facets of knowledge inlearning activities. Additionally, Krathwohl's revision of Bloom's Taxonomy [14] emphasizes theevolution of the framework, underlining the significance of metacognitive knowledge. This newlyintroduced category reflects advancements in cognitive psychology, stressing the importance ofstudents' awareness of their own cognitive processes—an aspect crucial for effective learning.Building on Bloom's Taxonomy, which originated in 1956 [16], the end goal has always been tocontribute to the development of students’ learning facilitated through a taxonomy of educationalobjectives and in this case, specific to engineering education. The taxonomy not only classifieseducational goals but also provides precision in discussing curricular
badgesoffer exciting opportunities beyond their traditional program of study [6]. Digital badges splitlearning into smaller units and are certified separately, allowing the student flexibility in whenand how far to further their skills.In addition to motivating learner engagement and achievement, digital badges can also be usedas a means of: 1. Supporting alternative forms of assessment, differing from standardized tests as the dominant form of knowledge assessment 2. Recognizing and credentialing learning, meeting the increasing workplace demands for evolving skills and competencies 3. Mapping learning pathways, scaffolding student exploration through a curriculum 4. Supporting self-reflection and planning, tracking what was
thequestion: How are metaphors used for epistemological boundary-making in engineeringeducation research (EER)? The first section on epistemological views in EER defines epistemology and synthesizesliterature to illustrate 1) why it is essential to study epistemologies in EER, 2) why EER needsepistemic pluralism, and 3) why it is significant to reflect on the language we use to engage withdiverse epistemologies. The second section on crystalizing epistemological lenses synthesizesliterature across disciplines to show how metaphors crystallize the fluid concept of epistemology.Finally, in the section on seeing the spectrum, we briefly review how metaphors have been usedin EER to clarify epistemologies and propose a study design to investigate
method of teaching, which emphasises memorization and standardised testingthrough lectures, rote learning, and memorization, may impede the development of criticalthinking, problem solving, and creative thinking skills that are essential in everyday life. Inaddition, the conventional teaching methods can be monotonous and inflexible, which cancause students to lose interest and motivation in their studies. To make students more attentivein class, students centered approach need to be implemented.Variety of instructional strategies are in practice to engage the students in learning, to enhancestudent learning, and also to provide opportunity for students to reflect on their learning. Onesuch student-centered instructional strategy is Process
into the students' experiences, helping to explain the quantitativefindings in greater depth. For instance, while the quantitative data might show a high level ofsatisfaction with the course's focus on entrepreneurial skills, the qualitative data providedstories and examples from students about how micro-moments and the multiphase projectfacilitated their understanding of real-world application of these skills. 3.4 Data CollectionData was collected through a combination of open-ended questions and Likert scale questions.Students were asked to reflect on their perceptions regarding the integration of entrepreneurialskills into their ET education and its potential impact on their future careers. This approachaimed to gauge the initial
instructors. We conducted an analysis of thewritten reflections from students in the 2023/24 cohort regarding their understanding of thestrengths and weaknesses of generative AI technologies. Furthermore, we assessed howstudents' awareness of generative AI ethics, responsibility, and legal considerations evolvedthroughout their reflections. By identifying common blind spots, we gained valuable insightsto continually enhance guidance for students at various stages of their learning progress.KeywordsGenerative AI, AI competency, AI ethicsBackgroundIn the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence technology, there is a pressing need tobridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, especially in the realm ofgenerative AI
Deweyan Pragmatist who focuses on student-centered teaching and reflection. She also is working toward making higher education a more socially just and safe space for all and uses writing, speaking, and research to address each of these important aspects of her academic career. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Research Initiation in Engineering Formation: Literature Review and Research Plan for an Engineering Specific Empathy ScaleAbstract Engineers are societal caregivers, solving problems for the betterment of society.However, both practitioners and students of engineering struggle to make concrete connectionsbetween empathy and their role as engineers. While
engineering work. For each ofthe three narratives, students were required to: (1) listen to the narrative, (2) respond to five focusquestions, (3) engage with the responses of at least two of their peers, and (4) reflect on theoverall experience of discussing the narrative with their peers. The focus questions used in thepilot study were as follows: 1. What are the main ethical questions at play in this particular story? 2. Which actions made by the story's characters struck you as totally "unethical"? 3. Which actions by the different characters raise ethical questions that are not entirely clear cut? In other words, which actions might be considered to fall within a so-called "grey area"? 4. Does this story raise any issues or
these students toattain multiple objectives by gaining international experience while simultaneously honing theirprofessional skills. This study aims to understand the experiences of engineering studentsparticipating in a summer ten-week long faculty-led internship abroad program in Ireland. Weanalyzed reflection papers from four students who completed the internship program andanalyzed their experiences. Preliminary findings reveal that internships abroad enhance students’adaptability, a crucial skill in the global engineering profession. Participants gained insights intonavigating international workplaces, understanding diverse work dynamics, and developingskills like workplace etiquette and cross-cultural teamwork. The study emphasizes
training, and partner development. These business achievements are reflected in his academic activities through the designing of lectures and mobility programs with practical implementation perspectives. Ishizaki has been actively presenting and publishing his academic achievements at international conferences in the Asia Pacific region and North America such as APAIE, WERA, and NAFSA. He earned a Master of Business Administration majoring in international business at the University of Southern California in the United States of America, and a Bachelor in Law at Hitotsubashi University in Japan.Dr. Maria Anityasari, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology - ITS Maria Anityasari is the Director of ITS Global Engagement
System(ROS), localization, auto-piloting, computer vision, object recognition, LiDAR control, andGPS. Following this training, these students were then paired with a local railway company,collaborating with professional engineers on the exploration of robotic solutions to addressvarious maintenance challenges in modern railway operation.The practice paper analyzes students' written reflections collected during the pilot run of theIES framework in 2023/24, revealing the impact of the framework and its various learningcomponents in preparing students for industrial collaboration. The insights from this studyoffer valuable lessons that can be applied to adapt to other technology domains in upcomingcohorts.KeywordsIndustrial collaboration
program is actively involving business andindustry experts in the development of their curricular activities. Yet, while faculty andadministrators argue that the new curriculum has immense value for advancing undergraduateeducation, they simultaneously worry that such collaborations will circumspect thetransdisciplinary goals of their curriculum. As one academic stakeholder reflected, the degreeprogram has the potential to transform how the university thinks about individual learning plansfor undergraduates that exist outside of traditional disciplinary frameworks, but it also “shouldn’tbecome a pipeline for business and industry.”Alongside this tension—and partly in response to it—the authors of this paper were hired toconduct an external
the process of the coursedevelopment. These included course syllabi, assignments, and grading rubrics. Second, was the firstauthor’s ongoing reflection and further discussion of his experiences during the analysis process (i.e.,member checking and structured reflection).Facilitated autoethnographyAutoethnographic methods, generally, focus on analyzing a researcher’s own stories of their personalexperiences [22]. Analyzing such experiences aids understanding of and connection to the broader world(e.g., cultural, social) in which those stories exist. Doing so enables researchers to critically examine thedominant narratives and themes in which those experiences otherwise exist without question or analysis[15]. Autoethnographic research is useful
using student data in project development, including identifying relevantquestions that the student data can help answer and with a focus on the latest S-STEMsolicitation requirements; and c) drafting a plan for requesting student data from theirInstitutional Research and Financial Aid offices including IRB considerations.Workshop Development and ImplementationThe workshops were developed using systems thinking and evidence-based approaches to buildcapacity in the participants’ recognition of the value of data to their S-STEM project goals andincrease their confidence to gather and use student data. The three-part workshop and participanthour sessions incorporated inquiry, reflection, hands-on activities, and practical strategies to bothmeet
prototypesolution. Action research was chosen to shift the learning towards developing systemicperspectives on larger societal challenges and social justice. This was accomplished bydeveloping graphical and written representations [33] for perspectives (2)-(4) in Figure 1 toenable students to better perceive and address societal issues impacting upon their designprojects.Methodologically a combination of primarily first-person with some elements of second-personaction research was used. The course was either co-taught or engaged an embeddedethnographer over the five semesters the study was performed and all of the team engaged incritical reflection. The course instructors recognized at the outset of the course that the ‘capstonein miniature’ format was not
’ intendedresponses and may not be drawing adequate conclusions from their results. This study uncovershow undergraduate engineering students, predominantly of Latinx backgrounds, reflect upon thestatement “I see myself as an engineer” and the justification they provide to explain their timeperspective. Specifically, this study will focus on answering the following research question: Inwhat ways are students reflecting on the question “Do you see yourself as an engineer?” and why?Theoretical FrameworkEngineering Role IdentityOur conceptual understanding of engineering identity begins with the theory of role identity. Arole identity is based on an individual’s social position and is defined by the meanings andexpectations associated with the role in a given
as question content and clarity, have been shown todrastically impact the degree to which peer review results accurately reflect the actualinteractions of the team and its members’ behaviors [10]-[13]. Furthermore, if students perceivea peer review tool as non-representative and inadequate in its ability to match their perceptionsof internal team dynamics, then those perceptions can impact student value assessments of thecapstone experience as a whole. A sense of “grade injustice” in the presence of social loafing,poor quality work, or communication/interpersonal deficiencies can be demotivating forotherwise high performing students if they reject the adequacy of the mechanisms implementedto catch, correct, and resolve these behaviors [14
questions are: 1. How do interdisciplinary courses influence the interdisciplinary understanding and mindset of students over the semester? 2. What dispositions and mindsets toward interdisciplinary learning are displayed in student reflections?5. MethodologyWe rely on retrospective survey methodology to obtain student reflections on the courses taken.The basis of the Fall 2023 Trainee survey was to gather data on improving students’ experienceand measuring progress toward program goals after taking the Leadership course. Students arecurrently enrolled in the Business course (Spring 2024), and will take the Psychology course inSpring 2025. Thus, the current study is based on our preliminary data from the Fall
engineering students taking gateway or introduction toengineering classes. In this in-situ interdisciplinary intervention method, so far, we have engagedone of two cohorts of university freshman engineering students (16 students/cohort): one withActive Learning (AL) (with a culture of inclusion through video-based activity/interaction) andthe other with AL and creative video projects (CVP) activities in a 2-semester enrichment program.Our intervention investigated a new 100% (AL) method that combines video-based interactionamong student-faculty and group CVP (for ex., self-reflective biography of scientists) to inspire,motivate, and improve the retention rate within TAMIU’s engineering program, promoting aculture of inclusion. The CVP was created
projects and the definition ofanalogy intervention points for self-transformation.2023 Spring Pilot ImplementationDuring the 2023 Spring semester, two sections UNIV 1301 and MECE 1101 were selected toparticipate in the pilot study, in which a total of 8 instructors were involved. In the firstimplementation, each instructor followed the subsequent project guidelines: 1) MECE 1101sections used Arduino controllers for projects, 2) MANE 1101 section utilized a catapult kit and3D printing, 3) CIVE 1101 section used a paper tower project, and 4) UNIV 1301 sections usedjournaling, reflection, and guest talks. In this initial implementation, the faculty learned valuablelessons to improve their implementation. This effort to implement dual projects in UNIV
to the scripts of Whitenesswithin engineering environments. The CAE approach adopts a collaborative stance towardcritical self-reflection and can manifest in diverse forms, such as gathering personal memory data(e.g., through journaling), conducting mutual interviews, fostering deliberate dialogue, orobserving one another (e.g., in educational settings). It's important to note that CAE doesn'tunfold in a linear fashion; rather, it necessitates an ongoing dialogue involving conversations,negotiations, or even disagreements among team members over an extended period, spanningmonths if not years. Leveraging our distinct positionalities and years of collective experience,our discussions were fruitful, allowing us to scrutinize how Whiteness
their students to consider advanced manufacturing careers.This work-in-progress paper provides an overview of the establishment of the RET framework and theexperience of the first cohort within the program. Specifically, it outlines the activities within the firstcohort’s experience, the evaluation framework and initial results related to teachers’ self confidence indiscussing manufacturing changed during the program, changes that will be implemented between the firstand second cohort, and reflections of the RET leadership team on the benefits and challenges facilitating aresearch program for teachers versus undergraduates on a research campus.OverviewBetween 2023- 2025, this RET site will host will 30 high school teachers in three
intervention implemented in the course is a case study based on athoughtful 2009 article by Jerome Gropman, entitled Robots that Care [3]. In this activity, allstudents read and discuss not only the technical challenges involved in creating assistive robots,but also explore and reflect on how to implement and regulate the temperament of the robots.From discussion in class, the topic of temperament seemed to engage students, and that is whatprompted this investigation.The activity was delivered in two parts. In the first part, the entire cohort of nineteen studentsenrolled in the Summer of 2023 semester read and reflected on the article. In the second part, thestudents responded to a questionnaire posted on the learning management system. Many of
supporting STEM faculty on STEM education research projects.Dr. Sharon Miller, Purdue University Sharon Miller, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University. She received a BS degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Purdue University and MS and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Her educational efforts focus on biomedical engineering discipline-based educational research, including design self-efficacy, project-based learning, critical reflection in ethics, and high-impact practices. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Work in Progress: A Multi-level Undergraduate Curricular
not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.
a humanistic approach to educating students. This humanistic approachacknowledges the importance of the affective side of teaching and learning. Engineering, whichshares many of the highly technical, decision-making aspects of nursing, could benefit from thisapproach for engineering education.Our ProgramOur team developed a Community of Practice (CoP) informed by a humanistic-educative caringframework, grounded in Caring Science, where the curriculum is about the process and intent tolearn coming from the interactions and transactions between faculty and learners. Thisframework embraces openness, human discovery, and deep reflection [4]. It also includesawareness of how learning works and co-creating meaningful learning experiences that
increase in heat-related death, damage to land, plants, andanimals, a rise in life-threatening infectious diseases “such as dengue, malaria, vibriosis, andWest Nile virus” [1], peril to water security, sanitation, and food production, harm to livelihoodsand economic loss. Preparing the next generation of Environmental Professionals to tacklethese and additional challenges is daunting. This paper shares some preliminary reflections onsix short workshops to humanize care, commitment, skill, and responsibility for the heavy liftinginvolved in facing the effects of climate change. The workshops introduce graduate students tothe concept and practice of transdisciplinarity, weaving together topics from interculturalcompetence, community-engaged practice
to make proposals for changes in the curriculum: How could gaps or deficienciesbe addressed? What other data are needed before making changes? (Principles 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5).Again, faculty were highly engaged at each step: 100% of faculty teaching an undergraduatecourse were interviewed, and at the second department retreat, ~70% of faculty participated,including 18 tenure-track faculty (10 full, 4 associate, and 4 assistant), 2 teaching-track faculty,and 1 lecturer. At the conclusion of this retreat, attendees were asked to complete an exit survey.Responses showed clear appreciation for our approach, as well as an acknowledgement that weas a department have work to do together on the curriculum to better reflect our new objectives.Future
know?Systems, andScientific Read fictionalized medical case studies where a organ systems. Identify Doctor Diaries (3) argument components within these texts.Argument Transplant Watch and reflect on a video testimony about an individual’s organTranslating Testimony transplantation journey.Knowledge intoReal-World History of Organ Read and discuss the history of organ donation and transplantation. Transplantation Identify the primary challenges facing the organ transplantation system.Applications:Organ Watch video(s) about animals which have evolved to
increase the hands-on time with the workshop activities and tools. 7. Creating new Seminars on “Introduction to Active Learning” and “Creating a Civil Classroom” (i.e., to integrate DEI in the ETW curriculum) to make both of these inferred topics more transparent during the workshop. 8. Creating new Reflection-based activities in order to encourage participants to envision how their learnings could be adapted and applied in their classroom in the near-term future.CFD established an implementation plan whereby CFD committee members would proceed withthe creation of new “Base Slides” for the forthcoming Summer 2023 ETW. In anticipation ofthese workshop changes, CFD organized in December 2022 a “Town Hall Meeting