do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Bibliographic Information Page 26.850.141. Klein, C., DeRouin, R. E., & Salas, E. (2006). Uncovering workplace interpersonal skills: A review, framework, and research agenda. In G. P. Hodgkinson & J. K. Ford (Eds.), International review of industrial and organizational psychology (Vol. 21, pp. 80-126). New York: WIley & Sons, Ltd.2. National Research Council. (2012). Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.3. National Association
. Age Group: {22 or under, over 22} 2. Gender: {male, female} 3. Under-Represented Minority: {yes, no} 4. Transfer Status: {admitted to engineering as a freshmen, transferred to engineering from a community college with an associate’s degree, other transfer status} 5. Pell Grant Recipient: {yes, no} 6. Combined Work and Credit Hours/Effort: {under 40, 40-65, over 65}The age categories reflect our interest in traditional vs. non-traditional engineering students, withthe traditional student starting college at age 18. The students in this course were juniors andseniors. The under-represented minority students consisted of Hispanic, American Indian,Black/African American, or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students. The work and credit
design of the launcher itself). In the second test, some groupswere asked to launch farther (20 m) or shorter (5 m), some were asked to land the play-doh closer to the target (0.25 m), and some were asked to launch heavier or lighterprojectiles (i.e. more or less play-doh). Students had to consider their new designconstraints as they modified and improved their original designs. After the second test(which reflected the modified requirements) students made a final designrecommendation to the client and were asked to justify their designs using the results ofthe tests.ThemesAlthough the target groups were able to successfully complete the experiments and testsand in most cases were able to draw correct conclusions about what they had done
majorengineering firm.I’m a people person […] My last internship was with [very large, well known, globalengineering firm], in California, but they didn’t have anything for me to do […] It was horriblyboring, horribly sucky […] I can usually click with everybody, just clown and have fun, but thatwas the first time with a group where I couldn’t really catch, like, a groove, a group of people toclown with. I couldn’t have fun with a subset of them, and of course, you have to be serious whenyou’re working, but I always want to clown and have fun, […] I like to get work done but I liketo also have fun with it.We believe this reflects how many of the traditional engineering firms come across as stodgy andunfriendly to this generation of students, and
by FYE students as useful in deciding theirengineering major. The figure only shows the results where the word count was greater than 2.“Presentations” and “homework” occur in the context of ENGR131, whereas “research”emerged spontaneously in the list, something we were not expecting to see. Upon reflection andobservation of survey responses to this question, we realized that while the question was askingstudents about the activities in ENGR131, they reported doing some research on their own whichhelps them make a decision regarding their major.Figure 2 shows that the activity students find most helpful are the presentations. However, anadditional finding can be highlighted from these results: After the activities occurring in thecontext of
theirlives, have adequate supervision and hands-on training, for the sake of both safety andproficiency. Therefore, a sizeable number of students who had completed the pilot course wererecruited to act as Undergraduate Teaching Associates (UTAs) for the semester long version.The UTAs were all selected based on their performance in the course, as reflected both in thegrade they received as well as their competence in the hands-on aspects of the course. One of theinteresting outcomes of these selection criteria was that the resulting percentage of femalestudents selected as UTAs was significantly higher than the percentage of female studentsenrolled in the course. The percentage of female UTAs in the course has consistently beenbetween 40 and 50
software engineeringcurriculum. J. Comput. Sci. Coll., 17(6):115–123, May 2002.10. Appendices Appendix 1: PM activities and expectationsProject Manager ActivitiesThe main project component of this course will involve groups with voluntary Project Managers.Project Manager Responsibilities Coordinate team activities, meetings, and deliverables for the duration of the term starting approximately week 6 Meet with the professor at the start or during class to discuss individual group dynamics/activities or cross-PM coordination Meet with other project managers outside of class to conduct cross-PM coordination Ensure that team deliverables reflect the available time, resources, and given scope
consistency between the twoauthors, Dedoose Training feature was utilized by having both researchers take the codeapplication test. A test was set by each researcher and both researchers take each other’s test toevaluate how consistent the coding process was done with respect to each other. Multiple testswere set and done after each iteration as the researchers deliberate to ensure all the coding donewas consistent. The test gives a Pooled Kappa that reflects the agreement between bothresearchers. The final two tests gave a Pooled Kappa of 0.67, which falls in the range of goodagreement between both researchers. The relationship between Pooled Kappa and Cohen’s kappa(a measure to evaluate inter-rater agreement) is that the Pooled Kappa is a global
10 ways to engage underrepresentedstudents in computing. Retrieved from DO-IT. (2014). Checklist for making science labs accessible to students with disabilities. Retrieved from material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #EEC-1444961. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
methodswhereby they achieve the learning objectives. This is deliberate as the instructor gives onlytechnical guidance and course lectures are for the most part generic and not specific to the widerange of projects that the students might choose. Therefore, successful completion of the courserequires students to design and undertake their own physical or computational experiments andthus take charge of their own learning.The following are some reflections on recent cohorts from the instructor’s point of view: • At the end of the semester, there is a high degree of enthusiasm exhibited by the students taking the course. Although some students complained in the surveys of the large workload, there are almost no drop-offs for
(e.g. group vs individual) and whether the interactionswere tailored to specific student needs. Overall, 92% of students rated the experience as“excellent” or “good”, but 8% of students did identify the mentoring experience as “lacking” or“poor”. The students were not provided with information on what a good mentoring relationshipmeans. Instead they were expected to reflect on their own expectations. In regards to thenegative experience one student commented: “My mentor seemed to push off all mentorship work to her PhD students. I felt guiltyasking questions because she would hand all the questions over to her extremely busy students.The students took a lot of time out of their day to meet and discuss with me and I thank them forthat
different ways. For the mostpart however, there was a common factor that many students identified through the interview. Ifthe student received a “not mastered” mark, they would almost always redo the problem,regardless of overall performance level.Some exceptions to this occurred. First, students with poor attendance records and poor recordsof turning in the original assignment would also sometimes skip turning in resubmissions. This isnot viewed as a direct result of the mastery grading system, rather a reflection of general poorparticipation by a small percentage of students across any system. Second, some studentsindicated that if multiple resubmits piled up and important coursework from other classes alsobecame time consuming, they would
beingoverwhelmed with the content and pacing of the course. Instead of utilizing the resourcesavailable, there was a perception of being ―left behind‖ in terms of course content. This attitudemay have resulted in behaviors (e.g., failure to complete assignments, ―giving up‖, etc.) thatultimately resulted in lower course grades, despite the concept inventory indication ofunderstanding.Course Evaluation ResultsCourse evaluation comments were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used in thecourse. Table 5 shows a tally, by semester, of the number of positive or negative commentswritten reflecting the teaching methods used in the course.Table 5 – Tally of positive and negative comments from student evaluations related to teachingmethods
. These fourth question opens aroom for reflection about how to reduce these perception results. All the answers weresummarized and grouped using a relationship diagram. In order to remark the findings we onlyshow the reasons which represents close to the 80% of the results. Table 6: Most relevant reason for each question Question Results Percentage Enable the solution of the other course assignments 43 1 Shows that students are able to solve real-life problems 37 Encourage the reading of tutorials and on line help systems 40 2 Shows the
substantially increased the level of coverage ofthe material when compared to the prior approach. Student success in the course coupled withrecent assessment results suggest that student learning and comprehension of the topics has beenenhanced.Our university recently met the federal criteria to be designated an Hispanic-serving Institutionand is also ranked among the most diverse universities in the United States in terms of race,ethnicity, gender and cultural background. The Professional Practices course reflects thisdiversity in race, ethnicity and culture. In some ways, this complicates the teaching of the Page 26.87.12course, but mostly, it
recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of National Science Foundation.References1. The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. The National Academies Press; 2004.2. Genco N, Hölttä-Otto K, Seepersad CC. An Experimental Investigation of the Innovation Capabilities of Undergraduate Engineering Students. Journal of Engineering Education. 2012;101(1):60-81.3. Crawley EF. Creating the CDIO syllabus, a universal template for engineering education. Paper presented at: Frontiers in Education, 2002. FIE 2002. 32nd Annual2002.4. Crawley EF, Malmqvist J, Lucas WA, Brodeur DR. The CDIO Syllabus v2. 0. An Updated Statement of
impact of our teamwork skits. As seen in Figure 4, weasked our audience what they would do if their team starts to encounter difficulty. Anecdotally,we hear from students that they do not like working on teams because they end up doing all ofthe team’s work; this is reflected in the pre-skit response of 30% of our students, who respondedthat they would simply take over the project. About 15% of the students before the skit said theywould talk to the teacher or stop working. After the skits, a full 15% more of the class said theywould call a team meeting if they noticed they were having trouble, equaling a 15% drop in thenumber of students who said they would take over the project. The number of students who said
480 0.206 0.405 0-1 Ethnicity 476 0.264 0.441 0-1 Family/Friends Engineers. 561 0.597 0.491 0-1 First Interest in Aerospace 551 0.080 0.271 0-1 Co-op Internship 520 0.325 0.469 0-1 Page 26.114.6 Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations for the variables used in this study.Since all respondents did not answer all items, the number of responses for each item varies andthe statistics reflect those varying sample sizes
activities (unassociatedwith courses or engineering student clubs).11 Rarely is the facility used to support curriculum orresearch activities. Given its purpose to support student design interests, this facility perhapsqualifies to be called an academic makerspace but that title may not be appropriate due to aunique attribute of the facility. The MITERS workshop operates nearly independent from MIT,with the student members directing all aspects of its operation. This organizational structure ismore reflective of that found in community-based makerspaces outside of the academicenvironment.What is striking in these two examples from the same institution is their very different
, agents, including assistive technologiesincluding assistive technologies Table 2: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0As we know, the Web has changed dramatically during the development of WCAG 2.0,and shows every promise of continuing to evolve at a rapid pace. WCAG 2.0 consists oftechnology-neutral principles, guidelines, and success criteria that reflect properties ofweb content that make it accessible to people with varying disabilities and combinationsof disabilities. However, as the Web evolves, the guidelines should keep on evolving aswell to continue assisting technology developers and authors in ensuring people withdisabilities can share in the benefits of the World Wide Web (Reid &
recognize that putting the Thévenin impedance in parallel with a voltage source or in series with the Norton current source is redundant, and therefore not the logical form of such circuits. Some reflection shows that hinging is actually a special case of redundancy, where the ideal voltage or current source
in a dashboard for each player.This particular game, called Penny Drops© , has three players – Tom, Joe and Sue - and each ofwhom is a single family home owner consuming three different levels of water – 350, 400 and450 gallons per month respectively. The game board designed is shown in Figure 4 below. Figure 4 – Home Water Management Game Board – 3 Players Page 26.160.10The main design-feature of the game-board is that it reflects the major water usage in a singlefamily home in the US. The different landing-areas are self-explanatory (through the icons onthem) on the water usage in a household. Water end use distribution
and clearly state that sophomores wereencouraged to enroll. This is reflected in the enrollment numbers listed in Table 2. Table 2: Semester Enrollment in ME 449 (formerly ME 601) Semester Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Fall, 2012 3 6 2 3 Spring, 2013 0 2 14 8 Fall, 2013 0 2 13 3 Spring, 2014 0 2 17 5Additionally, it was noted during that first semester that students with lower technicalbackgrounds, e.g., those who
researchexperience so that the students can learn how to conduct their own research projects.While other benefits may be experienced by particular students, they should not beconsidered an expectation for a successful URE for most engineering students.AcknowledgementsPartial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's ResearchInitiation Grants in Engineering Education program under Award No. 1340324. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors would also like to thank Al Ghorbanpoor and Wendy Pero atUWM for their assistance with this project.Bibliography1. National Science Board
paper is organized into the following sections: Background: The Need for a MobileRobotics Course, Mobile Robotics Course Goals, Course Innovations, Analysis of StudentFeedback, Reflections, and Conclusion. Page 26.460.2Background: The Need for a Mobile Robotics CourseThe Mobile Robotics course was developed as part of a progression of educational roboticsinitiatives birthed on our campus from 2005 to 2013. A brief overview of these initiatives is firstgiven to provide the motivation and context for the creation of this course and its designelements. Figure 1In 2005, the idea of using robotics to
, 𝑑!" 6where hp is the horse power delivered, T is the shaft torque, N is shaft's rpm, dpC and dpDrespectively are gears C and D pitch diameters, and F1t and F2t are tangential gear forces on gearsC and D, respectively.Knowing the pressure angles, the radial forces on gears C and D are found, respectively, as: 𝐹!! = 𝐹!! 𝑡𝑎𝑛20! = 197 𝑙𝑏𝑓 and 𝐹!! = 𝐹!! 𝑡𝑎𝑛20! = 262 𝑙𝑏𝑓.The dynamical effects are considered by reflecting first on gear C's tilt of its axis relative to theshaft axis (See Fig. 2). x x x' x X Gear C
programmable logic at thesame time as combinational and sequential logic. The new digital electronics 1 and 2 playlists atColumbia Gorge Community College reflect this modernized approach by incorporatingprogrammable devices and HDL early. Additionally, an inexpensive FPGA trainer board hasbeen incorporated into the curriculum that allows students to program the device at home.In 2014 in cooperation with CREATE Columbia Gorge Community College began to developand use flipped classroom resources to teach the “EET111 Basic Electronics 1: DC CircuitAnalysis” course. These resources incorporate a significant number of basic circuit analysisillustrated example problems, live action videos, applications, and photos of instrumentation andlab experiments. The
courses if those courses fit intotheir schedule and academic requirements. This interest was expected given that the students wereenrolled in an upper-division elective course.Over the course of the three interviews, students’ responses showed low self-efficacy levels whenasked about performing various cybersecurity related tasks, with comments such as “I’m not sureI could do that” being common. Meanwhile interest levels seemed to grow, reflected in commentssuch as “That was really cool!”. For some students, self-efficacy levels decreased over the courseof the semester. Given that students admitted to having very little knowledge of cybersecurity atthe beginning of the semester, this was not totally unexpected as students became aware of
point Chemical and Mechanical Engineering are the only two coreengineering discipline divisions that have committed to a diversity effort. It is our hope that thiswill change during the ‘year of action on diversity’.To quantify the prevalence of diversity-related efforts in engineering education, we did akeyword search for articles that appeared in the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) and inthe European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE). The number of relevant articles in thesejournals will reflect the diversity-related efforts happening in the United States (JEE) and Europe(EJEE). The keywords ‘diversity’, ‘women’, ‘minority’, and ‘gender’ were used as search termsfor homologous hits in article titles. Two other keywords commonly
Page 26.555.14described as avoiding dealing with racial issues. Working at a more liberal university, onedirector observed that the institution was “mute” when it came to crucial discussions about race.Despite this backdrop of often discouraging institutional climates, multiple program directorsevidenced a determination to act as forces of change, promoting diversity within engineering andrelated disciplines. Perspectives of Black Faculty in Engineering. Presented in this section are preliminaryfindings of 26 pre and post tenure Black engineering faculty, along with reflections of facultyrepresented by 3 Black engineering deans who participated in private interviews. In theinterviews with current Black faculty in engineering, we