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Displaying results 211 - 240 of 1138 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joyce B. Main, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University and Central Queensland University; Nichole M. Ramirez, Purdue University; Trina L. Fletcher, Purdue University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
program.11 Differences in the observedoutcome variables, GPA and persistence are calculated from the treated and matchedparticipants, with the average differences being the effect of co-op participation.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the National Science Foundation Research in Engineering Education Program(Award Number:1329283) for support of this research. Page 24.129.5References Cited1. Haddara, M., & Skanes, H. (2007). A reflection on cooperative education  : from experience to experiential learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 8(1), 67–76.2. Edgar, S., Francis-Coad, J., & Connaughton, J. (2013). Undergraduate
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles E. Pierce, University of South Carolina; Nicole Berge, University of South Carolina
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Goodhew, P., Education moves to a new scale. NanoToday 2006, 1, (2), 40-43.2. Mohammad, A. W.; Lau, C. H.; Zaharim, A.; Omar, M. Z., Elements of Nanotechnology Education in Engineering Curriculum Worldwide. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2012, 60, 405-412.3. Barranon, A.; Juanico, A., Major Issues in Designing an Undergraduate Program in Nanotechnology: The Mexican Case. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 2010, 9, (4), 264-274.4. Crone, W. C.; Lux, K. W.; Carpick, R. W.; Stone, D. S.; Hellstrom, E. E.; Bentley, A. K.; Lisensky, G., Integrating Nanoscale Science and Engineering
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick A. Tebbe, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
GrantsDUE-0536299 and DUE-0920436.Bibliography 1. P. Tebbe, J. Pribyl, and S. Ross, “Full Development of Engineering Scenarios to Promote Student Engagement in Thermodynamics – Year 1”, Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Louisville KY, 2010. 2. P. Tebbe, “Engaged in Thermodynamics – Student Engagement in the Classroom”, Paper ID #6566, Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Atlanta, 2013. 3. Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., Stice, J.E., and Rugarcia, A., “The Future of Engineering Education II. Teaching Methods That Work,” Chem. Engr. Education, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2000
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 8
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill Williams, ESTBarreiro, Setubal Polytechnic Institute; Phillip C. Wankat, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Pedro Neto P.E., Polytechnic Institute of Setubal ; Carlos Alexandre Tiago, ESTBarreiro, IPS
Tagged Divisions
Kolb, D A US 13 14 NSF US 13 15 UNESCO Europe 12 16 Woods, D R Other 12 17 Miller, R US 12 18 Sheppard, S US 12 19 Baillie, C Other 11 20 Prince, M J US 11 21 Lindsay, E Other 10 22 Gardner, A Other 10 23 Alpay, E Europe 9 24 Dym
Conference Session
Construction Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph O. Arumala, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Tagged Divisions
. Descriptive studies suggest intellectual gain is associatedwith undergraduate research [8]. A few very well-designed assessment studies have demonstratedthat students involved in research perceive an intellectual gain from such experiences. This type ofproject is quite suitable for Independent Study/Research by a student or a group of students. For thistype of study, the Faculty prepares a contract for the student(s) that details the scope of work to beaccomplished and the deliverables including a final report detailing the procedures and resultsobtained. It is known that research invariably leads to a better understanding of and a deeperappreciation for the material under investigation.Several undergraduate Construction Management Technology
Conference Session
Learning and Assessment in ME
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark F. Schar, Stanford University; Sarah L. Billington, Stanford University; Sheri D. Sheppard, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
influences (EQ) and understanding the rules underlying asystem (SQ), as it relates to this curriculum experience. Systemizing is defined as the drive andability to analyze the rules underlying a system, in order to predict its behavior and appears to becentral to the understanding of engineering. Empathizing is defined as both the interest andability to identify another's mental states and to respond to these with one of a range ofappropriate emotions.10The SQ-EQ model places these cognitive styles in tension and compares the relative strength ofthese styles within individuals as a predictor of their cognitive behavior. For example, S>E is anindividual that favors systemizing thinking over empathizing thinking, while E>S is anindividual that
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Odesma Onika Dalrymple, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Srividya Kona Bansal, Arizona State University; Ashraf Gaffar; Randi Michelle Taylor
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
-sourceweb-based tool that will guide individual or collaborating STEM educators, step-by-step,through an outcome-based education process as they define learning objectives, select content tobe covered, develop an instruction and assessment plan, and define the learning environment andcontext for their course(s). It will also contain a repository of current best pedagogical andassessment practices, and based on selections the user makes when defining the learningobjectives of the course, the IMODTM system will present options for assessment and instructionthat aligns with the type/level of student learning desired. While one of the key deliverables ofthe project is the software tool, the primary focus of this initiative is to advance the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Khaled Sobhan, Florida Atlantic University; Edgar An, Florida Atlantic University; Ryne A. Sherman; Nancy Romance, Florida Atlantic university ; Nicolas A. Brown, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
issued Z-number which serves as a unique identifier for eachparticipant for each measurement period. This will ensure that proper statistical analysis can beconducted. The primary analyses will focus on the two aforementioned research questions andthe hypothesis. To examine the first research question— What do engineering Faculty know Table 2. Measures Table Measure Description Purpose Assessment(s)Faculty Knowledge of SDT 12 items adapted from Faculty Knowledge of From faculty beginning of Questionnaire William & Deci [33] Self-Determination Theory Spring 2014 and Spring
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kemper Lewis, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Deborah A. Moore-Russo, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Ann F. McKenna, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Phillip M. Cormier, SUNY - University at Buffalo; Amy M. Johnson, Arizona State University; Adam R. Carberry, Arizona State University; Wei Chen, Northwestern University; David W. Gatchell PhD, Northwestern University; Timothy W. Simpson, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Conrad Tucker, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Gül E. Okudan Kremer, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Steven B. Shooter, Bucknell University; Charles Kim, Bucknell University; Christopher B. Williams, Virginia Tech; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Conference Session
WIED: Pre-College Student Experiences
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica R. McCormick, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Terri L. Talbert-Hatch, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Charles Feldhaus, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
outreach providedvia financial assistance and outreach that costs parents and/or students a significant amount ofmoney.Bibliography1. Artis, S., Friedman, R., & LaRue, G. (2010). Strengthening the engineering pipeline one field and one woman at a time: The role of single-discipline, single-sex engineering camps in the U.S. Proceedings from the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Louisville, KY: ASEE.2. AWE, Assessing Women and Men in Engineering Project. (2012). Retrieved from Baxter, K. B. (2010). Women in science and engineering: Thriving or surviving? (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Southern California
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shiwen Mao, Auburn University; Yingsong Huang, NetApp Inc.; Yihan Li, Auburn University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the Foundation. REFERENCES[1] J. R. Anderson, L. M. Reder and H. A. Simon, “Situated learning and education,” Educational Researcher, vol.25, no.4, pp.5–11, May 1996.[2] J. Corbet, A. Rubini, G. Kroah-Hartman, Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 2005.[3] F. Jiang and S. Mao, “Integration of Software-Defined Radios into undergraduate communications system courses for minority students,” in Proc. The 2014 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Macon, GA, Mar./Apr. 2014.[4] R. W. Heath, Jr., Digital Wireless
Conference Session
Trends in Engineering Education 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maura J. Borrego, Virginia Tech; Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University; Christopher Evan Nellis, Virginia Tech; Prateek Shekhar, Virginia Tech; Cindy Waters, North Carolina A&T State University; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, dissemination, and institutionalization of a college level initiative Springer; 2008.4. Prince M. Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education. 2004;93(3):223-231.5. Seymour E, Hewitt NM. Talking about leaving: Why undergraduates leave the sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press; 1997.6. Tobias S. They’re not dumb, they’re different: Stalking the second tier. Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation; 1990. Page 24.1120.107. Smith K, Sheppard S, Johnson D, Johnson R. Pedagogies of engagement: Classroom-based practices. Journal of Engineering Education. 2005;94(1):87-101.8
Conference Session
Capstone & Senior Design Projects
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aleksandr Sergeyev, Michigan Technological University; Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; Quinn Alexander Parnell; Turki Arif Aldulaijan, Michigan Technological University; Kerry O'Conner
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. Page 24.2.11Figure 7: A senior project peer feedback form Page 24.2.12Page 24.2.13 Figure 8: A senior project oral presentation scoring rubric References:1. Bai, T., Zhu, J., Varma, V., “Characteristics of capstone design projects at universities in US and China: An analysis”, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE 2007), AC 2007-17552. Dutson, A., Todd, R., Magleby, S., Sorensen, C., “A review of literature on teaching engineering design through project-oriented capstone courses,” J. of Engineering Education, Jan. 1997, pp. 17.3. Pomberger, G., “Software Engineering Education — Adjusting our Sails,” Education and
Conference Session
Capstone Courses and Project Based-Learning
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David R. Sawyers Jr., Ohio Northern University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
length of  = 1 kg/m, and is initially at rest. If the weight of theoverhanging section of chain is sufficient to overcome friction, it causes the remainder of thechain to smoothly unwind from the drumThe axle diameter is 10 cm, and the width of the drum is 0.75 m. The gap between the drum andaxle is 2 mm wide, and is filled with a lubricant that has a viscosity of 0.5 kg/m-s. 1. Develop the governing differential equation for V(x), where V is the speed of the falling chain, and x is the length of chain that has unwound from the drum at any instant. 2. Obtain an analytical solution for V(x) by assuming that friction between the shaft and the drum is negligible. 3. Obtain a numerical solution for V(x) when x0 < x <
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Courses and Projects
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Brian Thomas, Trine University; Andrea Mitofsky, Trine University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; John Eiler
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
New Multidisciplinary Course in Sustainability using a Combination of Traditional Lecture and Self-Directed Study Modules, Proc. 120th ASEE Ann. Conf., Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.16. Y. Liao, L. Holloway, P. A. Dolloff, Development of a New Multidisciplinary Course: Smart Grid, Proc. 119th ASEE Ann. Conf., San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.17. M. J. Rust, S. G. Northup, Implementation of an International Health Assessment with a Multidisciplinary Team of Undergraduate Engineering and Science Students, Proc. 119th ASEE Ann. Conf., San Antonio, TX, June 10-13, 2012.18. R. E. Gerlick, Development and Testing of Assessment Instruments for Multidisciplinary Engineering Capstone Design Courses, 2010, ProQuest LLC
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Youakim Kalaani, Georgia Southern University; Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
workload Function effectively on multi- • Being alert and prepared for the group meeting with clearly formulated ideas disciplinary teams to • Assume a designated role in the group including leaderships or a team player accomplished assigned tasks (d) • Provide unique expertise and willing to work with others 4-Inquiry Skills (SLO4) Performance Indicators Conduct research in electrical • Explore conceptual idea(s) using multiple learning opportunities to solve a problem engineering discipline as part of • Retrieve relevant and/or required information to solve a problem or design
Conference Session
Best of DEED
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Harry B. Santoso, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No. 1148806. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis materials are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.REFERENCES[1] Butler, D. L., “The strategic content learning approach to promoting self-regulated learning: A report of three studies,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 682-697, 1998. Page 24.412.8[2] Paris, S. G. and Winograd, P., “Metacognition in academic learning and instruction,” in Dimension of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction, B. F. Jones
Conference Session
Spatial Ability & Visualization Training II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yingjie Victor Chen, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Zhenyu Cheryl Qian, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
creative genius. CUP Archive, 1990.[10] C. Kamii, “Teaching for thinking and creativity: a Piagetian point of view,” Lawson AE Ed, pp. 29–58, 1980.[11] G.-A. Amoussou, E. Cashman, and S. Steinberg, “Ways to Learn and Teach Creativity and Design in Computing Science,” in Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Science of Design, New York, NY, USA, 2007, pp. 12–13.[12] Z. C. Qian, S. Visser, and Y. V. Chen, “Integrating user experience research into industrial design education: interaction design program in Purdue,” in Open Catalyzing Innovation, Washington, D.C., 2011.[13] C. Lorenz and T. J. Peters, The Design Dimension: the new competitive weapon for product strategy and global marketing. Blackwell, 1990.[14] M
Conference Session
The Nature of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
between having a family member who is an entrepreneur and intent tominor in entrepreneurship [X2(1, n=694)=6.77, p=0.009].An independent t-test was conducted to examine the second part of this hypothesis, which wasexamining the differences on the Entrepreneurship as Career variable for those with a familymember as an entrepreneur versus those without. The average score for students with a familymember as an entrepreneur was M=11.28 with a standard deviation of s=4.15. The averagescore for students without a family member as an entrepreneur was M=9.64 with a standarddeviation of s=3.73. Students with a family member as an entrepreneur score had significantlyhigher scores on the Entrepreneurship as Career [t(692)=4.672, p<0.000].Table 5: Cross
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anton E. Bowden, Brigham Young University; Gregg Morris Warnick, Brigham Young University; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
, annually. Junior and senior level experiences have proven to be most effective whenthey are tailored to the needs of the respective departments. Inclusion of a regularly scheduled,premiere engineering leadership seminar series has proven to be invaluable in maintainingstudent and faculty excitement regarding the inclusion of leadership topics in the curriculum. Page 24.874.9Bibliography1 Hawks, V., Harb, J., Parkinson, A., & Magleby, S. A college-wide program for teaching leadership: Framework,model, and outcomes. Proceedings of 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. AC 2009-1287, Austin, TX:ASEE.2 R. J. Bennet and E. R. Millam
Conference Session
Data Analytics in Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Conrad Tucker, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Barton K. Pursel, The Pennsylvania State University; Anna Divinsky
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
/IT.NET.USER.P2. Accessed December 12, 2013.2. MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials. Available at: Accessed December 12, 2013.3. Online Schools, Classes, Degree Programs - University of Phoenix. Available at: Accessed December 12, 2013.4. Clow D. MOOCs and the funnel of participation. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. LAK ’13. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2013:185–189. doi:10.1145/2460296.2460332.5. Green K. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Other Digital Initiatives. J Collect Bargain Acad. 2013;(8). Available at: Yuan L, Powell S. MOOCs and Open Education
Conference Session
Projects in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ying Yu, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
recommendation P.800. Agreat reading material for students to understand the procedures and requirements of the mostimportant subjective and objective speech quality measurements is the paper “speech qualityassessment” by Loizou [17].Speech intelligibility is best measured subjectively by a panel of listeners, who will try toidentify words, phrases or sentences. One of the traditional tests is the modified rhyme test(MRT). It is designed by linguistic specialists in 1960’s and still used by audio and speechresearchers today [18]. MRT asks listeners to listen and select one of six words, half of whichdiffering by the initial consonants, and another half differing by the final initial consonants. Theoverall averaged recognition rate, the total number of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ravi P. Ramachandran, Rowan University; Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University; Richard J. Kozick, Bucknell University; Robert M Nickel, Bucknell University; Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University; Robi Polikar, Rowan University; Ying Tang, Rowan University; Steven H. Chin, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Figure 2 – Non-inverting Amplifier CircuitStudents accomplish a simple design and do the following: 1. Derive the input-output relation: Vo = f(Vg,Rs,Rf,Rg). 2. Use VCC = 15 V, Vg = 1 V and Rg = 1 kΩ. Design a non-inverting amplifier (choose values of R s and Rf) with an output voltage of V o = 3 V such that the power dissipated in R s and Rf is less than or equal to 0.003 W. Measure Vo and verify that the input-output relation is satisfied. Show all your calculations.DIFFERENTIATORFigure 3 shows a differentiator circuit. Students derive the input-output relation using Page 24.132.6Laplace transforms and explain why input noise is
Conference Session
Program and Curriculum Design Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute
Tagged Divisions
. Mosst of the studdents go throough afounddation prograam before thhey are enrollled as a fresshmen student in PI. Thee foundationnprogrram is designned to help students s develop knowleedge, study sskills, techniical,analy ytical, and co ommunicatio on skills whiich are necesssary to meeet the PI’s enntrancerequiirements andd assist them m in their futu ure studies att the Petroleeum Institutee. Thefounddation prograam at the PI is called as the Advanceed Universitty Placementt program.Courrse framewo orkOncee the student reaches the freshmen leevel there aree core coursees that have to completeirresp
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Techniques in the Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Goli Nossoni, Manhattan College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
years. Although some of the students focused on thecreative aspect of the project more than the civil engineering aspects, they nevertheless createdsomething new, understood the concept of concrete design better through hands-on activities,experimented with new materials, and found the experience interesting.References1. Crofton, F. S. “Educating for Sustainability: Opportunities in Undergraduate Engineering.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2000: 397-405.2. Woodruff, P. H. “Educating Engineers to Create a Sustainable Future.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, April 2006: 434-444.3. Davidson, C. I., Matthews, H. S, Hendrickson, C. T, Bridges, M. W., Allenby, B. R., Crittenden, J. C., Chen, Y., Williams, E., Allen, D. T., Murphy, C
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
draw after about 28 minutes. Figure 3 shows hisdrawing. It is intended to be a carousel-type layout, but he had difficulty drawing a circle, so hedrew a rectangle instead, with blocks indicating the stations. The design is intended to includenine stations arranged in a circle, with the 1st station adjacent to the 9th station. He used the pinkstar to point to which part(s) would be assembled at each station as he talked. The designincludes five robot stations (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9) and four manual stations (1, 2, 7, 8).Figure 4 shows his typed cost estimates (the text overlap on the first line is due to a videosynching issue). He also listed items that would normally be included in a proposal, such as aschedule
Conference Session
Innovations in Electrical Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P. Pitterson, Purdue University; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Education, 55(1), 16-21. 3. Metioui, A., Brassard, C., LeVasseur, J., & Lavoie, M. (1996). The persistence of students' unfounded beliefs about electrical circuits: The case of ohm's law. International Journal of Science Education, 18(2), 193-212. 4. Bernhard, J., & Carstensen, A.-K. (2002). Learning and teaching electrical circuit theory. Paper presented at the Phyics Teaching in Engineering Education, Leuven. 5. Ainsworth, S. (2008). The educational value of multiple-representations when learning complex scientific concepts. In J. K. Gilbert, M. Reiner & M. Nakhleh (Eds.), Visualization: Theory and Practice in Science Education (pp. 191 - 208). Surrey, UK: Springer. 6. Holton, D., Verma, A., &
Conference Session
Models of community engagement practices
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bill B. Elmore, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
using LEGO® NXT Robotics, Chemical Engineering Education, Spring 2011, 45:2, pp. 86-92 12. Johnson, S. H., Luyben, W. L. and Talhelm, D.L., “Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Controls Laboratory”, Journal of Engineering Education, 84, (2), pp.133-136, (April 1995). 13. Hmelo, C. E.; Problem-based Learning: Development of knowledge and reasoning strategies, in Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society; Pittsburgh, PA; 1995; pp. 404-408. Page 24.769.1014. Yu, Chung Y. and David T. Shaw; Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Engineering Students; 2006 International
Conference Session
Impact of Community Engagement on Communities
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerardo J. Pinzon PE, Texas A&M International University; Jaime Rene Huerta
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
spent anentire weekend learning about STEM fields and participating in prepared exercises whilebonding in the experience of post-secondary life as they stayed in the university dormitories. This program was funded by the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for UndergraduatePrograms (GEAR UP), a federal discretionary grant awarded by the U. S. Department ofEducation. It was designed to increase the enrollment of low-income students — simultaneouslypreparing them for success in post-secondary education — through a partnership grant betweenTexas A&M International University (TAMIU) and 19 school districts throughout the southernpart of Texas, covering approximately 14,972 square miles. To enhance skills, motivation, and preparation, the
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara T. Scharf, University of Toronto; Jason A. Foster P.Eng., University of Toronto; Kamran Behdinan, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
improvement in student experience, but also to cultural enrichment at this criticalpoint in students’ lives [9].Making friends with and developing trust in students fromother cultures is important for students who plan on spending the rest of theirundergraduate years in Canada – being able to bridge cultural divides will help studentscope with culture shock and get them accustomed to dealing with people different fromthemselves, both in terms of their experiences at university and, we hope, in their lives asautonomous adults [10].MethodsAn online language proficiency survey developed by S. Scharf for this study (seeAppendix) was administered to the 259 students in the Fall term prerequisite course to theWinter term engineering design course being