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Displaying results 7801 - 7830 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 11: Leadership and Collaborations in Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Medha Dalal, Arizona State University; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
innovation in engineering education necessitates research on ways of thinking. Wesought to gain this understanding based on four specific ways of thinking including futures,values, systems, and strategic thinking. The study builds on the existing body of knowledgeregarding these ways of thinking, while initiating a first step toward an ‘EER ways of thinking’model. We believe the resulting model could serve as an organizing and motivating structure toframe decisions throughout all engineering education endeavors.ReferencesBrown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research, 2nd edition. New York, NY: Guilford PublicationsCrawford, A. V., Green, S. B., Levy, R., Lo, W. J., Scott, L., Svetina, D., & Thompson, M. S. (2010
Conference Session
Technical Session 9:Topics related to STEM
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lori M Caldwell, Utah State University; Angela Minichiello P.E., Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
-direction calculated using images from the mobile phone and high-speed camera and v is the velocity in the y-direction calculated from images using the mobilephone and high-speed camera. Overall, the difference between the mobile phone and the high-speed camera setup is low (max error less than 0.2 m/s) (Figure 7). Figure 8. Difference between mobile PIV and industrial PIV using the absolute difference (Eq. 1). Overall, calculated velocity was similar between the two setups.ConclusionsWe completed a preliminary proof of concept of a mI-PIV device that will be refined forimplementation in classrooms in both high school and undergraduate levels. Our PIV tool isinexpensive, designed using open access image analysis code, and fully mobile. We
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason R. Harron, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
of 3-D printed block that took 8 hours to print. (B) Assembled 3-Dprinted robot puppet prior to adding primer, paint, and weathering effects. (C) Finished robot on day of shooting in front of a green screen. References[1] J. W. Bequette and M. B. Bequette, “A place for art and design education in the STEMconversation,” Art Education, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 40-47, Mar. 2012doi:10.1080/00043125.2012.11519167[2] S. Fischer, D. Oget, and D. Cavallucci, “The evaluation of creativity from the perspective ofsubject matter and training in higher education: Issues, constraints and limitations,” ThinkingSkills and Creativity, vol. 19, pp. 123-135, Mar. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.tsc
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Design I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Louise Rosanna Manfredi, Syracuse University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
helped them in their undergraduateeducation to succeed. The goal of using this analysis, as consistent with founders of themethodology [12], is to develop a theory during textural analysis without preconceived ideas onwhat the solution, or theory, could be. GMT was developed in the 1960’s to give sociologists atool that allowed them to generate new theories. It has begun to be adopted by the designdisciplines to help navigate the fuzzy front end of design by coding observations in transcripts,for example. The idea is that stories can emerge, and connections can be made betweenunrelated ideas and help form potential hypotheses [13]. In this initial coding exercise, word-by-word, and line-by-line coding strategies were employed, as described by
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin F. Hopkins, University of Louisville ; Keith Brandon Lyle, University of Louisville; Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville; Campbell R. Bego, University of Louisville; Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb, University of Louisville
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Paper ID #21456Retrieval Practice and Spacing: Effects on Long-Term Learning among En-gineering Precalculus StudentsRobin F. Hopkins, University of Louisville Robin Hopkins is a graduate student in the Experimental Psychology PhD program at the University of Louisville. Her main research interests include learning in the classroom and eyewitness memory.Dr. Keith Brandon Lyle, University of LouisvilleDr. Patricia A. Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD degrees in
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie M. Hasenwinkel, Syracuse University; Katie Cadwell, Syracuse University; Joan V. Dannenhoffer, Syracuse University; Frederick J. Carranti P.E., Syracuse University; Can Isik, Syracuse University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
. 215-239, 2006.[5] C. J. Atman, S. D. Sheppard, J. Turns, R. S. Adams, L. N. Fleming, R. Stevens, Enabling Engineering Student Success: The Final Report for the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2010.[6] L. E. Bernold, J. E. Spurlin, C. M. Anson, “Understanding Our Students: A Longitudinal Study of Success and Failure in Engineering With Implications for Increased Retention,” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 263-274, 2007.[7] Litzler, E., & Young, J. (2012). Understanding the Risk of Attrition in Undergraduate Engineering: Results from the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering. Journal of Engineering Education , 319-345.[8] O. Eris, D. Chachra, H
Conference Session
Biomedical Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Christopher Bouwmeester, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
team. The two-minute podium formatwas used to efficiently highlight the original thesis proposal and theme chosen by each team,while the poster format enabled the communication of more details regarding the individualoutreach activities proposed. Each team also worked collectively to create a two-page writtendocument that summarized their presentation and poster. To judge the effectiveness of thisknowledge translation activity, qualitative feedback was gathered from standard courseevaluations and extra voluntary questionnaires that asked students what they thought strengths ofthe course were and what area(s) they felt could be improved. Graduate Course Discovery Program Knowledge
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University; Ferry Pramudianto, North Carolina State University ; Abhinav Medhekar, North Carolina State University; Chandrasekar Rajasekar, North Carolina State University; Zhongcan Xiao, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
level of difficultyencountered by an author, in the same way that strength-of-schedule ratings are used indetermining rankings of FBS teams in college football.Most reputation systems [7–9] also include a measure for “spread,” the degree to which aparticular reviewer rates different work differently. Suppose the average rating for all students is4 on a scale of 1 to 5. Then a reviewer who answers “4” to every rubric item on every reviewmight well be close to the average score received by each author. But that reviewer would not bevery credible, because (s)he failed to distinguish between the quality of different pieces of work.So reviewers are given more credence if they have a higher spread.2.3 Rejoinders, or “back-reviews.” Just as reviewers
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Nelson, Iowa State University; Benjamin Ahn, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
, M. Besterfield-Sacre, and J. Mcgourty, “The ABET “Professional Skills” - Can they be taught? Can they be assessed?” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 41–55, 2005. [3] K. M. Yusof, A. N. Sadikin, F. A. Phang, and A. A. Aziz, “Instilling professional skills and sustainable development through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) among first year engineering students,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 32, no. 1, B, SI, pp. 333–347, 2016. [4] A. Mohan, D. Merle, C. Jackson, J. Lannin, and S. S. Nair, “Professional skills in the engineering curriculum,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 562–571, 2010. [5] J. A. Baughman, T. J. Brumm, and S. K. Mickelson, “Student professional
Conference Session
Track: Learning Spaces, Pedagogy, and Curriculum - Technical Session 11
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Maxine Fontaine, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Alexander John De Rosa, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science); Susan Staffin Metz, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Learning Spaces, Pedagogy & Curriculum Design
the effectiveness of the workshop relativeto the benefits to SVS gained from participation in the class only.References1. S. Sorby, “Educational Research in Developing 3-D Spatial Skills for Engineering Students,” International Journal of Science Education, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 459-480, 2009.2. J. Wai, D. Lubinski, and C. P. Benbow, “Spatial ability for STEM domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 817-835, 2009.3. M. B. Casey, E. Pezaris, E., and R. L. Nuttall, “Spatial ability as a predictor of math achievement: the importance of sex and handedness patterns,” Neuropsychologia, vol. 30, pp. 35-40, 1992.4. D. Halpern, D
Conference Session
Service Learning Courses
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Maller, Purdue University; Tao Hong, Purdue University; William Oakes, Purdue University; Carla Zoltowski, Purdue University; Paul McDermott, University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
derive homogeneous subtypes of individual EPICSstudents, based upon their scores across measures of eight program outcomes.Specifically, the present study includes: (1) examination of how EPICS students weregrouped in terms of their evaluation on the professional skills and objectives defined byABET EC2000 Criterion 3, and analysis of the characteristics on specific profile pattern(s)found; (2) investigation of possible explanatory (e.g., demographic background variables)reasons of the way they were grouped. For instance, mean scores of the two gendergroups were compared to see if significant difference existed between male and female intypal prevalence. Additionally, future research direction was also discussed
Conference Session
Emerging Technologies in Manufacturing Education II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ertunga Ozelkan, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Agnes Galambosi, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
operations managementprograms. The purpose of the Lamp Shade Game is to demonstrate the advantages anddisadvantages of the main lean manufacturing principles in comparison to craft and massmanufacturing, while simulating the three different manufacturing processes by producinglampshades according to a random demand. The main learning objective of the game is tocontrast craft, mass and lean manufacturing based on various dimensions such as quality focus,production layout, skill level of the operator(s), setup times and flexibility of the system, productvariety, production volume, production strategy (push vs. pull, built-to-order vs. built-to-stock),production trigger, production sales price, supply delivery (frequency and batch size
Conference Session
Methods & Techniques in Graduate Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yamilka Baez-Rivera, Mississippi State University; Lennon Brown, Mississippi State University; Noel Schulz, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
projects or homework, but it not the same as work-related deadlines. The graduate student has to work with others, do part of the work, incorporatehis/her ideas and the ideas of other people in their group, and give the results to others to analyzeand comment on. The student may have more than one supervisor, so s/he will need to allowenough time to make corrections and then turn in a final report. It is important to be able toprioritize the tasks according to their urgency and be organized. Being organized can providedmany advantages in making sure all the requirements are met in a timely fashion.Because of time constraints, the graduate student needs to understand the industry’s research orproject faster to obtain results in a short period of
Conference Session
Advice from the Experts for NEEs at Small Universities
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claude Villiers, Florida Gulf Coast University; Diane Bondehagen, Florida Gulf Coast University; Chris Geiger
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
research emphasis in the WSOE of Engineering at FGCU. Founded inlate 90’s, FGCU is the newest public university in Florida. FGCU can be viewed as a non-traditional university, where the conventional tenure system is replaced by a three-yearrenewable term contract. In 2006 three young faculty, who are also the authors of this paper,accepted faculty positions in Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering.We were faced with the challenge to balance scholarship, teaching and service as new facultymembers at this recently established institution. To overcome these obstacles, we identified asystem that centers on using available resources that the position has to offer and managing ourtime and resources wisely to enhance career
Conference Session
EMD Curriculum Design
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick Jones, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
determinemanaging business, department, organization, current performanceor product (Pande, 2002). Organizations 3. Analyze and determine the root cause(s)generally use the tools that come with Six of the defectsSigma to improve company performance by 4. Improve the process by eliminatingbetter serving their customers. We define a Six defectsSigma organization as any organization that has 5. Control future process performanceimplemented a Six Sigma program. Thepurpose for the word “organization” is because DMADVbusinesses, government agencies, and charities 1. Define the project goals and customerhave implemented Six Sigma. General Electric, (internal and external
Conference Session
Technology in the Physics Classroom
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sabina Jeschke, University of Stuttgart; Olivier Pfeiffer, Technische Universitat Berlin; Thomas Richter, Technische Universitat Berlin; Harald Scheel, Technische Universitat Berlin; Christian Thomsen
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
of Technology, Atlanta). In May 2007, Prof. Dr. Sabina Jeschke took over a full professorship for "Information Technology Services" at the Universität Stuttgart. Additionally, she acts as scientific and executive director (CEO) of the "Center of Information Technologies" of the Universität Stuttgart. The research of S. Jeschke is aimed at developing new concepts of service-oriented architectures for eLearning and eScience in particular in the fields of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering. She focuses on development and networking of interactive mathematical objects and remote/virtual experiments, on mechanisms for the creation, modification and storage of data in cooperative
Conference Session
Developments in the Energy Laboratories
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Philip Gerhart, University of Evansville
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Turbine Exit Temperature & Pressure BOILER AMPS VOLTS C Boiler Pressure O N D Variable Resistive Load E BURNER N S
Conference Session
Electromechanical Curricula
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Delton Martin, Pennsylvania State University-Berks; Dale Litwhiler, Pennsylvania State University-Berks
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
of Linear MotionRecall that the rate of change of displacement (r) with respect to time (t) is velocity (v). Withdisplacement measured in meters and time measured in seconds, the velocity would have units ofm/s. dr v= (1) dtThe rate of change of velocity with respect to time is acceleration. This is also the secondderivative of displacement. The resulting units of acceleration are m/s2. dv d 2 r a= = (2
Conference Session
Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma in Manufacturing Education 1
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Leduc, Ball State University
Tagged Divisions
Corporate Strategy.3 In his book Fusion Management, Stanley Marash notes that since the 1960’s more than 32quality programs have come and gone at an average of almost one per year. He further noted theemergence of a common pattern: “A few pioneer companies adopt or develop a program andachieve great success. The business press takes notice and other companies seek to emulate thepioneers. But as the idea spreads it becomes diluted. Senior management tries to adopt the modelwithout ever really comprehending what is required to make the program successful.”4 It appearsfrom the review of recent articles there is some lack of understanding regarding the evolution ofSix Sigma and Lean.What is Six Sigma?While Six Sigma began as a quality program at
Conference Session
Topics in K-12 Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Lee, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Desi Arnaz in I LoveLucy); Latino portrayals of the 50’s and 60’s (particularly Mexican roles) more oftendisplayed characters as villains or buffoons. Asians were portrayed as either menialworkers or as “mysterious”11. Even in current times, the portrayal of gays and lesbianstends to follow rather limited stereotypes12. Finally, it should be pointed out that thepresentation of “blue collar” whites is often reinforcing of societal stereotypes (considerArchie Bunker in All in the Family and Homer Simpson)13.Recent trends regarding professional portrayals on televisionMany recent television series portray various professions in a very positive light. Forexample, the medical profession is typically presented as a noble profession where
Conference Session
Computer ET Innovation
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chengcheng Li, East Carolina University; Lee Toderick, East Carolina University; Peng Li, East Carolina University; Tijjani Mohammed, East Carolina University; Philip Lunsford, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
experimentation in science, engineering, and information technology,” Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005. 32nd Annual Conference of IEEE, 6-10 Nov. 2005 Page(s):6 pp.2. Toderick, L.; Mohammed, T.; Tabrizi, M.H.N.; “A Reservation and Equipment Management System for Secure Hands-on Remote Labs for Information Technology Students”, Frontiers in Education, 2005. FIE '05. Proceedings 35th Annual Conference, 19-22 Oct. 2005 Page(s):S3F-13 - S3F-183. Hopp, C.; Stoll, S.; Konigorski, U.; “Remote control design and implementation using the Internet”, World Automation Congress, 2002. Proceedings of the 5th Biannual, Volume 14, 9-13 June 2002 Page(s):481 – 4864. Garbus, R.U.; Oleagordia Aguirre, I.J.; Sanchez, R.C.; Pureco
Conference Session
FPD9 - First Year Learning & Assessment
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Susan Freeman, Northeastern University; Beverly Jaeger, Susan Freeman and Beverly Jaeger are members of Northeastern University's
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
engaging found in the lower right corner, andLow/High, Low/Low, also referring to the corresponding Learn/Like scores in the upper left and lower leftquadrants respectively. S T U D E N T R AT IN G S O F L E AR N IN G v s . E N G AG IN G F AL L 0 6 4 .5 0 M in:P r es / D em o T eam B ld g A c t iv M in: P r ep / B ld g
Conference Session
Approaches to Active Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Linsey, Texas A&M University; Austin Talley, University of Texas at Austin; Kristin Wood, University of Texas at Austin; Daniel Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy; Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
at the Active Learning for Mechanics of Materials website( Understand the Educational Goals and Objectives • Define Stakeholders and Collect Stakeholders’ Input • Define Educational Goals and Objectives Based on Stakeholders Input • Prioritize Goals and Determine Metrics • Define Topics • Select Topic(s) for Developing ALPs Based on Goals and Metrics Generate Possible Active Learning Product (ALPs) Educational • Generate Ideas and Create Variant ALPs
Conference Session
Computer Simulation and Animation II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christiaan Gribble, Grove City College
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
). s i x e l p v i e w " p o i n t ど b u f f e r z Figure 2: The z-buffer algorithm. Scene geometry is projected toward the screen, and the z-buffer is used to resolve visible surfaces based on the distance between an object and the view point. In this case
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design Constituents
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dugan Um, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi; Bahram Asiabanpour, Texas State University; Jesus Jimenez, Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
incorporated acombination of theoretical and hands-on education complemented with field trips, guestspeakers, seminars, and social programs, was very effective in forming a productive experiencein engineering education. References[1] Davenport, D. E. and Porter, B., Starting and Running an REU for Minorities and Women [Research Experience for Undergraduates]. Primus v. 18 no. 2, pp. 183-97, April, 2008.[2] Grimberg, S., Langen, T., Compeau, L., & Powers S., A Theme-Based Seminar on Environmental Sustainability Improves Participant Satisfaction in an Undergraduate Summer Research Program. Journal of Engineering Education (Washington, D.C.) v. 97 no. 1, pp. 95- 103, January, 2008.[3] Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. and LaDue, D. S., Evaluation
Conference Session
Technology in the Physics or Engineering Physics C
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nataliia Perova, Tufts University; Patricia Hogan, Suffolk University; Walter H. Johnson, Suffolk University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
understanding of these concepts? (A) Collaboration with students and faculty (B) Analysis of the literature (C) Constructing the model (D) Testing and evaluation (E) Analysis of the data (F) Redesign (G) None of the above.Content LearningQuestion 4 By participating in this project you were solving the problems of interfacing different kinds of sensors to the Tmote sky model. What kind of signal Tmote requires on the input? Select an applicable answer(s). (A
Conference Session
Contemporary Issues in CHE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phillip Wankat, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
for the NewDiscipline of Engineering Education,” J. Eng. Educ., 95 (4), 259 (2006).6. Wankat, P. C., “Pedagogical Training and Research in Engineering Education,” Chem. Engr. Educ., 42 (4), 203(2008).7. Lucena, J., G. Downey, B. Jesiek, and S. Elber, “Competencies Beyond Countries: The Re-Organization ofEngineering Education in the United States, Europe, and Latin America,” J. Eng. Educ., 97 (4), 433 (2008).8. Jesiek, B., L. K. Newswander, and M. Borrego, “Engineering Education Research: Discipline, Community orField? J. Eng. Educ., 98 (1), 1 (2009).9. Wankat, P. C., R. M. Felder, K. A. Smith, and F. S. Oreovicz, “The Engineering Approach to the Scholarshipof Teaching and Learning,” in M. T. Huber and S. Morreale (Eds.) Disciplinary Styles in
Conference Session
Developing Young MINDS in Engineering: Part II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ruba Alkhasawneh, Virginia Commonwealth University; Rosalyn Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
AC 2009-926: SUMMER TRANSITION PROGRAM: A MODEL FOR IMPACTINGFIRST-YEAR RETENTION RATES FOR UNDERREPRESENTED GROUPSRuba Alkhasawneh, Virginia Commonwealth University Ruba A. Alkhasawneh is a Ph.D. student in engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology and Yarmouk University, respectively in Jordan. Her research focuses on diversity issues and engineering education. Address: 601 West Main Street,PO Box 843068,Richmond, VA 23284-3068; e-mail: Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Rosalyn S. Hobson is the Associate Dean for Graduate
Conference Session
Innovations in Manufacturing Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
include continued development of web-based problem-solving environmentsfor automated system design, implementation of automated cognitive task analysis within theseenvironments to facilitate continued research on design problem-solving, and development of anundergraduate-level system integration course.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by a National Science Foundation grant no. 0238269. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Hsieh, S. "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference
Conference Session
Engineering and Mathematics Potpourri
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Murray Teitell, DeVry University, Long Beach
Tagged Divisions
? Mechatronics4 is a subject that joinselectrical engineering with mechanical engineering. Energy systems are mechatronics systems inthat they are part mechanical and part electrical and electronic. The students’ challenge was tooptimize an energy plan for the U. S. for the next 50 years. The class divided themselves intodifferent factions. Since genetic algorithms lend themselves to systems that have indefinitefactors, this was the category of algorithm that was chosen for this investigation. A population of different energy resources was compiled. For each faction, a spreadsheet wascreated which contained a detailed summary of the energy plan components. Each faction thencreated and applied a genetic algorithm to their starting plans. Genetic