entrepreneurs' definitions, but mentioned only afew times throughout student interviews, for example, Participant 42 stated; "Entrepreneurialmindset is really just creating a new form of mental habits that will allow you to see the biggerpicture of things to make connections and values through what your work is." However, it seemsthat some of the more frequent codes such as Innovation and Business Skills were nothighlighted by entrepreneurs in previous studies. This could be due to students' lack ofexperience in the field and the fact that students are only learning about entrepreneurial mindsetin the classroom, as opposed to entrepreneurs who have real world experience with the benefitsof EM.Faculty in Zappe et al.’s study said that they believe that
on designer one “frequently if not always” for transitional tasks such asplanning, setting team goals, and developing strategies. The number “1” in the (1,2) positiondepicts designer 2’s reliance on designer 1 for the same function. The relations reflect the surveyresponses of the designers and are directional and of equal magnitude. The disconnect of nodesthree, four, and five to the other designers in this DSM indicates a weak connection of the networkat this particular threshold and function [61]. Twelve DSMs are constructed representing the threeleadership functions and three communications modes at two distinct frequency levels. Designer (Sink) 1
belong there, I don’t feel like I connect with the school … I just have that mentality of, “I just need to go through this part. I’m just passing by” … And I’m fine with that, that doesn’t bother me anymore [interview 4]Decades of research focused on college student’s college departure affirm that students are morelikely to withdraw from their institution, all together, when they are not sufficiently integratedsocially and academically [31]–[38]. Kitatoi’s resignment to “just passing by” and her lack ofconnectedness with the institution are worrisome. Seymour and Hewitt [39] and Marra et al.’s [40]work emphasized that women who leave STEM disciplines decide to switch into non-engineeringdegree programs due to feeling as though they didn’t
ateam. The MRP roles include the team and students, engineering expert(s), the client(s) andbusiness expert(s). There are strong evidences form the literature that including the soft skillssuch as management, entrepreneurship and leadership can boost the retention and enrollment inengineering programs. Entrepreneurship education has been found to boost GPA and retentionrates of the engineering students, provides the students with the skills and attitudes needed toinnovatively contribute to the existing organizations and pursue their own ventures, and has thepotential to address current and anticipated workforce demands. We strongly believe that byintegrating entrepreneurship into engineering courses, specifically in the ones that are
judgement, the instructors decided to allow studentswith appropriate prior experience/practice in land surveying also enroll in this course withoutmeeting the course prerequisite.Student Learning Outcomes: The objective of this course is to expose students to the fundamentalsof T-LiDAR and engage them in specialized activities involving this modern technique tosuccessfully complete 3D point-cloud models of real, service-learning projects. The course wasdesigned to attain the following four Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): 1. Know the operation of laser-based scanner(s) to acquire spatial, color, and light intensity data. 2. Attain intermediate-level proficiency on the use of computer software to generate virtual 3D point-cloud models
? response describes their action(s) relevant to the situation Why? Any specific examples where you and task. used verbal communication to articulate an 3. Results - rate the degree to which the student's important point? Were you successful? response describes the results of their actions. Any specific examples where you used written communication to articulate and important point or communicate something important? Were you successful?3.2 Qualitative AnalysisToward understanding the ways in which student mock interview responses may have changedfrom pre to post, we conducted a qualitative analysis of the interview
thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] A. T. Purcell and J. S. Gero, "Design and other types of fixation," Design Studies, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 363-383, 1996.[2] J. A. Plucker, R. A. Beghetto, and G. T. Dow, "Why isn't creativity more important to educational psychologists? Potentials, pitfalls, and future directions in creativity research," Educational psychologist, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 83-96, 2004.[3] C.-y. Chiu and L. Y. Kwan, "Culture and creativity: A process model," Management and Organization Review, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 447-461, 2010.[4] A. F. Osborn, Applied imagination. New York, NY: Scribner, 1957, p. 379.[5] P. A
micro-narratives included above interpreted their stories onthis triad.In the SenseMaker analyst software, the original micro-narratives can be accessed by selectingeither a single or a group of dots. The text of the relevant micro-narratives is then shown besidethe triad. This functionality enables researchers and, most importantly, participants, to explorethe system of interest and identify patterns in the data.There are many patterns that can be identified across the multiple visualization outputs thatSenseMaker can generate (for more information we direct readers to [2 pp 7-8, 11]. Arguably themost powerful pattern, however, is the idea of identifying areas that indicate existing potential inthe system (see “adjacent possible[s]” in step 4
results were summarized in [29] as follows. A majority of the respondents thought that theirpromotion was a result of their hard work alone. Half of the respondents indicated that theirprogress might have been easier if they were male, and half of them stated that children were ahindrance to progress. Female students were largely prevented from pursuing higher education until the 19thcentury. Before then, female seminaries were the primary alternative for women who wished toearn a higher degree. However, women’s rights activists fought for higher education for femalestudents, and college campuses turned out to be fertile ground for gender equality activism [30].In the early 1900’s, at the University of London, all degrees were available to
Evaluation Association affiliate organization and is a member of the American Educational Research Association and American Evaluation Association, in addition to ASEE. Dr. Brawner is also an Exten- sion Services Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and
freedom. No. of variables V No. of equations E V – E = degrees of freedom.A point has no freedom. The intersection of 3 equations in 3 variables might consist of isolatedpoints. A curve has one degree of freedom. From any particular point one can move onlyforward or backward. The coordinates of the points on a space curve can all be described asfunctions of one variable, say t for time or s for distance from an origin. The parametric form ofa space curve is then; x = f(t) y = g(t) z = h(t) .The number of variables
, such as relative to others in their peergroup or in the field. Consider one student’s diagram:Figure 1: This student’s deep expertises included Linux, technical problem-solving, and “going through airports (transport).” The shallow expertises included cycling, compilers, digital circuits, and signal processing.The student commented that s/he was keeping the order of deep expertises increasing down thevertical axis, to represent expertise as a distribution with more general knowledge up towards thetop of the vertical bar and more esoteric knowledge down at the bottom, where “you’re like0.001%” of the experts at this level (see bottom right of Figure 1). S/he placed “Russia” outsidethe T diagram
). Page 11.52.2© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006A Hands-on, Interdisciplinary Laboratory Program andEducational Model to Strengthen a Radar Curriculum for Broad DistributionIntroduction Severe and hazardous weather such as thunderstorms, downbursts, and tornadoes can takelives in a matter of minutes. In order to improve detection and forecast of such phenomenausing radar, one of the key factors is fast scan capability. Conventional weather radars, suchas the ubiquitous NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar developed in the 1980’s), are severelylimited by mechanical scanning. Approximately 175 of these radars are in a national networkto provide the bulk of our weather information. Under the development for weather
the knowledge and skills that student veterans bring to higher education and toengineering education.23Following Minnis and Wang’s research on military veterans’ career decisions17 and Musgrove’sinvestigation of career planning of military veterans enrolled in college,24 our study draws onSampson et al.’s Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) approach to career intentions anddecision making.25 This theoretical framework has been used to better understand veterans’transitions into the workforce.20 Our student interviews highlight how two elements of thisapproach, Developing Self-Knowledge and Building Occupational Knowledge, may apply toSVE’s decision to enter the engineering education pathway. As a foundational step, developingself-knowledge
image or images comes to mind when you think of engineers or engineering? 4. In your view, what is science? What is its purpose? 5. Do you agree with the statement “engineering is applied science? Why, or why not? 6. In what way are science and engineering similar? 7. What are the differences between science and engineering? 8. If two engineering firms are given the same job (to design a new cell phone), would the product be more or less the same? Why, or why not? 9. Please answer the following three questions based on the statement here. Imagine that another bridge is going to be built over the Colorado River. a. What do engineers need to consider in the process in planning this? b. What component(s) of this task will be
, “Students’ agency beliefs involve how students see andthink about STEM as a way to better themselves and the world along with being a critic ofthemselves and science in general [20, p. 939]. The critical thinking perspective is intimately tiedto engineering agency beliefs, where students become “evaluator[s] of STEM as well as becomecritics of themselves and the world around them through self-reflection” [39, p. 13]. In essence,agency beliefs in this framework are based on a spectrum of how students view engineering as away to change their world or the world at large.Most agentic frameworks in engineering education used qualitative research methods. However,Godwin and colleagues [40] and Verdín and Godwin [41] used quantitative measures to
found allthree cost subscales were significantly and negatively related with students’ intentions to persistin science, with the effort subscale having the strongest negative relationship with persistence.Informed by Perez et al.’s evidence of potential multidimensionality of the cost construct, Flakeet al.21 developed a new cost scale intended for broader use in an academic context. Similar tothe scale developed by Perez and colleagues, Flake et al.’s scale included task effort, loss ofvalued alternatives cost, and emotional cost. Flake et al. also suggested a new dimension, thecost of outside efforts, related to other demands on an individuals’ time and energy that mayincrease the cost associated with a particular task. Their preliminary
design.However, some educators have described an important empathic requisite or antecedent:designers must adopt a user-centric mindset. For example, Postma et al. discussed moving designstudents from an “expert” mindset, where the designer thinks they know best, to a “participatory”mindset, where the designer perceives their self and user(s) both as experts.48 Forming thismindset is important, as student designers who hold an expert mindset tend to exclude theirproject partner throughout a design process.49 Hence, educators ought to prompt students to thinkabout engineering with a user as opposed to for a user12,50 as this may catalyze the utilization ofempathy while simultaneously alleviating absolutist/positivistic biases.414.2 Service
intelligent tutoring systems and peer collaboration. In B. P. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou, & S. Lajoie (Eds.), Intelligent tutoring systems (pp. 636–645). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS.[6] Menekse, M., Stump, G., Krause, S., & Chi, M. T. H. (2013). Differentiated overt learning activities for effective instruction in engineering classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 102, 346–374.[7] Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415.[8] Hora, M. T., & Ferrare, J. J. (2013
Civil Engineering Course," presented at the ASEE, St. Louis, Missouri, 2000.[10] O. Buzzi, S. Grimes, and A. Rolls, "Writing for the discipline in the discipline?," Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 17, pp. 479-484, 2012.[11] H. Drury, T. Langrish, and P. O Carroll, "Online approach to teaching report writing in chemical engineering: implementation and evaluation," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 22, p. 858, 2006.[12] F. S. Johnson, C. C. Sun, A. J. Marchese, H. L. Newell, J. L. Schmalzel, R. Harvey, et al., "Improving The Engineering And Writing Interface: An Assessment Of A Team Taught Integrated Course," presented at the ASEE, St. Louis, Missouri, 2000.[13] J. A. Leydens and J
Advances in Engineering Education FALL 2017Large Lecture Transformation: Improving StudentEngagement and Performance through In-class Practice in an Electrical Circuits CourseJAE-EUN RUSSELLANDMARK S. ANDERSLANDUniversity of IowaIowa City, IASAM VAN HORNEUniversity of DelawareNewark, DEJOHN GIKONYOANDLOGAN SLOANUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA ABSTRACT Post-secondary educators are increasingly experimenting with the possibility of blending orreplacing traditional lecture-based instruction with student-centered instruction. Although somestudies have been completed, much remains to be learned about when and why student-centeredinstruction
) included in the case studies presented in Section2. During the design of the tutorial, the complexity of Case 1 was intended to be lower than Case2’s. This was achieved with integrating relatively less comprehensive product familydevelopment assignment in the first case study. A brief reminder of the contents of the cases, Page 11.68.14Case 1 involves product family architecture from the functional and component perspectives.Case 2 includes market segment needs in product family architecture. However, in the actualDEA model, the numerical value of the technical complexity has to be entered in a positivecorrelation with the outputs (see the DEA
With oversight, guidance and assessment from the instructors, one teaching assistant wasdedicated to teach each of the 7 laboratories for the entire semester. Each TA was responsiblefor developing the laboratory procedures, administering a pre-laboratory quiz, providing the pre-laboratory instructions and monitoring the progress of the students during the laboratory. Theinstructors and the TA‟s all had office hours during the week to assist the students withquestions. All materials for all labs were available via a dedicated BlackBoard internet site, andstudents were able to use this online site to communicate with labmates, instructors and TA‟s,check their grades, and upload their assignments. All students within a section met as a class
double-pagespread of a children’s book (chosen by us), and convert it into pop-up form. The book we usedwas chosen for its charming text, its wonderful yet simple illustrations, and its pop-up potential.After a lively read aloud of the picture book, teachers were given envelopes at random thatcontained the original spread from the actual book, several photocopies of the pages, as well asthe form for the final page. They were to look first at the illustration(s) on their pages andbrainstorm possibilities for movement and pop-ups. We gave the following Engineering DesignChallenge to each teacher:• After receiving your page spread, brainstorm ideas of how you may want to set up your page. What do you want to move? How will the page be set up
Session Number : 3561 Linguistic Evidence of Cognitive Distr ibution: Quantifying Lear ning Among Under gr aduate Resear cher s in Engineer ing L. Donath, R. Spr ay, E. Alfor d T. McGar r y and N. Thompson Univer sity of South Car olinaAbstractThe Research Communication Studio at the University of South Carolina nurtures undergraduatelearning in engineering through guided interaction among student peers, near-peer graduatementors, and faculty members. The RCS bases its pedagogical approach on Dorothy Winsor’sconcept of thought and knowledge as a network distributed among members
they interested in?Much of our initial evaluation has been geared towards developing insight on these questions.4.1 High Quality Graduates - The measures of high quality are the metrics associated withOutcomes 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. To date, we have had 24 graduates and their placements are listed inTable 1. Table 1 – Graduates of the Program # Focus/Complemenary Areas Grad Current Company Name or Eth. Date Graduate School Sex 1 Material Science / Anthropology F 98 UCAN/Privacy Rights Clearinghouse CA WF 2 GIS / General Business S 99