our community college NSF-REU projects is also described.The Internal Force ExampleA standard internal force problem of two blocks connected by a string over a pulley is shown inFigure 1. The tensions on either side of the pulley are not equal because the angular accelerationof the pulley is affected by the torque. The initial parameter values are: 10-kg incline-mass, 50-kg hanging-mass, pulley moment of inertia 20-kg-m-sq, pulley radius 0.3-m, coefficient of kineticfriction 0.2, and 35-degree slope angle. The system acceleration value was calculated as 1.47m/s/s. Changing the hanging-mass values or the incline-mass values would yield variousacceleration values using Newton’s law of motion. Adding random values would simulate labdata with
. We firmly believe that these results are due to our capability to deliver rigoroushands-on learning experiences through the CVCLAB in addition to the inquiry-based frameworkthat we used in the design of these hands-on activities. Fall 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 6-7 – Penn State BerksReferences1 Morgan, S. (2015, December 21). Cybersecurity Market Reaches $75 Billion In 2015; Expected To Reach $170 Billion By 2020. Retrieved August 31, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevemorgan/2015/12/20/cybersecurity%E2%80%8B-%E2%80%8Bmarket- reaches-75-billion-in-2015%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B-%E2%80%8Bexpected-to-reach-170-billion-by- 2020/#71dbf07b30d62 Morgan, S. (2016, January 04
national security. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Towards Real-time Ergonomics Feedback and Educational Content with the use of Co-Robots Christian E. López 1 and Dr. Conrad S. Tucker1,2 1 Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, the Pennsylvania State University. 2 School of Engineering Design, Technology and Professional Programs, the Pennsylvania State University.AbstractEngineering students will play a major role in the process of improving the ergonomics in theworkplace. Nonetheless, studies indicate that engineering students are not familiar with theHuman Factors & Ergonomics (HF&E) methods used to improve
and Riverbed University TeachingProgram for proving Packet tracer and Riverbed Modeler for free to our students conducting labactivities in the Department of Technology Systems (TSYS) at East Carolina University (ECU).We would also like to thank College of Engineering and Technology for their tech support,especially Mr. Keith Thomson for his assistance in setting up the learning environment.References 1. N. I. Sarkar and T. M. Craig, “Teaching Wireless Communication and Networking Fundamentals Using Wi-Fi Projects,” IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 49, Number 1, pp. 98-104, February 2006. 2. T. J. M. Sanguino, C. S. Lopez, and F. A. M. Hernandez, “WiFiSiM: An Educational Tool for the Study and
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either a student or team to participate in a discussion with the instructor.These generally followed an ACL activity where the individual team outcomes were presented forthe benefit of the entire class. Figure 1: Image of audience taken by video recording system during traditional lecture potion of control lecture. Seats A1-F13 were evaluated as part of the study. The [#]s are the ordinal values assigned to each studentIn total, 59 video clips 20-30 seconds in length were analyzed from the five lecture recordings.Data points were selected such that they were spaced throughout the lecture and contained a singleactivity (e.g. the lecturer talking, a random-calling activity, or an active-collaborative learningactivity). Each clip was played on
helped the project was projects with enjoyable and Electrostatics and skills with these me better adequate partner(s) helped fun! Magnetostatics projects understand me understand device through practical uses of the importance of projects Electromagnetics communication with my team mate
light in a S-curved shapeinstead of straight lined LED strip light that is shown in Figure 4 (right). Figure 4 The completed circuit constructions with motors (left) and testing the completed motorized vehicle with photocell sensors along the LED light strip track (right)ConclusionDesigning a logic circuit of the self-correcting vehicle project was found to be motivating for thestudents involved by providing student-driven, interdisciplinary, and technology based learningmethod. The project was completed by three honors students in Spring 2017. All three studentsshowed greater confidence in academic success and further interest in continuing similar researchproject. It allowed the students to combine their knowledge
culminating in the construction, start-up, and operation of an optical fiber factory in Suzhou, China where he remains the Chief Technology Officer. He holds a B.S. in Chemistry and M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Green Energy Tent-Light with GPS Locator: A Real Product for a Real Customer C. J. Gray, G. D. Grabovetz, K. A. Gabrielsen, S. R. Lecin, and P.R. Stupak Department of Science and Engineering and Computer Science Raritan Valley Community College, Branchburg, NJAbstractA Team of four Raritan Valley
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