FIGURE 2 – FINITE DIFFERENCE AND EXACT SOLUTIONNon-linear PendulumThe equation of motion for a simple pendulum is (see FIGURE 3): d 2s g - sin(s ) ? 0 dt 2 l (6)where g is the gravitational constant, l is the length of the pendulum and s is an angularcoordinate. Noting that g l has dimensions of frequency, one can introduce the dimensionlesstime: v ? ( g l )t , so that d dt ? (d dv )(dv dt ) ? ( g l )(d dv ) . Light Rigid Rod g
time and effort to construct demonstration models for instructional purpose. It is our intentin this paper to describe the lever analogy method of analysis and to present a miniature‘cookbook’ of levers for various planetary arrangements. It has been our instructionalexperience that the use of this tool not only makes torque and speed calculations easy, but alsoimproves students’ ability to visualize the results and understand the effect of gear tooth ratios.2. Modeling ProcedureThe procedure of setting up a lever system analogous for planetary gear sets is: (1) replace eachgear set by a vertical lever; (2) rescale, interconnect, and/or combine levers according to the gearsets’ interconnections; and (3) identify the connections to the lever(s
eight independent reactions Page 11.65.3Water and R-134aA consistent naming scheme was chosen for the phase change fluids. The function calls forwater and R-134a begin with the variable to be determined, followed by an underscore, followedby the independent property(s), followed by a fluid identifier (H2O or R134a), followed finallyby the values of the independent property(s) in parenthesis. Figure 1 presents the format offunction calls for the phase change substances. The functions require that all independentproperties be entered with the appropriate absolute units. a_bc XX (b, c) Returned
determined how piston displacement depends on crankangle in a single-cylinder internal combustion engine and compared their results to a theoreticalequation. A schematic of a piston, connecting rod and crank is shown in Figure 2. Assumingthat the crank and connecting rod have perfect pin connections, it can be shown by trigonometrythat the distance between the crank axis and the piston pin axis (s) is given by s = a cos + (L2 – a2 sin2 )1/2 (1)when the connecting rod length (L) and the crank radius (a) are known. These values, and thedistance from the piston pin axis to the top of the piston (x), are measured by the laboratoryinstructor and given to the students before lab. Figure 2
the firstreservoir. A pump with a characteristic curve (increase in head versus the flow rate) W s= 403.33 − 0.127 ⋅ Q + 0.004362 ⋅ Q 2 − 0.00003911⋅ Q 3 for 0 < Q < 150 gpm (7)where Ws is in ft-lbf/lbm when Q is in gpm, is in the system. The system consists of 2000 ft ofschedule 40 nominal 3-inch commercial steel pipe. Minor losses total K = 1000 and C = 0. Findthe flow rate the pump will produce in the system.Solution:The unified approach solution is provided in Figure 3. Much of the contents of the figure arespecifying the system boundary conditions, the physical properties, the friction factorrepresentation, and the units. As with the other examples, the solution is accomplished in thesolve block. Prior to the solve
for instructorsseeking one of the four desired outcomes to incorporate the appropriate activities in theircourses. Future publications, based on on-going work, will provide a comprehensive list ofexample activities to each of the four identified goals based on a survey of current courseofferings in US undergraduate engineering programs.References1. Agogino, A., Sheppard, S. and Oladipupo, A. “Making Connections to Engineering During the First Two Years”, Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference, 11-14, November, pp. 563-569, 1992.2. Burton, J. and White, D., “Selecting a Model for Freshman Engineering Design.” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 327-332, July 1999.3. Barr, R., Schmidt, P., Krueger, T., and Twu, C-Y., “An
a1 a1* h (s) ? - (s / p1 ) (s / p1* ) TRANSDUCER 100 |?203' |?3' Y CALIBRATION |?4' |?7' 10 |?32' |?42' 0
and Controls Laboratory while concurrently working on the NSF Engineering Education Grant. Page 11.479.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 DEVELOPMENT OF VISUALIZATION TOOLS FOR RESPONSE OF 1ST AND 2ND ORDER DYNAMIC SYSTEMSAbstractStudents often enter a Dynamic Systems course with no real background or exposure to many ofthe concepts used to define “non-static” systems. The material is often a significant departurefrom the previous material covered, and the vernacular/terminology is very new and unfamiliarto the students. Nomenclature and concepts such as poles, zeros, s-plane, and others cause
concepts explained the following application of Reynolds transport equation is effectively the formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics :- Page 11.227.7 S%in / S%out - (m% s ) in / (m% s ) out - S% gen ? S%CV Second Law of ThermodynamicsNet Direct Entropy Transferred in(i.e. Via heat conduction) Net Energy accumulated in the control volume
). This sensor vs. intuitor category is seen by mostresearchers to be the most important of the four categories in terms of implications foreducation8,15,28. Table 1: Overview of MBTI Manner in Which a Person Interacts With Others E Focuses outwardly. Gains energy from others. Focuses inwardly. Gains energy from cognition I EXTROVERSION INTROVERSION Manner in Which a Person Processes Information S Focus is on the five senses and experience. Focus is on possibilities, use, big picture. N SENSING
., Mayadas, F., 2005. “Online Engineering Education: Learning Anywhere, Anytime,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 1. 5. Novak, G.M., Patterson, E.T., Garvin, A.D., and Christian, W., 1999. Just-In-Time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. 6. Todd, R., Magleby, S., Sorensen, C., Swan, B., and Anthony, D. 1995. A Survey of Capstone Engineering Courses in North America. Engineering Education: 165-174. 7. McKenzie, L., Trevisan, M., Davis, D., and Beyerlein, S. 2004. Capstone Design Courses and Assessment: A National Study. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Salt Lake City. 8. Ulmann, D. 1992
% to 24°C. Determinethe heat transfer rate required per kg/s of dry air and the exit relative humidity of the air.2. Air at 35°C and a relative humidity of 10% is to be cooled by an evaporative spray cooler to20°C using water at 15°C (with an enthalpy of 63 kJ/kg). Determine the amount of waterconsumed per kg/s of dry air and the exit relative humidity.3. A cooling coil is used to take air at 0.06 kg/s, 31°C, and 70% relative humidity and cool it to18°C. What are the heat transfer rate required and the amount of water that must be drainedaway? You may assume that the liquid water leaving has an enthalpy of 85 kJ/kg. Page 11.1220.10
through the curriculumat varying speeds, and not all of the students in the post requisite course had the sameprerequisite experience, so their value as a timely assessment of a given course was diluted.Finally, the WebCT interface is not optimal for department assessment due to ongoing designand administrative issues. On-line administration also necessitates an open-book format, againimpeding faculty buy-in.BackgroundForce Concept Inventory (FCI)During the mid-1980’s it was recognized by the physics community that students were leavingNewtonian physics courses with the ability to solve quantitative exercises, but often not theability to answer a simple qualitative question regarding the underlying concept. This suggestedthat students were
“Professional Skills”- Can They BeTaught? Can They Be Assessed?,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 1, January 2005, pp.41-55.[4] Azapagic, A., Perdan, S. and Shallcross, D., “How Much Do Engineering Students Know aboutSustainable Development? The Finding of an International Survey and Possible Implications for theEngineering Curriculum,” European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 30, Issue 1, March 2005, pp.1-19.[5] Cengel, Y. A. and Boles, M. A., “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach,” 5th Ed., McRaw-Hill,NY, 2006, pp. 86-91. Page 11.178.5Appendix: Sample Paper The Effect of Energy Conversion on the Levels of Ozone and
=.16k k c No Water 12 Inch S upports 0.4 Added Water 0.4 16 Inch S upports lo w dam ping
. Page 11.722.7 0.01 0.005 0 2 m/s -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 time seconds Figure 5 Data for Assesment Question Answer Distribution Group 2 30 25frequency 20 15 10
/ir/library/pdf/erm0452.pdf7. Olds, B., Moskal, B., & Miller, R. (2005). Assessment in Engineering Education: Evolution, Approaches and Future Collaborations. Journal of Engineering Education. 94(1) 13-26.8. Pellegrino, J.W., Chudowsky, N., & Glaser, R. (Eds.) (2001), Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.9. Sahney, S., Banwet, D.K., & Karunes, S. (2004). Conceptualizing Total Quality Management in Higher Education. TQM Magazine, 16(2) 145-159.10. Tsoukas, H. (2005). Complex Knowledge: Studies in Organizational Epistemology. Oxford Press
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2006-578: COLLABORATION OF FRESHMAN WITH SENIORS IN A CAPSTONEDESIGN COURSEWilliam Janna, University of Memphis William S. Janna joined the faculty of The University of Memphis in 1987 as Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He served as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the Herff College of Engineering. His research interests include boundary layer methods of solution for various engineering problems, and modeling the melting of ice objects of various shapes. He is the author of three textbooks, a member of ASEE and of ASME. He teaches continuing education courses in the area of piping systems and in heat exchanger design and selection, for ASME. Dr
their analysis results are also presented.Example 1: Compute the new velocity and acceleration of the aircraft after a change in powerlevel. During a test flight, the test pilot has set the engine power at 50,000 Newtons, whichcauses the 20,000 Kg aircraft to attend a cruise speed of 250 m/s. The engine throttles are thenset to a power level at 80,000 Newtons, and then the aircraft begins to accelerate. The differentialequation that determines the acceleration of the aircraft is dv T ? a * v, t + ? / 0.00005v 2 dt mT ? thrust level in Newtons (80,000 Newtons)m = mass in Kg (20,000 Kg)Write a MATLAB program to determine the new cruise speed after the change in power level ofthe engines by plotting the
and Telecommunications, pp. 3638-3643, June 27, 2005, Ueno, M., “Animated Agent to Maintain Learner’s Attention In E-Learning,” World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Vol. 1, pp. 194-201, 2004, Domagk, S. and Niegemann, H. M., “The Effect of Pedagogical Agents on Student’s Motivation and the Learning Outcomes,” C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Micheal, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou and N. Papadouris (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), University of Cyprus, Cyprus, Greece, p. 200, 2005, http
driven by the machine events start, finish,break, and repair. The combined behavior of multiple finite state machines is generally characterized by anoperation called parallel composition. The idea being that if two machines share an event, thenthe occurrence of that event in each of the machines must be synchronized. If a machine has anevent that is not shared, then that event may occur without regard to the other machines. Page 11.829.4 I f r s W
presentations – all time spent constructingInfluence of advisor involvementTo optimize the learning experience for the students it is imperative to have an involved advisor(or several). Many of the lessons learned by the students mentioned in this paper will occur with Page 11.1155.5or without this involvement, and the students may even have some success on their own. But thelikelihood of a successful competition goes up markedly if the students are guided and feel thattheir advisor(s) is genuinely interested in the project3,7.In recent years, our clubs have received increased attention from the faculty advisors
Page 11.884.14and notation used in the manual.Page 11.884.15 Bibliography1 Office of the Dean, United States Military Academy, 1978, “Academic Program 78-79,” West Point, New York,pp. 9-16.2 Bailey, M., Albert, B., Arnas, O., Klawunder, S., Klegka, J., Wolons, D., 2004, “A Unique ThermodynamicsCourse with Laboratories”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 32(1), pp 54-77.3 Van Poppel, B., Albert, B., Boettner, D., 2003, “A Proposal for an Integrated, Multidisciplinary MechanicalEngineering Program at the United States Military Academy,” Proceeding of the 2003 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN, Jun 22-25.4 Wankat, P
Figure 4. This is believed to be due to the more focusedquestions addressing these issues.In conclusion, we believe that the redevelopment had an overall beneficial impact on thestudents’ learning and we are going to closely monitor the course for the next twosemesters. Page 11.1075.11References[1] Smith, K., Sheppard, S., Johnson, D., and Johnson, R., “Pedagogies of Engagement: Classroom-Based Practices,” Journal of Engineering Education, American Society of Engineering Education, January 2005, 94(1):87-101.[2] Fink, L., Ambrose, S., and Wheeler, D., “Becoming a Professional Engineering Educator: A New Role for a New Era,” Journal of Engineering
asked to find your density, so you entered in a cylinder full of water. The cylinder was 2 m high while its diameter was 1.4 m. As you entered the tank an amount of 0.5 m3 spell over the floor. As you stood straight up in the tank, your body floated such that half of your head was above the water level. Make necessary assumptions to calculate your density?2. The city municipality installed several artificial falls to the attractions the city already has. Water flows down one of those mountains at a flow rate of 0.186 m3/s, through a 5 cm diameter pipe. Find the pump power required to pump the water to the top of the mountain which is 16m high.3. AssessmentIn addition to the pleasure both the instructor and the students find, the
scientistsassess information. Students are directed to the IPFW library webpage and the IntegratedInformation Foraging Environment for a more detailed discussion of information literacy.ProjectsThe first project dealt with the properties of air, which was treated as an ideal gas withtemperature-dependent specific heats.8 Students were give two options—use NASA curve-fitsor a table look-up scheme—to produce the thermophysical properties h, s, and cp and thetransport properties o, k, and c. This first project was designed to familiarize students with thecomputer.The second project required the students to model the compression of an ideal gas withtemperature-dependent specific heats. Students were given a simple MATLAB computer codeto solve a similar
an invaluable teaching tool used by the Mechanical Engineering Faculty to learn from theoriginal structure and design, which is equivalent to going backwards through the development of theproduct. The main issues handled by the RE teaching technique reviewed here are: knowledge generatedby the practical assembly of an experimental airplane; generation of reliable, complete and fully detailedmodels describing the airplane behaviour as well as its parts and subsystems; development ofspecifications for techniques, methods and procedures for manufacturing aircraft componentsKEYWORDS: Reverse Engineering, Active Learning, Mechanical Engineering Education1. INTRODUCTION. As part of its 2015’s mission aiming at developing values, attitudes