), and senior advisor at Khalifa University of Science and Technology (Abu Dhabi).Dr. Bethany S. Jones, CQAIE Page 23.582.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013Exporting US quality assurance models in professional programs AbstractThis paper describes the current efforts of higher education institutions in developingcountries to seek accreditation from established quality assurance organizations in the UnitedStates. It contains two case studies of fields in which US accreditation organizations haveresponded effectively to such requests
Paper ID #6416The State of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Engineering Educa-tion: Where do we go from here?Dr. Flora S Tsai, Singapore University of Technology and Design Dr. Flora Tsai is a lecturer at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and an associate lecturer at Singapore Institute of Management (UniSIM). She has over eleven years of teaching experience for undergraduate software engineering subjects. She was a graduate of MIT, Columbia University, and NTU. Dr Tsai’s current research focuses on developing intelligent techniques for data mining in text and social media. Her recent awards
Paper ID #5856Overview on the ”Tokyo Institute of Technology International Research Op-portunities Program (TiROP)” - Season One: 2012Prof. Jeffrey S. Cross, Tokyo Institute of Technology Jeffrey S. Cross received a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Iowa State University in 1992. He has worked at a corporate research lab, government lab, and in academia for 20 years in or near Tokyo and speaks Japanese. He presently serves on numerous international program committees at Tokyo Institute of Technology involving student research exchanges and chairs the steering committee of the Asia Oceania Top University League on
local capacity building, currently focusing on online learning.Dr. Glenda S Stump, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Stump is an Associate Director of Assessment and Evaluation in MIT’s Teaching and Learning Lab- oratory. Her work includes assessment of student outcomes from teaching innovations, evaluation of larger programs within the institute, and educational research. Dr. Stump earned a PhD in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Learning along with a certificate in Educational Technology from Arizona State University. Her research interests encompass both the science of learning and its measure- ment, including understanding how factors such as students’ attitudes and beliefs relate to their
experience in higher education and is currently responsible for continuing education training programs focused on the design, construction, and maintenance of high tech facilities. She is ded- icated to improving education through the utilization of technology, problem based learning and industry involvement. Lisa received a Master of Education degree from Arizona State University. She resides in Arizona with her husband and three daughters.Jennifer S Shane, Iowa State University Page 23.979.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Preparing Students to Work on
Page 23.825.6To study the stability, transient and steady state responses, sampling time of 0.5 msec is used.The motor/gear transfer function, Gm(s) and the sensor transfer function H(s) are obtainedthrough an experiment: Gm(s) = 20/s(s+4), H(s) = 0.6Z-transformation of Gm(s) and D/A yields the following discrete transfer function for the system 27.44 10-7(z + 0.9992) G(z) = (z-1)(z-0.9923)Case 1 (no controller).The system is tested without a controller. The transient response is satisfactory compared to thetheoretical calculation, the rising portion of the actual and expected responses
de Tlaxcala. Weappreciate Puebla and Tlaxcala students’ work and thoughtful critiques.Bibliography1. Carreño, S., Palou, E. and López-Malo, A. Eliciting P-12 Mexican teachers’ images of engineering: What do engineers do? Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, June 20-23, 2010.2. Cruz López, C.C., Chavela Guerra, R.C., López-Malo, A. and Palou, E. Eliciting Mexican High School Students’ Images of Engineering: What Do Engineers Do? Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.3. Knight, M. and Cunningham, C.M. Draw an engineer test (DAET): Development of a tool to investigate students’ ideas about engineers and engineering
assumed that each pedestrian is moving with an average speed of commonman in that area. Based on the findings, it is recommended that Draft Accessible Guidelinesand the MUTCD use a 3.5 fps (1.1 m/s) minimum walking speed across the street itself (curb-to-curb) for determining the Pedestrian Clearance interval, and a 3.0 fps (0.9 m/s) walkingspeed across the total crossing distance (top of ramp to far curb) for the entire WALK plusPedestrian Clearance signal phasing. In any case, the minimum WALK signal indicationshould still be 4 seconds for single lane one direction road. [5]The collected field data of pedestrian arrival were then classified into different groups basedon the arrival volume in 5 second intervals to analyze the effect of different
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chosen field of study3. In addition, these projects help students to sharpen their skills forfuture workmanship, such as team work, understanding responsibility, and making use oftechniques learned in class. With prestigious awards won each year by each vehicle and itsparticipating students, this distinguished research program will continue to provide anundergraduate learning experience with the latest advancements in technology4. Moreover theEVP students gain an invaluable experience and lifelong relationships while working withinternational partners.Bibliography 1. Foroudastan, S, Klapper, R, & Hyde, S. “Intercollegiate Design Competitions and Middle Tennessee State University’s Machine Shop: Kindling Engineering Technology
Youth, United Nations Development Programs, http://undp.org.pk/undp-and-the-youth.html18. S. A. Raza & S. A. Naqvi, “Quality of Pakistani University Graduates As Perceived By Employers: Implications For Faculty Development, Journal of Quality and Technology Management, Volume VII, Issue I, June, 2011.19. Ian Waitz, “What’s next for engineering education? http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2011/eng-ed-waitz- macvicar.html , October 2011.20. Grand Challenges for Engineering, the National Academy of Engineering, Feb, 2008. www.grandchallengescholars.org21. Engineer of 2020, National Academy of Engineering, http://www.nae.edu/programs/education/activities10374/engineerof2020.aspx22. Luey Morell
:10.1109/FIE.2008.47204113. Esparragoza, I., Friess, A. & Larrondo Petrie, M. Developing Assessment Tools for International Experiences in Engineering Education. in Proceeding of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, June 24 to 27, 2008, AC 2008-656 1–9 (2011).4. Friess, A., Esparragoza, I. & Connole, D. Enhancing cross-cultural interaction in courses with a large Page 23.938.10 component of visiting study abroad students. ASEE 2012 Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX5. McNulty, S. K. & Enjeti, P. Connecting Campuses and Building International Competencies with
AndersenDr. Wayne B. Krause, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Dr. Wayne B. Krause is a semi-retired professor emeritus (mechanical engineering) at the S. D. School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T). He currently teaches thermal science courses in the department. Dr. Krause has been involved in engineering education for over 35 years. Previously, he was head of the mechanical engineering department and later he was dean of one of the colleges at SDSM&T. Dr. Krause is a life member of ASME and a registered professional engineer in South Dakota. Dr. Krause obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and his BSME and MSME from SDSM&T
problem solver(s), or the solver(s) may have to identify the mostrelevant criteria. Everyday life is replete with decision-making problems. Businesses also dailysolve many decision-making problems. Though these problems typically require selecting onesolution, the number of decision factors to be considered in deciding among those solutions aswell as the weights assigned to them can be very complex3-5.According to Yates and Tschirhart13, there are many different kinds of decisions, including: − Choices: where you select a subset from a larger set of alternatives − Acceptances/rejections: a binary choice in which only one specific option is acknowledged and must be accepted or not − Evaluations: statements of worth that are backed up
. National Academies of Engineering of the National Academies, Educating the engineer of 2020: adaptingengineering education to the new century, National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2005.8. Licki, E., 2007. Work in progress – Putting engineering pedagogy in Europe and Asia on an international level,Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE 37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, p F2A/19-20, IEEE, New York,NY.9. Blanchard, S., R. O’Neill, J. Sweeney, L. Zidek, S. Komisar, D. Stoppiello, 2010., Re-inventing engineeringeducation one new school at a time, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE, NewYork, NY.10. Ho, L.H. and A.B.T. Kadir, 2009. Joint accreditation on engineering education for a foreign university campusin Malaysia
Communication Quarterly, 69(1), 25-49, 2006.[4] L. Hasler-Waters & W. Napier, “Building and Supporting Student Team Collaboration in the Virtual Classroom”, Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 3(3), 345-352, 2002.[5] T. U. Daim, A. Ha, S. Reutiman, B. Hughes, U. Pathak, W. Bynum, & A. Bhatla, “Exploring the communication breakdown in global virtual teams”, International Journal of Project Management. Elsevier Ltd and IPMA, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2011.06.004.[6] N. Zakaria, A. Amelinckx, & D. Wilemon, “Working Together Apart? Building a Knowledge-Sharing Culture for Global Virtual Teams”. Creativity and Innovation Management, 13(1), 15-29, 2004. doi:10.1111/j.1467- 8691.2004.00290.x[7] L
Understanding that change and variation rule everything in naturecNote. a Adapted from Biomimetics: Technology imitates nature, by H. Yahya, 2006, Istanbul: Global Publishing. b Adapted fromAn epistemological problem-centric approach to solving complex global problems, paper presented by J. Barnes, S. Barnes, andM. Dyrenturth at the Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET-2012), The Graduate University of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (GUCAS), Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Manuscript submitted for publication. c Adapted fromLearning from the octopus: How secrets from nature can help us fight terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and disease by R
Engineering all from the University of S˜ao Paulo. His biography has been published in ”Who’s Who in the World,” ”Who’s Who in America,” ”Who’s Who in Science and Engineering,” ”Five Thousand Personalities of the World,” ”Dictionary of International Biography,” ”Men of Achievement,” and various other similar publications. Although born in S˜ao Paulo, he received the title of ”Santos Citizen” from City of Santos and he was also the first American professor to receive the title of ”International Engineering Educator” of IGIP. He has received several international medals, including two by appointment of Queen Elizabeth II of England. He has received numerous honors due to his services to Scientific Commonwealth and Tech
Electrical Engineering all from the University of S˜ao Paulo. He has his biography published in ”Who’s Who in the World”, ”Who’s Who in Amer- ica”, ”Who’s Who in Science and Engineering”, ”Five Thousand Personalities of the World”, ”Dictionary of International Biography”, ”Men of Achievement” and various other similar publications. Although born in S˜ao Paulo, he received from City of Santos the title of ”Santos Citizen” and he was also the first American Professor to receive the title of ”International Engineering Educator” of IGIP. He also re- ceived several international medals, including two by appointment of Queen Elizabeth II of England. He received numerous honors due to his services to Scientific Commonwealth and
engineering in the first-year course sequences.4) Consistent with the College’s strategic plan, establish a College of Engineering GlobalizationStudies Office with specific responsibilities and funding for study abroad opportunities andcoordination of curriculum globalization activities within the curriculum.Bibliography[1] K. Hovland, "Global Learning: What Is It? Who is Responsible for It?," Association of American Colleges and Universities, pp. 4-7, 2009.[2] G. L. Downey, J. C. Lucena, B. M. Moskal, R. Parkhurst, T. Bigley, C. Hays, K. B. Jesiek, L. Kelly, J. Miller, S. Ruff, J. Lehr and N. Amy, "The Globally Competent Engineer: Working Effectively with People Who Define Problems Differently," Journal of Engineering Education, pp
. Page 23.897.12Bibliography.1. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineers, and The Institute of Medicine, Advisor, Teacher, Role Model, Friend, Washington, DC,1997.2. Vesilind, P.Aarne, “Mentoring Engineering Students: Turning Pebbles into Diamonds,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 90, no.3, 2001, pp. 407-411.3. Mentor, National Mentoring Relationship, “Become a Mentor”, www.mentoring org/ Alexandria, VA, Accessed Dec..2012.4. Markie, P., A Professor’s Duties, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 1994, pp.74 -77.5. Cahn, S., Saints & Sinners: Ethics in Academia, Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, NH, 1986, pp.33-38.6. Baker, R., jr., “Ethics of Student-Faculty Friendship,” in Ethical
Related Category Related Subcategory(s)a) An ability to apply knowledge of Technical Confident inmathematics, science, and engineering Knowledge engineering ability, Apply classroom learningb) An ability to design and conduct Technical Problem solving, Applyexperiments, as well as to analyze and Knowledge classroom learninginterpret datac) An ability to design a system, component, Community-Based Use sustainable
courses in computer engineering, primarily in designing digital systems for hardware. She is the PI for Scholars in Engineering (SiE), an NSF S-STEMS scholarship for undergraduate and Master’s students. She is a member of the Morgan team that is developing online laboratory courses for undergraduate students. Her research expertise is in algorithm optimization for FPGA implementation and her research group has developed a novel biologically inspired image fusion algorithm. She has over 35 journal and conference publications combined.Prof. Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Kenneth Connor is a professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, where he teaches courses on plasma
2006, Chicago, IL.5. Aidoo, J., Sexton, S., Hanson, James H., Sutterer, K., and Houghtalen, Robert J., (2008). International DesignProject Experiences-Assessing the Short-term Impacts on Students.” Proceedings, 2008 ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition: June 22 - 25 - Pittsburgh, PA.6. Aidoo, J., Sexton, S., Hanson, James H., Houghtalen, Robert J. and Lovell, M., (2012). International DesignProject Experiences-Assessing the Long-term Impacts on Students.” Proceedings of the Capstone DesignConference Champaign-Urbana, May 30- June 1, 20127. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches
veryinvolved with the international student community on campus, and another is returning toGermany in the fall for an extended research experience. For all the students, the knowledge andperspective gained during their travels and studies will not only make them more employable andbetter engineers, prepared to work and travel in a global marketplace, but also more thoughtfuland aware citizens of the global community. Page 23.404.6References 1. Educating Globally Competent Citizens: A Toolkit for Teaching Seven Revolutions. Eds. D.R. Falk, S. Moss, M. Shapiro. Center for Strategic & International Studies. April 2010. Available at
be offered. Further investigation on the social Page 23.806.21background especially of engineering students shall be undertaken in order to analyze thespecial needs of this group of students.The survey has also shown that students seem to be mainly motivated to go abroad byimproving their social competences and language skills. Thus, information and counselingshould focus on those issues but should also point out the positive effects on an internationalexchange on the development of discipline-specific skills and the professional career.7 Bibliography1. Jeschke, S., Petermann, M. & Tekkaya, A. E. in TeachING-LearnING.EU Fachtagung
. Ali, A., & Ali, U. (2010). Predictability of engineering students’ performance at the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar from admission test conducted by Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA), NWFP, Pakistan. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 976–982.2. Andrew, S., Salamonson, Y., Weaver, R., Smith, A., O’Reilly, R., & Taylor, C. (2008). Hate the course or hate to go: Semester differences in first year nursing attrition, Nurse Education Today, 28(7), 865-872.3. Baker, J.G. (1998). Gender, race and Ph.D. completion in natural science and engineering, Economics of Education Review, 17(2), 179-188.4. Cohen, L. (1946). Predicting academic success in an engineering college
to solve real problems. For example, when the villagers brought up the problem of a broken solar pump, everyone was required to brainstorm and troubleshoot since no one had prior experience on it (Figure 7). With some help from the professors, the faulty inverter was identified, and a replacement recommendation was proposed to the villagers. References 1. The Wordbank, data.wordbank.org, accessed Jan. 1, 2013. 2. Wall, P., Hakansson, S., 2010, “Creating Commercial Community Enterprises through the Promotion of Fuel Efficient Stoves and Biomass Briquettes,” Concern Universal, Serrekunda, The Gambia. 3. Bureau of