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Displaying results 6961 - 6990 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Research to Practice: STRAND 1 – Addressing the NGSS: Supporting K-12 Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering Science Connections (Part 1)
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katey Shirey, University of Maryland, College Park
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. 410 E: And you have to assume that the person that gave you the design knew what the 411 heck they were doing and understood how to make this so that when you go to use 412 their plan that it's going, going to work. 413 K: Yeah 414 J: Yeah 415 [00:32:22.14] 416 E: That--‐--‐ that's that's the level I mean, that's the level of expertise that we didn't 417 have today. You know, we put stuff together and learned some things through each 418 iteration, but they really didn't, I mean, when we talked about writing stuff down 419 and those sort of things we we, I, we just seeing what they would write down is 420 important, and most of what they wrote down they could never repeat. Nobody
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Teamwork
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Erin Jobidon, University of Waterloo; Andrea Prier, University of Waterloo; Taghi Khaniyev, University of Waterloo; Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Carol Hulls P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Jason Andrew Grove, The University of Waterloo; Samar Mohamed, University of Waterloo; Stephanie Joan Johnson M.Ed, University of Waterloo; Sanjeev Bedi P.Eng., University of Waterloo
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
limited level of teamwork instruction is achieved passively inthe form of team peer evaluations, usually in capstone design courses and more rarely in othercourses. Given the currently limited and fragmented opportunities to learn about why and how towork in teams, engineering students may not know: (1) why teams exist and why good teamworkis important, (2) how individuals can be effective team members, and, (3) how to structure workwithin the team, track progress, and deal with issues along the way.In response to this identified weakness, a committee of representatives from various departmentsin the Faculty of Engineering and other teaching and support units are developing a series of sixworkshops that will be delivered to engineering students
Conference Session
Diversity in Community Engagement Implementation II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ziyu Long, Colorado State University; Sean Eddington, Purdue University; Jessica Pauly; Linda Hughes-Kirchubel, Purdue University; Klod Kokini, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Patrice Marie Buzzanell, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
findings and continued their analysisthrough collaborative writing interactions of the paper (e.g., commenting, editing, askingquestions to broaden/deepen the findings).Quantitative findings Of the faculty surveyed (n=49), 29 faculty stated that they participated in the NFLCprogramming, conversely, 20 of the participants stated that they did not participate. RegardingRQ-1 about reasons faculty reported about their attendance of NFLC, 12 out of 20 non-participant faculty noted that they had not heard of the NFLC; however, the other eightparticipants stated that they had heard of the NFLC or were invited but could not attend due toschedule conflicts, teaching commitments, overall busy-ness, or the programming did not meettheir specific needs
Conference Session
Research Methods II: Meeting the Challenges of Engineering Education Research
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd Fernandez, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jacqueline Doyle, Florida International University; Dina Verdin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Hank Boone, University of Nevada - Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada - Reno; Lisa Benson, Clemson University; Geoff Potvin, Florida International University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
data collection. The format ofdemographic items can influence data whether researchers collect demographic data verbally, ona paper form, or electronically. A good strategy is to collect demographic information that isconsistent with a theoretical framing of social identities. Optimally, survey items arecomprehensive of all potential choices; however, the individualized nature of demographicvariables necessitates the collection of self-described identities as well.Speaking pragmatically, a good approach is to structure such questions not as either/or questionsbut as “select all that apply” questions. Another approach is to provide open-ended “write-in”responses that allow for students who do not fit within the predefined choices to document
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bre Przestrzelski, University of San Diego; Elizabeth A. Reddy, University of San Diego; Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
: The assorted assigned category cards that were distributed to the teams. Each teamreceived only one card.The second segment of the class period included whole class discussion and debrief of theprevious trash-sorting activity, starting with questions related directly to the trash sorting leadinginto larger questions of social context. After the class, students were invited to do an onlineindividual reflection to be completed within a week of the class.Module ImplementationApproximately 30 students from General, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering collaboratedwith their peers on the in-class portion of the module during a 55-minute class period in Fall2017. The activity was a required part of class. All students were invited to participate
Conference Session
Why Can't We Get Faculty and Students to Go Abroad?
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregg Morris Warnick, Brigham Young University; Marie S. Call, Brigham Young University; Randall Davies, Brigham Young University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
working with Strategy Execution and Duke Corporate Education where he provides training for fortune 500 companies throughout the world.Mrs. Marie S. Call, Brigham Young University Marie Call graduated from Brigham Young University in 2013 with a BS in Chemical Engineering. She worked as a Transdermal Development Process Engineer with Actavis Pharmaceuticals from 2012-2013. Since then she has enjoyed balancing her primary occupation–raising her two (almost three) children– with research writing and collaboration with the Weidman Center for Global Leadership at Brigham Young University, focusing on Engineering and Technology student perceptions toward study abroad experiences. She currently resides in Houston, TX.Dr
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erin J. McCave, University of Houston; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University; Courtney S. Smith-Orr, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Tagged Divisions
timeline. Lastly, participants started to receive job offers inearly March and continued until positions were filled.Job Search ResourcesThe most commonly used resource across all of our participants was their advisor, which rangedfrom PhD advisors to faculty mentors and undergraduate advisors depending on the individual.Advisors often encouraged the participants to enter the job market, provided access to importantnetworks, and reviewed documents. Other peers, currently on or just off the job market, werealso a highly used resource for participants as they drafted documents, prepared for job talks, andnegotiated their needs and wants. Two of the participants also participated in a faculty trainingprogram which gave them insight to the job search
2019 ASEE Zone I Conference & Workshop
Stephen Wilkerson; Joe Cerreta; Andrew D Gadsden
difficult task than building a multirotor drone, but this approach willenable longer flight durations. This approach also satisfied our ABET design and build criteria.As of the writing of this paper, the flying wing (shown in Figure 2) is the concept that is furthestin development. To extend the range of the aircraft, students also have designed and built theirown batteries based on Li-ion technology. Initial estimates show that these batteries willapproximately double the range available from the conventional Li-poly batteries typically usedin radio control aircraft. Flight Operations: Flying drones posed a new level of difficulty for both the instructorsand the students. The days of flying whenever and wherever one wants have long passed
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Madeleine C Brannon, George Washington University ; Zoe Szajnfarber; Thomas Andrew Mazzuchi, George Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
Engineering course forfirst semester freshman at George Washington University. Herein is described the planning andimplementation of the course, the student feedback, and the lessons learned.II. Curriculum DesignIn planning for the course, a review of what peer universities were attempting was conducted. Alist published by INCOSE in July 2013 of the Systems Engineering programs was used to deriveprograms for undergraduate students. Several universities were contacted from the INCOSE list,Table 1 represents the information obtained from these universities on methodologies. Inaddition to the responses below, 6 universities reported that they did not have an introduction toSystems Engineering course. The list is by no means comprehensive but gives a
Conference Session
Research On Student Teams
2005 Annual Conference
Edward Evans; Sandra Spickard Prettyman; Helen Qammar
feelcomfortable volunteering for tasks. These freshmen often serve as meeting leaders during theend of the project term with very positive response from their peers. Examples of projectstatements from the last two years are given in the appendix.During the project period, each team is required to hold five one-hour meetings with either anindustrial or faculty mentor who provides feedback on the team’s progress and teamworkdynamics. The mentor may impart some technical advice but their role is primarily as anobserver of effective interaction and judge of how well team members are participating duringthe meeting. The mentor’s job is to help the team function in a highly effective manner. At thebeginning of the project, the teams that are likely to have
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eckehard Doerry, Northern Arizona University; Bridget N. Bero, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
considerations for future courses of this sortin European higher education: • Adaptation to semester dynamics. Project-based courses typically build in intensity, peaking in a flurry of effort shortly before the final deliverable; this intensity requires even more effort in a large interdisciplinary team. Placing the final deliverable at the end of the term (its logical place) interferes with the unique dynamics of European higher education, where the last weeks are increasingly devoted to studying for all-important final exams. Design courses must be planned and scaled accordingly, by moving up the final deliverable, and planning lower intensity (e.g. reflection, report writing) activities in the final
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sherrill Biggers, Clemson University; Marisa Orr, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
straight-forward book, movingto in-class discussion and guided learning exercises, through solving more complex homeworkproblems on their own or in groups.Active Learning and Peer Instruction: Each class period is conducted using a modifiedSCALE-UP2 approach. That is, classroom instruction is focused on in-class learning exercisessupplemented by critical reading by each student prior to class, mini-lectures at one or moretimes during class, physical demonstrations, and short reading/attention quizzes using“i>clickers”12. With this approach, attention span become less problematic and students quicklylearn that to perform in class, they must both be alert during class and prepare by reading the textbefore class. We are fortunate to have a
Conference Session
Program Level Assessment
2005 Annual Conference
Edward F. Crawley; Doris Brodeur
annual raises are earmarked for teaching improvement. Moreover, faculty are expected to write reflective memos that map specific plans for improving teaching, learning, and 3 assessment in their courses. Presentations, demonstrations, and short courses are available, both in the department and through MIT's Teaching Learning Lab. The number of faculty presenting at conferences on education topics has increased in the past two years. 11. CDIO Skills Assessment Within courses, faculty use traditional and newly designed tools to assess student achievement of course learning outcomes, including oral exams, concept questions, peer 3 assessment of projects and presentations, and reflective portfolios. There is a department
Conference Session
Expanding the Borders of Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra Ingram, University of Manitoba; Anita H. Ens, University of Manitoba; Marcia R. Friesen, University of Manitoba
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
Manitoba, Winnipeg Canada, R3T 5V6; telephone:(1) 204.474.9698; e-mail: Sandra H Ens, University of Manitoba Anita Ens is a Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. She has over 15 years of experience working with adults in adult education and postsecondary settings, with particular focus on learning strategies and writing pedagogy. Influenced by the social, cultural, and relational aspects of learning, her research interests include collaborative writing, sustainability in education, and diversity in learning groups.Marcia R. Friesen, University of Manitoba
Conference Session
New Research & Trends for Minorities in Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrienne R. Minerick, Michigan Technological University; Rebecca K. Toghiani, Mississippi State University; Christopher Dawson, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
outlined in thispaper that involve everyone in promoting diversity will help promote visibility of your minoritystudents. In addition, encourage these students to run for leadership positions and to apply forawards and scholarships. Offer to write letters of recommendation and give feedback onresumes, personal statements, etc.Seminars to help students learn to market themselves are extremely valuable. Consider invitingin a career counselor from the career center to talk to your minority student organizationseparately from their interactions with the student body. As mentioned before, backgrounds andcircumstances can be different for minority students. Within a large room, some students willnot want to speak up with questions, thinking that others
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ben Mertz, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Curtiss Larry Davis II, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Daniel Tetteh-Richter; Kay C. Dee, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
apprenticeship technology, a bachelor’s in technol- ogy and engineering education with a minor in CAD, and a master’s degree in education technology. I am currently working toward my Doctorate in curriculum and instruction. My dissertation research focuses on motivational theories and inspirational instruction. My wife Kathy also works at Rose-Hulman in Academic Affairs, while my son Curtiss attends Rose- Hulman majoring in computer science and software engineering and my daughter Kirsten lives in Hawaii and is working toward her Master’s in English and writing. I am very honored to be a part of this great organization. Thank youDaniel Tetteh-RichterDr. Kay C. Dee, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Kay C Dee
Conference Session
Supporting Students with Disabilities and Understanding Spatial Ability and Accessibility
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University; Lauren Fogg, Louisiana Tech University; Catherine Hendricks Belk, Clemson University; Katie Evans, Houston Baptist University; Mitzi Desselles, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
Fast-Forward Engineering Program is a summer bridge and scholarship programat Louisiana Tech University funded by the National Science Foundation that allows risingsophomore engineering students to continue their curriculum ahead of schedule [1]. Eligibility isbased on unmet financial need and on-track degree progression to achieve a 4-year graduation.The program allows students to get more interaction with the faculty as well as increasedinteraction with their peers. The program also allows students to take part in local industry visitsso that students may see first-hand various engineering workplace settings. Due to COVID-19,the industry visits were virtual for the Summers of 2020 and 2021. Students participated in Zoomlectures from industry
Conference Session
Technical Session 3 - Paper 1: For Us, By Us: Recommendations for Institutional Efforts to Enhance the Black Student Experience in Engineering
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Katreena Thomas, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Michael Lorenzo Greene, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Brooke Charae Coley, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Debalina Maitra, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Julia Machele Brisbane, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jeremi S London, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
institutions the opportunity toinquire about the Black experience from Black students without the stigma of asking suchquestions in large groups with people unfamiliar with that experience. With respect to graduatestudents, the lack of palpable sources for professional development influenced therecommendation for graduate community spaces to prioritize writing retreats, peer mentoringand other activities critical to advancing students in their doctoral studies [11]. Participants at PWIs gave recommendations about inclusion which they believed wouldimprove if there were more Black faculty hired in engineering programs. The overall reasoningto increase Black faculty was for mentorship and guidance as they navigated spaces that weren’tinclusive
Conference Session
Redefining Manufacturing Education Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aditya Akundi, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Immanuel Edinbarough P.E., The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Md Fashiar Rahman, The University of Texas at El Paso; Amit J. Lopes; Sergio Luna
Tagged Divisions
Manufacturing Division (MFG)
interactive studentenvironment to discuss case studies and test student understanding of concepts using polls. In eachmodule, students were assigned readings and individual and team assignments. Further, weeklytechnical discussion forums on the blackboard were used to create, develop, and engage in SEconcepts-related dialogue. Each required deliverable was designed to facilitate access to otherstudents' points of view and requires the student to assess other peers' points of view, providingautonomy to select a system of interest and a scenario to how a student relates a specific concept.A core component of the course was the hands-on project. Students were divided into three teamsand assigned the Can-Sat competition 2021-22 guide. This intention was
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Holistic Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simon Thomas Ghanat, P.E., The Citadel; Stephanie Laughton, The Citadel; Nandan Hara Shetty, The Citadel; Dena Garner; M. Kristen Hefner, The Citadel; Mostafa Batouli, The Citadel; Thad Le-Vasicek, The Citadel; Todd Wittman
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
-oneinstruction. The student would present weekly findings to his/her mentor, read scientific paperstogether, and plan future experiments. In addition to conducting research with mentors, menteesare required to attend three lunch meetings throughout the summer experience. These lunchmeetings focus on professional development and mentoring; providing an opportunity forstudents to discuss research progress with peers [12].The 2021-2022 SURE participants included 32 undergraduate students from various disciplinesacross campus. The participants were from the Civil and Construction Engineering Department,Mechanical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department, MathematicsDepartment, Chemistry Department, Biology Department, Physics Department
Conference Session
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY) Technical Session 11
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Elizabeth Marchetti, Rochester Institute of Technology ; Margaret B. Bailey, P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology ; Caroline Solomon; Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington; Sara Schley, Rochester Institute of Technology ; Iris V. Rivero; Gloria L. Blackwell; Jessica Bennett
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Equity
teaches courses and conducts research related to Thermodynamics, engineering and public policy, engineering education, and gender in engineering and science. She is the co-author on an engineering textbook, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, which is used worldwide in over 250 institutions and she is an author on over 95 peer- reviewed publications.Caroline SolomonDr. Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington Elizabeth Litzler, Ph.D., is the director of the University of Washington Center for Evaluation and Re- search for STEM Equity (UW CERSE) and an affiliate assistant professor of sociology. She has been at UW working on STEM Equity issues for more than 17 years. Dr. Litzler is a member of ASEE, 2020-2021
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Gallagher, Montana State University - Bozeman; Adrienne Phillips, Montana State University - Bozeman; Ellen Lauchnor, Montana State University - Bozeman; Amanda Hohner; Otto R. Stein, Montana State University - Bozeman; Craig R. Woolard, Montana State University - Bozeman; Catherine M. Kirkland; Kathryn Plymesser P.E., Montana State University - Bozeman
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
between what they learn infoundational math and science courses and other multidisciplinary coursework (e.g., core coursesin writing, humanities, social sciences, etc.), and how to transfer and apply that knowledge toengineering courses, projects, and professional experiences [3].Despite accreditation criteria elevating contextual competence and other professional practiceoutcomes (e.g., effective communication, teamwork, ethics and leadership), as well as a plethoraof national studies calling for a different approach to engineering education, institutional andstructural issues continue to complicate curricular change [10], [2], [5]. One issue stems from alack of incentive for faculty collaboration across departments to develop consensus around
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hui Ma, University of Virginia
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mathematics Division (MATH)
) 0.007 Traditional 33.71 (5.82) 33.36 (5.68) 0.301 Self-efficacy Mastery experience (prior success) Mastery 4.10 (0.56) 4.25 (0.66) 0.005 Traditional 4.19 (0.52) 4.12 (0.53) 0.248 Vicarious experience (peer success) Mastery 4.63 (0.71) 4.78 (0.76) 0.012 Traditional 4.46 (0.53) 4.52 (0.63) 0.289 Social Persuasions (support for success) Mastery 4.38 (1.05) 4.54 (0.91) 0.018 Traditional 4.41 (0.92) 4.45 (0.87) 0.388 Physiological State (anxiety) Mastery 2.21 (0.96
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH) Technical Session 5: Preparing the Future Workforce
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roya Salehzadeh, University of Alabama; Gustavo Galvani, University of Alabama; Anahita Zargarani, University of Alabama ; Nader Jalili, University of Alabama; Daniel J. Fonseca, University of Alabama
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
more than $17 million in external funding, including grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense in the domain of vibration, control and acoustics. He is the author or co-author of more than 350 peer-refereed technical publications, including 135 journal papers, two textbooks and five book chapters. A fellow of the American Society of Mechan- ical Engineers, Jalili has chaired numerous society committees and edited several engineering academic journals. In addition, he is the recipient of more than 30 international, national and institutional awards for his research, leadership, teaching and service. In his four years as the Head of Mechanical Engineering
Conference Session
Committee on Effective Teaching Presents: Teaching Mode Active-ated
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan L Solnosky, P.E., Pennsylvania State University; Thomas Gonzalez O'Halloran
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
benefits: flexibility,enhanced interaction with peers and instructors, professional skills development, and student-to-studentengagement. Although most engineering studies have found no differences in measured learning gains [16,22-23], several studies have [24-25]. These conflicting results have given faculty “push back” support for notadopting due to “significantly” more preparation time [26] with limited room to overhaul the course reasonsoften given. In looking to study other possible flipped values, Velogel and Zappe [27] looked at if flippedclassrooms created a more motivating climate. In Copridge et al. [28] their investigations found thatinstructor presence, better feedback, and just-in-time conversations were identified as
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dimantha Kottawa Gamage, Montana State University - Bozeman; Durward Sobek, Montana State University - Bozeman
presents a literature review thatexplains the concepts of active learning, problem-based learning, PSS, and their connectivity.The ensuing sections discuss the research setting, methods used, analysis approach, and resultswith discussion.2. Literature ReviewEven though many students claim to understand engineering concepts, they often struggle whenasked to solve open-ended problems. Problem-solving entails a variety of metacognitivestrategies that allow students to understand how they think and experiment with differentproblem-solving methods [1]. Students need to utilize these metacognitive strategies for effectiveproblem-solving. However, many students use a rote problem-solving approach in which they 1)write down the known and unknown variables
Conference Session
Professional Skills and Community Building in Chemical Engineering Education
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Betul Bilgin, The University of Illinois at Chicago; James Pellegrino, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Cody Mischel, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Lewis Wedgewood, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Vikas Berry, The University of Illinois at Chicago
art writing class? Likewhen are you going to use it? Like never. But like this is, oh, you will be using this when yougraduate. These matters. I think it is important.”“I'd say I think a basically just showing that these are the kind of problems that chemicalengineers face on a day-to-day basis, but maybe like whatever is given to us is just a minorversion of it, just like diluted so that we don't think too much about it. That's, I think, the mostinteresting part. Then on a day-to-day basis, we do such cool activities.”“Earlier, I thought a chemical engineer was all about just sitting in a lab and doing your work.Just research over there and do whatever you are studying in your masters about the fluidmechanics and some of the equations and
Conference Session
ERM: Exploring Educational Technology in Engineering
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Milo Koretsky, Tufts University; Harpreet Auby, Tufts University; Namrata Shivagunde, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Anna Rumshisky, University of Massachusetts Lowell
increase student achievement(Freeman et al., 2014; Hake, 1998) and engagement (Deslauriers, et al., 2011) of all students(Haak et al., 2011).To emphasize reasoning and sense-making, we use the Concept Warehouse (Koretsky et al.,2014), an audience response system where students provide written justifications to conceptquestions. Written justifications better prepare students for discussions with peers and in thewhole class and can also improve students’ answer choices (Koretsky et al., 2016a, 2016b). Inaddition to their use as a tool to foster learning, written explanations can also provide valuableinformation to concurrently assess that learning (Koretsky and Magana, 2019). However, inpractice, there has been limited deployment of written
Conference Session
WIED: Community
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Callie Miller, James Madison University; Daniel Castaneda, James Madison University; Melissa Aleman, James Madison University
everyday livedexperiences to create knowledge about social and cultural phenomena, and it combines thepersonal narrative form that characterizes the memoir and autobiography with the researchpractices of ethnography (the study and writing of cultures and people) [Ellis et al., 2011].Collaborative autoethnography is a methodology in which multiple researchers, who shared acommon experience or social location, work together as a collective to explore, interrogate, andultimately lend understanding to that shared experience [Chang et al., 2013]. Collaborativeautoethnography offers an opportunity to understand an experience from multiple viewpoints andperspectives, thus demonstrating that there is not a “single story” to a given experience
Conference Session
Joint Session: Entrepreneurially-Minded Learning in the Classroom
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Micah Lande, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Adrianna Larson, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Brian Alumbaugh, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
objectives were not consistent laterally. This variability couldexplain why some students have a differing skill level than their peers. It is possible that oneprofessor used a lower level of Bloom's Taxonomy than another, thus requiring a lower level ofunderstanding from the students. This discrepancy could also be the result of pedagogicalpreferences or an instructor's opinions about the material that should be covered in the mostbreadth. Future work could be conducted to determine this.In pedagogical content, there are some obvious signs as to which professors are going to be mostpopular to students. Professors that allow for note sheets during exams, regrade requests, andcalculators are expected to be more popular with students than professors