). Moreover, at the ten universities graduating the largest number of civilengineering undergraduates, two (of eight) engineering leadership criterion emerged as the most widelyintegrated within the current curriculum: “The Ability to Conceive and Design within RealisticConstraints,” and “Understand Economic, Environmental, Global and Societal Contexts and Impacts.”One criterion emerged as entirely absent from the ten universities: “Reflection and Lifelong Learning.”Introduction and BackgroundMuch has been written on the distinctions between management and leadership. Bass (1990) separatesmanagement from leadership in the following way: leaders facilitate interpersonal interactions andpositive working relations and generate excitement at work
that are required to solve thechallenge as the course progresses. This processengages students in high level problem solvingtasks of design, trouble shooting and systemsanalysis which they will do during theirprofession.Challenge-based instruction has been usedsuccessfully in multiple engineering contextsincluding bioengineering[2], civil engineering[6]and first year engineering to name a few. Figure 1: STAR Legacy Learning CycleCommon to each of these efforts was the use ofthe STAR.Legacy learning cycle to guide the instructional design[7]. STAR stands for SoftwareTechnology for Action and Reflection. Action and reflection define the primary pedagogicalapproach. The learning cycle, shown in Figure 1, illustrates a common
book that was rigorously graded, and write a reflective journal to emphasize theneed to develop into reflective practitioners. Two advanced graduate students assisted theengineering professor in instructing the students on fieldwork and processing field observationsusing spreadsheets. Beyond that, they took the lead in designing and conducting a series oftutorials making students create survey maps using computer aided graphics, and gainexperiences in algebra, trigonometry, numerical methods, statistics and calculus. Further, thetwo performed yeoman service helping students catch up whenever they fell behind, thus gainingan in-depth knowledge of challenges faced by students. Another activity was demonstration ofGPS and GIS technology by two
the College of Engineering. This redesign resulted in changes tocourse curriculum and coordination and hiring/management of faculty.The increased focus on educational research has had multiple effects on EngE1024, including theincorporation of outcomes of ongoing research projects, such as the incorporation of electronicportfolios for assessment and reflection purposes originated from an NSF Bridges to EngineeringEducation grant and use of a ‘spiral curriculum’ approach from an NSF Department-levelReform grant.The change in paradigm resulted in significant personnel changes. For the first time, thedepartment hired graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants to aid in course developmentand implementation. Also, to provide faculty time to
& Exposition Copyright ©2002, American Society for Engineering Educationwe considered Felder and Silverman’s index of learning styles (ILS). They identify preferencesfor learning as Active-Reflective, Sensing-Intuitive, Visual-Verbal, and Sequential-Global.7Felder identifies active learners as those who like to experiment with working things out workingwith others, while reflective learners are those who prefer thinking things out and working bythemselves. Sensing learners prefer collecting facts and following procedures, while intuitivelearners are more oriented toward concepts, theories, and significance of meaning. Felderdescribes visual learners as those who prefer visual representations and verbal learners
publicaffairs? If Barber and Battistoni are correct about expression, how do we “educate” current andfuture generations to be engaged citizens? Service learning has been advocated widely as a method for advancing civic awareness andcitizen responsibility among college students (Hepburn et al. 2000; Hunter and Brisbin 2000;Ehrlich 1999; Neimi et al. 1999; Battistoni 1997; Campus Compact 1994; Schumer 1994).Hunter and Brisbin (2000) define service learning as “a form of experimental education thatcombines structured opportunities for learning academic skills, reflection on the normativedimensions of civic life, and experimental activity that addresses community needs or assists
class, learn from others during the peer review process, andimprove grammar and comprehension skills in the target language (Spanish).The project was deemed successful based on student and instructor feedback. Section 6“Findings and Discussions” provides reflections of Spanish 351 students and faculty member,who participated in the translation project. Page Challenges: Fall 2010 Spanish 351 ¡Vamos! Translation ProjectAlthough the above mentioned translation project was successful, it also lay bare inherentchallenges of such collaborations. For example, synchronizing schedules between the twoprojects (class project and developing
andexisting ethical frameworks, which may be expressed emotively. Rather than portraying emotionas a threat to rationality, we outline pedagogical strategies that encourage students to explore therelationship between emotions and feelings, logic and reason, and values and ethics. Thepedagogical strategies presented here are being piloted in an advanced (upper-division)undergraduate seminar course, “Ethics, Engineering, and Society.” This seminar, which was firsttaught during the 2011/12 Academic Year at the University of California, Berkeley, alsoinformed the development of our funded project. This paper describes early student responses tothe new curriculum. Our results suggest that engaging students’ emotions encourages andenables them to reflect
the students. Students were surveyed initiallyto determine their prior experiences with teams, their preferences related to learning styles,decision styles, and conflict resolution styles, and their knowledge about team processes.Throughout the semester the students reflected on questions related to their teamfunctioning, completed peer evaluations, weekly team symptom checklists and instrumentsthat measured team cohesion. All of this information was stored in the database and theknowledge-based system accessed the database as needed. The information in thedatabase was also used to perform analysis to determine how the teams functioned anddeveloped over time. The third main component of the model consisted of the seven teamprocess modules
reality and is characterized by varied factorsthat influence this gap to continue, even with the efforts of private, public, social, andeducational initiatives to reduce it. Among the factors are the preconceptions in relation toSTEM careers, gender stereotypes, family attitudes, lack of women leaders in these areas whoare an example to inspire or to mentorship. The lack of gender equity for women inengineering is a global problem that has implications for society, as it means losing theopportunity to have this talent that is in such high demand today. [6]This context that gives us the environment leads us to reflect on the initiatives that are beingcarried out globally to further promote and create this culture of gender equality, where
has been a prominent means to develop a global skillset [1].Since 2019, Penn State University’s College of Engineering has offered a three-week summerstudy abroad program to develop global competencies through a technical communication coursepaired with a cultural course in a Como, Italy. In 2023, the faculty employed innovations to bothprepare participants for their sojourn while enhancing the potential to foster global competencies.An asynchronous, remote pre-departure course primed students before departure. They wereintroduced to the language and culture of the region, including using tools/ assignments such asrecording dialogues, and reflections, engaging with natives through a digital cultural exchangeplatform, and creating individual
-week (July 11th through August 13th) Online Summer 2010 BridgeProgram. Finally, some reflections and plans for refining and broadening the academic concepts,skills, and support services for next year’s Online Summer Bridge Program are also presented. Afollow-up paper will be prepared on the effectiveness of the Online Summer Bridge Programafter we have had time to collect sufficient data and make comparisons of the academicperformances of the On-Campus versus Online Summer Bridge Program participants.Background Information on Summer Bridge ProgramsThe Virginia-North Carolina (VA-NC) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation(LSAMP) Program received a five-year grant from the National Science Foundation during thesummer of 2007. The goal
panels to reduce their carbon footprint. The teams worked together to make their sites aestheticallyappealing and conducive to low-impact, sustainable development while also serving as an economic boom to the city.Key components of the class were team member evaluations and personal reflection essays. Students were requiredto evaluate themselves and their peers to assess the success of the teams. This helps students be accountable to theirpeers across disciplines. Additionally, reflection questions were posed to the students throughout the course toconsider potential project challenges, evaluate successes, and propose alternative approaches for the future. The paper“Measuring the Impacts of Project-Based Service Learning” by Paterson, Swan, and
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (UMHB) was redesignedfor the Fall 2022 semester to improve student engagement and retention in the engineering program.The course design centered around an individual design project, with supporting modules to preparestudents for the project. Student feedback (in the form of student reflections) provided insight intohow students interacted with the project. Despite being an individual project, many students describedcommunity building that occurred through collaboration. Students also described a sense ofaccomplishment from completing a difficult, open-ended design problem. The redesigned course hasbeen offered in two semesters (Fall 2022, Fall 2023), and the retention rates for students enrolled inthese courses
Inclusion, Director and Assistant Director of the Centerfor Diversity in Engineering, Clark Scholars Director (4)2. Accessibility Specialist, Assistant Dean of Student Safety and Support, 2 Counselors (4)3. Associate and Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, Director of Undergraduate Success,Engineering Undergraduate Registrar and Office Manager (5)After describing the context and our team, we will provide multiple reflective prompts for audiencemembers to think through ways to identify researched student barriers in the first year and more specificto first year engineering, followed by four case studies. Our case study include barriers well documentedin literature which first year face: financial, racial minoritization, disability
1 Hands-on Experiential Learning Modules for Engineering Mechanics (Work-in-progress) Mohammad Shafinul Haque, Anthony Battistini, Soyoon Kum, Azize Akçayoğlu, William Kitch David L. Hirschfeld Department of Engineering Angelo State University AbstractExperiential learning includes concrete experience (CE), reflective observation (RO), abstractconceptualization (AC), and active experimentation (AE) modules to form a complete learningcycle. It promotes active learning and can significantly improve comprehension of engineeringmechanics problems. This paper
provides the REPs with masterydigital badges. The curriculum guides REPs on utilizing mentoring as a leadership developmenttool that helps navigate career advancement in their respective engineering fields. Integrated intoeach of the three courses are best-practices designed to positively influence the development of aself-directed learning mindset and building leadership capacity among REPs as future engineeringleaders.Mentors often cite the ability to increase their professional skills as personal benefits gainedthrough the mentoring process, stating that serving as mentors caused them to reflect on andsharpen their own skills, including coaching, communicating, and introspection.2 We report on ourongoing efforts to scale a novel leadership
dedication to student suc- cess, her innovative approach to program design, and her collaborative spirit, Sahar Mari is a true asset to the field of student support services.Ms. Sara AlBanna, SLB Sara AlBanna is a recent graduate from Texas A&M University at Qatar with a degree in petroleum engi- neering. She currently works as an field engineer at SLB. As a dedicated engineer, she is passionate about creating positive change in the industry. Her diverse undergraduate research projects, ranging from the impacts of migration on education to the development of multilateral wells, reflect her interests in multi- disciplinary pursuits. AlBanna is a multifaceted individual, identifying as an author, artist, and petroleum
to metacognitive learningengagements. In the process of self-assessing, students activate self-regulatory functions thatenable students to take ownership of their own learning. Self-assessment activities includestudents reflecting on, evaluating, and monitoring their own learning performances. Studentswho self-assess are better able to identify areas they need to improve upon, and to determine themost appropriate courses of action to achieve academic success. However, little is known aboutthe congruence in students’ perception of self-assessment and instructor's intent in requiring self-assessments. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of engineeringstudents who participated in self-assessment in an engineering
learning is widely accepted as an integral part of engineeringeducation, as these experiences have been shown to improve students’ vocational self-conceptand work self-efficacy, as well as provide higher starting salaries post-graduation [10-11]. In thecontext of this study, enrolment in the program may signal students’ intent to be part of theengineering profession, or at least to obtain some professional experience in the field of theirdegree. However, given that the students are in their first year, we assume that they remain at anearly stage of professional socialization. Therefore, their expectations for the profession and theirown career trajectories may reflect their implicit assumptions about engineering and serve as abaseline for future
unpredictable futures as professionals and citizens. By expandingthe capacity to study engineering practice through students serving as participant observers, wepropose that academia can learn more about the engineering workplace while students gain atruer understanding of engineering work. At the same time, reflectively engaging with practicemay help students develop new professional competencies, while potentially also identifyingmisalignments between their own identities and goals, on one hand, and current educational andworkplace realities, on the other. This paper will likely be of interest to researchers who studyengineering practice, and especially those concerned with the full range of practical andmethodological challenges associated with
exercises in listening that have direct impact on student teaming. • Practice and discuss other mindfulness techniques that expand application for different situations. • Practice guided reflection exercise with selected readings on mindfulness. • Summarize in small groups to present takeaways and ideas for classroom and personal application.PRESENTERS/FACILITATORSDr. Richard Whalen, Teaching Professor and Director, First Year Engineering at Northeastern University. Over20 years’ experience teaching first year students and experience implementing mindfulness and mediation inthe engineering classroom.Email: r.whalen@northeastern.eduDr. Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Teaching Professor and Associate Director, First Year Engineering
fivepedagogical principles that were so deeply entrenched in the course design and learningobjectives: Highly Interactive: graded asynchronous discussions online (both in small groups and whole class), required student reflections after synchronous virtual sessions, formal question-and-answer sessions for all panels and guest speakers. Active Learning: incorporation of reflective practices in assignment sequencing, multimodal (written and video) assignment submissions, complete freedom for hands-on project selection. Collaborative Learning: peer feedback utilized on several assignments, manual team assignments by instructor with time zone considerations. Peer Instruction: planned small group breakout
year introduction to materials design courses. In total,fifty-two students consented to participate in the study (n=19 in the Winter 2021 term and n=33in the Fall 2021 term). Participants are first time freshman. Demographic information such asgender, race, and socioeconomic status were not collected. We also did not collect informationon whether they had any exposure to or training in the design process before enrolling in thecourse.We measured how students engaged with the design process through self-reported reflections. Inthese reflections, students identified which of the nine steps in the design process that they did,what order they did them in, and how much time they spent on each step. The activities werepresented to students out of
ideasharing are actually lower after the intervention than before; we hypothesize that the decreasedrating might reflect increased student awareness of inequities rather than a true decrease inequitable idea sharing. This pattern held for most gender and racial groups, with the notableexception of non-binary students, who instead reported greater idea equity post-intervention,though we note the small sample size for this group. Finally, we find that decreases in reportedidea sharing were largest when students reported the intervention was “highly relevant” to theirteam yet “not very helpful”.Keywords: teamwork, team communication, equity, voice safety, voice enactment Introduction and Conceptual FrameworkBeginning in
paper we provide an analytical lens through which to assess epistemological developmentof LAs. This is critical to understanding and promoting LA development, but has been relativelyoverlooked to date. We define epistemology as the beliefs, ideas, and conceptions one has aboutthe justification, nature, and source of knowledge. Within the Learning Assistant program, thereare many avenues for participating LAs to reflect on and potentially rearrange their epistemology.To analyze LA epistemological development, we turn to Baxter Magolda’s EpistemologicalReflection Model, which describes student epistemological stances for the role of learners, peers,and instructors. In this paper, we adapt the model to account for the unique role of LAs
about the integration of these themes within the curriculum.57 Many papers emphasize the terminology, but do not discuss the practice of navigating these58 ideas with students. The next section contextualizes one approach to implementing DEI in59 practice at the graduate level.60 Understanding Graduate Engineering Education at the University of Virginia61 After the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others, many universities created62 class offerings and other initiatives that reflected the need for deeper conversations about race.63 The University of Virginia Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)64 created a Graduate Student Board as part of their DEI-DRIVE (diversity, equity, and inclusion
]. Humans’ beliefs are at the core oftheir agency which includes self-regulated behaviors that allow an individual to take thenecessary actions to yield desired outcomes [14]. These agentic behaviors include intentionalityand forethought which help guide the plans for action, as well as self-reactiveness and self-reflection which allows for one to persevere through challenges and self-examine their progress[13]. Acknowledging that an individual’s sense of agency leads them to actively regulate theirown experiences emphasizes the significance of exploring teacher agency and pedagogicalbeliefs.Below is the overarching research question that informed the methodology, and is situated in thetheoretical underpinnings of social cognitive theory [12], [13
responsibility and, for some students, elevated the importance ofcompany loyalty. Thus, we see the potential negative impact of engineering internships without anopportunity to reflect on engineering ethics as a component of those engineering practiceexperiences. We further see the positive potential of such reflection during internship experiencesif it occurs in a nurturing environment that supports ethical development.The potential of a pedagogical approach that includes reflection coupled with an internshipexperience is supported by the literature that indicates that case study analysis, reflectivejournaling, and subsequent reflective discourse can indeed impact beliefs and identity development[10-11]. Parsons et al. show that experiences like
Engineering, Design and Computing at the University of Colorado Denver, afaculty learning community (FLC) is exploring how to apply known pedagogical practicesintended to foster equity and inclusion. Faculty come from all five departments of the college.For this three-year NSF-funded project, Year 1 was dedicated to deepening reflection asindividuals and building trust as a cohort. Now, in Year 2, the FLC is focused on translatingpedagogical practices from literature and other resources into particular courses. This cohort hasexperienced some adjustments as some faculty leave the FLC and new faculty choose to join theFLC. Since this cohort continues to grow, this paper presents key features that have supportedthe FLC’s formation and then transition