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Conference Session
Research Infrastructure in STEM Disciplines
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacqueline Fairley, Georgia Institute of Tehnology; Jill Auerbach, Georgia Institute of Technology; Adrianne Prysock, Georgia Institute of Technology; Leyla Conrad, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gary May, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Minorities in Engineering
engineering researcher.Lilja describes the needs of engineering researchers to critically evaluate the work oftheir peers, understand and utilize standard tools and techniques in their field of study,and present innovative ideas and results clearly in written and oral communication. AllSURE student participants are not engineers, however the skills cited by Lilja areconsidered applicable for success in all disciplines represented within the SURE program.The fundamental components stated by Lilja for successful research were incorporated inthe SURE 2007 program year through a three part seminar series focused oncommunication, investigation and documentation. All seminars were formulated andfacilitated by the SURE Program Coordinator.Seminar
Conference Session
Factors Affecting Minority Engineering Students
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Pedro Leite, Kansas State University-Salina; Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina
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Minorities in Engineering
AC 2008-2266: AN ANALYSIS OF SUCCESSFUL MINORITY STUDENTSENROLLED IN TECHNOLOGY DEGREE PROGRAMSPedro Leite, Kansas State University-Salina Pedro Leite is an Associate Professor of Computer Systems Technology at Kansas State University at Salina. His research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, cross-curricular collaboration, and diversity and multicultural issues in teaching and learning.Jung Oh, Kansas State University-Salina Jung Oh is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Kansas State University at Salina. She earned her Ph.D. from UCLA and was an ASEE postdoctoral fellow at Naval Air Warfare Center. She was 2004 Wakonse Teaching fellow and 2006 Peer Review of
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Gattis, University of Arkansas; Shannon Davis, University of Arkansas; Bryan Hill, University of Arkansas; Patricia Kirkwood, University of Arkansas
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Minorities in Engineering
LeadershipDuring the ECAP Peer Mentoring and Leadership program ECAP freshmen and sophomores arementored; juniors and seniors serve as mentors. The freshman year is the most important in termsof retention, because 57% of all students who leave from 4-year institutions do so within theirfirst year.13 Major causes of students leaving include academic and adjustment difficulties,incongruence and isolation.13 Programs for retention must address the holistic freshmanexperience, since over half of freshman drop outs leave because of their first-year collegeexperience, not their academics.14 Student support during the transition to college is the primeinfluence on whether a student stays or leaves.15 As a support mechanism, successful peermentoring can
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University; Callie Ruben, Arizona State University
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Minorities in Engineering
all the book assignmentsuntil I realized that there is some useful information in there. I wasn’t taking the book workseriously at first, until it hit me, that I could actually apply this material to my life! The bookreally does a good job of actually relating to you personally.” Two students mentioned that theylearned about the “FE” exam in the textbook. “I found the book to easily be read and I wouldone hundred percent recommend the book to all students in the engineering discipline.”The students were asked to write about their peers in the class. One student wrote: “From mypeers I learned the important facet of humans. Everyone was so different yet we are allmotivated to be disciplined the same and go through the same struggles. Being in a
Conference Session
Influences on Female Interest in Pursuit of STEM Fields
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacquelyn Mobley, Ecology & Environment, Inc.
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Minorities in Engineering
of Florida campus would be intimidating to any student unfamiliar with sucha large academic system. I considered myself lucky at the time because I had at least attended apredominantly White middle and high school. But nothing can prepare one for the vastness of theadministrative process of financial aid, finding your way around campus and such large numbers of Whitepeople.IsolationI was a loner growing up. I was considered a “nerd” by my peers and rarely interacted with crowds ofpeople unless I was cheerleading. I credit this character trait for the struggle I experienced socially-in andout of class. I simply had a hard time letting people know me. Because of the pain this isolation causedme, today, I look for these individuals when I visit
Conference Session
Special Resources and Activities for Minorities
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaoqing Qian, Alabama A&M University; Zhengtao Deng, Alabama A&M University; George Seweryniak, DoE Computational Science Division
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Minorities in Engineering
-3.6 3.6-3.8 3.8-4.0 GPA Range Figure 2. Actual GPA history in academic year of 200-2001, 2003-2004, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007.Due to the strong competition, the minimum GPA required for receiving scholarship wasincreased from 3.0 to 3.25 in 2006. To apply for the scholarship, students need to fill out theapplication form, write an essay about their goal towards high performance computing, alongwith a faculty recommendation letter. Upon receipt of the scholarship, students agree tomaintain a GPA of 3.25, successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester,and maintain a major in science, mathematics or engineering. Recipients are
Conference Session
Impact Student Success
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, Santa Clara University
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Minorities in Engineering
Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) [1] which is a large country-wide organization (and local chapters) with lots of opportunities for networking, job search, career advancement, etc. (10) Write a follow-up paper to be submitted to the ASEE Conference for dissemination.In addition. it is important to establish a pipeline from our BS to our graduate programs and fromhigh schools to our BS programs. This pipeline will help us in recruiting. It is also important to offerall minority students in engineering mentoring on the issues of retention, graduation and careeradvancement.To pursue these objectives, we received a grant from the James Irvine Foundation.After the first quarter, we held a survey of freshman mostly in Engineering
Conference Session
Creative Engagement and Developmental Tutoring Method
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Walden, University of Oklahoma; Cindy Foor, University of Oklahoma
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Minorities in Engineering
institution main campus.The remaining two attended international high schools in an urban setting. Eventually, all AsianAmerican TT students attended one or both of the primary sending institutions.Six of the seven Hispanic TT students attended high schools in urban/suburban designatedcommunities. The lone Hispanic female came from a small town and had only 4 TT credit hourscompared to an average of 60 per student for her urban ethnic peers. As with the ASAMstudents, four of the seven HISP students, at one time or another, attended one of the primarysending institutions for our TT population. Two of the three AFAM students graduated fromurban/suburban high schools. The lone female also attended high school in a small town. Likeher HISP counterpart
Conference Session
Special Resources and Activities for Minorities
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University; Ivan Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University
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Minorities in Engineering
ScienceFestivals20 held in different locations, bring together more than 1,000 middle school girls, parentsand teachers. Page 13.896.9Education Unlimited21 offers a variety of summer programs for students in grades 4-12. TheirA+ Summer Programs22 held at Stanford University builds proficiency in logic, critical thinkingand writing skills, dividing students into two sessions: a 12 day camp for 11th and 12th graders23,and a 9 day camp for 9th and 10th graders24, which focus on critical thinking skills in academicactivities: college level writing, research skills, logical thinking/argumentation, study skills, timemanagement, course/major selection, note taking