 3‐D spatial skills for engineering students. International Journal
J K L M N O P Q R S T U 21 11 3 3 9 11 3Table 2 lists the research topics and physics associated with the 21 most successful models todate. Four topics
research questions, we decided to examine defining characteristics ofindividuals identified by our participants as exemplary engineering leaders. It was at this point Page 26.815.2that we noticed a significant over-representation of men in the pool of highly esteemed leaders.In this paper, we use a factor analysis and Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test to examine onepossible reason for this disparity—a gender difference in engineers’ leadership aspirations. Wethen use a focused literature review to hypothesize two alternative explanations for our finding. T ABLE 1 : S AMPLE C HARACTERISTICS Category Sub-Categories