Paper ID #35666Peer teaching research group model for upper level environmentalengineering class with student-led lectures and journal articlediscussionsDr. Thomas S. Soerens, Messiah University Thomas Soerens is Professor of Engineering at Messiah University. He teaches in Civil and Environmental engineering with specialization in storm water, ground water, and water treatment. He performs design and applied research in water systems in rural developing communities. He is a Professional Engineer and a Certified Ecological Designer. American c Society for Engineering
Paper ID #35694A Comparison of Self-Reported Weekly Time Demands for Cadet and Fac-ultyPopulations the United States Military AcademyCapt. Joshua S Wiley, United States Military Academy Captain Joshua Wiley, U.S. Army, is an Instructor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering at the United States Military Academy. He is a 2010 graduate of the United States Military Academy with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and GIS (Geographic Information Systems), a 2015 graduate of the University of Missouri Science and Technology with an M.S. in Petroleum Engineering and a 2019 graduate from Stanford University with an
students in pursuing their undergraduate studies.AcknowledgementsPartial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S STEM) program under Award No.2130428. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesApriceno, M., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2020). Mentorship during college transition predicts academic self-efficacy and sense of belonging among STEM students. Journal of College Student Development, 61(5), 643-648.ès, C., & Martinot, D. (2011
and G. Matturro, "'24 hours of innovation' - A report on students' and teachers' perspectives as a way to foster entrepreneurship competences in engineering," in 2017 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), 2017: IEEE, pp. 43-46.[3] R. O. Buchal, "The educational value of student design competitions," Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA), 2004.[4] P. Schuster, A. Davol, and J. Mello, "Student competitions-The benefits and challenges," 2006.[5] K. G. Wolfinbarger, R. L. Shehab, D. A. Trytten, and S. E. Walden, "The influence of engineering competition team participation on students' leadership identity development," (in English), Journal of engineering
recognition seeing how thealtered ones deviate from the acceptable ones thus findingthe fault(s) in the pile. Figure 1: Threat vectors in additive manufacturing 2 Method of Attack Two data sets of g-code files wereprepared for the students to examine and find Figure 2. Tensile test specimenthe defected files within. The first dataset was composed of 180files, two of which were compromised. Thefiles were each rotated 1 degree from theoriginal starting point about the Y-axis. The Second dataset was composed
: Discuss. The instructor discusses the RL problem, how the engineer would use math and statistics to address the problem, and the impact of the RL problem on the society and community. If the instructor can also demonstrate the instruments used for data collection, then use of such instruments in the RL problem will be covered. (2) S: Solve. The students work on the problem, they device a plan to solve the problem, and implement their plan. This would follow Polya’s four-step method of solving mathematical problems, thus reinforcing that concept. (3) R: Reflect. Students reflect on the problem, and they use information related to the RL problem to check if the values calculated are reasonable
countermeasure(s) to defend their assigned system architecture. School’s Network Lab’s Network Figure 2. Summer 2020 Remote Attack Scenario 1bProject 2 aimed to introduce the concept of cyber resilience, which suggests that a device’sfunctionality will not be affected in the presence of a cyber-related event, through hands-on-experience executing and defending against a cyber security attack(s). The target for this attackscenario was a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, located on a networked-raspberry pi, serving as an access point, with a display screen, for data
realm of the IoT and create a smart home ecosystem that can be monitored and managedusing a single application or device [3, 23]. While this intelligent home ecosystem aids in theefficiency of everyday life, the security risks involved in implementing these IoT devices arestill under investigation [24]. Authors in [4] examined the security vulnerabilities of IoTdevices present in consumers' homes in an experimental environment.Furthermore, most IoT devices present cybersecurity risk(s) associated with the devicesaffecting several IoT platforms in the market. In this work, students focused on the Arm PelionIoT platform throughout this research because it offers comprehensive and accessible onlinedocumentation for beginners. Students used the
temperature response for the two fluids which areinvolved in the process. Moreover, the response of the system is analyzed in real-time with the useof MATLAB® and Simulink® software, including the Simulink S-Function block. This block isused to generate real-time solutions for nonlinear systems which can be modified and updated bythe user as the simulation is being conducted, similar to a physical system.The virtual crossflow heat exchanger simulation software incorporates three MATLAB ® scriptsincluding an initialization script, a calculation script, and an S-Function script, in addition to aSimulink® data file containing the user interface and the block diagram of the system. As shownin Figure 2, the simulation sequence is performed beginning with
probabilistically-flawed,potentially dangerous criteria [1]. These criteria have been in-use since at least the 1960’s [2],but their limitations were only formally recognized recently. While prior work has thoroughlyarticulated the technical issues in these flawed design criteria [1], [3], the present work aims tosupport formal study of how engineers recognize and treat variability, with an eye towardsunderstanding how the aforementioned flaws evaded notice for over a half-century.In this work, we present a novel theoretical framework and initial empirical results. We use theproposed cause-source framework to analyze aircraft design flaws and to design an interviewprotocol. Through interviews with engineering students, we find initial evidence of an
Writing Within a First-Year Engineering Lab Experience," in ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual, 2021.[2] J. McNeill, R. F. Vaz, V. A. Prabhu, R. Shankar, C. M. F. Tan, L. K. T. Seow and L. Raphael, "Work in Progress: A Taxonomy for Faculty Scaffolding of Project-based Learning," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, 2019 .[3] M. A. R. Biswas, B. L. Stilwell and E. Reyes, "Simulated Laboratory-Based Learning In A Thermal Fluid Laboratory Course," in ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Waco (Virtual), 2021.[4] M. Krishnamurthi, "Scaffolding Techniques For Improving Engineering Students' Writing Skills," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, 2009.[5] S. Summers, R. Bercich
Program),” Presented at 2021 CoNECD, Virtual,[6] Shekoyan, V., & Dehipawala, S., & Kokkinos, D. S., & Taibu, R., & Tremberger, G., & Cheung, T. (2020, November), “Assessment of Experiential Learning in Online Introductory Physics Labs during COVID-19,” Presented at 2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Meeting, Virtual (hosted by Stevens Institute of Technology).[7] Lieber, S. C., & Borgaonkar, A. D. (2020, November), “Focusing on the Silver Lining: How COVID- 19 Pandemic is Influencing the Pedagogy of Mechatronic Course Delivery to Support the Industrial Role of a Mechanical Engineering Technologist,” Presented at 2020 Fall ASEE Mid-Atlantic
. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 2, 2021, from https://www.merriam- igh,practices%20immoral%20and%20unethical%20behavior.[21] Nadikattu, R. R. (2020). New Ways of Implementing Cyber Security to Help in Protecting America. Journal of Xidian University, 14(5), 6004-6015.[22] National Society of Professional Engineers. (2021). NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers. Code of Ethics | National Society of Professional Engineers. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from[23] NIST (n.d.). privacy - Glossary | CSRC. Retrieved October 6, 2021, from[24] Qadir, S
threatvector model. The Threat Modeling framework provides a list of risks that show which threatthe Arduino is exposed to and explores the available mitigation options. The tool creates a threatreport from the threat list as an organized document that displays all threats/mitigations in theenvironment. The STRIDE technique allows users to select from a variety of processes and dataflows. Table 1 below indicates the STRIDE technique type, definition, and proposed mitigationapproach.Table 1: Arduino Mega Board Threat Break Down with Potential Mitigation STRIDE Arduino Arduino Threat Break Down Potential Mitigation Threat S Spoofing Authentication - Attackers, assume Create a solid and long
- feedback-shift-registers-lfsrs-part-1/ (accessed Nov. 17, 2020).• [3] Felsa Mary Fidus, Lalmohan K. S, Ambika Sekhar, and Sree Buddha College of Engineering, “Design and Implementation of a Secure Stream Cipher for Cryptographic Applications,” IJERT, vol. V4, no. 07, p. IJERTV4IS070422, Jul. 2015, doi: 10.17577/IJERTV4IS070422. 12
. Robotics toolbox (accessed 6. automaticaddison, A. How to find denavit-hartenberg parameter tables Aug 10, 2021). (accessed Aug 10, 2021).2. Epson c12xl 6-Axis ROBOT 7. McGinty, B. (accessed Aug 10, 2021). -Robot/s/SPT_RC12XL-A1401ST73SS#manuals (accessed Aug 10, 2021).3. (accessed Aug 10, 8. Modern robotics 2021
completionof an OER textbook was entirely altruistic. It is also a personal quest. As former students andnow educators, we have seen the cost of textbooks spiral out of control. We have also observedhow textbooks that were used as part of the education of the first author in the 1990’s, are stillmarketed several editions later with very little change in content, while still rising in cost. Withthat said, I immersed myself in this project to create an OER textbook with a sense of duty, assomething that needed to be done in order to help ease the burden of my students. What startedas a humble approach to publishing an OER soil mechanics laboratory manuscript, has flourishedinto a much more engaging and complete textbook by using commonly available
interact with the student. Oftenan email or other contact from the instructor will have a significant impact on student motivationConclusionsIn this paper we highlighted the need for a variety of approaches necessary to address remoteleaning in in STEM disciplines at QCC, and discussed methods utilized to engage students with avaried, diverse approach. Techniques used to conduct experiments remotely, ensure a fairly andbalances method for assessment, and how to best utilize Synchronous and Asynchronousmodalities were also presented. Attracting, and maintaining a more varied group of students willresult in a more diverse group of Science and Engineering [S&E] professionals. In the long termthe society at large will bear the benefits from an
used as a virtual projector for annotating notes. • The breakout rooms were created in Zoom during the lectures to encourage group discussion. • All lectures were recorded and provided to students. • Online office hours were provided in Zoom. • All handouts, homework announcement, homework grading, and recorded lecture links were posted on Blackboard. • The exams were given online, with monitoring cameras on and after students signed an Academic Integrity Form, which mainly included the following statement “By signing my name in the box below, I pledge that I have taken this exam under all instructions/rules, policies, and guidelines that have been given by my instructor(s), as well as those that
, Treatment Process, Baltimore District Website,, 14 Oct 2021.[5] M. Edwards, A. Dudi, “role of chlorine and chloramine in corrosion of lead-bearing plumbing materials,” Journal - American Water Works Association, Vol.96 (10), p.69-81. 01 Oct 2004.[6] M. Edwards, S. Triantafyllidou, D. Best, “Elevated Blood Lead in Young Children Due to Lead-Contaminated Drinking Water: Washington, DC, 2001−2004,” Environmental science & technology, Vol.43 (5), p.1618-1623, 01 Mar 2009.[7] Rachel Kurzius, “McMillan, D.C.’s Most Cursed Development Project, Explained,” The DCist, Jan 27, 2020, updated Oct 29, 2021. [Online] Available:
electronics, microcontrollers, operating systems, local areanetworks, and engineering standards to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance ofcomputer systems and associated software systems and (c) analysis, design, and implementationof computer system hardware and software for Computer Engineering Technology.AcknowledgmentWe would like to acknowledge faculty, instructors, and students for their dedication and significanteffort. Special thanks to Xiaohai Li, Raymond Yap, Martin Rhode, Mauricio Cardenas, DanielleSafonte, Dexter Patrick, and Warren Hunter. This research is partially supported by the NationalScience Foundation ATE grant (#1601522).References1. A. S. Won, J. O. Bailey, and S. Yi, "Work-in-Progress—Learning about Virtual Worlds
in its destruction, repair, and/or maintenance. While thisremained an important objective during our HyFlex semester, adding some assignment structureallowed this to easily transition to an asynchronous lab activity. Student parings were created inthe learning management system, Canvas, and they used a Google Sheets spreadsheet to self-assign the regulation they would like to research. Instead of in-class exploration, students weregiven one week to work with their partner(s) to create their slides (again, in a collaborative classGoogle document) and submit a recorded video of their brief presentation. Videos weresubmitted to a class discussion board, created in Canvas. The second part of the Policies andRegulations activity allowed students
Paper ID #35706The Use of Mixed Methods in Academic Program EvaluationMr. Michael B. O’Connor PE P.E., New York University Michael O’Connor, Retired Professional Civil Engineer (Maryland and California), M.ASCE, is a mem- ber of the ASCE Committee on Developing Leaders, History and Heritage, Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge (CEBoK), and Engineering Grades. Michael has been a practicing Civil Engineer with over 50 years of engineering, construction, and project management experience split equally between the pub- lic and private sectors. Programs ranged from the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit district’s 1990’s
into 80% of the data being trained and the remaining 20% being tested Algorithms and multiple models trained (Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, KNN) Predicating and accuracy comparation of Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, KNNC. ResultIt is difficult to know in advanced which machine learning model(s) will perform better for a givendataset. After testing the four algorithms, the accuracy score of each is indicated in Table 2 to showwhich algorithm has the highest accuracy (highlighted green) and the lowest accuracy (highlightedorange). Overall, after testing out four different supervised machine learning algorithms, therandom forest algorithm was the most accurate in determining the activity event of adolescentsbased on their
term benefits for the computer engineering field.Acknowledgements Sea Islands Institute – Funding for our work has been provided from the Sea Islands Institute. The teachers and administrations at The Children Center – Time and resources invested by our community partner into the project. Bibliography[1] "The Children's Center: About Us," 2/2, 2020;[2] "Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual," O. S. a. H. A. United States Department of Labor, ed.[3] J. Semega, M. Kollar, E. A. Shrider, and J. Creamer, Income and Poverty in the United States: 2019, P60-270, United States Census Bureau, U.S. Government Publishing
stepswould involve more formal qualitative and quantitative assessments of impact.REFERENCES[1] S. T. &. D. J. Coleman, "Using asset-based pedagogy to facilitate STEM learning, engagement, and motivation for Black middle school boys," Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME), vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 76-94, 2020.
Figure 1. Kinematic diagram 2. Project Description The Whitworth quick-return mechanism is shown in Figure 1. The planar linkage has sixkinematic links and seven kinematic joints with one degree of freedom [9]. Link 3-4 and 1-6 areprismatic joints (sliders). The rest are rotational joints. Since the mechanism has one degree offreedom, the kinematic quantality including position, velocity, and acceleration of the linkage canbe calculated from input crank link 2’s position and angular velocity and acceleration by kinematicanalysis. The forward and backward time ratio can be calculated from Equation (1). If an external force acts on link 6 slider, other links’ reactions and the input toque on thecrank can be found by kinetic analysis
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- Sales Manager – AmericasDonated: Diaphragm PumpIdex Health and ScienceWald Krause – Area Sales EngineerComponent(s) Donated: PEEK Fittings and Teflon Tubing REFERENCES[1] Feynman, Richard P. (1960) There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. Engineering and Science, 23 (5). pp. 22-36. ISSN 0013-7812[2] Human Genome Project, HGP,[3] The National Human Genome Research Institute,[4] Microfluidics Market Globalization as) Interdisciplinary Studies, The four key topics, BYU Idaho ,