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onnational rates of educational achievement and retention in STEM, especially for populationsunderrepresented in STEM. The National Science Board (NSB) reports that “About 18% ofrecent (2009–13) U.S. citizen and permanent resident S&E [Science and Engineering] doctorateholders reported earning some college credit from a community or 2-year college,” and thatincludes 32% of American Indian or Alaska Natives, 21.8% of Hispanics or Latinos, 18.1% ofBlacks or African Americans, and 21.5% of mixed race people. [16] Looking at those whoreceived science and engineering bachelor’s degrees between 2007 and 2011, the NSB reportedthat about 18% had associates degrees--which does not account for the students who transferredtheir community college credits
in the United States. By mid-March, most universities and colleges in theUnited States stopped face-to-face instructions. On March 12, 2020, The University of Texas at SanAntonio (UTSA) suspended face-to-face instructions until further notice. The spring break wasextended for one week to allow the faculty to prepare for online instruction. The instructors weregiven the choice of offering live online lectures or recording their lectures and making themavailable to students. For live online lectures, instructors were asked to record their lectures andmake them available to students to account for cases in which students lost internet connectivity orcould not attend the session(s) due to uncontrollable factors. The College of
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existing models; creativity is evident in the design User friendly: 0-10 The design takes into account that users may be young or old, tech-proficient or not so tech-proficient? Can design be used by the average person? Mission: 0-10 Relates to the mission of the non-profit organization/ stakeholders? Feasibility: 0-10 Is it realistic to implement (consider design, skills, timeline)? Additional feature(s) useful to the stakeholder: 0-20 Does the
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variables: type of institution,modality, age, and type of careerFirst, general results about selecting STEM disciplines in men and women between the years2008 to 2020 are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Distribution of preferences for first-year students in STEM disciplines concerning gender and women’s participation. Source: Own elaboration based on SIES historical enrolment from 2008 to 2020 [16].As shown in Fig. 1 the number of women who prefer STEM disciplines has gradually increasedfrom 2008 (38,515 students) to 2020 (54,982 students). However, female´s average participationfor the period under review is 19.5%, a fall in participation is seen between 2008 and 2012(Figure 2), where minimum participation of 18.92% was seen. We can see an
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help inform initiativesgeared towards broadening the participation of underrepresented minorities in STEM and makethe culture of engineering more inclusive for all students. By shifting the frame of engineeringwork towards one more aligned with the NEP, underrepresented minority students can feel moreconnected to the field of engineering and all students can be better prepared for the broader,global work of engineering work.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work collected and supported by the National Science Foundationunder Grant No. 1635534 and 1635204. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science
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students receive.Additional data analysis from the third quarter will be appended to this study as they becomeavailable. Cross-quarter and cumulative data analysis will be performed to gauge whether therelationship between time on task and weekly/final scores become clearer and whethercumulative data would present methods that would allow the use of time on task as an effectivemonitoring tool. At such time, historical data on recurring projects will be reviewed to see if itprovides any additional information.References[1] Kemmer, G., Keller, S. Nonlinear least-squares data fitting in Excel spreadsheets. Nat Protoc5, 267–281 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2009.182Appendix A1. List of weekly assignments for Senior Project I (Fall Quarter
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assessment strategies and their percentage towardsthe total grade. AE 401’s primary graded contributions were homework, exams and a mini-designproject that looked at gravity bays. Given AE 401 is flipped, pre-videos, quizzes, and other activelearning gate checks were lumped into participation that were graded for completion. AE 404 hada similar approach to grading structure with exams and homework. To mitigate barriers such astechnological issues and attendance, a make-up quiz was offered to earn back partial credit on amissed quiz or poor exam score. AE 430 followed a similar method to AE 404; homework setsand exams were used to assess student learning. Opportunities were provided to make up for workmissed due to COVID circumstances. Deadlines were
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, provide stakeholders with a clear sense of the ways in whichRED and REDPAR contribute to the transformation of undergraduate engineering education.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNo.’s #1649379, 1649318, 2005244, & 2005307 Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] London, J. A content analysis of how STEM education researchers discuss the impact oftheir publicly-supported research. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(3), 1120-1137, 2018.[2] Brewer, J.D. The impact of impact. Research Evaluation, 20(3), 255–256. 2011
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