Paper ID #32779Outcomes of the S-STEM Scholarship Program in Our Institution in thePast Three YearsProf. Liang Zhu, University of Maryland Baltimore County Liang Zhu received her B.S. in Engineering Thermophysics from the University of Science and Technol- ogy of China, Hefei, Anhui, China, in 1988, and Ph.D. in Engineering from the City University of New York, New York, USA, in 1995. Currently, she is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Her research fields include using nanotechnology to improve treatment outcomes of patients. She is also interested in Engineering
Paper ID #32730The Influence of Program Concentrations on Enrollment and PlacementDr. David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern University David R. Mikesell is chair and professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio Northern University. His research interests are in land vehicle dynamics, autonomous vehicles, and robotics. His background includes work in automotive engineering at Ohio State (PhD), six years designing automated assembly machines and metal-cutting tools for Grob Systems, and four years service as an officer in the U.S. Navy. He holds bachelor degrees in German (Duke) and Mechanical Engineering (ONU).Dr. John-David S
furtherexpand the PBH implementation by increasing the number of project-based activities and makingthe PBH assignments a required course activity in the next semester and continue to evaluate thestudent performances. The preliminary data obtained in this study from the first round of PBHimplementation is encouraging considering these experiments were devised and completed bythe students using simple objects and items while in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Theauthors will continue their efforts in improving the PBH implementation process in future studiesthrough the above mentioned measures to enhance student learning and student success rates inthe Dynamics course.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K
-power pulsed laser(s), sheet optic(s), digitalimager(s), and processing software. Figure 1. A simple laboratory PIV system consisting of a digital camera, a pulsed wave laser, sheet optics, and seeding particles. To date, each of these hardware/software technological problems have been individuallysolved. The modern availability of LED “laser” pointers, increasing quality of smartphonecameras, and improvements in smartphone processing speed now provide economical, safe, andaccessible illumination, imaging, and image processing capabilities for smartphone PIV.However, while open source algorithms exist for PIV [12], they a) do not port to modern mobiledevices and b) are not equipped with interfaces that guide
attention cueingin animations. Computers & Education, 55(2), 681-691.[2] de Koning, B. B., Tabbers, H., Rikers, R. M. J. P., & Paas, F. (2009). Towards a frameworkfor attention cueing in instructional animations: Guidelines for research and design. EducationalPsychology Review, 21(2), 113-140.[3] de Koning, B. B., Tabbers, H. K., Rikers, R. M. J. P., & Paas, F. (2007). Attention cueing asa means to enhance learning from an animation. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 21(6), 731-746.[4] de Koning, B. B., Tabbers, H. K., Rikers, R. M. J. P., & Paas, F. (2010a). Attention guidancein learning from a complex animation: Seeing is understanding? Learning and Instruction, 20(2),111-122.[5] Mayer, R. E., Hegarty, M., Mayer, S., & Campbell, J
same as texts inother courses. Compared to a previous course offering using a traditional textbook, studentsscored better on two module-level assessments, on the topics of conduction temperature profilesand forced convection in internal flow. Future work includes writing chapters for an opentextbook aligned with the learning outcomes for this course and gathering more student feedbackon the course materials.AcknowledgmentThis project was supported by a Curriculum Enhancement Grant from the Center for Teachingand Learning at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Elizabeth Lynch assisted inidentifying and reviewing existing OER and other digital materials.References[1] U. S. Government Accountability Office, “College Textbooks
. Imbalzano, K. T. Q. Nguyen, and D. Hui, “Additive manufacturing (3D printing): A review of materials, methods, applications and challenges,” Compos. Part B Eng., vol. 143, no. December 2017, pp. 172–196, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.02.012.[2] C. Yu and J. Jiang, “A perspective on using machine learning in 3D bioprinting,” Int. J. Bioprinting, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 4–11, 2020, doi: 10.18063/ijb.v6i1.253.[3] U. Delli and S. Chang, “Automated Process Monitoring in 3D Printing Using Supervised Machine Learning,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 26, pp. 865–870, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.111.[4] Y. Zhao, T. Birdal, H. Deng, and F. Tombari, “3D point capsule networks,” Proc. IEEE Comput. Soc. Conf
authors [16-18].A total of 54 group proposal documents for the project were analyzed. Out of these 54 groupproposal documents, 27, 18, and 9 were from each of the three offerings, respectively. Two raterswere involved in the analysis. These two raters analyzed 4 of the proposal documents togetherand discussed and confirmed indicators of demonstration of the behavioral outcomes. After that,the two raters analyzed the remaining 50 proposal documents independently. The results werethen compared and discussed until agreement was reached for any discrepancies that arose fromthe independent analyses. If there was an indicator(s) found in a proposal document for a specificbehavioral outcome, that group was marked to have demonstrated that behavioral
techniques,thorough literature review on selected passive technique, learning the required software,verification and validation of numerical model, parametric investigation to determine optimalconfiguration, and authoring technical papers. This independent study was a three-credit hourcourse that replaced a required technical elective for the student. Meetings were held everyWednesday and lasted for a maximum of three hours. Since dimples have proven to be effectiveon golf balls, it is also of interest to test their efficacy on airfoils to enhance aerodynamicperformance by energizing the flow and delaying boundary layer separation. There has beensome contradictory research with respect to the optimal location, size and geometry of thedimple(s) on an
was 2694 (fall: 1835, spring859). The number of videos viewed per student after week 8 in spring 2020 (switch to online)showed a slight increase (3.7) relative to the fall 2019 views per student (3.5) after week 8. Thissuggests that the utility of the GenZ video titles can be suitable in a completely online course.The instructor(s) provided multiple pieces of feedback to support these data. Each topic wasdesigned to have theory video(s) coupled with at least one practice video as a complete set forstudents. Students were encouraged to watch the appropriate videos before class to promote in-class discussion (a very slight shift towards a more flipped classroom). Two of the Introductionto Computer Science topics were not covered in-class—only
. Abu-Ayyad, "Promoting Multidisciplinary Industry- Sponsored Capstone Projects," 2020 Mid-Atlantic Spring Conference, 2020.[3] K. C. Davis, "Enhancing Communication Skills in Senior Design Capstone Projects," 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, 2001.[4] B. Nuttall, J. Mwangi and C. Baltimore, "Capstone Projects: Integrating Industry through Student Leadership," 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2009.[5] C. Cioc, S. Cioc and R. A. Springman, "Using Capstone Projects for Community Outreach," 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018.[6] J. A. Mynderse, R. W. Fletcher, L. Liu, A. L. Gerhart, S. Arslan and K. E. Yee, "A Three- Semester Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Sequence Based on an SAE Collegiate
David S. Taylor Service to Students Award and Golden Apple Award from Boise State University. He is also the recipient of ASEE Pacific Northwest Section (PNW) Outstanding Teaching Award, ASEE Mechanical Engineering division’s Outstanding New Edu- cator Award and several course design awards. He serves as the campus representative (ASEE) for Boise State University and as the Chair-Elect for the ASEE PNW Section. His academic research interests in- clude innovative teaching and learning strategies, use of emerging technologies, and mobile teaching and learning strategies.Samantha Schauer, Boise State University Samantha Schauer is a graduate student at Boise State University, pursuing a Master’s degree in Mechani
University ofTexas study, the improvements in student grades based on recitation may be statisticallyinsignificant because of a larger influence from student participation and attendance [7]. In thespring of 2021 at Penn State Behrend, one recitation section was offered and had 7 participants.More sections will need to be opened to increase availability to students with conflictingschedules because students cite scheduling conflicts as the main factor for skipping or notregistering for recitation courses [13], [14]. It is hoped that with proper tracking of the success ofthe recitation, the data can be used to convince future students to participate in the recitationcourse.References[1] S. Hoover, “Pennsylvania colleges face steep enrollment declines
learning process to the student, but to intentionally add adegree of freedom and flexibility often missing from academic coursework. Allowing studentssome ability to shape their learning experience enables them to advance their personal skill setand interests in new and constructive ways. Pedagogically, the mini-projects aim to movestudents from a simple to a complex level of understanding; for example, moving beyond simplygrasping how a tool is employed to understanding its purpose, the need(s) it addresses, and theexpectations surrounding its use. In short, students learn how to think about tools and operationsthat are viable, feasible, and desirable. Adding opportunities for flexibility in pursuing some oftheir own interests can further
students either preferred in-class active learning or were not sure for theSpring2020 semester. The percentage of students preferring online instruction increased for theSummer 2020 and Fall2020 semesters. As an example, just slightly over 50 percent of thestudents preferred in-class instruction as of the Fall2020 semester.Keywords: Active learning, In-class exercises, Fluid mechanics, Online learning exercises,1. IntroductionFluid mechanics is a core course for many, if not all, mechanical, civil, and environmentalengineering undergraduate curriculums throughout the world. However, previous studiesindicated that the students typically view the undergraduate Fluid Mechanics course(s) aschallenging, resulting in low student performance
from under a time crunch. Nonetheless,students had a positive perception of the increase in their understanding of fluids and heattransfer. Future work may seek to quantify this increase in student understanding of 3D printingas well as fluids and heat transfer. Additionally, explicit instruction around task planning andtime management may allow motivated students to complete the project as intended.References [1] H. a. A. S. Aglan, "Hands‐On Experiences: An Integral Part of Engineering Curriculum Reform.," Journal of Engineering Education,, vol. 85, pp. 327-330, 1996. [2] K. Sherwin and M. Mavromihales, "Design, Fabrication And Testing A Heat Exchanger As A Student Project," in ASEE Annual Conference
Wesley Longman, 2001, pp 27-37.[4]. D. R. Sadler, “Formative assessment and the design of instructional systems,” Instr. Sci., vol.18, no. 2, pp. 119–144, Jun. 1989.[5]. J. C. Chen, D. C. Whittinghill, and J. A. Kadlowec, “Classes That Click: Fast, RichFeedback to Enhance Student Learning and Satisfaction,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 99, no. 2, pp.159–168, 2010.[6]. S. P. Brophy, P. Norris, M. Nichols, and E. D. Jansen, “Development and initial experiencewith a laptop-based student assessment system to enhance classroom instruction,” inAmerican Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, 2003.[7]. S. W. Draper and M. I. Brown, “Increasing interactivity in lectures using an electronic votingsystem,” J. Comput. Assist. Learn., vol
required funding forthis work. REFERENCES[1] Campbell, C., “On-Line Video-Based Training for MATLAB, MATHCAD and MAPLE”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009.[2] Kaw, A., Besterfield, G. and Eison, J., “Assessment of a Web-Enhanced Course in Numerical Methods”, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 712-722, 2005.[3] Wickert, J. and Beuth, J., “Web-Based Computer-Aided Engineering Tutorials across the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2004.[4] Hsi, S. and Agogino, A.M., “The Impact and Instructional Benefit of
types of learning gains can be realized.AcknowledgmentsThis work was initiated at a KEEN Innovating Curriculum with Entrepreneurial Mindset (ICE)workshop. The author is grateful for coaching from the KEEN network and for the financialsupport of the Kern Family Foundation to attend the workshop and develop the learning module.References 1. C. J. Creed, E. M., Suuberg and G. P. Crawford, “Engineering entrepreneurship: An example of a paradigm shift in engineering education,” Journal of Engineering Education, 91(2), 2002, pp.185-195. 2. T. Byers, T. Seelig, S. Sheppard, and P. Weilerstein, “Entrepreneurship: Its Role in Engineering Education,” The Bridge, 43(2), 2013. 3. Miller, M. H., “Work-in-Progress: Design of
2019 Full-Time Faculty (M) Daytime 7 Spring 2020 Full-Time Faculty (M) Daytime 12 Full-Time Staff (K) Daytime 13 Fall 2020 Adjunct Faculty (S) Evening 4Team Projects 1 and 2The first project is a self-directed exploration of applying strain gages to a beam. Students mustfirst identify sources for answering comprehension-level questions regarding the strain gage andbridge circuit. For instance, “In your own words, define the gage factor and describe why itmatters” or “In your own words, describe the purpose and process of balancing the bridgecircuit”. Next
“Simulation…hasbecome ubiquitous in engineering education.” More recently, Magana [4] presents research donewith a panel of 18 experts from academia and 19 from industry, on what modeling andsimulation (M&S) practices should be integrated into engineering education. There wassignificant consensus on the need for skills related to validation, acknowledging uncertainty inthe interpretation of simulation predictions, and developing intuition and being critical of results.Developing a healthy doubt of computer-generated results in students is an issue that others haveaddressed [5], [6]. Both the increasing use of M&S, and the need for the credibility of M&Sresults to be questioned, is addressed in the ASME Guide for Verification and
advertising”. This might require a weekly email to the team managersto remind them of their specific duties and encourage them to guide the team in their roleswithout micromanaging specific roles.On the whole, the METE format has met and exceeded initial expectations for creating astructured environment where students can practice and improve their teamworking skills.References[1] ABET (2020). Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2020-2021,, accessed Sept. 9, 2020.[2] S. Sangelkar, B. Mertz, A. Bernal, and P. Cunningham. “Benchmarking Teaming InstructionAcross a Curriculum”, in Proceedings of the ASEE 2019 Annual Conference
Handbook of Engineering Education Research, A. Johri & B.M. Olds, Eds., 2014, pp. 103-118.[2] J. Gainsburg, “The Mathematical Disposition of Structural Engineers,” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 447-506, Nov. 2007.[3] D. Hammer, F. Goldberg, and S. Fargason, “Responsive teaching and the beginnings of energy in a third grade classroom,” Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, vol. 6 no. 1, pp. 51-72, 2012.[4] J. E. Swenson, A. W. Johnson, T. G. Chambers, and L. Hirshfield, “Exhibiting Productive Beginnings of Engineering Judgment during Open-Ended Modeling Problems in an Introductory Mechanics of Materials Course," in Proceedings of the American Society of
Intro to ME course provided anegative impact on the capstone design program. Faculty indicated a need to further integrateelements of the design process across the curriculum. The results provide ME faculty insightsinto how implementation of an Intro to ME course may affect the capstone design process attheir own institutions.IntroductionDesign is an essential element of engineering practice [1]. Early design experiences forundergraduate engineering students in the United States has been an increasing trend since thelate 1980’s, motivated by a recognition that undergraduate engineering students often began theirexposure to this fundamental concept late in their engineering studies [2]. This exposure todesign processes typically happened in a
laboratory experiences. For example, the Battery lab and PowerGeneration lab, described in this paper, are designed based on our department's energy systemsresearch.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThanks to faculty, IPAC members, and students at Penn State Mechanical Engineering for theirsuggestions and innovative ideas on this work. This work is also supported by the Penn StateLeonhard Center for Enhancement of Engineering Education. References:[1] N. S. Edward, “The Role of Laboratory Work in Engineering Education: Student and Staff Perceptions,” Int. J. Electr. Eng. Educ., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 11–19, Jan
relationship between P and T relative to saturation conditions to determine the associated thermodynamic region.3. Students determined the boiling temperature of water in Denver, Colorado where the ambient pressure is 85 kPa.4. Students quantitatively explored the dependence of the specific internal energy (u), specific enthalpy (h), and specific entropy on temperature and pressure in the superheated vapor region. Graphs were generated showing the dependence of u, h, and s on temperature or on pressure. (an example of the student generated graphs is shown in figure 3 below)5. By varying pressure at constant temperature students observed an isothermal route from the superheated, through the liquid-vapor region to the subcooled liquid
continuous learning platforms in place.Even though our industry advisors gave us mixed feedback on the proposal, we still felt stronglyabout the potential of offering digital badges to our students on topics outside the normalcurriculum. An additional motivating factor was the depth of our connections with true thoughtleaders with relevant expertise. We were confident that we would be able to attract very strongand engaging presenters. Luckily this turned out to be the case.We recognized that our badge topics must address 21st century skills such as those identified bythe ASME 2030 vision including the need to “[s]trengthen teamwork, communication, problemsolving, interpersonal, and leadership skills” [10]. We additionally were aware of topic areas
Paper ID #33651Design Across The Curriculum: An Evaluation Of Design Instruction in aNew Mechanical Engineering Program.Dr. Sean Stephen Tolman, Utah Valley University Sean S. Tolman is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Utah Valley Uni- versity in Orem, UT. He earned his BSME degree at Brigham Young University in 2002 and a MSME degree from the University of Utah in 2008 before returning to BYU to pursue doctoral studies complet- ing a PhD in 2014. He spent 8 years working in the automotive safety industry specializing in forensic accident reconstruction before becoming a professor. He teaches
224 69 79% 285 Civil 404 46 54% 752 Mechanical 166 6 19% 878Note: may include the term in reference or related term ‘sustain’ which is used generally, maynot therefore focus on sustainability educationFigure 5 Fraction of ASEE AC papers with sustainability in the titleDiscussion: LessonsIn looking for ways to expand sustainability incorporation in more mechanical engineeringprograms, the following areas for potential lessons have been pulled from this data. • The mechanical engineering front runner(s) • Lower division courses in civil and