sstudents andd/or very baddperformaance of otherrs. Figure 2 shows s the peercent of stuudents who pperformed well (i.e. whoobtained >= 7 in the assessmentss) in the diffeerent program mming conccept assessm ments. The figgureillustrates why computer program mming coursses are gatew way courses with low paassing gradess: inmost con nceptual cateegories less than t 50% of students perrformed at an adequate llevel.4.2 Explo oratory Facto or AnalysisTo furtheer understandd the nature of students’ understandiing of computer program
way that has lessimpact on the environment than fossil fuels. There are several different types of water wheeldesigns, such as undershot, overshot, pitchback, breastshot, and pelton wheel. This project wasfocused on the design and implementation of an undershot water wheel. The water wheel wasassumed to be set into a river system with an assumed flow of 10 ft/s. The components designedfor the water wheel system are wheel, shaft, belt, pulley and bearing. The wheel shaft is to beconnected to a generator with a belt system. A journal bearing was selected based on the loadrequirements. The waterwheel’s vanes encountered bending moment and shear force from thetangential flow of water to its circumference. A shaft was designed for torque
5 19% 28%Administrators responded to a question about in which year(s) students study design.Responses are shown in Table 9, noting that respondents were free to select multiple years ifapplicable. Table 9 – In which year(s) do undergraduate students study design? Dept. Head Dean Year (N=166) (N=64) 1 36% 36% 2 51% 48% 3 71% 59% 4 72% 67% 5 or higher
out a test form to capture their findings andhelp them evaluate their designs prior to the redesign. The example below is an excerpt fromTeam 1's Nature Inspired Test form. 1. What happened when you tested? It held water for most of the time then leaked a little. 2. How was your design inspired by nature? It was based off a flower. How the flower sends its water down to the root and the straw Page 26.698.11 gets water from the funnel. 3. What worked well with your design? ! The funnel helped our
solving process. Simulations enable active manipulation and reinforced practicesupporting students to learn the concepts better.AcknowledgementsThis research was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under the awards#DMR1305694 and #EEC1449238. Page 26.185.16References1 Emmott, S. & Rison, S. Towards 2020 science. Science in Parliament 65, 31-33 (2008).2 de Jong, T., Linn, M. C. & Zacharia, Z. C. Physical and Virtual Laboratories in Science and Engineering Education. Science 340, 305-308 (2013).3 Roth, W. M. & McGinn, M. K. Graphing: Cognitive ability or practice? Science Education 81, 91-106
Paper ID #13669A Mixed Instructional Methods Approach to Teaching a Circuits and Instru-mentation CourseMr. Stephen Keith Holland, James Madison University S. Keith Holland received his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of Virginia in 2004. He served as the Vice President for Research and Development with Avir Sensors, LLC prior to joining the Department of Engineering at James Madison University (JMU). At JMU, he developed statics, dynamics, circuits, instrumentation, controls, renewable energy, and engineering study abroad courses. His current research interest include material development
factors that affect the schedule. The learners’ motivation was measured through the useof an adapted pre- and post-test called the OnLine Motivation Questionnaires.[21] The assessmentresults have proven the VCS3’s capability to motivate the students and increase their generalknowledge of the construction planning process.[2] However, while the VCS positively affectedstudents’ overall learning and motivation, the results still do not fully reveal the VCS3simulator’s ability to promote higher order thinking skills.3. Instructional design of the virtual construction simulator 4 The past experiences of the VCS3 have demonstrated that the game has great educationalpotential. This potential is being addressed with a new phase of research and
sevenquestions on the topic of drift. Broad questions were used first (e.g., #1 and #2 below), moving to more specific questionsthat capture other aspects of the phenomenon (e.g., #3 below). Page 26.558.5 1. Describe the movement of the electron(s) in the semiconductor when the electric field is on and off. Use as much detail as possible. 2. Based on your knowledge of physics and electrons, what determines how and where the electrons move in the semiconductor when the electric field is on/off? Use as much detail as possible. 3. Imagine an electron, in a similar semiconductor, under the same scenario, moving again. How
, give us apiece of advice that is important to you, and use 6 to 10 pictures to tell us a story.The intention of Gaver et al.’s use of cultural probes was to support creativity and imagination,while amplifying the participants’ existing pleasures. Cultural probes also explored howtechnology could support the participants’ values. Image 1- Left: a disposable camera with requests for specific pictures. Right: postal cards.Key characteristics of Cultural Probes:Cultural probes have been widely adopted and adapted by several industrial and academicresearch and design groups. Many researchers took the original cultural probes as an inspiration
Paper ID #11558Integrating MS Excel in Engineering Technology CurriculumMr. Dustin Scott Birch, Weber State University Dustin S. Birch possesses a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Utah, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Utah, and an Associate of Science in Design and Drafting Engineering Technology from Ricks College. Birch is an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at Weber State University. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Utah Partnership for Education. He is a member of the
.'#:(*'# .%4,%..',%4#3&*):< !>"#G-6.#:(*#2.1-+-).;,+-11:#0'.0-'.)#2('#&5.#.%4,%..',%4#+(*'3.3# -&5.#B%6.'3,&:#(2#C,'4,%,-< !D"#?(#:(*#2..1#-#0-'(2#&5.#B%,6.3,&:#(2#C,'4,%,-A3#R+5((1#(2# S%4,%..',%4#-%)#@001,.)#R+,.%+.#+(;;*%,&:< !F"#$2#&5.'.#7-3#(%.#&5,%4#:(*#+(*1)#+5-%4.#-L(*&5.#&'-%32.'# 0'(+.33#:(*#./0.',.%+.)J#75-(*1)#&5-L.< Findings Students interviewed represented John Tyler and Piedmont Valley, both community colleges of the Virginia Community College System. Each community college has a Guaranteed Admission Agreement in place
students to 4. Re-tell the performance of a possible solution. 5. Analyze possible solution(s) according to several types of evidence, including results of physical tests, data from scientific investigations, information from external sources, and critique by other children or adults. 6. Purposefully choose how to move forward to improve the proposed solution.Table 1. Alignment of proposed definition of reflective decision-making in engineering withsupporting research and elementary engineering curriculum learning tasksElements of reflective decision- How engineering design practitioners Related learning tasks in the EiEmaking exhibit the element curriculumDuring initial
addition of a single cubic term whosecoefficient is a . This fact renders the cubic law as a simple extension of the traditional result.Some sample trajectories are displayed in Figs. 4 and 5 for (respectively) o 45 and 60 . Thetrajectory cases correspond to 1.5 , 1.0 , 0.5 , and 0.0 in each figure. Also, vo 10 m/s andg 9.81 m/s 2 were utilized to generate these particular results. These figures were created withthe chart-production capabilities available within an EXCEL® workbook. The solid and dashedcurves identify results generated with the approximate and exact solutions (respectively), but itwas not possible to obtain experimental results for a comparison with the exact and approximateresults, given the limitations imposed for
-generation peers when a given situation causes opposing valuesto confront, such as prioritizing familial responsibilities versus individual responsibilities.Further analyses of the survey and other measures, such as the VAI, will help better understandthese connections.Many of the FIG mentors commented how much they enjoyed incorporating the DEI panel torepresent a more diverse group of students. Though many of the same themes reoccurred fromone panel to another, such as seeking tutoring services and getting involved on campus, eachgroup of panelists was dynamic and unique.The panelists were interviewed to get their perceptions about the DEI panel(s) and suggestionsfor future panels. Interesting subjects emerged from the interviews that offered some
concepts to improve on their quizzes and tests andthe class as a whole.Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No. #1254006. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Page 26.239.11References1 Nottis, K. E. K., M. Prince, M. Vigenat, S. Nelson, and K. Hartsock, 2009, “Undergraduate Student’sUnderstanding of Heat, Temperature and Radiation,” Northeastern Educational Research AssociationAnnual Conference Proceedings.2 Miller, R.L
Brook, NY: State University of New York.2. Hancock, M. P., & Russel, S. H. (2008). Research experiences for undergraduates (REU) in the directorate for engineering (ENG) 2003–2006 participant survey. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.3. National Science Foundation (2013). Research experiences for undergraduate (REU) program solication (Document Number: NSF 12-569). Retrieved from Russell, S. H., Ailes, C.P, Hancock, M.P., McCullough, J., Rosesner, J.D., & Storey, C. (2004). Evaluation of NSF support for undergraduate research opportunities: 2003 NSF-program participant survey. Menlo, CA: SRI International.5. Russell, S. H., Hancock, M. P
fully engaging, and well-received project, the laboratory experiments have proven to beeffective in teaching multidisciplinary freshman engineering students’ aspects of sustainability,social awareness, and basic engineering concepts.Works Cited[1] S. Rimos, A. F. A. Hoadley and D. J. Brennan, "Environmental Consequences Analysis for Resource Depletion," Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 849-861, 2014.[2] R. Dodds and R. Venables, "Engineering for Sustainable Development: Guiding Principles," The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, 2005.[3] American Society for Engineering Education, "ASEE Statement on Sustainable Development Education," American Society for Engineering Education, 30 June
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lab(s), depending on the complexity of the project.Course ProjectsThe biggest challenge faced when developing the course is mapping the course contents toteaching modules and finding adequate projects to deliver and assess the students’ knowledge ineach topic. This section describes the projects used in the class and the topics they covered. Page 26.91.4 I. Image EnhancementIn this project, students are given the grayscale image shown in Figure 1. Seeing that the imageis too dark for any effective vision processing, the students’ assignment is enhancing the image.During their search for a solution, students are exposed to the concept
Paper ID #11230Active-learning for Physics (Electromagnetism) teachers in an EngineeringCourseProf. Rodrigo Cutri P.E., Maua Institute of Techonology holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Maua Institute of Technology (2001), MSc (2004) and Ph.D. (2007) in Electrical Engineering - University of S˜ao Paulo. He is currently Titular Professor of Maua Institute of Technology, Professor of the University Center Foundation Santo Andr´e, and consultant - Tecap Electrical Industry Ltda. He has experience in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Industrial Electronics and Engineering Education, acting on the following
(BIM). International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 31, Pages 971-980.5. Cama, Rosalyn (2009). Evidence-Based Healthcare Design. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,NJ,6. Cerovsek, T. (2011). A review and outlook for a ‘Building Information Model’ (BIM): A multi-standpoint framework for technological development. Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 25, Pages 224-244.7. Conroy, T., Linstrom, R., Richards, S., Skallan, R., (November 2014) Faster? Not Without Innovation, Collaboration, and Trust, Healthcare Design Conference, San Diego, CA.8. East, E., Nisbet, N., Liebich, T. (2013). Facility management handover model view, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, January-February, Pages 61-67.9. ENR
in Education Conference, October 12-15, 2011, Rapid City,SD 3. Litzinger, T., Wise, J, Lee, S., and Bjorklund, S., 2003, “Assessing Readiness for Self-directed Learning”, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 22-25, 2003, Nashville, TN 4. Litzinger, T., Lee, S. H., and Wise, J., 2004, “Engineering Students’ Readiness for Self-directed Learning”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 20-23, 2004, Salt Lake City, UT 5. Litzinger, T., Wise, J.C., and Lee, S. H.,2005, “Self-directed Learning Readiness Among Engineering Undergraduate Students
a more representative average.PID Controller Algorithm: disturbance(s) + Set Point (SP) Process Variables (PV) Error PID Controller Process + + - Measured Process Variables SensorsFigure 6: PID ControllerPID control is very important in distributed control
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Jamesargued that knowledge was essentially useless unless it could be directly applied 7. The roots ofservice learning come from these ideas of „learning while doing.‟There are many benefits to service learning, as noted in the text “Where‟s the Learning inService Learning” by Janet Eyler and Dwight Giles. Eyler and Giles cite as benefits thedevelopment of problem solving skills, interpersonal development, cognitive advancement, andenhanced world views 5. The role of reflection is also noted to be a critical component in servicelearning. This period of evaluation of ones learning, goals and experiences is important tohelping students realize the connections between theory and practice 5.Experiential learning like service learning is an increasingly
explore the impact of SDT may have on different kinds of learning.A summary of these aforementioned measures, along with a brief description, their purpose, andthe assessment strategy for each is provided below in Table 1. Page 26.1041.4 Table 1: Measures Employed in the Research Measure Description Purpose Assessment(s)Faculty Knowledge of SDT 12 items adapted from Faculty Knowledge of From faculty beginning of Questionnaire
Variance S&T Ext’d Area S&T Ext’d Area S&T Ext’d AreaSection 1 32 (DLMX) 28 (DLMX) 48% 37% 3% 7%Section 2 27 (Lecture) 24 (DLMX) 40% 30% 5% 6%Each topic being examined consists of a collection of subtopics. There is the possibility thatdifferent subtopics are more suited to one or the other of the teaching methods being used.Examining this requires evaluating learning gains for the individual questions on the test. Thiswill be discussed next.Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger: This section contains three broad questions consisting ofmultiple sub-questions. Question 1 focused on students
University. Page 26.1580.9Bibliography1. McKenna, A., McMartin, F. and Agogino, A., 2000, "What Students Say About Learning Physics, Math and Engineering," Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, Vol. 1, T1F-9.2. Sathianathan, D., Tavener, S., Voss, K. Armentrout, S. Yaeger, P. and Marra, R., 1999, "Using Applied Engineering Problems in Calculus Classes to Promote Learning in Context and Teamwork," Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, Vol. 2, 12d5-14.3. Barrow, D.L. and Fulling, S.A., 1998, "Using an Integrated Engineering Curriculum to Improve Freshman Calculus," Proceedings of the 1998 ASEE Conference
) apply design evolution concepts to analyze the office chairs from recent decades in termsof their “green” quality or design for the environment, 3) determine the feasibility of end-of-life recycling of the materials comprising the chair via disassembly, materialcategorizing and weighing and 4) examine and assess the green design properties ofchairs from mid 1900’s versus a 21st century chair touted as green13. Sustainable metricshave been left as an intentional indirect learning objective for this module in order tocompare the cognitive outcomes of explicit versus implicit module components acrossstudent test groups.In the activity portion of this module, the instructor begins class with a 10-minutepresentation to prepare students for the