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2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Cyrus K Hagigat, The University of Toledo
. Figure 2: simplified suspension system modelThe force in a spring is its constant multiplied by its displacement and the force in a hydraulicsystem is the damping of the hydraulic system multiplied by velocity. Based on these facts, theequation of motion for the system of figure 2 is as shown in equation (1). m(d2xo/dt) + c(dxo/dt – dxi/dt) + k(xo – xi)= 0 (1)Rearranging equation (1) and applying the Laplace transform formulas put equation (1) in theform shown in equation (2). [2] (mS2 + cS + k) Xo(S) = (cS + k)Xi(S) (2)The transfer function of a control system is defined as the output of the system divided by theinput of the system in
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Cyrus K Hagigat, The University of Toledo
equations. The same control system can bestable or unstable depending on the input parameters into the system. Stability or lack of stabilityof a control system can theoretically be determined by solving the control system differentialequation(s). The differential equation(s) can be solved numerically. A numerical solution of adifferential equation produces numbers that can be plotted but not an expression. The differentialequations can also be solved by classical differential equation techniques. The classicaldifferential equation solution techniques can be supplemented by using Laplace Transform andusing the MATLAB software to expedite the Laplace Transform formulations. Damping level(s)in a vibrating system greatly influence the stability level
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Cyrus K Hagigat, The University of Toledo
. Figure 3: A one dimensional deformed barSince the bar element is developed by using the same deflection technique as a spring,assemblage of a number of finite elements that are based on bar formulation is done by the sametechnique that is used for assembling a number of spring elements.Bar elements are used for modeling truss assemblies. In a truss, various truss elements can forman angle with the global coordinates as shown in figure 4. Figure 4: A bar element making an angle θ with X axis of global coordinate systemThe global stiffness matrix relating global forces to global displacements for the element shownin figure 5 is given in equation (13). [3] f1x C ∗ C C∗S
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Diwakar K C, The University of Toledo; Harish Dangi, NEA Engineering Company Ltd; M. Wasif Naqvi, Michigan State University; Liangbo Hu, University of Toledo
relevant information. The volume of solid, fine solid and fluid are considered64,872m3, 27,540 m3 and 92,412 m3, respectively.The density of solid, fine solid and fluid are assigned as 2650 kgm-3, 2000 kgm-3 and 1000 kgm-3.The internal and basal angle of friction for solid is assigned 25 and 8; for fine solid is 10 and4. The kinematic viscosity for fine solid and fluid phase are assigned 102 m2/s and 10-3 m2/s,respectively.ResultsFindings of field studyThe studied Kalli landslide and debris flow areas lie within the Suntar Formation of the lesserHimalaya comprising fine to medium grained green gray sandstone alternatively with purpleshale. Several micro fold with differential weathering of Shale and sandstone is observed aroundthe crown and
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Uchenna Asogwa, The University of Toledo; Timothy Ryan Duckett, The University of Toledo; Matthew W Liberatore, The University of Toledo
Task Load Index was adopted tomeasure the problem rigor. This paper will compare textbook and YouTube problems with respectto problem-solving ability and at each stage of problem solving. Furthermore, we will investigatewhether disparities exist in students’ perceptions when solving VLE problems. 2MethodsProblems considered in the current study represent part of homework sets completed by studentsin a MEB course. We considered three problems from the VLE topic — one Textbook homework(traditional homework problem) and two YouTube problems (see S.1 for problem statements).The intervention constituted of a group of 182 students (40% females) across two academic yearsfrom a large public university
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Steven T Rowland; Michael William Eckels; Ramakrishnan Sundaram, Gannon University
: Describe what IoT is and how it works today CO_2: Design and program IoT devices CO_3: Examine the security and privacy challenges of IoT CO_4: Find proper security/privacy solutions for IoTThe course meets twice each week for fourteen weeks. The duration of each meeting is eightyminutes (one hour and twenty minutes). Table 1 identifies the topical theme, the laboratoryexperiment(s), and project(s) associated with each theme and the session number(s). Table 1: IoT course outline Theme Laboratory Experiment/Project Session #(s) Course overview: IoT technology and impact Arduino microcontroller 1-3
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Mario G Perhinschi, West Virginia University
activities and instruments is focused on bringing real-world problems and experiences into the classroom and providing the students with a framework for creative search for solutions, investigative analysis, and independent inquiry-based study;  the implementation of the AoE in UAS is responding to current and future job market needs and trends in the context of the 4th industrial revolution and the specific challenges that it triggers.8. References1. Valavanis, K.P. and Vachtsevanos, G.J. (Eds), Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Springer, Dordrecht, 20152. Jeschke S., ―Engineering Education for Industry 4.0 –Challenges, Chances, Opportunities‖, Full and Associate Professors Meeting, Department of Aerodynamics
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Molly Elizabeth Burke, Gannon University; Sydney Tate Hanratty; Lydia Nemeth, Gannon University; Kaylee Grace Hatfield, Gannon University; Daniel Noah Hughes; Jacob Dominic Rudy; Morgan Louise Schreck, Gannon University; Nikoly Dos Santos, Gannon University
Tagged Topics
- weather-permitting months. In figure 2, the location search to limit the algae’s growth and protect the lake. The Scholars of Excellence in Engineering and Computer Sciences (SEECS), a multi-semester program at Gannon University supported by a S-STEM grant of these buoys around Presque Isle State Park are from the National Science Foundation, has partnered with the Regional Science Consortium to engineer a mapped with a satellite image of Lake Erie. submerged device that extends the data collection timeline and stores water quality data from Lake
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Craig J. Gunn, Michigan State University
. Sheppard, Jennifer Turns, Robin S. Adams, Lorraine N. Fleming,Reed Stevens, Ruth A. Streveler, Karl A. Smith, Ronald L. Miller, Larry J. Leifer, KenYasuhara, and Dennis Lund., Enabling Engineering Student Success: The Final Report for theCenter for the Advancement of Engineering Education, San Rafael, CA: Morgan & ClaypoolPublishers, 2010.Besterfield-Sacre, M.E., et. al., “Triangulating Assessments”, Proceedings 2000 ASEEAnnual Meeting, American Society of Engineering Education, 2000.Biggs, J., "Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment", Higher Education 32: 347-364,1996, Kluwer Academic Publishers.Bloom, B.S., and D. R. Krathwohl, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1,Cognitive Domain, New York, Addison-Wesley, 1984.Crawley
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Sabrina Martin, University of Pittsburgh; Tony Lee Kerzmann, University of Pittsburgh
Stimulus for Clean Energy, Not Fossil Fuels” June 2020. Available: for-clean-energy-not-fossil-fuels/. [Accessed: Nov. 7, 2020].[2] FHWA, “Highway Statistics 2017,” Office of Highway Policy Information. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 7, 2020].[3] S. Ahmad. M. Abdul Mujeebu. M. Ahmadullah Farooqi, “Energy harvesting for pavement and roadways: A comprehensive review of technologies, materials, and challenges.” Wiley International Journal of Energy Research. November 2018. Available: file:///C:/Users/Marti/Documents/Engineering/Renewable%20Roadways
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Carmen Cioc, The University of Toledo; Noela A. Haughton, The University of Toledo; John B. Napp, The University of Toledo; Sorin Cioc, University of Toledo
three Qualitative questions, as listed below.Only six students provided feedback. 1. Describe activities or assignments that were most beneficial to your learning. 2. Suggest ways(s) in which the course could be improved (if any). 3. Briefly describe what you thought was the most important thing you learned in this course.For the first question, 3 out of the 6 responses were related to the final project; “Group Labreports and the final project for the semester”, “The project was very beneficial because we gotto apply what we were learning to a real-world application”, “Labs, assignments, and Finalproject”.For the second question there was no comment related to the final project.For the last question, four out of the six comments were
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
David T Delisle, School of Engineering, Eastern Michigan University; Qin Hu, School of Engineering, Eastern Michigan University
feedback. This feedback from the servo motor’s  built-in controllers would valuably provide the program information to correct and optimally achieve proportional output. Figure 4 shows the mounting locations of the Buck converter (C), Steering Servo (S), Brake Servo (B), and Microcontroller (M).  Figure 3: Control system logic flowchart.    Figure 4: RC golf cart device mounting locations (a) side view; (b) rear view; and (c) top view.  Source: [8].  In particular, RC control and interaction between the controller, Arduino Uno, and SDSK servo system was pursued as an informative topic. Initial
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Niklas Cyril Bitters, Gannon University; Ramakrishnan Sundaram, Gannon University
International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), Wuxi, China, 19-21 July 2019. DOI: 10.1109/SIPROCESS.2019.8868430.[17] S. Alhabshee et al., “Deep Learning Traffic Sign Recognition in Autonomous Vehicle,” 2020 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), Batu Pahat, Malaysia, 27-29 Sept. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/SCOReD50371.2020.9251034.[18] S. Zhang et al., “Vehicle Detection in UAV Aerial Images Based on Improved YOLOv3,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), Nanjing, China, China, 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ICNSC48988.2020.9238059.[19] J. Choi, “Uncertainty-based Object Detector for Autonomous Driving Embedded Platforms,” 2020 2nd IEEE International
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
James D. Kaul, Marshall University CCSE; Gregory Dovel Weed; Jared Cunningham; Imtiaz Ahmed; Wook-Sung Yoo, Marshall University
Batteries for Easier Recycling Could Avert a Looming E-Waste Crisis”, looming-ewaste-crisis, Oct 23, 2020, (accessed November 2020)3. K. Smith, E. Wood, S. Santhanogopalan, G-H Kim, Y. Shi, A. Persaran, “Predictive Models of Li-ion Battery Lifetime” in IEEE Conference on Reliability Science for Advanced Materials and Devices, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, September 7-9 20144. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, and A. Courville, Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2016, D. Madhubabu and A. Thakre, “Long-short term memory based channel prediction for SISO system,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Commun
2021 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Harrison Heinig; Kyle Hohman; Derek Ritterbusch; Stephany Coffman-Wolph, Ohio Northern University; Heath Joseph LeBlanc, Ohio Northern University; Tyler Joseph Horne
Northern University Ada, OH 45810 Ada, OH 45810 Ada, OH 45810 Derek Ritterbusch Stephany Coffman-Wolph Heath LeBlanc Computer Engineering ECCS Department ECCS Department Undergraduate Student Ohio Northern University Ohio Northern University Ohio Northern University Ada, OH 45810 Ada, OH 45810 Ada, OH 45810 d-ritterbusch@onu.edu1. IntroductionThis paper will describe a senior capstone project to create a digital