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literature.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the content experts and potential participants for providingfeedback on the survey instrument. Thank you to all the respondents. This project was supportedby the Provost’s Summer Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (UReCA) Fellowship.Its contents, including findings, conclusions, opinions, and recommendations, are solely attributedto the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Provost’s Office.ReferencesAlAfnan, M. A., Dishari, S., Jovic, M., & Lomidze, K. (2023). ChatGPT as an Educational Tool: Opportunities, Challenges, and Recommendations for Communication, Business Writing, and Composition Courses. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Technology.Aljanabi, M., Ghazi, M
and commitment.Funding AcknowledgmentThis research is sponsored by the NSF Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate(AGEP; award #1821008). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations belongsolely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.ReferencesÅkerlind, G. S. (2005). Postdoctoral researchers: Roles, functions and career prospects. Higher Education Research & Development, 24(1), 21–40. https://doi.org/10.1080/0729436052000318550Ålund, M., Emery, N., Jarrett, B. J. M., MacLeod, K. J., McCreery, H. F., Mamoozadeh, N., Phillips, J. G., Schoussau, J., Thompson, A. W., Warwick, A. R., Yule, K. M., Zylstra, E. R., & Gering, E. (2020). Academic ecosystems must
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(31 responses) (21 responses) 1. I enjoyed the course more because of the hands-on 85% 61% learning module(s) during the lab session. (33%+52%) (47%+14%) 2. The hands-on learning module helped me better 84% 58% comprehend the principles it employed. (39%+45%) (29%+29%)) 3. I learn a concept principle better when I can observe a 84% 81% physical model of the principle. (23%+61%) (33%+48%) Proceedings of the 2023 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of North Texas
, so this indicates early success towardinstitutional change.Perhaps most importantly, our team developed a shared set of values that allows us to structure our worktogether. We enjoy working together and plan to build on our first year to continue to dismantle systemicbias in higher education using undergraduate research to support student identity formation and graduatepathways.AcknowledgementsSpecial thanks to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for funding our project team Grant #G-2021-17114, andthe National Science Foundation for the S-STEM Research Hub accelerator grant #A184152. We alsowish to thank the members of our advisory board for thoughtful ideas and discussions during the course ofthis project. Dr. Julie Vernon, Dr. Adetoun Yeaman
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in the late 1980’s for the purpose of creating and interactivelyexploring graphical representations of concepts. Many experimental studies designed tosubstantiate the educational effectiveness of such visualization technology [2]. In this paper wediscuss how Visualization can help students in Math and Computer Science by giving 3examples from each department.A. Computer ScienceMotivationKorhonen and Malmi [3] describe a visualization system that presents novice programmers withgraphical representations of algorithms which requires them to manipulate these representations Proceedings of the Spring 2013 Mid-Atlantic Section Conference of the American Society of Engineering
new curriculum thatcovered a breadth of ET topics (e.g., electrical, industrial, manufacturing, and mechanical). Thispaper reports on a single cohort of twenty-seven Purdue Polytechnic New Albany students whovoluntarily completed an end-of-semester anonymous three-part online survey analyzing theirdemographics, perceptions, and the extent to which they believe they had or had not madeprogress in a variety of engineering related competencies (i.e., cluster of related KSAs). Twentyfive (92.59%) students agreed that the new gateway course had prepared them for futureacademic success in their selected major(s) (59.26% strongly agreed), but results show animbalance of perceived preparation across all engineering-disciplines. Multiple course
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easyreference. Some will even informally map the Bloom’s Taxonomy level of their learningobjective(s) to the ACL level(s).While there is no direct assessment of the effectiveness of the mind map (remember it is not aone-size-fits-all final objective document), much evidence has been relayed to the author of itsusefulness. Workshop participants that have advanced to facilitate their own workshops (inparticular, at their own institutions) have distributed and taught from the map. It is known thatWorcester Polytechnic Institute, Western New England University, University of Dayton, andLehigh University have used the map extensively and continue to distribute it to faculty who areapplying ACL for the first time.Finally, the map has shown to be a useful
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much less of its energy into mechanical motion than electricity; the average energy expended for gasoline is 0.805 MJ, while the average energy expended for electricity is 0.279 MJ [4].Test 3 - Performance Our third test was concerning performance. We would've accelerated the go-kart from 0-20 mph (and determined speed based on the rpm of the axle, which would be measured by the Arduino RedBoard) using solely the gas engine, and then done the same for solely the electric motor, recording the time needed for each. The table below shows the standard acceleration of gas and electric cars obtained from research [5] [6]. Gas Acceleration Gas Acceleration Electric Acceleration Electric Acceleration Time (s
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ab ab t-L -L e s Pr PoFigure 2: Self-reported level of agreement with the statement “I am familiar with real-time RT-PCR” before and after the TDA experience.Despite being