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Displaying results 4531 - 4560 of 22930 in total
Conference Session
Innovative Assessment Techniques in Civil Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erik R. Wright P.E., United States Military Academy; Joseph P Hanus, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Processing Active Reflective Understanding Sequential GlobalIt is the consideration of learning styles and the assessment associated with that considerationthat is the focus of this paper and presented in what follows. Page 24.787.5Learning Styles Survey Results and ApplicationThe learning styles survey was administered to the 51 students enrolled in CE390 in the fall of2012 prior to the first lesson of the semester. Students completed the survey using an onlineweb-based tool developed and made available by Dr. Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman at NCState University (http
Conference Session
Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Ethics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald J. Bennett F.ASEE, F.ABET P.E., University of St. Thomas; Niaz Latif, Purdue University Calumet (College of Technology); Aco Sikoski, Ivy Tech Community College; Steven Wendel, Sinclair Community College; Mohammad A. Zahraee, Purdue University Calumet (College of Technology)
Tagged Divisions
programs with afocus on engineering technology programs. Since it is anticipated that high school leaderattendees will be familiar with Project Lead The Way® (PLTW) curriculum, The PLTWengineering design and development process is used as the methodology for outliningdevelopment of the faculty leadership development programs aimed at better preparing effectiveleaders and aligning curriculum with the Four Pillars. The steps of this process include: 1. Define and Justify Problem 2. Generate Multiple Solutions 3. Select and Develop Solution Page 24.845.7 4. Construct and Test Prototype 5. Reflect and Evaluate 6
Conference Session
New Learning Models
2005 Annual Conference
Scott Jiusto; David DiBiasio
to learn, creativity, futureorientation, and the ability to use basic study skills and problem-solving skills.” SDL isexemplified by attitudes like “curious/motivated, methodical/disciplined, logical/analytical,reflective/self-aware, flexible, interdependent/interpersonally competent, persistent/responsible,venturesome/creative, confident, independent/self-sufficient”; and skills like “highly developedinformation seeking and retrieval skills, have knowledge about and skill at the learning process,develop and use criteria for evaluating (critical thinking).”5Besterfield-Sacre and colleagues6 nicely explicated the ABET ability (recognition of the needfor, and an ability to engage in life-long learning) within a framework of Bloom’s
Conference Session
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing
2005 Annual Conference
Chrysanthe Demetry
Page 10.1077.2 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2005, American Society for Engineering Education Table 1: Examples of Learning Preferences Associated with Dimensions of MBTI Type* A person’s interest flows mainly to, or energy is derived from…the outer world of actions, objects, and persons the inner world of concepts and ideas• Talking, discussion • Reading, verbal reasoning• Action, psychomotor activity • Time for reflection and internal processing• Working with a group • Working individually Extraversion: E
Conference Session
Writing and Communication I
2004 Annual Conference
Roberta Harvey
to how students receive and processinformation: sensory vs. intuitive, visual vs. verbal, active vs. reflective, and sequential approach was, from the beginning, extremely influential within engineering education.Numerous other methods and instruments have arisen, and research into the impact of learningstyles on student learning and the implications for teaching has burgeoned. (For an excellentoverview and comprehensive links to resources, see the University of Michigan College ofEngineering webpage on learning.2 See also Felder’s review of four commonly cited learningstyles theories.3 An overview of several approaches and an annotated list of online instrumentscan be found on the University of Guelph Learning Styles page.4
Conference Session
Entrepreneurism in BME
2004 Annual Conference
David Smith; John Troy; Penny Hirsch
American Society for Engineering Educationfunded alliance of educators, engineers, and industry partners developing curricula andtechnologies for tomorrow’s bioengineers. VaNTH is a cooperative effort among VanderbiltUniversity, Northwestern University, the University of Texas, and the Harvard University/MITdivision of Health Sciences and Technology (i.e., VaNTH.). Faculty teams of biomedicalengineers, learning scientists, and learning technologists work together and with industryrepresentatives to create challenge-based learning modules, or segments of courses, that can beplugged into new or existing BE or BME curricula. All modules reflect the theory and researchon effective teaching and learning compiled in How People Learn (HPL) (Bransford
Conference Session
Learning Enhancements for CHE Courses
2003 Annual Conference
Polly Piergiovanni; S. Scott Moor
Cycles)The concept of using experience in education is not a new one. John Dewey discusses the needsand nature for experiential learning in his still timely work Experience and Education.13 Manylearning cycles have been suggested. These learning cycles vary from two to five or six steps butessentially all include active and reflective components.Figure 1 depicts the four-step Kolb cycle of experiential learning, one of the most widelyconsidered in engineering education.14 This cycle consist of Concrete Experience, ReflectiveObservation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experimentation. While the cycle can beginat any step, it is generally begun with the concrete experience step.1 All four steps are requiredfor complete learning to occur
Conference Session
Trends in Biological & Agricultural Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Saba Choudhary; Naz Azadi; Mike Ratino; Lauri Kreeb; Jason Congdon; Paul Schreuders
was used to manipulate the ant. Page 8.1158.4(See Appendix 1 for the program used to meet Challenge 1). It consisted of a series of timed “Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ” 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”commands to activate the two driving motors in specific directions and powers, to activate thelight reflectance sensor, and to play music. The music was created using the piano player andwas activated by adding a subroutine to the loop. The program began with a short 4-second bit ofmusic, and then entered
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade Outside of Class
2003 Annual Conference
William Jordan; Bill Elmore
examinedas part of this study.Understanding yourself and your universityOne basic step is for each of us to really understand who we are, and what we really want out oflife. Many engineers find this type of reflection difficult for it requires more philosophicalthinking than they are used to doing in their everyday engineering practice. However thisreflection is an absolutely crucial first step. For example both of the authors have their families,community service and church activities as priorities in their lives. We want to make sure thatwe do not achieve professional success at the expense of these. The first author is a facultyadvisor to one student group. He is also interested in photography and has been involved inpolitics at a significant
2001 Annual Conference
Thomas Harmon; Glenn Burks; Eva Baker; Gregory Chung
everyday event. 2 Proposition appropriate. Reflects scientific tracer test MEASURES understanding, but has limited explanatory power. ground water flow 3 Proposition is abstract and explanatory. Reflects most tracer test MEASURES highly principled, scientific understanding. dispersionIn addition, a subset of students’ posttest knowledge map, which we defined as “newpropositions,” was derived from the posttest knowledge map. To operationalize this map, weremoved all propositions from the posttest map that also existed in the pretest. This newproposition map was then scored using the expert criterion (content) method and the propositionquality rating method
Conference Session
Teaching Tools for Humanities and Ethics
2002 Annual Conference
Rosalyn Berne
human life. Therefore, their consideration is warranted in anengineering ethics curriculum. An extraordinary teaching experience withundergraduate students at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and AppliedScience (SEAS), suggests that intergenerational dialogue is one pedagogy that canenliven and enhance the undergraduate engineer’s ability to engage moral deliberationabout technology and the future. This paper recounts one such intergenerationalexperience, highlighting excerpts from dialogues which occurred, and from studentessays which reflect upon them, as documentation of the exceptional effectiveness of thisprofound teaching technique.Engineering Ethics and The Technological FutureNanotechnology, cryonics, cloning
Conference Session
Student Learning and Assessment II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee University; Denny C. Davis, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
order to measure the enhanced learning resulting from the experimentalhomework approaches, samples of previous year’s exams are given to the students and theperformance of the study group is compared to that of the previous year’s classes. Furthermore,student reflections on those approaches compared to the traditional common homework style arecollected and analyzed by an independent evaluator to document the impacts of homeworkinnovations.IntroductionHomework is defined as instructor-initiated work to be completed by students outside theclassroom1, 2. It is well-known that homework has become a time-honored widespread learningtool used by instructors, at all educational levels, to improved student learning and achievement.Although homework was
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Graham, University of Louisville; Karla Conn Welch, University of Louisville; Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb, University of Louisville; Shamus McNamara, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
andoperationalizing critical thinking by defining eight elements of thought which capture howcritical thinking examines, analyzes, and reflects on intellectual work. These eight elements leadto eight categories of questions present, to some degree, in all critical thinking: (1) what is thepurpose? (2) what is the point of view? (3) what are the assumptions? (4) what are theimplications? (5) what information is needed? (6) what inferences are being made? (7) what isthe most fundamental concept?, and (8) what is the question that is being answered? Theintellectual standards describe the criteria used to evaluate the quality of the critical thinking. Forexample: the thinking has a clear purpose or makes relevant assumptions. The intellectual traitsare the
Conference Session
Design Tools and Methodology I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Guerra, NASA; David T. Allen, University of Texas, Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Cheryl Farmer, UTeachEngineering
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
specificfeedback on the Figure 1 engineering design process, the UTeachEngineering teamdecided to rethink the communication of this critical engineering practice.Figure 1 — Original Engineering Design Process Used for In-Service Teacher Page 25.118.4Professional Development.MethodologyRather than edit the existing engineering design process graphic or start with a cleansheet, the UTeachEngineering team initiated a benchmarking exercise. A selection ofeleven unique cross-disciplinary representations was selected to reflect the engineeringdesign process in professional, post-secondary and K-12 settings. Each representationconsisted of the specific steps in the process
Conference Session
Evaluation of Teaching Methods for Mechanics Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Preston Moore, Virginia Tech; Robert Scott Pierce, Sweet Briar College; Christopher B. Williams, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
concepts. Taken as a whole, theconcept map should represent the extent and the organization of knowledge that a personpossesses. Figure 1 A concept map about concept mapping [1] Page 25.1365.32.2 How Do Concept Maps Aid Learning?Concept maps can fill one of two instructional roles: (i) students can either be assigned to createa concept map of their knowledge as a reflective learning exercise after instruction, or (ii)students can be given an “expert-generated concept map” before instruction which serves as an“advance organizer” [2] – a type of scaffolding tool. In
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharad Vimal Oberoi, Carnegie Mellon University; Susan Finger, National Science Foundation
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
the project progressed. He deduced from these findings that theexpansion was because student teams were exploring (brainstorming) a variety of design optionsin the research literature. The contraction, on the other hand, happened as the teams refined the Page 25.1369.6structure of the artifact and the approaches needed to formalize them, and started using sharedvocabulary. According to his study, if the number of distinct noun phrases used by teamscontracts as the project progresses, it reflects that the project is being executed successfully.ApproachThe project archive of discussion posts and attachments of the class were converted to text
Conference Session
Design Cognition II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vimal Kumar Viswanathan, Texas A&M University; Nicole Elise Esposito; Julie S. Linsey, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
engineering curriculum. They Page 25.1372.2argue for the “reflect-in-action” plan where students build their designs and understand the flawsin them, themselves7, 8. However, there are no clear guidelines available regarding the use ofphysical models and their cognitive implications in engineering education.This study addresses the cognitive effects of the use of various kinds of examples and physicalmodels on engineering students who design a stunt vehicle as a part of their class project. Thestudents are divided into three groups and given three different kinds of examples: a good one, apoor one and a poor one with warnings about its negative
2001 Annual Conference
FYI Team Members; Adrian Cloete
the Quality Improvement Systems Thinking heuristic has been used to improve industrialproduction by viewing the problem as part of a layer of a system, our First Year Initiative facultysaw greater value in three other Heuristics Page 6.884.5 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2001, American Society for Engineering Education ½ D.R. Woods -- McMaster Five-Point Strategy ½ Define, Explore, Plan, Act, Reflect C.H. Kepner & B.B. Tregoe -- The Rational Manager ½ Situation Analysis, Problem Analysis
2001 Annual Conference
Stephen McKnight; Gilead Tadmor; E Everbach; William E. Cole; Michael Ruane
language of continuing utility, but withoutthe complications of variable typing and declarations. Early laboratory experiences includeprogramming loops to cause stepper motors to move a flag, control through photocell feedback,and measuring acoustic velocity and distance by appropriately thresholding a reflected acousticsignal. As a final project, students write a program to control the movement of an ultrasonicsensor to image a metal target encased in an opaque gelatin package.1. IntroductionSince computation is ubiquitous in engineering practice, a freshman course in computation orcomputer programming is a feature of most engineering curricula. These courses are often lessthan satisfactory for both the students and the instructor. While contact
1998 Annual Conference
Zbigniew Prusak
. Isn’t educationprocess putting little too much emphasis on fashionable appearance and not enough on the content andoutcomes of activities? New revisions of ABET requirements [7] place greater emphasis onengineering problem solving and applicability of educational outcomes. Outcomes-oriented educationthat reflects industry demands is expected to replace presently dominant activities-oriented education.3. PERSPECTIVES OF YOUNG STUDENTS Some perspectives on the surrounding world displayed by young students are not in line with theway the surrounding world functions. The below listed problems pertain to behaviors and beliefs ofyoung students, as well as, technical aptitudes and were observed in 3 types of academic activities:- in-class lecture
1998 Annual Conference
Nancy Y. Amaya; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre; Larry J. Shuman; Cynthia Atman
thequestionnaire, monitoring and tracking freshman engineering attitudes over time becomes ofgreater importance. We want to know if continued improvements we make to our freshmanengineering program are reflected in positive student attitudinal changes. In addition, we wouldlike to know if ‘sudden’ year-to-year attitudinal variations reflect a substantial change in theprogram or just a random fluctuation for that particular year. Page 3.324.5ii Some of the ten schools currently using the instrument administer the “post” survey at the end of the first semesterrather than the end of the freshman year. Table 2. Student Attitude
Conference Session
Student Division (STDT) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Narangoo Tumur, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Amardeep Kaur, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Tagged Divisions
Student Division (STDT)
use the lab manuals and other written or verbal instruction etc. We believethis led to clear instruction and student satisfaction with the overall experience.Course Under ConsiderationEngineering Electromagnetics is an undergraduate-level course at our university intended forElectrical Engineering students with Junior or Senior standing. The content primarily includeselectromagnetic wave propagation, transmission line propagation, voltage and currentwaveforms with multi-boundary reflections, Smith chart analysis, and application of Maxwell’sequations. The course is offered once a year with enrollment in recent years ranging between 30and 40 students. Over the last three years, we have tried to transition the course from a traditionallecture
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT) Technical Session 6
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac Heizelman, University of North Dakota; Nicholas M. Bittner, University of North Dakota; Enrique Alvarez Vazquez, University of North Dakota; Dan Ewert, University of North Dakota; Ryan Striker, University of North Dakota
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division (ENT)
. The self-assessment form can be found in Appendix A. In general, very few students are aware of ABETor of its student outcomes [11]. By having the students participate in the self-assessment processand reflect on their experiences, each student is able to identify outcomes which have not beenachieved and develop a plan to achieve all ABET outcomes prior to graduation. This proactiveself-assessment prompts students to identify weak points in their education and has the potentialto shape better student outcomes, filling all the ABET student outcomes and preparing studentsto be well-rounded engineers.[12]. The two senior semesters of IBL allow the students to directtheir learning and create their own learning experiences to address these
Conference Session
Modern Teaching Strategies in Engineering
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hoo Kim, LeTourneau University; Neil Rogers, United States Air Force Academy; George York, United States Air Force Academy; Paul R. Leiffer, LeTourneau University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
you understand those concepts very well you won’t have to waste more time relearning it.” “Review your Physics II before you start the class.” “Do well in University Physics 2” Needs for Visualization “Bringing more visualization would be helpful.” “I would have preferred more visual aids, specifically animations of the fields.”Conditions and Constraints in Class EnvironmentThe class environment plays a pivotal role in fostering effective learning and holds significantimportance in shaping the educational experience for students. It is useful to clarify the classenvironment for both universities along with the constraints so that it reflects better howvisualization tools and trials work. Both institutions adopt typical university classes and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hannah Budinoff, The University of Arizona; Ann Shivers-McNair, University of Arizona; Jannatul Bushra, The University of Arizona; Edward J. Berger, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
community workshop where members shareaccess to tools in order to produce physical goods” [5]. In a recent literature review, Mersanddefined a makerspace as “an area that provides materials and tools to encourage individuals orgroups to make things, to create new knowledge, or to solve problems” [6]. In educationalcontexts, makerspaces should provide access to defining elements of the Maker movement,including digital tools, community infrastructure, and “the maker mindset,” involving a positiveview of failure and focus on collaboration [7].While these definitions do not mention gender or race, they may reflect a bias of the predominantusers of makerspaces [8], as makerspaces have, at times, struggled to adequately serve a broadcommunity [9]. Rather
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul M Yanik, Western Carolina University; Scott Rowe, Western Carolina University; Wendy Cagle, Western Carolina University; Andrew Ritenour, Western Carolina University; Chip W Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Wesley L. Stone, Western Carolina University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
as reflected in ENGR350 projects; and (3) promotion of diversity inthe regional technology workforce.4. Second Year ResultsRecruitment, Retention, and DemographicsThe program began the [inaugural] 2022-23 academic year with ten scholars enrolled. Onescholar left the program after the fall 2022 semester due to academic difficulties. Two scholarsleft the program after the spring 2023 semester to attend other institutions. The program retainedseven students to begin the 2023-24 academic year. As shown in Table 2, the program has acapacity of twenty-four participants in the second year. Thus, recruiting for fall 2023 aimed tofill seventeen available seats.The recruiting campaign began with an email solicitation to students who had been accepted
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria Chrysochoou, University of Connecticut; Rachael Gabriel, University of Connecticut; Connie Syharat, University of Connecticut; Christa L. Taylor, University of Connecticut
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
for all students.Within the context of this project, the course redesign process is guided by a set of faculty-created standards for neuroinclusive teaching, known within the project as I-Standards; thesestandards have undergone multiple iterations to reflect the team’s understanding of current bestpractices. The standards were developed along with experts from the university’s Center forExcellence in Teaching and Learning and the School of Education. Anchored in a strengths-based approach to neurodiversity, the standards focus on three main areas: 1) building a cultureof inclusion, 2) instructional design and inclusive teaching practices, and 3) enhancingcommunication and supports for students [41]. The teaching and learning standards are
Conference Session
Aerospace Division (AERO) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glen Roderic Coates, Pennsylvania State University; Alyson G. Eggleston, Pennsylvania State University; Robert J. Rabb P.E., Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Aerospace Division (AERO)
and retooling stated learning outcomes.PBL approaches across engineeringPBL is an instructional approach that platforms a student-centered classroom dynamic, andrequires teamed students to propose solutions for open-ended, discipline-specific problems andprocesses. Students produce results that can be assessed with outcome-based standards. As afinal project phase, students are invited to reflect on their problem-solving posture, identifyingopportunities and gaps in their knowledge [16]. As supported by findings in cognitive science,true learning requires higher energy cost for the brain. Connecting old and new informationsupports deeper integration, learning, and memory retrieval, a consolidation process that isstrengthened by self-reflection
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul McMonigle, Pennsylvania State University; Denise Amanda Wetzel, Pennsylvania State University; Sara C. Kern, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
by instructional designers at thePennsylvania State University to help ADDIE support diversity, equity, and inclusion in theclassroom [11]. In a way, it combines ADDIE with UDL while maintaining the easy-to-followprocess of course design.In the following descriptions below, the individual developing the lesson or course is referred toas the designer. The designer may also be the instructor of that course.Breaking Down Each LetterAnalyze - The designer defines the problem and establishes learning outcomes. The designer alsoassesses the existing knowledge and skills of learners, as well as the learning environment. • Introspection - The designer reflects on their personal and professional identity and worldview, considers classroom
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 14
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cory Lam, University of Washington; Denise Wilson, University of Washington
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
courses are so rigorous that the cost of fully engaging intheir engineering courses is high.Consistent with existing literature that use multiple elements of value to investigate the nuancesin academic outcomes [28], [29], [32], this study uses items that both reflect intrinsic and utilityvalue. In addition to expectancy and value measures, several control variables are relevant to thisstudy of cognitive engagement. Specifically, we control for gender, race, ethnicity, familyincome, first generation status, and international student status in our regression models. We alsostudy the contribution of broad prior interests (to pursue engineering) as well as more specificintrinsic interests to self-efficacy, value, and ultimately to cognitive