mitigated.Second, the question of “What language should we teach our course in?” is asked of CS1 andCS2 instructors all the time. Courses can and do change their language(s) of choice based on thechanging needs of students. While the findings here suggest that a change in language may notcreate many challenges to students in downstream classes, it is important to recall the limitationsof this study. Many students have self-selected into pathways that indicate they are stronglyprepared to pick up a new language without much trouble. Not all students will be able to do thiswith ease. Nor are computing languages structured in the same way. An AP student with abackground in Java may transition better to a course in C++ than a CS1 student with abackground in
#1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] F. Commodore, M. Gasman, C. Conrad, and T.-H. Nguyen, “Coming Together: A Case Study of Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty at Norfolk State University,” Front. Educ., vol. 3, May 2018, doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00039.[2] O. S. Tan, Problem-based Learning Innovation: Using Problems to Power Learning in the 21st Century. Thomson, 2003. [Online]. Available:
study. There are likely learning opportunities availableregarding the reach and impact of the podcast for student creators possible with these tools.Nevertheless, this work has shown success in asynchronously delivering a nature-inspiredpodcast creation curriculum. The project will continue to be included as an asynchronousenrichment component to the Industrial Controls course used in this study.6. References• [1] S. Protopsaltis and S. Baum, "Does online education live up to its promise? A look at the evidence and implications for federal policy," Center for Educational Policy Evaluation, pp. 1-50, 2019.• [2] D. T. Altindag, E. S. Filiz, and E. Tekin, "Is online education working?," National Bureau of
lectures as an alternative to traditionallectures, finding that such interactive tools enhanced student understanding of key conceptscompared to traditional passive learning environments [10]. Julie Linsey and her team in 2009used pre/post lecture quizzes to evaluate active learning tools in an engineering mechanics course,observing measurable increases in learning outcomes compared to standard lectures [11].Similarly, Jeffrey S. Nevid and colleagues in 2009 employed mastery quizzes before and after thelecture in an introductory psychology course, demonstrating their effectiveness as a pedagogicaltool to focus student attention on important lecture concepts and predicting course examinationperformance [12].The beneficial impacts of pre-post
result of achieving the stated learningobjectives for transportation concepts, ECP has positively impacted transportation engineeringstudents' understanding of transportation concepts. ECP has demonstrated that students betterunderstand the modules' expected learning outcomes.AcknowledgmentThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusion or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Zhu, F. Xie, and D. Levinson
, S, and T-gates and analyzing the results. 2. Create Quantum-Dice game using Qiskit applying Hadamard gate to create a superposition state. 3. Create a Quantum Coin-Flip game, Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe, and Quantum Rock-Paper Scissors game using different quantum gates. Students should use IBM Quantum Simulator 4. Create quantum search Algorithm using simple Grover Search Algorithm and analyzing the results 5. Using IBM Qiskit, implement QFT Algorithm on different states such as a five-qubit state of ‘10110’ 6. Using the Provider Object, find how many quantum systems do they have access to for 5 or more qubits. 7. Using IBM Simulator, create and draw a schedule with Gaussian Waveform from the
outside of the US educational system.The instances in which the authority figure refused to discuss theories and class materialshappened during his time in Saudi Arabia, within the ME education system. A similar experiencewas mentioned by Student 102: Interviewer: “You mentioned that there was a difference between studying back home and then studying here in the us. When it comes to the professors back home and the professors here, what do you think is the main difference? Student 102: “You won't be given the opportunity to ask questions there … Back home, if you are allowed to ask a question, that question would be either answered with yes or no, and that's it.”Student 102’s experience with questioning
Education, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 601-635, 2013.[7] J. P. Smith III, A. A. DiSessa, and J. Roschelle, "Misconceptions reconceived: A constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition," The journal of the learning sciences, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 115- 163, 1994.[8] J. H. Wandersee, J. J. Mintzes, and J. D. Novak, "Research on alternative conceptions in science," Handbook of research on science teaching and learning, vol. 177, p. 210, 1994.[9] S. Vosniadou, "Conceptual change research: An introduction," in International Handbook of Research on Conceptual Change: Routlege, Taylor and Francis, 2013, pp. 1-8.[10] C. A. Chinn and W. F. Brewer, "The role of anomalous data in knowledge acquisition: A theoretical
Wu, Sheryl Ehrman, Lilia Abron, David Sul, Julianne Jones,Paloma Beamer), contributing members of the ADVANCE SPACES grant External AdvisoryCommittee (Junko Munakata-Marr and Susan Powers), and collaborators on the CER task forceat the AEESP (Justin Hutchison, Jose Cerrato, Mira Olson). The first author gratefullyacknowledges early partners on her learning journey about SL and CE, including BernardAmadei, Kurt Paterson, and Chris Swan.References[1] T.K. Stanton, D.W. Giles Jr., N.I. Cruz, Service-Learning: A Movement’s Pioneers Reflect on Its Origins, Practice, and Future, Jossey-Bass, 1999.[2] M. Natarajarathinam, S. Qiu, W. Lu, “Community engagement in engineering education: A systematic literature review,” Journal of Engineering
, 2009. Accessed: Jan. 26, 2024. [Online]. Available:[3] J. H. Robbins and D. M. Schmitt, “Who is leading us toward quality professional development? ,” in American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago. Accessed: Jan. 26, 2024. [Online]. Available:[4] S. A. Woods, N. Diprose, M. Murphy-Diprose, and G. Thomas, “Effective interim leadership and management: development of a cyclical model of interim assignments,” Journal of Organizational Effectiveness, vol. 7, no. 2. Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., pp. 173–190, Jul. 17, 2020. doi: 10.1108/JOEPP-10-2019-0094.[5] K. W
theuncertainties surrounding climate change. These projects will provide a direct assessment of theknowledge, skills, and abilities of the students that will provide a more robust insight into theefficacy of the proposed methodology for integrating climate change in engineering education.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.(NSF grant number 2219532). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] M. J. Martin et al., “The climate is changing. Engineering education needs to change as well,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 111, no. 4, 2022
a group of ... (select only one) 22. In this course, I learn how to use ANSYS mostly from (select only one) 23. In this course, I learn how to code the FE method mostly from (select only one) 24. In the future, the number of mini projects should be (select only one) 25. The difficult issues of the teamwork are (you may select more than one) 26. The most difficult part of the course to learn is (select only one) ... 27. When working on mini projects, I prefer to work with (select only one) ... 28. My favorite task(s) in mini projects have been ... 29. In the future, I would like to study FE simulation for the following topics (you may check more than one)Results and DiscussionQuestions 1 to13 are relevant to the
. Depending on the activity, students may work individually or morefrequently, in groups of varying sizes.Table 3 – Flex Period Schedule for Semester Flex Meeting Exercise/Activity Topic(s) Period #a # 1 3 Small group work including simple Engineering Measurements and measurements and calculations Calculations 2 7 Problem solving including small group Particle Equilibrium / design problem and small-scale Introduction to Design “prototype” testing 3 10 Problem solving (several small Rigid Body Equilibrium / problems
said to be stationary allows the correlationbetween any two values of y taken from different time periods to depend on the difference aparton time between the two values for all t≠s. We first test whether the series used in theregression process is a difference stationary or a trend stationary. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller 𝑛(ADF) test is used to determine a unit root for the yt in the following equation ∆𝑦 = 𝛽1 + 𝛼𝑦 𝑡−1 + γ ΣΔy 𝑡−1 + ε 𝑡 𝑡=1 (2)where yt represents all variables (in the natural logarithmic form) at time t, Δ is the firstdifference operator. β1 is a constant, n is the
theprograms. Some online programming classes can typically have hundreds ofstudents; if 30 assignments are given throughout the semester, this amounts to3000, 6000 or more programs to grade. That’s a lot of programs to grade, nomatter how many TAs there are. Thus, for students of large online courses to getthe practice that they need, some sort of grading automation is necessary.A common problem in computer science courses is the “cascadingmisunderstanding” phenomenon. If a student misunderstands a concept in an earlycourse, s/he may still pass and continue into later courses, compounding themisunderstanding semester after semester. A solution to this problem is a switchto a mastery learning model. With mastery learning, a student cannot move
departments, or sometimesbusiness programs. The tendency toward an “interdisciplinarity triad” in engineering projects isobserved over at least a 20-year time scale (1990’s, 9 2000’s,10 2010’s11). A current ASEE Prismarticle highlights some science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM)collaboration examples, but it laments that the art community is driving collaborations andengineers should be doing more.12In the research context, an accepted technical definition of ‘interdisciplinary’ activity is given ina National Academies’ report and emphasized by the National Science Foundation13: Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 10-11, 2015 Villanova University“Interdisciplinary research is a mode of research by teams
Building and Motivating [B-TB] 3. Project Leadership [B-PL] 4. Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders [B-SE] 5. Project Organization and Context [B-OC] 6. Managing Global Projects [B-GP] 7. Virtual Project Management [B-VP] 8. Ethics and Professionalism [B-EP]Strategic KMs can be leveraged in advanced PM elective courses. The curriculum guidelineslists the following KMs for consideration: Strategic Project Management [S-SM], Supply Chainin Projects [S-SC], Legal Aspects in Project Management [S-LA], Business and CommercialAspects of Projects [S-BC] ,Governance in Projects [S-GV], Agile Project Management [S-AM]and Portfolio and Program Management Principles [S-PP]Mapping Knowledge Modules to CoursesIt is
ortant skills for succes in s ssengineeri ing. During the worksh the girls were asked to assess th designs and support their g hop heirdesign deecisions. Fi igure 7 show that the m ws majority of g girls feel com mfortable in this role. WWhenasked if t they can exp plain the dec cisions that th make, 7 hey
1. Barcala, M., Ahmed, S.M., Caballero, A. and Azhar, S. 2003. The 4D-CAD: a powerful tool to visualize the future. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Structural and Construction Engineering, 23-26 September, 2003, Rome, Italy. Vol. 3, pp. 1979-1982. 2. Berglund, A., Mats, D., Hedenborg, M., and Tengstrand, A. 1998. Assessment to increase students’ creativity: Two case studies. European Journal of Engineering Education, March 1998. Vol. 23. Issue 1 pp. 45- 55. 3. Berver, E., Jerse J.O., Fowler D.W., and Wheat, H.G. 2003. Laboratory and field observations of composite – wrapped reinforced concrete structures. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Structural and Construction Engineering, 23
to best fulfill the assignment’s outcomes within the given timeframe, while teaching students about the writing process and self-help strategies. It is also wellcited in the literature that since the 1980’s, US undergraduate writing centers have been serving agrowing population of ESL graduate students, which is the case at UI as well.77 This isproblematic because most peer tutors are undergraduates trained to meet undergraduate writingneeds and so graduate students who visit writing centers may not receive the kind of targetedassistance they need. In this study, GA’s generally rated a graduate writing center’seffectiveness in addressing the identified challenges lower than faculty did. Although notspecifically mentioned, perhaps GA’s who
completed a task that required hands-on use of 1 2 3 4 5 3 equipment 4 Abandoned a task that required hands-on use of equipment 1 2 3 4 5 Verbally encouraged team member/s to get involved with tinkering 1 2 3 4 5 5 use of equipment, tools and materials Verbally discouraged team member/s from getting involved with 1 2 3 4 5 6 tinkering
that girls were not interested in long lectures.They were, however, very interested in hands-on activities and being able to communicate andbond with the female college students. It was also found that girls were most interested inspeakers who talked about their profession in the context of how it makes the world a betterplace, how it enhances the quality of their family life and how they manage family and work.Parents were very interested in opportunities available for their child to explore STEM fields,financial considerations for college, and the parent role in their child’s STEM education.Months prior to the event, the lead from SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific would meet with thestudent organization(s) from the hosting university (e.g. San
Develop possible solution(s) solution(s) Select the best Test and evaluate possible the solution(s) solution(s) Construct a prototype Figure 1. Illustration of the engineering design process model adapted from the Massachusetts DoE [13]Teaching and learning with the engineering design processIdentifying a design process model to use
. Dryburgh, "WORK HARD, PLAY HARD: Women and Professionalization in Engineering—Adapting to the Culture," Gender & Society, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 664- 682, 1999.[8] W. Faulker, "Dualisms, Hierarchies and Gender in Engineering:," Social Studies of Science, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 759-792, 2000.[9] W. Faulkner, "‘Nuts and Bolts and People’ Gender Troubled Engineering Identities," Social Studies of Science, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 331-356, 2007.[10] J. S. McIlwee and G. J. Robinson, Women in Engineering: Gender, Power, and Workplace Culture, SUNY Press, 1992.[11] J. A. Mejia, R. A. Revelo, I. Villanueva and J. Mejia, "Critical theoretical frameworks in engineering education: An anti-deficit andliberative approach
mentorscounts as mentoring when she shares, “…part of their recommendation as a mentor is that[classroom strategy] increases your [student evaluations] a lot… so, I guess that's a form ofmentorship." She recalls times of receiving help and affirmation, stating, “ [Another] professorjust in passing [said], ‘yeah, I have lab get-togethers,’ and I said, ‘yeah, I do that too.’” Here shecontinues to be uncertain whether these interactions were mentorship when she adds, “I don’tknow if that counts.” Blake seems more confident identifying non-relational forms ofmentorship, saying that she “Google [s] about it a lot, so it’s like the hive mind of mentorship(laughs), and [she goes] to workshops [that are] not really like one-on-one, but kindaprogrammatic
extent to which students be- Self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 2000), par- lieve they have meaningful control ticularly the importance of autonomy to intrinsic mo- over their learning. tivation (Reeve and Jang, 2006). (U)sefulness The extent to which students be- Future time perspective theory (Simons et al., 2004) lieve the material will be useful to and the utility value construct of expectancy-value them. theory (Wigfield and Eccles, 2000). (S)uccess The extent to which students be- Ability beliefs, including self-efficacy and com
combiningthe qualitative analysis described with a quantitative assessment based on assignment scores willbe implemented providing a more complete outlook on the effect of the STEAM-based activity.7. References[1] M Jamrisko and W. Lu, “The U.S. Drops Out of the Top 10 in Innovation Ranking,” Bloomberg. Technology., Jan. 22, 2018. 01-22/south-korea-tops-global-innovation-ranking-again-as-u-s-falls#xj4y7vzkg (accessed Jul. 10, 2022).[2] D. Schaffhauser, “7 Ways to Get More Girls and Women into STEM (and Encourage Them to Stay),” The Journal, Oct. 02, 2017. Accessed: Feb. 22, 2023. [Online]. Available: