workforce development – Multiple studies in the quantum community has focused on the need for workforce education and development to drive the coming “quantum revolution” [7], [8], [54]. Without careful attention to equity and inclusion, however, QIS runs the risk of replicating the patterns of its progenitor fields, which have made among the least progress among STEM fields in tackling longstanding diversity problems [55], [56]. To combat these trends, Aiello et al. call specifically for an Course Pseudonym Home Dept Institution Type Course Level Listed Dept(s) Since A Albert Computer Science Private R1 BFY Undergrad Computer Science 1999 B
. This voidof Black leaders in engineering is felt across the field. For example, only 2.4% of all theengineering faculty are Black [1]. As we continue advancing our understanding of engineeringleadership, we must include the perspectives of engineers holding marginalized identities, suchas Black engineers. Black engineers, who may also be at the intersection of other marginalized identities inengineering, often find themselves as involuntary representatives of their identity group(s) evenbefore assuming leadership roles. Thus making their experience in leadership even more uniqueand complex. This work seeks to explore the lived experience of Black engineers in leadershipby addressing the research questions: What are the experiences of
minimize bias in research articles, it is important toconsider that we are part of a community and that our research and resulting journal articles areinfluenced by the broader EER and engineering community. Beddoes (2014) writes about this inone of her papers where she reflects on her experience publishing a journal article. She describeshow her paper evolved in response to reviewers and editors during the review process. Shedescribes this process as “multiple and competing deliberations and negotiations” (p. 273)between the author(s) and the editorial team. These deliberations and negotiations may also beinfluenced by power and privilege where some authors may feel agency to push back onreviewer comments while others may feel that they need to
each other; and 3) How was the CS PD translated to classroom activity? The first PD opportunity (n=14), was designed to give hands-on learning with CS topics focused on cybersecurity. The second PD opportunity (n=28), focused on integrating CS into existing curricula. At the end of each of these PDs, teacher K-12 teachers incorporated CS topics into their selected existing lesson plan(s). Additionally, a support network was implemented to support excellence in CS education throughout the state. This research study team evaluated the lesson plans developed during each PD event, by using a rubric on each lesson plan. Researchers collected exit surveys from the teach- ers. Implementation metrics were also gathered, including
andFall 2020. In the future, we plan to extend the evaluation to additional years with the samemethodology. A few recommendations to enhance teamwork for project-based learning are: (i)The project report may be submitted in multiple stages based on the progress; (ii) Team-mateevaluation could be implanted to ensure the involvement of the all-group members; (iii)Accountability could be achieved by dividing the work among the members and by providingnecessary materials on project management.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1700640. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
that the grants have for individual faculty rather than solelyfocusing on the value that faculty bring to the University through their funded work.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants0811076 and 1209115.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References[1] AdvanceRIT. "NSF AdvanceRIT Archives (2012-2018)." Rochester Institute of Technology. (accessed January 12, 2022).[2] S. Mason et al., "Institutional transformation at a large private
transformationstopics, which are covered in the Electric Circuits II course) from the textbooks most often used inthe past five years, the one by J. W. Nilsson and S. A. Riedel [1]. Another textbook used less oftenis the one by Ulaby and Maharbiz [2]. The later book includes examples on the use of modernSPICE packages like Multisim, which is a GUI tool that makes both circuit design and analysismore intuitive for the student. In general, the topics covered by the different instructors include a)Overview of Circuit Analysis and Terminology b) Simple Resistive Circuits c) Kirchoff’s VoltageLaw (KVL) and Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL) d) Thévenin/Norton Equivalents e) OperationalAmplifier Circuits f) Inductor and Capacitors Circuits g) Sinusoidal Analysis and
-content/uploads/2020/09/EAC-Criteria-2020-2021.pdf[7] T. J. Brumm, L. F. Hanneman, and S. K. Mickelson, “The data are in: Student workplacecompetencies in the experiential workplace,” American Society for Engineering Education AnnualConference, 2005.[8] R. F. Vaz and P. Quinn, “Benefits of a project-based curriculum: Engineering employers’perspectives,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2015.[9] B. K. Jesiek, N. T. Buswell, and S. Nittala, “Performing at the boundaries: Narratives of early careerengineering practice,” Engineering Studies, 13(2), 86–110, 2021. p. 104[10] R. S. Adams, T. Forin, M. Chua, and D. Radcliffe, “Characterizing the work of coaching
to find solutions toproblems from a business perspective.Acknowledgement: This research was supported by a REU Site grant from the National ScienceFoundation (# EEC 1757882). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendationspresented are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Lastly, the project evaluation data was provided by an independent evaluator fromThe Mark USA.References1. Aheleroff, S., Philip, R., Zhong, R. Y., & Xu, X. (2019). The degree of mass personalisation under Industry 4.0. Procedia CIRP, 81, 1394-1399.2. Warnaby, G., & Shi, C. (2019). Changing customer behaviour: Changing retailer response? The potential for pop-up retailing. Journal of Customer
deeply in their engineering education data analysis. We also hope that withthis executive summary, we can start a conversation on how best to engage undergraduateresearchers in this type of work to foster a deeper understanding and meaning in our research. Inclosing, we end with a question to consider when hiring undergraduate researchers: What ways inyour work can you help connect your undergraduate researchers to their lived experiences andto the constructs being investigated?AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1920421. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of
Chapter, a member of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)’s Emerging Technologies committee, and a reviewer for ERAU’s Faculty Innovative Research in Science and Technology program.Emily Faulconer Dr. Emily Faulconer is Associate Professor within the Math, Sciences, & Technology Department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Worldwide Campus. She earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Florida in 2012. Her research interests are within the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, primarily in undergraduate research and online education. Safety is also an area of interest, and she serves as a founding member of the Academic Safety Committee for Embry-Riddle
E S Rural Urban Technology 2 5 1 6 0 7 Natural Sciences 2 0 0 2 0 2 Social Sciences 1 2 1 2 0 2 Math 1 2 0 3 0 3 All the areas 4 7 7 4 10 2 *E: Elementary – S: SecondaryThe participants answered items such as: I can define
Paper ID #38294Breaking Boundaries: An Organized Revolution for theProfessional Formation of Electrical EngineersChris S Ferekides (Associate Professor) Chris S. Ferekides received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of South Florida. He has been a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering Department since 1992. He is currently service as the department chair, and is the principal investigator of a NSF Funded RED Project that addresses the professional formation of electrical engineering students. His research is in the areas of electronic materials with a focus on photovoltaics.Carol
interview development for the study. The authors also thank the year 1 participantsfor their repeated insight, enthusiasm, and sharing their experiences during the study’s manylongitudinal commitments.References[1] H. Perkins, J. Gesun, M. Scheidt, J. Major, J. Chen, E. Berger, & A. Godwin, “Holistic wellbeing and belonging: Attempting to untangle stress and wellness in their impact on sense of community in engineering,” International Journal of Community Well-Being, vol. 4, pp. 549-580, 2021.[2] S. K. Lipson, E. G. Lattie, and D. Eisenberg, Increased rates of mental health service utilization by US college students: 10-year population-level trends (2007–2017), Psychiatric services, vol. 70, ed. 1, pp. 60-63
courseperformance. This project considers only one course over two academic years for undergraduatestudents. Hence the outcomes cannot be generalized to all majors or students. However, theresults could provide valuable insights to improve the learning outcomes of high educationinstitutions.References[1] S. Singer and K. A. Smith, "Discipline-based education research: Understanding and improvinglearning in undergraduate science and engineering," pp. 468–471, 2013.[2] R. R. Hake, "Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A sixthousand-student surveyof mechanics test data for introductory physics courses," American journal of Physics, vol. 66, no.1, pp. 64–74, 1998.[3] C. H. Crouch and E. Mazur, "Peer instruction: Ten years of experience and
standards in the third andfourth years of study can help students align educational concepts with real-world applications.6However, this requirement is not universally applied in most colleges and universities.2 Phillips, M. and S. Huber (2017). Standards Resources for Engineering and Technology. Issues inScience and Technology Librarianship, Purdue University.3 Harding, B. and P. McPherson (2010). What do employers want in terms of employee knowledge oftechnical standards and the process of standardization? 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition.4 Solomon, D., Y.-T. T. Liao, and J. T. Chapin (2019). Maximizing the Effectiveness of One-timeStandards Instruction Sessions with Formative Assessment. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition.5 ABET
recorder role most easily,participation was either split evenly across members or left one member out, groups seemed tobond over waiting for autograder results and ended group activities with small talk, and groupsasked for help or referenced an external resource when stuck. The observation protocol isundergoing validation, and the research team hopes to further contextualize the observations byusing peer evaluations and surveys.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.#2121412 and Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the
different type of institutional agents. In order to measure the latent construct of mattering, we used six items in whichrespondents were asked about the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with statements suchas: “If I don't return to this University in the next month, my classmate(s) will miss me” (seeitems here: These survey items were developed for a prior surveyinstrument that examined the relationship between student experiences, integration variables(validation, belonging, and mattering), and educational outcomes for first-year students at threeLatin American universities (Unpublished Dissertation Manuscript). The development of the six items was preceded by the revision of theoretical
/focus-group protocols. Theconsortium started the process in spring 2020 by collecting all the interview and focus-groupprotocols used by three different partner ERCs. All questions were extracted and comparedacross the protocols. Five common categories emerged after aligning the questions. These fivecommon categories are listed in table 1. In fall 2020, the consortium conducted extensive reviews and commentaries, as well asfrequent discussions, to determine a set of initial questions that would be included in theprotocol. All prior extracted questions were listed per category in a spreadsheet. All consortiummembers were asked to rate each question with “essential (E)” or “supplemental (S)” and then torank the priority of each question
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Paper ID #36954Exploring the Influence of Students’ Perceptions of CourseAssessment on Retention and Professional Identity FormationLayla S Araiinejad I hold a Bachelor's of Industrial in Systems Engineering from Auburn University and am a future graduate student at MIT!Thomas Matthew Heaps Concurrent undergraduate senior in Mechanical Engineering and first year Master student in Engineering Education.Brooke Elizabeth CochranCassandra J McCall (Dr.) Cassandra McCall, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Education Department at Utah State University. Her research focuses on enhancing diversity
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year.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported through funding by the National Science Foundation IUSE Grant No.2111114/2111513. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References [1] K. R. Binning et al., “Changing social contexts to foster equity in college science courses: An ecological-belonging intervention,” Psychol. Sci., vol. 31, pp. 1059–1070, 2020. [2] Science & Engineering Indicators, “Higher Education in Science and Engineering (Report),” 2018. Available: in-science-and-engineering/undergraduate-education-enrollment
have solid technical and practical knowledge, but also social understanding for, through infrastructure, address local and global challenges on humanitarian, environmental, social and equity issues. (iii) EDUCATION RESEARCH: Related to STEM education, Miguel Andrés is developing and applying contemporary pedagogies and tools for innovation and student empowerment to address climate change. Currently, Miguel Andrés is developing teaching and evaluation pedagogy that directs a philosophy of seeking excellence as a pillar to eradicate corruption. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by Validating Guerra´s Blended Flexible