coded for the interviewee’s perceptions through the lenses of the DI and CBAMframeworks.ResultsAlthough all five characteristics were included in the interview methodology, only RelativeAdvantage and Compatibility were consistently important in the participants’ responses to IDeX.Relative advantage was often implied by faculty members’ desire to develop research projectsfrom the designs and ideas developed in IDeX and is illustrated by I3’s response to the questionregarding their reasons for participating in IDeX, “And I also am really interested in, just as aresearch topic, in sustainability, sustainable design, and we really [want] to focus on that…”Compatibility was often implied in the tie between interviewees’ perceptions of the goals
temperature, relative humidity, rain gauge, barometric pressure),photovoltaic data (i.e., AC/DC power, current, voltage, and energy, panel temperature), hot waterdata (i.e., flow rate, in/out temperate, energy), and hydrogen fuel cell data (i.e., in/out power,current and voltage, energy). The project team has recently broadened the data available tostudents by incorporating the following wind turbines into the project: • Bergey 10-kW, Jockey's Ridge State Park, Nags Head, NC-- power: wild AC from turbine, 240V 60Hz AC from inverter; energy: ~1,250 kWh (per month estimated); wind speed: ~6 m/s (based on AWS TrueWind model data) • Bergey 10-kW, the Outer Banks Brewing Station, Kill Devil Hills, NC-- power: wild AC from
with the industry executives and work as an “outside consultant”. Some of the otherbenefits as noted in the survey were as follows: • Formed program structure that kept students on task • Opportunity to visit the University campus, understand the traditions, and tour the campus including the foot ball stadium • Ability to review real world operations and recommend best practices to a real company • The seven S processes that can applied to any other businesses beyond distribution Page 22.1191.7 VII. ConclusionsAlthough the law and business schools worldwide have been using the analysis of real world orpseudo case studies
, Rising above the gathering storm:Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. The National Academies Press: Washington,D.C., 2005.2. Silk, E. M.; Schunn, C. D.; Cary, M. S., The impact of an engineering design curriculum on sciencereasoning in an urban setting. Journal of Science Education and Technology 2009, 18, (3), 209-223.3. George, R.; Kaplan, D., A structural model of parent and teacher influences on science attitudes of eighthgraders: Evidence from NELS: 88. Science Education 1998, 82, (1), 93-109.4. Kluin, J.; Cardella, M. E.; Purzer, S., The role of parents in engineering education: Four themesfrom the literature. Journal of Engineering Education 2011, Under review.5. Schrader, P. G.; Lawless, K. A., The
multidisciplinary team.3,5The use of UAVs for senior design projects is not new. The University of Sydney’s recordsindicate they were experimenting with remotely piloted aircraft as far back as 1939.1 By the1990’s, improvement in technology converged making low-cost UAVs possible and UAVprojects grew in popularity with a number of UAV competitions such as the International AerialRobotics Competition which was kicked off in 1991.2 UAVs offer a wide range of possiblecapstone applications. Examples include remote sensing for agricultural crop yield estimationand weed detection;3 coastal surveillance;1 mapping hazards at a disaster site;2 designing UAVplatforms that can transform from fixed wing configuration to vertical take-off and landing(VTOL);4 designing
Manchester, United Kingdom. Retrieved 6 December 2007 from Eccles, J.S. (2007). Where are all the women? Gender differences in participation in physical science and engineering. In S. J. Ceci & W. M. Williams (Eds.), Why aren't more women in science? Top researchers debate the evidence (pp. 199-212). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.6. Eccles, J. S.(1994). Understanding women’s educational and occupational choices — Applying the Eccles et-al model of achievement-related choices. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18, 585–609.7. Felder, R. & Brent, R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Journal of Engineering
3 BIOL Electives 6Course Description and Learning outcomesThe following list, details the courses’ content and their expected outcomes. Name & Number: COSC 4315 Advanced Networking Course Description: This course covers the design of networks and their performance. Modern networks such as ATM and Gigabit Ethernet network will also be studied. Other topics that will be studied are cryptology, network programming, and secure channels. Prerequisite(s): COSC 4313, or consent of instructor. Lec 3, Lab. 1, Cr. 3. End-of-Course Outcomes: 1. Understand common barriers to network security and the major issues involved in implementing proper
, week 10.(5) A completed exploded assembly drawing(s) of the project. Page 22.567.9(6) A bill of materials. The BOM should include: a) part name, b) part number, c) description, d) quantity needed, e) material(s) including density and f) any other pertinent information.(7) One improvement you suggest for the product.(8) Other extra credit avenues include: detail views, cutaway views, assembled assembly views, motion, any range of modeling not covered in class such as sheet metal, lips and grooves, rendering, families of parts, piping, weldments, etc.3.3 Course enhancementsTable 5 shows the comparison before and after the enhancements
episodes (Figure 7). Figure 7 – Inputting the verbal dataCoding the Verbal DataOnce all of the verbal data was inputted, Middleton’s (2008) categorisation of procedures wasutilised to code the cognitive actions of each student. Each cognitive action was coded intoone of ten proceduress and was then located within one of three major categories ofprocedures as shown in Table 1. Table 1 – Middleton’s categorisation of cognitive proceduresCategory of Procedure Generation Exploration Executive ControlProcedure Retrieval (R) Exploring Constraints Goal Setting (GSet) Synthesis (S) (EC
so importantly to the work reported in thispaper. This article is based on my work as a member of the Evaluation and Research Team forCIRTL. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. DUE-0717768. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation (NSF).References1 National Science Board. (2008). Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, Volume 1. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation. Retrieved from:
32.2 ft/s2. Table 1: Sample Gravity Calculation Data Elapsed Time Velocity Best Linear Fit for Gravity Measurement (seconds) (ft/s) 20 0.134 4.3148 15 Velocity (ft/s) 0.257 7.8345 10 0.366 11.9256 y = 31.659x + 0.0085 5 R² = 0.9955
- mechanical Project Design Theory & Instrumentation mechanical Project Design 3 3 3IET 216 Production Design IET 105 Economics of EMET 321W Electrical IET 105 Economics ofLab 2 Industry 2 Machines 3 Industry 2MATH 250 Calculus & S/H/A Social Science/ HLED Health Education 1 S/H/A Social Science/Differential Equations 3 Humanities/Arts Elective 3 Humanities/Arts Elective 3MET 210W Product Design3 S/H/A Social Science/ MATH 250 Calculus & S/H/A Social Science/ Humanities
of EMET 321W Electrical IET 105 Economics ofLab 2 Industry 2 Machines 3 Industry 2MATH 250 Calculus & S/H/A Social Science/ HLED Health Education 1 S/H/A Social Science/Differential Equations 3 Humanities/Arts Elective 3 Humanities/Arts Elective 3MET 210W Product Design3 S/H/A Social Science/ MATH 250 Calculus & S/H/A Social Science/ Humanities/Arts Elective 3 Differential Equations 3 Humanities/Arts Elective 3S/H/A Social Science/ ESACT Physical S/H/A Social Science/Humanities/Arts Elective 3
an expatriateassignment. However, it will help manage their expectations and prepare them to make betterchoices in their engineering careers.Bibliography1. Adler, N. International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. Cincinnati, Ohio: South WesternPublishing (1997).2. Adler, N., & Bartholomew, S. Managing globally competent people. Academy of ManagementExecutive, 6(3): 52-63 (1992).3. Baker, J. C., & Ivancevich, J. M. The assignment of American executives abroad: Systematic, haphazard, orchaotic? California Management Review, 13(3): 39-41 (1971).4. Bartlett, C. A., & Ghoshal, S. Managing Across Borders: The Transnational Solution. Boston:Harvard UP (1991).5. Black, S. J., & Gregersen, H. B. Expectations, satisfaction, and
management appears even more valuable forshoreside positions. Especially, after a few years, when the former cadet gains certainexperience and is ready to assume a management position.The list of economic and managerial projects and problems, with which the marine engineeringgraduates are dealing at different stages of their careers, is practically endless. Lack ordeficiency of a proper analysis should be blamed for some negative results in the global area.For instance, the gigantic growth of cruise tonnage in the world, which is happening now,brings to memory the situation in the 70's when the size and total tonnage of tankers jumpedthrough the roof with the resulting collapse of the tanker market in the 80's. Obviously, aserious economic
to embark upon development of an integrated set of material for the course(s) inclassical control systems. Our engineering background predisposed us to design these Page 4.414.1courses using what we knew of what was available about how students learn and theirvarious learning styles. In other words, as engineers we wanted to base the design of thelessons on the best available design principles in this area. There is a large amount of pedagogical research that supports differentapproaches to course organization and presentation of material. We were particularlyfamiliar with the Kolb cycle (1,2,3,4), and decided to base the design of the
could not have made these strides without working through the challenges theyfaced. In the past women were not encouraged to admit to their inventive or mechanicaltalents. According to McDonald, “rather than admit to such unladylike leanings, it was notunusual for women in the 1800’s to claim to be under the influence of spirits when defendingtheir inventions.” 9 For example, Amanda Theodosia Jones told the world that her idea forvacuum canning came from her brother’s ghost that was instructing her from the grave, and notfrom any personal cleverness9. The ironic part of all of this is that being mechanically talentedwas not accepted, but receiving instructions from a ghost was.This paper focuses on women who are currently in the fields of
30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time (s) Figure 3. Instantaneous can crushing force. The final step in the parametric design stage is testing. To determine if the mechanismmeets the force specifications, the device is fitted with a load cell to measure the output force.Static tests are performed to determine the static output force as a function of input force. Thesemeasurements are compared to the calculated mechanical advantage. In addition to static forcetesting, an instantaneous force vs. time curve is generated to
status data, and NASA flight data will also be collected. Thepayload will be launched from Wallops Island aboard a Nike-Orion sounding rocket to anapogee of approximately 135 km, with a flight time of about 400 s. Observations, whencorrelated with flight altitude data, will determine how the atmosphere from 60 km to 130 kmscatters and absorbs shorter wavelengths of the solar electromagnetic spectrum.The payload and its power supply must be entirely self-contained within a cylinder of diameter14 in and length 26 in, directly behind the nose cone (Fig. 2). All instruments must be opened tospace during UV data collection. Both the XR100T and the MD501 are behind a motor-drivenThermionics gate valve (Fig. 3) on the payload bulkhead, where the S2000
Session 1602 Acoustic Shaping in Microgravity: 3 years of flight tests S. Wanis, N.M.Komerath, E. Armanios Georgia Institute of Technology, AtlantaAbstractThis paper summarizes 3 years of participation in the NASA Reduced-Gravity FlightOpportunities program. The Acoustic Shaping project was started by a team of AE sophomoresin 1996. Results from the project have demonstrated the feasibility of forming complex anduseful shapes in microgravity from pulverized material using sound waves, and correlated theshapes to mathematical predictions. In this paper, the genesis and evolution of the program
Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decision Making M I S 531 Management Information Systems CSE 428 Applied Programming Languages Engineering core courses CSE 431 Introduction to Computer Architecture CSE 497 Introduction to Software Engineering Management core electives B A 517 Communication Skills for Management B A 555 Business Environment Core Electives MGMT 558 Seminar in Organizational Decision Making (9 credits; select three courses, M I S 538
of500,000 samples/sec, with a 12-bit A/D system on an ISA card. This card is used to operatespectrometers with desktop PC computers. The portable system utilizes the PC1000, which isfunctionally equivalent to the ADC500 and uses similar drivers. Other A/D products andsoftware can be used to control spectrometers. For example, LabVIEW drivers as well asLabVIEW applications from National Instruments can be used in the portable system. For thedesktop PC running under Windows NT/98/95 following PCI cards can be incorporated in thesystem to interface at higher sampling rates and faster throughput. • PCI-MIO-16E-1 (Analog-to-Digital converter, supports PCI bus with sampling rate of 1.25 MS/s and 16 analog inputs
available. Solids handling and recycling systems equipment are inwide scale use. In summary, technology is not a barrier to ZED.Political RealityZED has proven to be achievable when necessitated by geographical or political demands. Just asmost environmental change has occurred after being legally mandated, so is ZED destined to beachieved after other publicly acceptable alternatives are removed.The public is not to be underestimated. The symbiosis between industry and the consumer isresponsive to tugs at both ends. In the 1970’s the US consumer told the auto industry they wantedsmaller, more fuel efficient cars by purchasing ever-greater numbers of smaller, fuel efficientJapanese cars -- with a concomitant decline in US-manufactured automobiles
State University in 1977. Dr. Tsang's current professional interests includeintegrating community service into the engineering curriculum, and K-12 outreach. Address: MechanicalEngineering Department, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688. Ph: 334-460-7457; Fax: 334-460-6549; Email: . S T H U i D g E I - False Negative IV - True Positive h N T A S S L E o I -. True Negative III - False Positive S w S M E Low High N FACULTY ASSESSMENT TFigure 1. Four possible correlations between faculty assessment and student self-assessment on
. K.C. Midkiff, T.A. Litzinger, and D.L. Evans, Development of Engineering Thermodynamcis Concept Page 15.1125.8 Inventory Instruments, in ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 2001: Reno, NV.5. A. Disessa, Toward an epistemology of physics. Cognition and Instruction, 10(2/3): p. 105-125. (1983).6. S. Vosniadou, On the nature of naive physics, in Reconsidering Conceptual Change: Issues in Theory and Practice, M. Limon and L. Mason, Editors. 2002, Kluwer: Netherlands.7. F. Treagust and R. Duit, Conceptual Change: a discussion of theoretical, methodological and practical challenges for science education
experience contributed to more immediate student buy-in tothe use of system’s engineering principles. Also, members of the samurai-type sword groupsbeing substantially similar to the previous year meant that many group dynamics issues hadalready been worked through. For the NASA ESMD group, there were only 3 seniors in theeight students and, as the project was new, no prior directly-relevant design knowledge existedwithin the group. This resulted in longer time for student buy-in to occur and for the group Page 15.904.7dynamics to become settled. Also, the previous group development in the samurai-type swordgroups had led to the natural leader(s
indispensible ingredients of a successful career in engineering, thusfulfilling some of the program educational objectives.Bibliography 1. Schuster, P., Davol, A. and J. Mello, “Student Competitions - The Benefits and Challenges,” Proceedings, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference (Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education, 2006). 2. Pierrakos, O., Borrego, M. and J. Lo, “Assessing Learning Outcomes of Senior Mechanical Engineers in a Capstone Design Experience,” Proceedings, 2007 ASEE Annual Conference (Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education, 2007). 3. Davis, D. C., Crain Jr., R. W., Calkins, D. E., Gentili, K. L., and M. S. Trevisan, “Competency-Based Engineering Design Projects
measure. The researchers intend to collect more data for thenext revision of the measure. We encourage future researchers to validate the CDFS for similarcross-disciplinary teams use.Bibliography1. Solomon, G. (2003). Project-based learning: A primer. Technology and learning - Dayton, 23(6), 20-20.2. Fruchter, R., & Emery, K. (1999). Teamwork: Assessing cross-disciplinary learning. Paper presented at the 1999 Computer support for collaborative learning Conference, International Society of the Learning Sciences.3. Agogino, A., Song, S., & Hey, J. (2007). Triangulation of Indicators of Successful Student Design Teams. International Journal of Engineering Education, 22(3), 617.4. Sage, A., & Rouse, W. (2009
). Engle and Tinto11 address various obstacles to college success for low-income students.They state that “After six years, only 11 percent of low-income, first-generation students hadearned bachelor‟s degrees compared to 55 percent of their more advantaged peers.” One of theirrecommendations includes cohort development. Furthermore, the learning community modelimproves the persistence of the low-income and the first generation students12.A learning community is an environment that encourages student-student, and faculty-studentinteraction. At Colorado State University - Pueblo, a pilot learning community was initiated inthe Department of Engineering in fall 2009. Two first-year courses were linked with shared
evaluation has helped in adjustingthe program to better serve the students and showed that the program has progressed towardsachieving its objectives. However, further assessment and students’ follow-up survey will beperformed in order to ensure an accomplishment of the program goals.Acknowledgement This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant number 0851400.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References 1. Tomovic, M.M., “Undergraduate research—prerequisite for successful lifelong learning,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Proc. 1, pp. 1469 -1470, 1994. 2. Lopatto, D