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2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Orla Smyth LoPiccolo
. In addition, one section of 22Graphics I students manually prepared existing condition drawings for one veterans’ facility,bringing the total number of students who have completed a service learning project in twodifferent courses to 230 students and 52 building measured for seven community differentcommunity partners. Service learning is defined by Bringle & Hatcher as "a course-based,credit-bearing educational experience in which students participate in an organized serviceactivity that meets identified community needs, and reflect on the service activity in such a wayas to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, andan enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility.” 1 This
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Lin Lin
data from table 1. Question 3 and 4 are the goals for junior Spring 2016 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 8-9, 2016 GWUyear, which to get students ready and be confident to move on the Capstone project. Question 5should reflect the result of Capstone project, which has not happen for this group of students. Itis reflecting their confidence rather than an evaluation of their skills at this point. Clearly fromthe table, all the skills were improved during the junior year, especially the design and solveproblem aspects. Following figures gives better view about the improvement of the skills overjunior year. Figure 1: Questionnaire results4. ConclusionThe goal of engineering education is to
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Oludare Owolabi
, thelearning becomes significantly more powerful. By engaging in formal, guided, authentic, real-world experiences, individuals:  deepen their knowledge through repeatedly acting and then reflecting on this action,  develop skills through practice and reflection,  support the construction of new understandings when placed in novel situations, and  extend their learning as they bring their learning back to the classroom.Also according to Kolb, 1984 [3] the experiential learning process includes the integration of:  knowledge—the concepts, facts, and information acquired through formal learning and past experience;  activity—the application of knowledge to a “real world” setting; and  reflection—the analysis and
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
George Tremberger; Vazgen Shekoyan; Sunil Dehipawala; Rex Taibu; David Lieberman; Tak Cheung
affective learning, the inclusion ofthe relationships of physics, technology and society has been found to be welcomed by students.The affective learning would reinforce cognitive learning of the course objectives, supportentrepreneurial- minded learning as advocated by the KEEN Foundation 28, reduceprocrastination as reflected in their submission promptness, and improve academic creativity asreflected in the writing assignments. The design of a smart heater device that can detect linevoltage fluctuation due to another heater on-switch flipping and then would shut off to avoid ahouse fire is a service to society in the context of entrepreneurial- minded learning. Theentrepreneurial- minded creativity of having new designs for the needs of society
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Rachael Bevill; Srineil Nizambad; Chung Hyuk Park; Myounghoon Jeon; Ayanna M. Howard
 hereinafter as Romo. Romo is an iPhone rover type robot which focuses on demonstrating emotion through facial expressions.  The Romo character was modified from a bright blue monster to a baby penguin character, in order to be more appealing to children. Both Romo’s expression and the background color can be changed to reflect the appropriate emotion. Children with autism often see colors at a higher intensity than neurotypical children [5]. For this reason, all emotions are associated with pastel colors.      Figure 1 (left). ​ The emotional color wheel is used to help young children identify distinct emotions [3]. Figure 2 (right).​  Romo’s separate
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Suzanne Keilson
. • There are still some mention of other traditional informal educational settings, such as Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts or jobs. • Women are still under-represented and not receiving the kinds of experiences that would allow them to be on a par with their hands-on male peers.V. What to do?It is difficult to know if these results are particular to this educational institution, or where ittends to draw students from (the East Coast) or reflects general trends in American informalculture and K-12 experiences. If they are typical then we are still not effectively reaching themajority of American students formally or informally with exposure and knowledge ofengineering. These data can provide ideas for outreach and action, such as more
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Lance Hoffman; Rachelle Heller; Costis Toregas
or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation. Spring 2016 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 8-9, 2016 GWU 1Introduction: The Need for an Educated Cybersecurity Corps"It's now clear this cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and nationalsecurity challenges we face as a nation…[w]e're not as prepared as we should be,as a government or as a country." -President Barack Obama, May 2009 The need for educated personnel in the cyber security workforce is criticalto the nation’s security. President Obama has identified cyber-security as one ofthe most serious economic
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Abdullah Konak; Sadan Kulturel-Konak
, conclusions, and/or recommendationsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the NSF’s views.VIII. References1. Driskell, J. E. and Salas, E. (1992) Collective behavior and team performance. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 34(3), 277-288.2. Keil, M., Cule, P. E., Lyytinen, K., and Schmidt, R. C. (1998). A framework for identifying software project risks. Communications of the ACM, 41(11), 83.3. Whittaker, B. (1999) What went wrong? Unsuccessful information technology projects. Information Management and Computer Security, 7, 23-29.4. Perry, W. G. (1970). Forms of intellectual and ethical development. New York: Rinehart and Winston Inc.5. King
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Jeffrey Birou; Alistar Erickson-Ludwig; Mira Olson; Kevin Scoles
@Beeber have given the Peck Scholars students significant latitude in completing this project. While one constraint was for the project to be cost­effective, OEMS’s definition of “cost­effective” is dependent on each individual school’s resources; when presented with the combined $2000 that the Peck Scholars Program and SLA@Beeber set aside for the project, OEMS did not find that unreasonable. This trend is reflected in other areas of the project: as long as the Peck Scholars are addressing the five focus areas of OEMS’s sustainability plan (above), OEMS has let the students work fairly autonomously. Given the other commitments of the partner teachers at SLA@Beeber, opportunities for collaboration, input and constraints from SLA were minimal
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Sunil Dehipawala; Vazgen Shekoyan; George Tremberger; M. Chantale Damas; Alexei Kisselev; David Lieberman; Tak Cheung
atoms. A typical Synchrotron-based X-ray Absorption data plot would show absorption at energy beyond the regular K-edge(or L-edge). When the incoming X-ray energy exceeds the K-edge energy, the remainingenergy would be given to the released photoelectrons. Furthermore, a photoelectron would showresonance when partially confined by the potential imposed by the neighboring atoms. Althoughthe quantum resonance for the superposition of the reflected electron wave and the out-goingelectron wave has no analogy in the first year physics courses, the vibrating string experimentprobing the wave velocity as proportional to string tension divided by mass per unit length andalso the product of frequency and wavelength would offer a working analogy where
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Eileen Haase PhD; Harry Goldberg
study groups which met outside ofclass which could be viewed as a reflection of the student’s perceived value of this activity.Another popular class activity was celebrating Noble Prize week in October, which involvedannouncing each day’s winner, their research, and relevance to the course. Even though lectureswere recorded, last fall over 90% of the students (n=126) still came to lecture each day. Webelieve that the quality and value of the classroom experience prevented a drop in attendance, aproblem that seems to be of national concern.Weekly Team Based Learning (TBL)There has been substantial research documenting the value of team based learning on studentunderstanding and comprehension4,11. However, team based learning is only effective if
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Vazgen Shekoyan; Sunil Dehipawala; Kimberly Riegel; George Tremberger; David Lieberman; Tak Cheung
just a little more for the 2nd or 3rd or 4th question because only 2 more points is needed topass. A student perspective could be just being unlucky that day because the missing crucial 2points for passing is just of random noise origin and there would be no need to reflect on whatwent wrong in his/her exam preparation. However for learning assessment purpose, the criticalreason for failing is that the student did not understand the 1st question at all and he/she needs tostudy the topics asked in the 1st question. An unbalance scoring result could be interpreted asindicator of having less motivation in learning in the affective domain. However when theoutlier score is on the first question on topics covered at the beginning of a semester, a
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Adekola Owolabi
as it occurs in practice. In addition,the canvas should provide benefit for educators or practitioners in design or entrepreneurshipfields. Specifically, it provides a means to help both novice and expert designers and entrepreneursorganize, communicate, refine, and reflect on their ideas. The canvas also provides a means ofdesign-thinking documentation in which comparisons between initial, mid, and final versions ofthe canvas could be used to assess student learning. The prototype version of the innovation canvasis shown in fig. 2 below and is available online for educators and practitioners to test, evaluate,and provide feedback. Spring 2016 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 8-9, 2016 GWU“During the development of the