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Displaying results 1861 - 1890 of 8077 in total
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Pioneering Courses
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Green, Mississippi State University; Jerry Emison, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
in the course. Not only would thishelp engineers better communicate to others the benefits engineering provides, something theCommittee on the Engineer of 2020 also says is necessary, we, as instructors, could begin theconversation. To accomplish this objective we required numerous writing assignments, requiredoral presentations, and ensured that there was ample class discussion. For the second version ofthe course we added the requirement that each student read a national newspaper on a regularbasis and, at some point of their choosing in the semester, provide a copy of an article they readrelated to engineering and public policy and their analysis of the article and the policy issue.Course DesignAlthough the course was designed to meet the
Conference Session
FPD9 -- Technology & Textbooks
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Philip Kosky, Union College; William Keat, Union College; George Wise, Union College; Robert Balmer, Union College
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
of computational fracture mechanics. Page 11.429.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Developing a Freshman Introduction to Engineering TextbookAbstract What should a freshman introduction to engineering course achieve and how will anappropriate textbook help meet the course goals? In this paper, we summarize our experiencessearching for a text and ultimately how and why we decided to write our own book. It can be said that the primary purpose of a first year introduction to an engineeringcourse is to win the hearts and minds of first year college students who are considering anengineering
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kosta Popovic, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Janie Szabo, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics and Physics
two weeks, which a student completes in a group with a partner.The class sizes range from about 10 up to 30 students, depending on the section, and each lab isscheduled for 160 minutes. Each term, between 10-15 sections of lectures and labs (each) areoffered. Given four lab exercises each term, each student is responsible for writing at least two ofthe reports, while the other partner at a minimum helps with the experimental setup and dataacquisition during the lab meeting. The students usually have one week to write-up their finalreport. The student who is not responsible for the writing of a specific lab is often of limited helpduring post-lab analysis of data, and is often not prepared for the material prior to coming to thelab
Conference Session
PSW Section Meeting Papers - Disregard start and end time - for online paper access only
2019 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Pradip Peter Dey, National University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section Meeting Paper Submissions
] .MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS OF TURING MACHINESAlan Turing provided a mathematical definition of computation in 1936 [41]. In the same year,Emil Post independently developed algorithm machines that have come to be known as Postmachines [29]. Turing machines and Post machines are proven to be equivalent and their theorydeveloped in 1930s and 1940s has provided the foundation of the theory of computation. Turingmachines are the most popular models for recursively enumerable sets mentioned above.Following Cohen [6], we define Turing machines as follows. A Turing machine is composed of six components: 1. An alphabet, , which is a finite non-empty set of symbols from which input isbuilt. 2. A READ/WRITE TAPE, divided into a sequence
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade for Teaching II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi-Min Huang, University of Washington; Matt Eliot, University of Washington; Jennifer Turns, University of Washington; Emma Rose, University of Washington; Jessica Yellin, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
code captured any decision points that educators made that would impact all students in the college including those that they had no direct contact with. For example, one faculty member while seeking assistance in writing a large research grant proposal considered options that would create potential learning opportunities for all students. Page 11.388.6 Magnitude students affected Increase in
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hui Ma, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Mathematics Division (MATH)
classAbstract: A redesigned engineering math sequence was implemented from fall 2016 to spring2020, and the study focused on data collected during fall 2018 and spring 2019 from a singleclass with a sample size of 25. The results of the study suggest that the redesigned sequencepositively impacted students' material mastery, communication, collaboration, andmetacognition. Although the sample size was small, and the results were not statisticallysignificant, it was found that students' view of math and perception of their preparedness mayplay a role in their participation and how they interact with the material, with peers, and with theinstructor and TAs.Keywords: engineering math, Calculus, active learning, redesignIntroductionCore curriculum for
Conference Session
Classroom Skills
ASEE Southeast Section Conference
Timothy Aaron Wood P.E., The Citadel; Dan D Nale PE; Stephanie Laughton, The Citadel
Tagged Topics
Professional Engineering Education Papers
activities, and abbreviated social media arguments. However, upon graduation engineersneed to be able to interact and synthesize non-interactive sources like codes and design guides.Innovative practicing engineers are critical thinkers, actively synthesizing knowledge,constructively developing new solutions, and interactively engaging with various stakeholders.Engineering students will require coaching and teaching to develop their understanding the way © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023innovative engineers of all generations have: through reading, note-taking, problems solving,peer-interaction, and mentoring4. Engineering educators have a role in training students to usethese methods. Yet, many students are
Conference Session
Issues Facing STEM Programs at Rural Two-Year Colleges
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State University; Mahnas Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University; Umar Iqbal; Alta Knizley, Mississippi State University; Jenna Johnson, Mississippi State University; Rani Sullivan, Mississippi State University; Shane Brauer, Mississippi State University
Paper ID #37330Improving Engineering Transfer Student Onboarding andRetention through Scholarship and ProgrammaticInterventionsLesley Strawderman (Associate Professor)Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh Dr. M. Jean Mohammadi-Aragh is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University. Dr. Mohammadi-Aragh investigates the use of digital systems to measure and support engineering education. Current projects include leveraging writing to support programming skill development, using 3D weather visualizations to develop computational thinking skills for K-12 students
2021 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Meeting
Ivan L Guzman P.E., New York City College of Technology; Sara Gómez Woolley, New York City College of Technology
quality control measure following the “hands on” practical review of laboratorytechnicians mentioned above. In general the peer review process will help assure quality of thetextbook as well as providing legitimacy to the technical writings presented in the manuscript,something that is sometimes missing in OER content.After the peer review process is complete the manuscript in BETA version will be used as thetextbook for the laboratory portion of the soil mechanics course at City Tech for one semester.During the semester students will be encouraged to reflect, seek out and highlight errors,omissions, and provide general feedback on the manuscript before the final version is released tothe general public. 3. BudgetThe effort to produce a high
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Koehler, North Carolina State University; Jerome Lavelle, North Carolina State University; Susan Matney, North Carolina State University; Mary Clare Robbins, North Carolina State University
, 2006 MENTOR: Motivating ENgineers Through Organized RelationshipsIntroductionIn the fall semester of 2005 the First Year Engineering Program at North Carolina StateUniversity initiated a new and exciting mentoring program for all ~1200 of our first-semesterengineering students. MENTOR (Motivating ENgineers Through Organized Relationships) is aground breaking program in terms of its size and scope, whose aim is to increase student successin engineering through early connections to a positive peer network. The successes of mentoringprograms is widely documented in the literature, and indeed in the college of engineering at NCState we have two very successful mentoring programs aimed at women and minorities. Themotivation for initiating the
Conference Session
Improving Presentation Skills Through Summer Research and Ambassador Programs
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer R. Amos, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Marie-Christine Brunet, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
slides Journal Communication topics - writing skills, other speaking styles Week 3 The problem with Power Point... EA sample talk. Reflective Journal EA Purpose - TED Talks- Audiences Critique Session Week 4 Training-Content: Story & Engaging the Practice (Workshop) Reflective Journal Audience Organization & Analogies Week 5 Training-Visual Aids: Assertions Practice - Slides Reflective Journal Supporting Evidence Feedback Week 6 Training-Elocution: Poise & Elocution PRESENT 2 Presentation Training
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ieshya Anderson, Arizona State University; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
, 2016). Peer debriefing will include fellowstudent researchers, faculty advisors, and peer-faculty group meetings. Peer debriefing works torelate one’s research conclusion to a peer more distant from the data to explore alternativeconclusions that may have been overlooked. Built-in probing interview questions and/orrespondent validation, in which the participant is asked to elaborate or confirm their position, isanother way to mitigate misconnections (Maxwell, 2013). In unforeseen situations wheretraditional knowledge may conflict with the research, community, traditional, and culturalsensitivities will be respected and supported.Memo writing is serving to track the analysis process which would support repeatability andprovide additional
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Agnieszka Miguel, Seattle University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) degree.The main objective of the ECE Scholars program was to increase the number of electricalengineering students graduating from Seattle University and entering the engineeringworkforce. Seattle ECE scholars received financial, academic, professional development, andcommunity building support to ensure their successful progression toward the BSEE degree.Student support services included peer tutoring, informal study partners, industry mentorshipprogram, professional development seminars, and social activities.In this paper, we discuss both the qualitative and quantitative results of this grant. We reporton the academic achievement of the scholars and their career choices after graduation. We
Conference Session
Exploring Research Methodologies in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Algeo Wilson IV, Louisiana State University; Adrienne Steele, Louisiana State University; Warren N. Waggenspack Jr., Louisiana State University; James Blake Gegenheimer
Tagged Divisions
, Louisiana State University Adrienne Steele has over 15 years experience in STEM education. Currently, Adrienne works at Louisiana State University, managing all aspects of the STEP project that consists of a large-scale peer mentoring program in the College of Engineering. Previously, she founded and coordinated the Scope-On-A-Rope Outreach Program (SOAR) in the Department of Biological Sciences, where she worked for 10 years. Prior to her positions at LSU, Adrienne was the Science Education Curator at the Louisiana Art and Science Museum in Baton Rouge. Adrienne has a Master of Science degree in zoology from LSU, where she studied in the Museum of Natural Science collections, and an Education Specialist Certification in
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Capstone and Collaborative Projects
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Macklin, University of Maryland, College Park; Kylie Goodell King, University of Maryland, College Park
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
and others that are not as successful. Projects thatincorporate small wins throughout the semester typically have better outcomes as students aremore engaged in the project from the start and build momentum as they progress toward the finalproject deliverables. An example of a project that works well in this regard is using data toidentify relevant metrics and using these metrics to create a tool. A Fall 2014 project involvedanalyzing the elements of customer payment tendencies that ultimately impact cash-on-hand.This required distinct phases that helped keep the team engaged in the project.Conversely, projects that require teams to conduct research among industry peers or competitorsare typically not successful. QUEST students do not have
Conference Session
Cultivating Engineering Scholarship and Research Mindsets Among URM Students
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David M. Ford, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Paula Rees, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Kathleen G. Rubin, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
, subject to areview of academic progress and financial eligibility. Some students were offered less than twoyears of support due to limited availability of project funds near the end of a grant period, and asmall number of students left the program.Activities. All S-STEM program activities were run or coordinated through the CoE’s EventsOffice with assistance from the Diversity Programs Office (DPO). The mission of the DPO is toprovide academic and non-academic support to increase enrollment, retention, and graduationamong under-represented minorities and women, but DPO services are available to all CoEstudents. The DPO collaborates with the university’s Learning Resource Center (LRC) toprovide academic support services and essay writing support
Conference Session
Emerging Computing and Information Technologies I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Danilo Garbi Zutin, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Michael E. Auer, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
introduced in this work has served as the basis for a project proposalsubmitted to the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research in the scope of the SparklingScience research grant Programme (BMWFW, 2015). The proposal was accepted in July2014 and the project was officially launched in October 2014 and will end by October 2016.By the time of writing, six online laboratories are being deployed with the Experimentdispatcher and several experiment engines have been developed in different platforms toserve as templates for lab owners. Some of these engines were developed by users who werenot specialists in online laboratory development, but the laboratories were successfullyimplemented.As previously mentioned, the developed frameworks supports only
Conference Session
Engineering Librarian Collaborations in the Library, On Campus, and Beyond
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kelly Giles, James Madison University Libraries; Elizabeth Price, James Madison University Libraries
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
assigned as her peer mentor. A shared workspace and regularone-on-one meetings between the two librarians facilitated greater collaboration in reference,instruction, and collection development. Both librarians learned more about specialized resourceswith which they had been less familiar. For instance, the engineering librarian gained newexpertise in market research and shared knowledge about patent searching with the businesslibrarian. Their closer working relationship led to a partnership in support of entrepreneurship oncampus. They developed and presented a faculty workshop on entrepreneurship research and arecurrently collaborating on a series of instructional videos on the subject.Literature ReviewA review of the literature found several
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert A. Chin, East Carolina University; I. Richmond Nettey, Kent State University; Edem G. Tetteh; Philip Weinsier, Bowling Green State University, Firelands
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
recommendations with an opportunity toshare their perspectives and to glean insights. Tenure and promotion continue to be ubiquitoustopics on which to write and present at the ASEE Annual Conference and similar conferenceswhere many of the attendees, including audience members and presenters, are pursuing tenureand promotion or who make tenure and promotion recommendations. Administered properly,tenure and promotion panel discussions and question and answer sessions can be of value tothose pursuing tenure and promotion and to those who make tenure and promotionrecommendations.IntroductionThrough 2011 and since 1996, when ASEE began indexing its annual conference papers1, a totalof four annual conference papers were published containing the term
Conference Session
Retention Strategies in Action Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine Scott, Seattle Pacific University; Hannah Azevedo, Seattle Pacific University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
degree in electrical engineering at Seattle PacificUniversity. This paper focuses on our specific objective to maintain retention rates significantlyabove national averages. To achieve this, we have recognized the students’ academic, social, aswell as financial needs, and the importance of building a sense of community among thestudents, not only with the university, but with the profession as well. Thus, we have developed anumber of programs and activities designed to address these issues. These programs are focusedon building connections with the faculty (through faculty mentors), their peers (through socialfunctions and the ECASE study hall), and the profession (through industrial mentors). Thus far,in the second year of the program, all of
Conference Session
Scholarship in Engineering Technology
2004 Annual Conference
Albert Lozano
reports to sponsors andso on. What is then appropriate for Engineering Technology? We cannot establish ourselves asan independent discipline if we don’t have our own set of best practices in dissemination ofscholarship but continue following what our colleague s in other areas, mainly engineering do.Engineering has used publication in peer reviewed journals and in conference proceedings as thetraditional methods to disseminate the scholarship in their discipline. Is Engineering Technologyfollowing the steps of Engineering? Should we consider the same dissemination procedures? Orshould we consider –and accept- other methods of dissemination? If we are accepting differentdissemination methods, will all have the same value? Or will we weight
Conference Session
Technology, Communications & Ethics
2004 Annual Conference
Robert McLaughlan
theirexperiences and discuss the application and implications of the experience. The finalreflective process occurs over 12 days as students write up their report on the activity. In thisreport they are required to present arguments which both support and refute those made bytheir persona. This stage requires the students to step outside of the position they had in theForum and consider other perspectives. Page 9.353.3 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering EducationExample of the design of the Telecommunications Forum
Conference Session
Knowing Students:Diversity and Retention
2002 Annual Conference
Mary Cummings
an engineering career, only 12% of LD malesexpressed the same interest. Interestingly, 2% of women with learning disabilities wereinterested in a career in engineering, which was the same percentage as the interested womenwithout a learning disability.The 1997 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines learning disabilities as “adisorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or inusing language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in imperfect ability to listen, think,speak, read, write, spell or do mathematical calculations…The term does not include a learningproblem which is primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps, of mentalretardation, of emotional
2001 Annual Conference
Kenneth Reid
these explained by their peers in many cases.This paper will report on one study involving two sections of a freshman introductory course.The course is Digital Circuits I in an Electrical Engineering Technology program, consisting oftwo sections of approximately 35 students in each section. Both sections went through half ofthe semester (including two exams) with a classroom format that was about 90% traditional and10% active/collaborative, with 100% traditional laboratory experiments: student pairs workingthrough a weekly laboratory experiment. At the midpoint of the semester, the format of onesection continued (although a group design project was introduced), while the other lecture andlaboratory changed. The new lecture format was mini
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rungun Nathan, Pennsylvania State University, Berks
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
isabout “Fill-in Worksheets”, a tool that was developed to increase student engagement inclassroom and allows for incorporating PBL, AL and CL along with Peer Instruction (PI).The paper describes the steps and thought process that was used in developing the fill-inworksheets over the past several years. The worksheets have enabled the author toincrease student engagement, include AL, CL and implement PI in the classroom.Introduction“Educators, researchers and policy makers have advocated student involvement forsometime as an essential aspect of meaningful learning.”1 To engage students, educatorshave used techniques like active2 and cooperative learning3, 4, inquiry and problem basedlearning, team projects, service learning and undergraduate
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Cotae, University of the District of Columbia; Esther Ososanya, University of the District of Columbia; Lily Kemathe, University of the District of Columbia; Suresh Regmi, University of the District of Columbia; Kamden Patrice Kouam, The University of the District of Columbia
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
1 3. Initialization of the Motes and working of the sensors 1-2 4. Combining the sensors with MATLAB for Simulation 1 5. Simulation of the whole system 1 6. Application based Real-time launching of the sensors 1-2 7. Taking real life examples for the operation of the ring sensors over 1-2 increased distances 8. Implementing the sensors for other medical applications 1 (like Arthritis, Kidney Diagnosis) 9. Writing the report for the entire experiment 1-2 10. Reviewing and editing the final report
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session I
2015 ASEE International Forum
Jacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Washington State University; Bernard J. Van Wie, Washington State University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
enhancing the understanding ofbiomass conversion technology and meeting the challenges of implementation in a developingnation. This project focuses on a global problem, energy demand, and utilizes an existingcollaboration to develop a miniaturized hands-on learning module for implementation in theclassroom and train future engineers from both sites while exposing them to internationalcollaborations to develop their problem-solving skills. The module is being designed toovercome process implementation barriers in resource limited environments like Nigeria.Discussions for writing and submitting the USAID-PEER proposal that supports this work wereinitiated by Washington State University (WSU) with Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) in Zaria,Nigeria, and
Conference Session
New Faculty Development
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mahesh Aggarwal, Gannon University; Karinna M Vernaza, Gannon University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Requirements for teaching and service may vary from university to university but theyare very similar in most of the aspects. This paper presents the typical requirements at GannonUniversity, Erie, PA in each of the above mentioned areas. A comparison will also be made withsix others teaching-based institutions. Requirements at Gannon University have changed over theyears from no scholarship requirements before the 1980s to significant scholarly activityrequirements today. Faculty members rely on student evaluations conducted at the end of eachsemester and once a year peer evaluation to satisfy teaching requirements. At GannonUniversity, the Boyer’s model of scholarship was adopted around 2000 to satisfy scholarshiprequirements.New faculty starting
Conference Session
Real and Virtual - "New" Approaches to Teaching "Old" Courses
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James P Abulencia, Manhattan College; Margot A Vigeant, Bucknell University; David L. Silverstein, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
the teaching of concepts in an introductory thermodynamics coursethrough video. This generation of students is technology savvy, and regularly communicates bymeans other than face-to-face interactions (e.g. texting). Additionally, the popularity of sites suchas Khan Academy makes the idea of teaching with video difficult to ignore. Thus, we assert thatthere is value in using this media for instruction, and that this media can be leveraged for use in achemical engineering course. During this study, students will be asked to 1) take a conceptdiscussed during class, and articulate it in video media using everyday examples that otherstudents can relate to (autodidactic learning) 2) watch peer-made videos that teach these concepts(peer-to-peer
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen L. Webber, University of Georgia; Amy Stich, University of Georgia; Matthew Grandstaff, University of Georgia; Collin Case, University of Georgia
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
gains in career competencies by gender, race/ethnicity, and financial aid status.Analyses revealed no significant differences by financial aid status (student receiving need-basedaid = yes/no), and only one item showed significant difference by race/ethnicity. On the itemlearning how to write better, Asian students reported higher value than all others (ANOVAF=4.018, p=.018). Analyses by gender revealed three items with statistically significantdifferences. As shown in Table III, women reported that their WREAs helped them withdeveloping their skills as a leader, learning how to write better, and learning how to work withpeople from diverse backgrounds more than their male peers. Table III