Asee peer logo
Well-matched quotation marks can be used to demarcate phrases, and the + and - operators can be used to require or exclude words respectively
Displaying results 2341 - 2370 of 8758 in total
1996 Annual Conference
Dr. John W. Nazemetz; Dr. John B. Solie; Dr. David R. Thompson
team’s grade is distributed based on individual contribution. The individual grades are distributed based on the instructors’ observations and the peer input and the grades given within a team is such that the average of the individual grades equal the grade on the team effort (i.e. if the report is a B, the three team members could get B/B/B or A/B/C or A/C/C, etc.) This effectively deals with the requirement for all team members to contribute to the project.Overall Conclusions Overall, it can be concluded that freshman can do well in the course and benefit from theexperiences that it provides. Input from a self assessment paper that each student writes at the end of thesemester indicates that the students are realizing the
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George Youssef, San Diego State University; Enrique A. Ainsworth, University of California - Los Angeles; Casey Ann Shapiro, UCLA Center for Educational Assessment; Hannah Whang Sayson, UCLA Center for Educational Assessment; Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, University of California - Los Angeles
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
students are expected to publish peer-reviewed journal papersas well as assist PIs with proposal writing.2- Oral Communication – TANMS students are encourage to freely articulate themselves andtheir ideas and thoughts during meetings with PIs and mentors. Additionally, students areexpected to deliver an oral technical presentations and posters.Core II - Engineering Success1- Innovation – Ability to execute new ideas in research, education, and industry with relevance(or relevancy) to multiferroics.2- Creativity – Ability to synthesize new ideas on multiferroics. For example, students are able tosuggest applications of multiferroics based on their research.Core III – Business and Marketplace Savvy1- Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurial mindset is
Conference Session
Teamwork and Assessment
2004 Annual Conference
Fabio Carrera; David DiBiasio; Natalie Mello
decision. Required preparation classes include training in teaming and professionalism.Practice in peer and self-evaluation in team situations is included as are proper techniques forconducting meetings. Process Control—Team DynamicsDuring both on-campus preparation and the on-site project phase team progress is monitored bya variety of standard tools. Team performance contracts are created as a team and signed by eachmember. Periodic contract reviews provide a first assessment of individual contributions. Wealso use a formative peer evaluation form from several sources measures 21 items within thedimensions standards of integrity, respect for individuals, innovations, goal setting, leadership,and overall work
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) - ASCE Collaborations
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth G. Jones, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
) Geomatics for Civil Engineers (3) Writing (3) Chemistry 2 or 3 (17) Calculus 3 (4) Physics 2 (4) Statics (3) Fine arts (3) Dynamics (3) Communication Differential 4 (15) Skills (3) Equations (3) Mechanics of Introduction to Transportation Engineering (3
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Sigrid -- Berka, University of Rhode Island; Emily Ann Serman, University of Rhode Island; Megan Mercedes Echevarria, University of Rhode Island; Lars O. Erickson, University of Rhode Island; Silke A. Scholz; Anette Geithner
Tagged Topics
International Forum
planned. During the year the students also perform different fundraisingactivities and assist their faculty advisor with grant writing to support the trip expenses includingsupplies and maintenance of equipment. Since their formation the faculty-ESW-students haveraised more than $80K from federal and private foundations as well as support from individuals.Selection criteria for the team that will be going to Guatemala, are based on contributions to thestudents’ organizations, participation, as well as professional and personal skills. Spanish IEPstudents are highly valued amongst their ESW peers, because their language skills are essentialfor the educational activities that are simultaneously performed alongside the engineering work,and because
Conference Session
Assessment in EM Education
2002 Annual Conference
Sami Ainane; Janet Schmidt; Gary Pertmer
Education chairs an annualmeeting where program activities are reviewed and “best practices” shared among representativesof the college. ABET accredited programs are required to write a two page update of their on-going activities in preparation for this regular meeting.III. Keeping the Flame Alive in Mechanical Engineering The Mechanical Engineering program review and assessment process consists of differentactivities, see figure 1. These activities include continuous assessment by two faculty committeesof the teaching/learning process in the Department, continuous assessment by individual faculty aswell as faculty groups in specific areas, continuous assessment by the Department Chair and theDirector of Undergraduate Studies, and
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 2: Advising & Mentoring
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Anna Wolff; Pat Burnett, Whatcom Community College; Anna Fay Booker; Tran M. Phung; Mei P. Luu; Seth Greendale
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
] including: a first-yearexperience course sequence with broad early exposure to engineering academic and careeroptions; community-engaged learning through participation in STEM outreach events; a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE); a place-based learning community withintegrated instruction across multiple disciplines spanning two quarters.BackgroundWCC engineering students generally form a community of peer support at the 200-level becausemost engineering fundamentals courses are offered once per year, resulting in a cohort programby default. Students with similar transfer goals tend to have similar course schedules and buildcommunity around their shared interests. Unfortunately, many students who start WCC at the100 (or pre
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Marriott; Menaka Abraham; Heather E. Dillon, University of Washington
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Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
projects that they completed. The logs were graded by the instructors for completeness. The struggles portion of the log format was used to provide additional resources or supplements. The instructors provided samples of good learning logs to help students with the content and writing. The format for the learning log can be found in Appendix C. 3. Peer Assessment: Students worked in learning groups and met weekly to engage in learning activities and problem solving. These sessions were documented to reflect on the learning that took place within the group. Students came together to discuss the grading and comments provided by the instructor and to learn from each other. The learning groups worked
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurements: Innovative Course Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Farrow, University of Tennessee-Martin
Tagged Divisions
• • Rotation and reporting of individual team member roles for each laboratory exercise (i.e. data taker, equipment operator, editor, responsibility for draft section(s) of report, etc.) • Bringing any team conflicts to the instructor’s attention only after failing to resolve such issues as a team • Individual team member accountability addressed by the peer evaluation conducted at the end of the course • Self-governance of teamsBenefits to downstream courses in curriculumFaculty have commented on how much better students write in various courses and labs aftercompleting ENGR 317, but equally important is that successful completion of the ENGR 317course benefits students in that they are able to apply the technical
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Cornucopia #1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stacie Edington, University of Michigan; Claudia G. Cameratti-Baeza, University of Michigan; Raven Knudsen, Kennesaw State University; Frank J. Marsik, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
career paths, reflect on how their personal strengths [8] andinterests align with a particular path and consider what educational experiences would supportthe development of necessary skills required.When the assignment was originally developed in Fall 2018, students submitted a writtenreflection on two career pathways of interest, incorporating strengths, relevant skills and aconsideration of a day in the life of an engineer in this career. While this assignmentincorporated some element of choice in relation to career paths to reflect on, it required no actionbeyond reflective writing and students had limited experience upon which to base their response.Students indicated during focus groups that the reflective writing nature of the assignment
Conference Session
Qualitative Methodologies
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy E. Slaton, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #12048The Power and Politics of STEM Research Design: Saving the ”Small N”Prof. Amy E. Slaton, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.) Amy E. Slaton is a Professor of History at Drexel University. She write on issues of identity in STEM education and labor, and is the author of Race, Rigor and Selectivity in U.S. Engineering: The History of an Occupational Color Line .Prof. Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette Alice Pawley is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education and an affiliate faculty member in the Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies Program and the Division of
Conference Session
Project-Based Education in Energy Conversion
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
EducationThermodynamics (ME680) during their fourth or fifth years. Like their peer institutions, RIT hasthe desire and requirement to improve curriculum structure, integration, and assessment. ME413 and 680 form a progression in course work into the study of Thermodynamics and,therefore, the courses are carefully integrated. This integration is achieved through a courseassessment process conducted by the faculty leads from both courses.The goal of Thermodynamics is to provide studentswith practical and relevant engineering science Table 1. Summary of Topics Exploredbackground in thermodynamics. The course also in Thermodynamics (ME 413)provides the groundwork for subsequent courses in Topical Areas
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Mehmet Ayar, TUBITAK; Dennie L. Smith, Texas A&M University; Christine Ehlig-Economides, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
’ experiences with e-bookpublishing was helpful for the group in proceeding with the project. In his interview, Richardadded: …In my experience …the publishing companies…sometimes might have some input, while other faculty did not have exactly the same experience when they were trying…to publish more traditional books…I had some explanation to for this…they tried either to talk to some publishers and the orders of the textbooks…the chapters and things like that…basically at different doors…so in that sense I had delivered more experience than some others had.The professors could easily write the assigned chapters within their content expertise but e-bookpublishing presented unfamiliar technical, economic, and social
Conference Session
System 1 in Engineering Education and Research
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Huff, Harding University; Kanembe Shanachilubwa, Harding University; Stephen Secules, University of Georgia
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
interview howshe felt that she maintained a good interpersonal relationship with her engineering peers and professors.Additionally, as the epigraph of this paper indicated, Rebecca was a high-performing student and hadachieved several markers of traditional success as an engineering student, including high grades andprestigious internships. Furthermore, at the time of the interview, she had planned to pursue a degree in aprofession outside of engineering following her graduation. However, as will be clear in our findings, herrole as an engineering student was important to understanding her core identity. 1We chose to present Rebecca’s case of shame as a mechanical engineering student because it
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division (EMD) Tech Session 3: Engineering Management — From Classroom to Practice
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mia Baytop Russell, The Johns Hopkins University; Illysa Izenberg, The Johns Hopkins University; Michael Agronin; Aabhas Jain
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management Division (EMD)
: a. Diagnose team challenges and devise and implement solutions b. Coach your peers, team leader, client, or faculty c. Recognize and respond to conflict productively d. Influence others without authority e. Write collaboratively f. Use a project management technique such as design freeze planning, scheduling tools, customer needs assessment and conversion to product specs, team charters, change order management, etc. 7. In what ways, if any, did the course not support your design teams or projects that you wish it had? 8. Is there anything else that I should have asked or that you would like to share
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fethiye Ozis P.E., Northern Arizona University; Meliksah Demir, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
learn” remains to be one of the biggestchallenges college students face in their first year, especially when we take nation-wide readinglevels into consideration (US Department of Education, NAEP, 2015). In Fall 2015, a “MindDump” pedagogical strategy was implemented to encourage students to read the class material forpre-exposure. The students have 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence in class to write downeverything they can remember from their reading (Whitman, 2015). Mind Dumps are used as cheatsheets during exams. The same procedure with the addition of guided reading questions wereadapted for the Spring 2016 semester. Aggregated survey results from the first two semesters(N1=78, N2=75) showed that about one third of the students Agreed
Conference Session
Bridge Programs Connecting to First-Year Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amanda Simson, The Cooper Union; Laura C. Broughton, City University of New York, Bronx Community; Elizabeth J. Biddinger, City College of the City University of New York
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs, Pre-College Engineering Education
. Additionally,students were exposed to common college practices like office hours, course syllabi, coursereadings, and class discussions. In the 2018 course, specific time was set aside to allow studentsto work on their own (with freedom to work anywhere on campus). These portions of time werespecifically designed to give students choices in how to manage their time.The course, which drew juniors and seniors from various local high schools, did not havespecific prerequisites. Thus, a fundamental challenge of the course was to incorporatedifferentiation into the curriculum delivery to meet the needs of a variety of skill levels. Toaccommodate all students, each section of the course included peer-peer tutoring, office hoursduring lunch, and optional
2001 Annual Conference
Peter Golding; Walter Fisher; Stella Quinones
studentsÀ English placement. The three Englishcourses in order from lowest to highest level are Introduction to Writing (D), Basic EnglishComposition (D), or Expository English Composition. Each of the freshman seminar (Seminar inCritical Inquiry) sections and the Introduction to Engineering sections is taught by engineeringfaculty. The Reverse Engineering Lab is taught by engineers from the staff of the TexasManufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) located on the UTEP campus.Students are clustered each semester until they complete Pre-calculus. Figure 2 illustrates thecluster sequencing for a student entering UTEP with placement in Introductory Algebra and BasicEnglish Composition. An asterisk (*) after a course indicates that it is part of a
2024 CIEC
Nathan Luetke; Orlando Ayala
. Traditionally a heat transfercourse is a challenging one due to its heavy mathematical content. As the course is part of atechnology program, the content is concentrated on the use of the major concepts in industrialapplications, therefore problem-solving and project design are central to the teaching approach ofthis class.The course has been taught by two different MET faculty in the last 10 years and the project-based-learning activity has been assigned for the last 6 years. The course syllabus can bedownloaded from In the syllabus, the importance of writing in theengineering profession is explained, which is an important component of this project-basedlearning activity (it is an important part of its grading).At this
Conference Session
Research and Graduate Studies
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Andrew Janeski, Virginia Tech; Erin Crede, Virginia Tech; Maura J. Borrego, Virginia Tech; Chris Venters, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Creating and Sustaining Productive Research Groups in Engineering Departments: Results from a Faculty and Future Faculty WorkshopAbstractIn July 2011, 45 engineering graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty members andadministrators from 33 universities across the country met to discuss how to foster successfulengineering graduate research groups. This paper summarizes the recommendations andconclusions from this meeting. Analysis of workshop discussions yielded four major themes:clarity of expectations, attending to community, organization for group and peer learning, andstructuring student development towards independence. In
Conference Session
Computers in Education (CoED) Engineering Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neelam Soundarajan, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Page 23.1391.2additional work that would be needed to develop materials and activities that would be relevantfor their courses and be approrpriate for the medium; students, despite their reliance, almost to thepoint of addiction, on interactive social media in other walks of life, have been even more resistantto on-line collaboration in their STEM courses, preferring even to having their grades penalizedrather than participating in such collaboration. There have been some reports of successful wiki-usage in engineering courses. But, as we will see later in the paper, the activities involved in thesereports tend to be primarily non-technical, e.g., engineering writing, etc.Peer-instruction 3 (PI) is a classroom technique that helps students
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrea Gregg, Pennsylvania State University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University; Karen A. Thole, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Pennsylvania StateUniversity. In its eighth year at the time of this writing, the online MSME program hasexperienced significant growth and over the last five years of the online MSME program hasgone from a total of ~40 students in the program to 130 students. Nearly 50 students havingearned their master’s of science degrees via the online program. This growth is in part due toexplicit theory-driven attention to pedagogy, recruitment, mentoring, and facilitated guidance.Similar to our resident students, our online students have faculty research advisors and conductmasters-level research projects. This research element makes our online MSME program unique.While there is increasingly more written about the modest growth in online engineeringeducation
Conference Session
Reassessing Your Teaching Through Turmoil
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Claudia Mara Dias Wilson, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Janille A. Smith-Colin, Southern Methodist University; Baris Salman, Syracuse University; Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez, Colorado State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
toquestions such as "Who am I ?" at the beginning of the course provides the opportunity for suchpractice. We also recommend that students critique each other's concept maps. The opportunityto offer peer feedback further exposes students to the rules and expectations for conceptmapping. This scaffolding approach is expected to improve the quality of the pre- and post-evaluation of the concept maps during module implementation.Furthermore, reflective writing is a useful tool for having students reflect on their personalexperiences while surprisingly teaching students empathy. The act of looking beyond their ownexperiences to the experiences of various stakeholders appears to have created opportunities forstudents to consider broader social and
Conference Session
Curricula of the Past, Present, and Future
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cristina Pomales-Garcia, University of Michigan; Yili Liu, University of Michigan; Virginia Soto, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
) educational technology, (3) the student’s rolein the engineering college, and (4) the professor’s role in the engineering college. Theparticipants were instructed to write 10 words or phrases that come to their mind when they thinkabout each of the questions and rank their answers in the order of importance. Following theindividual questions, ten questions were discussed in a focus group. The results of the studyshowed that when it comes to evaluation of education and teaching methods, students would liketo see more opportunities to give input in the system and be more involved as part of the creationin all levels and steps. Current literature on Excellence in Engineering Education stresses theimportance of skills and knowledge but leaves out two
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dahm, Rowan University; William Riddell, Rowan University; Tom Merrill, Rowan University; Leigh Weiss, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
III.The Freshman and Sophomore Engineering Clinics are intended to provide a foundation ofengineering skills needed for Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic. The goals of the SophomoreEngineering Clinic consist of teaching engineering design principles and technicalcommunication (technical writing in the fall, public speaking in the spring). The SophomoreEngineering Clinic is an integrated course, team-taught by Communication and Engineeringfaculty. There are two 75 minute lecture periods and one 160-minute lab period each week.Students work on design problems during lab periods, which are supervised by a team of 5-6engineering faculty representing all four Rowan engineering departments (Chemical, Civil &Environmental, Electrical & Computer
Conference Session
Innovations in First Year Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Lewis, University of Louisville; Jeffrey Hieb, University of Louisville; David Wheatley, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
approaches undertaken since 2008, in Introductionto Engineering, to introduce freshmen engineering students to critical thinking. Also presentedare recent 2009 revisions to the components of the course, such as the reworking of the casestudies in an effort to encourage students to demonstrate critical thinking. Explicit discussionswith the students regarding the reasons for time and effort being spent on case studies and criticalthinking were also added to the course. The number of critical thinking assignments wasincreased, expanded, and further clarified from the previous year and some assignments werealso redesigned to allow for some peer reinforcement during intermediate stages. Statisticalanalysis of a pre and post assessment of critical
2001 Annual Conference
Linda Broadbelt; L. Catherine Brinson; Kathleen Issen; Brad Kinsey
? Page 6.800.12 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2001, American Society for Engineering Education g. How difficult is it to move from a research-focused institution to a teaching-focused institution? What about the reverse? h. What is “peer instruction” and “collaborative learning?” How have you used these techniques in your class?5. Grant Writing – The Funding Process a. Provide an overview of the grant writing, application, review and selection process to obtain funding. b. Is it better to choose a research area and then find funding, or find out the “hot” areas are for a particular funding agency and tailor
Conference Session
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Case Studies in Construction Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Long Duy Nguyen P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Zofia Kristina Rybkowski, Texas A&M University; Anh D. Chau P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Daniel Linares, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
ethics to mobile technology. A multitude of “how to write a teachingcase study” guidelines are available, including in construction education. However, literature thatprovides insights into developing a specific case study in construction engineering andmanagement is scarce. To fill this knowledge gap, this paper presents the dynamics ofdeveloping an educational case study to explore the implementation of target value design(TVD). This case study was developed for engineering and construction management students toformulate, discuss, and decide on strategies, actions, and solutions to provide the best value tothe project owner when implementing TVD. This work-in-progress paper focuses on the pilottest when developing the case study. Pre-class
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 9: Student Growth & Professionalization
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lawrence R. Chen, McGill University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
engineering-related scenarios, situations, or dilemmas. The students areassessed based on the following: (1) individual or team responses to the engineering-relatedscenarios, situations, or dilemmas discussed in teams in class; (2) a reflective paper on theengineering profession, (3) a peer-reviewed paper on addressing a professional dilemma inengineering, and (4) two team-based assignments—an infographic and a video. Students areassigned to teams randomly by the instructor at the start of the semester (a maximum of 6students per team) and work in the same team throughout the semester, i.e., for the in-classdiscussions and the two team-based assignments.To facilitate team building, students participate in a number of ice-breaking activities. Teams
2024 CIEC
Jiayue Shen; Daniel Jones; Kazi Imran; Xiang Wang; Weiru Chen; Lanju Mee
technical and non- technical environments and identify and employ relevant technical literature as needed. • Conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments, and analyze and interpret the results to improve processes. • Demonstrate the ability to function as an effective member and leader of technical teams.In addition to theoretical lessons on mechatronics, this course incorporates IoT technologies toprovide students with practical, hands-on experience. The laboratory activities encompass • Provide students with training on Arduino IDE. • Review the laboratory manual and watch related tutorials. • Conduct the experiments. • Gather data and compare results. • Collaborate with team members to write