AC 2011-2321: USE OF JAVA-DSP TO DEMONSTRATE POWER AMPLI-FIER LINEARIZATION TECHNIQUESRobert Santucci, Arizona State University Robert Santucci is an electrical engineering Ph.D. student at Arizona State University researching the use of digital signal processing techniques for power amplifier linearization in wireless communications systems.Prof. Andreas S Spanias, Arizona State University, ECEE, SenSIP Center Andreas Spanias is Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). He is also the founder and director of the SenSIP center and industry consortium (NSF I/UCRC). His research interests are in the areas of adaptive signal processing, speech processing
AC 2011-754: DIGITAL DESIGN MEETS DSPChristopher S Greene, University of Saint Thomas Christopher Greene received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology (MIT) and proceeded to a 25 year career in industry. At Honeywell, he did research on adaptive control and navigation systems before becoming Program Manager for several large aerospace programs. At Horton and Nexen, he was responsible for the development of industrial control products. In 2002, Dr. Greene joined the engineering department at the University of St. Thomas where he currently is the Pro- gram Director for Electrical Engineering and teaches classes in signals and systems, controls and digital design as
Investigator Award in 2005.Prof. Andreas S Spanias, Arizona State University, ECEE, SenSIP Center Andreas Spanias is Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). He is also the founder and director of the SenSIP center and industry consortium (NSF I/UCRC). His research interests are in the areas of adaptive signal processing, speech processing, and audio sensing. He and his student team developed the computer simulation software Java-DSP (J- DSP - ISBN 0-9724984-0-0). He is author of two text books: Audio Processing and Coding by Wiley and DSP; An Interactive Approach. He served as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and as General
, Digital Systems, Design of Fault Tolerant Systems and Testing of Digital Systems. Her current research interests include Fault Tolerance of Electronic Systems, Programmable Logic Devices and new educational methods to teach digital system design and analog electronics.Clint S Cole, Digilent, Inc. Clint graduated from Washington State University in 1987 with a BS degree in computer science, and worked for Hewlett-Packard and Physio-Control before co-founding Heartstream in 1991. Heartstream pioneered the design of ultra-portable, low-cost defibrillators that are now deployed in millions of settings around the world. After Hewlett-Packard purchased Heartstream in 1997, Clint returned to WSU to complete a MSEE
published in peer-reviewed conferences and journals such as ACM SIGMETRICS, IISWC, and the IEEE Transactions on Computers. His research is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Justice through the Center for Telecommunications and Network Security at OSU. He has recently expanded his research interests to include engineering education, and has published his work at ASEE’s national conference and ASEE’s Midwest section conference. He advises several undergraduate, M.S., and PhD students.Kerri S Kearney, Oklahoma State University Kerri Kearney is an assistant professor of educational leadership at Oklahoma State University. Her professional experience is a hybrid of both education and
AC 2011-456: IPHONE/IPAD BASED INTERACTIVE LABORATORY FORSIGNAL PROCESSING IN MOBILE DEVICESJinru Liu, School of ECEE, SenSIP Center, Arizona State UniversityJayaraman J Thiagarajan, School of ECEE, SenSIP Center, Arizona State UniversityProf. Andreas S Spanias, Arizona State University, ECEE, SenSIP Center Andreas Spanias is Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). He is also the founder and director of the SenSIP center and industry consortium (NSF I/UCRC). His research interests are in the areas of adaptive signal processing, speech processing, and audio sensing. He and his student team developed the computer simulation software Java-DSP (J- DSP - ISBN
. Bullock is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering with research interest in engineering education and nanoelectronics. He teaches courses in semiconductor devices, electronics, and electro- magnetics.Carlos L. Castillo, Arkansas Tech University Carlos L. Castillo is an Assistant Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the Arkansas Tech University. His interest cover autonomous aerial and ground robot, humanoids robots and applied control and automationPatricia S. Buford, Arkansas Tech University Patricia S. Buford is an associate professor and department head of the Electrical Engineering Department at Arknasas Tech University.gill g richards, Arkansas Tech University Associate Professor of
are measuring digital signals. This is a violation of Nyquist’s first rule.Most scope vendors don’t specify their scope’s bandwidth at the Nyquist frequency (fN) – butsome do. However, it is very common for vendors of waveform recorders/digitizers to specifythe bandwidth of their instruments at the Nyquist frequency. Let’s now see what can happenwhen a scope’s bandwidth is the same as the Nyquist frequency (fN).Figure 4 shows an example of a 500-MHzbandwidth scope sampling at just 1 GSa/s whileoperating in a three- or four-channel mode.Although the fundamental frequency (clock rate)of the input signal is well within Nyquist’s criteria,the signal’s edges contain significant frequency Aliasingcomponents well
(11) dt Lr Lr did Lr R s M 2 Rr MRr ( )id eiq d 2 2 dt Lr Ls M ( Lr Ls M ) Lr ( Lr Ls M 2 ) Lr M Lr q ud (12
Attilio J. Giarola, to follow him to Seattle.Initially a professor at Seattle University, Reynolds moved to the University of Washington inthe late 1950’s. It was at Washington that Sigelmann and Giarola completed their Ph.D. degrees.Sigelmann remained at Washington and, as of this writing, is a professor emeritus living inSeattle. Nevertheless, Sigelmann has maintained an active involvement with Brazil. Giarolareturned permanently to Brazil in 1975 after working for Boeing and Texas A&M University.David A. Rogers, an American, earned his Ph.D. at the University of Washington and went toBrazil in 1972. His interest in South America began when he was a child and heard stories inchurch of missionaries in that part of the world. Reynolds and
converted to C code andrun on various microcontroller targets. Developing a host-target platform inMatlab/Simulink embedded coder requires two different steps 11 . In the first step, thetarget directory structure is built followed by appropriate target files, make files, andhook files. In the next step, the appropriate Target Language Compiler (TLC) files andS-functions of each block are created. TLC files are the script files that specify the formatand content of output source files. S-functions are computer language description of aSimulink block written in Matlab, C, C++, or Fortran. C, C++, and Fortran S-functions Page 22.450.4 Figure 3: 1-DoF robotic
a strong programming capability. The benefits of such a laboratory course are twofold.Firstly, students learn simulation, which is widely used by engineers in the industry to verify andvalidate system designs. Secondly, these laboratory projects have been designed following theGagne‟s nine events of instruction15 which leads to an enhanced learning environment. Also,when compared to hardware based labs, such as with EMONA TIMS16, Mobile Studio17 andEttus USRP18, Simulink has the advantage of lower cost and ease of maintenance.Simulink Laboratory Projects for Communication Systems CourseSix Simulink laboratory projects are constructed to teach Simulink skills in parallel with thetheory. Table 1 enumerates topics covered in the six labs and
base (courtesy of Global Specialties2)From a historical standpoint, the modern breadboard has it origins in the late 1960’s and early1970’s. The style shown was developed by Ronald J. Portugal of EI Instruments, Inc. and filedfor patent in December of 1971 (US Patent D.228,136). The transparent breadboard shown inFigure 2 was developed by Eric Blauvelt of Interplex Electronics, Inc. and filed for patent in Mayof 2002 (US Patent 6,685,483 B2).A current variation of the electronics test station centered about a breadboard is shown in Figure3. The example shown is typical of electronic trainers. The trainer consists of a DC power supply
mechanical design and encouraged to improve upon it(Figure 3). Designs for the electronic hardware are available on the web( For development of the embedded softwareon the base and remote nodes, we used Code Composer Studio CCS, an integrated developmentenvironment (IDE) from Texas Instruments. In keeping with the objective of low cost, a freeversion is available; this version is program memory-limited, but the limit is well above thatneeded for any of the eight projects. The base node communicates with the PC via the eZ430-RF2500’s ability to tunnel asynchronous serial communication through the USB connection.The required driver is provided as part of CCS. For the user interface, we used a simple
Resistance 1 k2 S PS R W PS S 1 + - + - A RPM Voltage Simulink-PS Ideal PS-Simulink1 R + Gain Converter1 Controlled Voltage Rotational
Challenge Based Instruction (CBI) have provided insightfulcomments and suggestions for the study. The authors would like to extend their gratitude tothe class of 2009 of The University of Texas-Pan American.References[1] M. Usman, H. Ryu, I. Woo, D. Ebert, G.Klimeck, "Moving towards nano-TCAD through multi-million atom quantum dot simulations matching experimental data," IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 330-344 , 2009.[2] G. Klimeck, M. McLennan, S. B. Brophy, G. B. Adams III, M. S. Lundstrom, " Advancing Education and Research in Nanotechnology," IEEE Comput. Sci. Eng. Mag., Vol. 10, pp. 17-23, 2008.[3] M. S. Lundstrom, G. Klimeck, G. B. Adams III., M. McLennan, "HUB is where the heart is," IEEE
, was not ready in the beginning of the semester. After the computer setup,hardware and software installation, and other issues were solved, we only had less than twomonths left to do the lab projects and design project. With their senior design, other courses, andpart-time jobs, the students didn’t have time to work on the projects outside the dedicated labsessions.Another comment by the students is that some training on GUI design and S-function inMATLAB will be helpful. They did some work on GUI design with the GUIDE component ofMATLAB. However, they didn’t complete the integration of the GUIs with their systemsbecause they didn’t have time to figure out how to display multiple dynamic trajectories (forteam A) or static shapes together with
multidisciplinary team.3,5The use of UAVs for senior design projects is not new. The University of Sydney’s recordsindicate they were experimenting with remotely piloted aircraft as far back as 1939.1 By the1990’s, improvement in technology converged making low-cost UAVs possible and UAVprojects grew in popularity with a number of UAV competitions such as the International AerialRobotics Competition which was kicked off in 1991.2 UAVs offer a wide range of possiblecapstone applications. Examples include remote sensing for agricultural crop yield estimationand weed detection;3 coastal surveillance;1 mapping hazards at a disaster site;2 designing UAVplatforms that can transform from fixed wing configuration to vertical take-off and landing(VTOL);4 designing
32.2 ft/s2. Table 1: Sample Gravity Calculation Data Elapsed Time Velocity Best Linear Fit for Gravity Measurement (seconds) (ft/s) 20 0.134 4.3148 15 Velocity (ft/s) 0.257 7.8345 10 0.366 11.9256 y = 31.659x + 0.0085 5 R² = 0.9955
evaluation has helped in adjustingthe program to better serve the students and showed that the program has progressed towardsachieving its objectives. However, further assessment and students’ follow-up survey will beperformed in order to ensure an accomplishment of the program goals.Acknowledgement This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant number 0851400.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References 1. Tomovic, M.M., “Undergraduate research—prerequisite for successful lifelong learning,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Proc. 1, pp. 1469 -1470, 1994. 2. Lopatto, D
its structure is shown in Figure 7 (a). Theprice on the central dispatch of the smart grid is dynamic, high in the day time and low in thenight time. There is two-way transmission between the main dispatch and a microgrid. aperformance metric Q for each microgrid is defined as: Q w1F w2 E w3 S Where, F is a cost index of electricity, E is an environmental effect index due toatmospheric emissions, and S is a load satisfaction. Q, F, E, and S are all between 0 and 1. wi(i=1, 2, 3) are weighting factors and wi 1 . The ultimate objective for each MG is tomaximize its overall performance index. Page 22.35.7
: |Vright | − |Vleft | < 3 𝑉𝑉 Page 22.813.6 (1) fright − fleft < 0.1 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 (2) Fuses N N Ra Xa R R Three Phase S
development,which seeks a way to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futuregenerations to meet their own needs.9 Figure 1. Sustainability Venn diagram motivated by the Euston & Gibson definition of sustainability6 and James White’s four sustainability “E”s.104E Sustainability AnalysisTo explore sustainability issues in electronics experiments, this work employs the proposed 4ESustainability Analysis technique. By writing sustainability analyses, students learn to explainhow engineering experiments, their applications, and their impacts foster or preventsustainability. Analyses uncover energy and resource issues in engineering topics and relate themto sustainability issues. The analyses involve environmental
length using single-sided razor blades (never double-sided razors). More recently, aPCB milling machine has been employed to take direct CAD layouts and put them directly to theFR-4. In both schemes, pass band insertion losses of less than 0.2dB and stop band rejections ofgreater than 50dB are easily obtained using both techniques. The students then use an HP-8510BAutomatic Network Analyzer to measure the S-parameters of their final prototype and comparewith the original set of specifications. Figure 2 shows examples of two 3rd order commensurateline filters using both techniques. Page 22.1190.3Figure 2: Examples of student-designed nominal
Page 22.502.12 2010.7. H. Arslan. “A Wireless Communication Systems Laboratory Course.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Education & Training, April 9-11, 2007, Kuwait.8. C. B. Dietrich, F. E. Kragh, S. M. Hasan, C. Aguayo Gonzalez, A. A. Adenariwo, H. I. Volos, C. C. Dietrich, D. L. Miller, J. Snyder, S. H. Edwards, J. H. Reed. “Implementation and Evaluation of Laboratory/Tutorial Exercises for Software Defined Radio Education.” Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Southeast Section Conference, 2010.9. H. Arslan. “Teaching SDR through a laboratory based course with modern measurement and test instruments.” Proceedings of the SDR Forum Technical Conference, November 2007.10. S. Bilen. “Implementing
observation by the remote users. Page 22.26.83. Assessment Tool DevelopmentThe assessment data was collected using the quiz feature within the Desire2Learn coursemanagement system, which allowed auto grading of the survey and multiple choice questions.Online quizzes were given after exercises 3-9 to collect information on the student understandingof the learning outcomes. The following table gives the topic and order of the 11 laboratoryexercises conducted. The table shows, for each lab session, the assessment tool used and thetargeted outcome(s) measured [7]. Table 1. List of laboratory experiments, targeted outcomes, and assessment tools used
processes. Dr. Davis is a licensed private pilot and performs research primarily in areas related to aviation. His current research at OU involves the design and development of a new GPS Ground Based Augmentation System utilizing feedback control and the design of instrumentation and data acquisition for navigational systems. Additionally, he serves as the ECE recruiting coordinator and one of the primary academic advisers for ECE students.Mark B. Yeary, University of Oklahoma Mark B. Yeary (S’95M’00SM’03) received the B.S. (honors), M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Depart- ment of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, in 1992, 1994, and 1999, respectively. Following his graduation
yearsprogramming is still considered to be a difficult course demands the location of a new, probablyearlier, starting point, and different methods and media to teach it. “Programming is a very usefulskill and can be a rewarding career. In recent years the demand for programmers and studentinterest in programming has grown rapidly, and introductory programming courses have becomeincreasingly popular.”4 Since the early 70’s there has been an intense effort towards determiningand adopting appropriate and efficient methods that would optimize the learners’ ability tounderstand and solve programming related problems. 4, 5 For these reasons, identifying theoptimum way to teach programming and algorithmic thinking has for decades been one of thebiggest
are involved in making major focus and study decisionsc) Participants work together as a group with facilitator(s) to promote cohesiond) All aspects of the inquiry are undertaken in ways that are understandable and meaningful toparticipantse) The ideas of all involved are valued; status and power differences between novices andexperts are minimized as much as possible.Because of this level of participation, the faculty mentor, educational researcher, and participantsdecided upon co-authorship of the paper. Similar decisions about authorship have been used inthe health sciences among other fields41,42.The students‘ faculty mentor and the educational researcher initiated preparation of the paperafter facilitating an interview/discussion of the
technical specificationsWhen designing either a transformer or an inductor, a wire is required for the winding(s) aroundthe magnetic core. Wire selection is typically based on the window area of the core as well astolerable amount of copper losses in watts. The web-based magnetic design contains a sub-routine that automatically looks for the wire size (gauge) that most closely fits the calculatedcore material and type. However, since the program is meant to aid in basic calculations ofsimple inductor and transformer designs, the wire selection does not take into account complexconfiguration of winding such as bifiliar or more, interleaving, etc. Figure 5 illustrates the stepwhere wire size is determined including three data related to the selected