ing Web application and the one of an IoT system? 5 Preferred learn- What is/are the method(s) that helped you better learn software ing method architecture?methods, and critical thinking) is to specify a set of closed questions (e.g., using Likertscale and variable categories) and use inference statistics techniques. Since, we do notknow the different categories for each of the dependent variables, we conducted aqualitative study. The study uses students’ free-text responses to a questionnaire as thedata source. We discuss the preparation of the study, the data collection, and the dataanalysis activities.Preparation of the study. We discussed the course with colleagues and identified a setof factors that we
, creating MS PowerPoint slideshighlighting members of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and creating a tutorialvideo for coding a rock-paper-scissors game. The following paragraphs provide additionaldescriptions of the projects. Please note that any identifying information about the students andparticipants has been excluded from the descriptions.Student 1 interviewed three members of the Society of Hispanic and Professional Engineers(SHPE) from Student 1's university. The interviews were about the members' perspectives andexperiences as underrepresented minorities pursuing engineering degrees. Student 1 thensummarized the main findings from the interviews and presented them to approximately 20students in a high school that educated
-personversus virtual delivery.5. ReferencesBauer, K. W., & Bennett, J. S. (2003). Alumni perceptions used to assess undergraduate research experience. The Journal of Higher Education, 74(2), 210-230.Cox, M. F., & Andriot, A. (2009). Mentor and undergraduate student comparisons of students’ research skills. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 10(1).Lopatto, D. (2007). Undergraduate research experiences support science career decisions and active learning. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 6(4), 297-306.NSF. (2019a). Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU). Retrieved from (2019b). Research Experiences for
based on theevaluation results as needed.We are in year 3 of this project and we will continue executing the project goals and other activities. Weplan to present the final findings of the project in another NSF poster session.AcknowledgementCurrent funding for this project has been provided by the National Science Foundation through awards –award number HRD-1912085, and award number HRD 1912284. Additional resources were providedby SC State University. The author wish to acknowledge and thank NSF and SC State University for thisgrant support.References[1]. Top U.S Universities failing at Cybersecurity Education. Retrieved from
[4] Gesun, J. S., Major, J. C., Berger, E., Godwin, A., Jensen, K. J., Chen, J., & Froiland, J. M. (2021). A Scoping Literature Review of Engineering Thriving to Redefine Student Success. Studies in Engineering Education, 2(2), 19–41.[5] Cross, K. J., & Jensen, K. J. (2018). Work in Progress: Understanding Student Perceptions of Stress as part of Engineering Culture. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings Salt Lake City, UT.[6] Godfrey, & Parker, L. (2010). Mapping the Cultural Landscape in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education (Washington, D.C.), 99(1), 5–22.
Paper ID #37889Can the COVID-19 pandemic boost collaborative onlineinternational learning (COIL) in engineering education? – Areview for potential implementationsErick Vasquez Erick S. Vasquez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Dayton. His educational research interests are community-based learning, open-ended laboratory experiments, teamwork, collaborative and active learning, and Transport Phenomena computational modeling. Erick was born in El Salvador and there received his BEng in Chemical Engineering at UCA. He obtained his MS from Clemson University
Paper ID #37557Social responsibility attitudes among undergraduatecomputer science students: an empirical analysisQuintin Kreth (Doctoral Student) I am a doctoral student in the Georgia Tech School of Public Policy. My research is primarily on the factors influencing faculty research productivity at mid-major research universities.Daniel S. Schiff PhD Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public PolicyJeonghyun LeeJason BorensteinEllen Zegura (Professor) © American Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Powered by
,” Journal of Design Research, vol. 4, no. 2, 2004, Accessed: Jul. 01, 2021. [Online]. Available:[5] G. Pahl and W. Beitz, Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.[6] N. Cross, Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design, 4th edition. Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008.[7] K. Hansen and K. Zenobia, Civil Engineer’s Handbook of Professional Practice. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.[8] K. Ulrich and S. Eppinger, Product Design and Development, 5th Edition, 5 edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.[9] J. Jin, P. Ji, Y. Liu, and S. C. Johnson Lim, “Translating online customer opinions into
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Arch E. North Carolina State Clemson University Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo Milwaukee School of University (SLO) Engineering Northwestern University University of Illinois Penn State University Missouri S&T UCLA New Jersey Institute of Technology Berkeley University of Arkansas Penn State University John Hopkins University University of Texas @ Cornell University Arlington One external review trend indicated that only 2 courses were designed explicitly with theconsideration of mixed undergraduate and graduate students. That said, many of these universities
• System(s) are identified with boxes with dashed lines FF Perform material • Write the overall mass balance for the entire system 02.04 balances on a multi- • Write a full set of component mass balances for the entire unit process without system recycle and bypass • Write the overall mass balance for each unit in the system streams • Write a full set of component mass balances for each unit in the system • Identify whether the problem is solvable (degree-of- freedom analysis) • Select, with
response questions that specifically asked about studentmotivation, but unsolicited students did mention motivation or described motivating thoughts.Overall there were 315 positive comments made with 5 of them relating to increased motivation.There were also 171 comments about areas of improvement with 1 negative comment aboutmotivation. Below are comments coded as related to motivation and selected other comments.1. Question: In what way have the oral assessment(s) changed your interaction with faculty/TAs/tutors, your studying strategy, or any other aspects of your course experience? a. It makes me want to understand things taught in [redacted] course better b. know my stuff more c. I got to meet with TA in person and
these instructors as they had used the software for three years in a honorsengineering mechanics class. The goal of the game Civil-Build1 is to assist students in developing engineering intuitionof truss structure behavior when subjected to loads. The software tool is based on finite straintheory that enables the user to visualize material and geometric nonlinearities and dynamicmovement of failed/compromised structures. Users play the game by positioning bars and jointsto construct a truss structure that can support an external mass and the weight of the truss structureitself. The structure the player builds must consist of joints and bars, where the bars areconnected via the joints. Players are rewarded with nut(s) and points based on
.[Online]. Available:[Accessed January 31, 2022].[9] T. Strayhorn, M. Williams, D. Tillman-Kelly, and T. Suddeth, “Sex differences in graduateschool choice for Black HBCU bachelor’s degree recipients: A national analysis,” Journal ofAfrican American Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 174-188, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 31, 2022].[10] S. Bancroft, “Toward a critical theory of science, technology, engineering, and mathematicsdoctoral persistence: Critical capital theory,” Science Education, vol. 102, no. 6, pp. 1319-1335,2018.[11] L. Gordon, Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism. Humanity Books, 1995.[12] A. Lopez and
–189, 2008.[2] S. Lonn and S. D. Teasley, “Saving time or innovating practice: Investigating perceptions anduses of Learning Management Systems,” Computers & education, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 686–694,2009.[3] S. Patil and K. P. Adhiya, “Automated Evaluation of Short Answers: a Systematic Review,”Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things, pp. 953–963, 2022.[4] J. G. Borade and L. D. Netak, “Automated grading of essays: a review,” in InternationalConference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, 2020, pp. 238–249.[5] H. Aldriye, A. Alkhalaf, and M. Alkhalaf, “Automated grading systems for programmingassignments: A literature review,” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science andApplications, vol. 10, no. 3
broader academic literature and by practitioners in various areas.The following section shows a comprehensive literature review for each terminology. Later wewill focus on comparing the differences and common grounds between them in the practicalterm.Literature ReviewSystems The first term that we encounter in our discussion is the term system. Etymologically,the term derives from the Greek word s´ust¯ema and carries the meaning of “being put together”. Itcan be loosely considered as an organized collection of parts and, as an analytical term, suggeststhat a system does not exist in the sense of an individual physical object but rather the term couldbe regarded as artificially made up to establish order with its use (although such a
courses.References[1] NHTSA, “Critical reasons for crashes investigated in the national motor vehicle crash causation survey."National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), US Department of Transportation, DOT HS 812 115,2015[2] M. Althoff, O. Stursberg, and M. Buss, “Safety assessment of autonomous cars using verification techniques,”2007 IEEE American Control Conference, pp. 4154-4159, 2007.[3] X. Xu, X. Wang, X. Wu, O. Hassanin, and C. Chai, “Calibration and evaluation of the Responsibility-SensitiveSafety model of autonomous car-following maneuvers using naturalistic driving study data,” Transportation researchpart C: emerging technologies, vol. 123, 2021.[4] S. Shah, D. Dey, C. Lovett, and A. Kapoor, “Airsim: High-fidelity visual and physical
AutonomousDriving Car," 2020 5th International Conference on Information Science, Computer Technologyand Transportation (ISCTT), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISCTT51595.2020.00007.[2] T. Treebupachatsakul and S. Poomrittigul, "Microorganism Image Recognition based onDeep Learning Application," 2020 International Conference on Electronics, Information, andCommunication (ICEIC), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICEIC49074.2020.9051009.[3] S. Liu and B. Liu, "Application Analysis of Image Enhancement Method in Deep LearningImage Recognition Scene," 2021 Second International Conference on Electronics andSustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), 2021, pp. 1949-1952, doi:10.1109/ICESC51422.2021.9532597.[4] R. Zhang, W. Xiao, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. Lin and M. Yang, "An
research and communication-intensive:besides developing a complete project report, students must orally present their findings to a“Steering Committee” consisting of a Capstone professor and industry sponsor(s) of the project.The instructors of the communication course review the PowerPoint slides as well as critique onthe oral delivery of two Capstone presentations, with the goal of helping students delivereffective presentations to educate the audience, gain sponsor buy-ins, etc. The grading rubric isprovided in Appendix A.Table 2. Online assignments throughout the semester.Type Assessment Name Points % Part A (pre-work)Oral Presentation 0
coursefurther each semester. Additionally, the fully online version of this course could be utilized in thefuture as a model to create a distance introductory course.References[1] F. Darby and J. M. Lang, Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2019.[2] P. C. Brown, H. L. Roediger (III), and M. A. McDaniel, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014.[3] W. D. Callister Jr. and D. G. Rethwisch, Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: an Integrated Approach, 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2019.[4] S. Krause, J. C. Decker, and R. Griffin, “Using a materials concept inventory to assess conceptual gain in
highly needed tofind the most effective structure for a CM course using a similar tool. Also, further research is encouragedto pursue experimenting and developing other techniques for organizing diverse learning activities 5. References[1] P. Meadati, A. Akhnoukh, 3D Scans—A New Teaching Tool in Construction Education, in Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, Springer Nature, 2021: pp. 217–222.[2] Y. Turkan, R. Radkowski, A. Karabulut-Ilgu, A.H. Behzadan, A. Chen, Mobile augmented reality for teaching structural analysis, Advanced Engineering Informatics. 34 (2017) 90–100.[3] J. Wen, M. Gheisari, S. Jain, Y
, and deploy backend services built in Spring Boot (Java). JRuby on Rails (JRuby) - Monitor and maintain the platform services with tools such as: AWS (S3, Lambda, Glue, Athena, CloudWatch), Ansible, TeamCity, Docker, SQL, Prometheus - Work in team with Jira (Bitbucket, Confluence, Agile)Hamid S Timorabadi (Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream) Hamid Timorabadi received his BSc, MASc, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto. He has worked as a project, design, and test engineer as well as a consultant to industry. His research interests include the application of digital signal processing in energy systems and computer networks. He also has deep interest in engineering education and the
), London, UK, July 2020; DOI: 10.1109/ICMEW46912.2020.910598212. Nath, S. and Wu, J., “Deep reinforcement learning for dynamic computation offloading and resource allocation in cache-assisted mobile edge computing systems,” Intelligent and Converged Networks, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, pp. 181 – 198, Sept. 2020; DOI: 10.23919/ICN.2020.001413. Shafiqur Rehman, G.M. et al., “Deep reinforcement learning based computation offloading and resource allocation for low-latency fog radio access networks,” Intelligent and Converged Networks, Volume: 1, Issue: 3, pp. 243 – 257, Dec. 2020; DOI: 10.23919/ICN.2020.002014. Lou, K. et al., “Reinforcement Learning Based Advertising Strategy Using Crowdsensing Vehicular Data,” IEEE Transactions on
semester successfully. Multiple of them mentioned that theyneeded the rest of the Fall 2021 semester to prepare themselves again for retaking the LinearCircuits in Spring 2022. Additionally, through data, it was shown that the synchronous flippedmode of instruction had the lowest DFW rate than the synchronous regular live lecture andcompletely in-person class after the pandemic. This could be the in-depth learning due towatching the recordings with the students’ learning pace and spending more time than usual onlearning the materials through the optional and required parts of the class.References[1] Kokkelenberga, E. C., Dillona, M., Christya, S. M., “The effects of class size on studentgrades at a public university”, Economics of Education Review
implementing this curriculum (Part II). the following link: nanoHUB experience s/CISTAR The course houses all the PD resources which describe the content, pedagogy, and activities in the curriculum. The PD includes Videos • Turn the Lights On! The videos introduce teachers to the STEM content in the Curriculum context of the engineering problem. These video lectures also • A quick start guide have tips for customizing the
Design Intent?,” intent-explained, accessed 2/6/2022.[2] Otey, J. M., Company, P., Contero, M., Camba, J. D. (2014), “A Review of the Design Intent Concept in the Context of CAD Model Quality Metrics,” Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana.[3] Amaya-Bower, L., Kirstukas, S. (2016) “Effect of Video Guided Tutorials in a Standard Curriculum and in a Flipped Classroom for a 3D-CAD Course,” Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016,[4] Kirstukas, S. (2016) “Development and Evaluation of a Computer Program to Assess Student CAD
Paper ID #37515Maintaining an Engaging Remote Learning Environment: Astudy of instructors’ tactics and students’ perspectives duringthe pandemicMohamed Zaghloul Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1987. He received his B.E. degree in Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering in 2009, and his M.Sc. degree in Engineering Physics in 2012, both from the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University. In 2019, he received a Ph.D. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Pittsburgh, in developing optical fiber sensors for monitoring harsh environments. Since 2019
that meet defined constraints • Communicate technical information on writing • Identify business issues related to technology • Explain the impact of engineering on societal issues • Analyze the economics of designing and manufacturing the engineering artifactTraits: Upon successful completion, students should have the following attitude(s)/traits: • Confidence in their ability to design. • Confidence in their ability to communicate technical information effectively. • Effectively communicate through written reports, visual and oral presentations.Textbook: “Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers: Theory, Concepts, and Practice”,Ralph M. Ford and Chris S. Coulston, McGraw-Hill
engineering and computing(FlEW16,HWBI+09mShSr09,SSMN+13,Pike99). The key idea behind an LLC is thatstudents live together, usually on the same floor(s) of a dormitory, and that students areeither pursuing the same academic majors/concentrations or are participating in a (ofteninterdisciplinary) curricular program specifically created for the LLC. Studies haveshown an increased sense of student belonging and/or academic success(EdMc02,Stas03,SSMN+13,SuFi08,Mart20). Our work shares the goals of increasingengagement, belonging, and persistence, but we add in the hope of building andenhancing a JEDI mindset.LLC SpecificsAt the University of Denver (DU) we have an umbrella organization for ourLLCs. Before this year we had five LLCs: Innovation and
high-quality evidence of learning. Based on the teaching this past fall semester, the two importantelements in learning are to have (1) clear-cut learning outcomes in mind for every teachingmodule, and (2) be able to monitor student learning across the semester.References 1. Viswanathan, S. (2012, June). Importance of Advisory Boards in Program Development and Management. In 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 25-739) 2. McCuddy, M.K., Pinar, M. and Gingerich, E.F.R. (2008), "Using student feedback in designing student‐ focused curricula", International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 22 No. 7, pp. 611- 637. 3. Nepal, B., & Mohammed, J