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Conference Session
International Educational Experiences (1)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna M. Ebenstein, Bucknell University; Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University; Jeffrey C. Evans P.E., Bucknell University
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. Describe some of the risks and opportunities of working abroad.10. Understand the ramifications of engineering in an emerging economic power.Instructional MethodsTo achieve the educational outcomes, a series of lectures, site visits and guest speakers arearranged using the identified country specific issues as the underlying themes. For example, the2011 version of the course planned the activities in China so that students would have first-handexperiences associated with the learning goals mentioned above. These activities includedengineering site visits, presentations and discussions led by the hosts, students’ reflections in groupdiscussions and students’ individual journaling. The class visited four types of sites: 1. Engineering sites such
Conference Session
International Educational Experiences (1)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Trowbridge, Arizona State University; Ang Liu, University of New South Wales
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the culture of their home campus. Students alsoutilized digital portfolios in the course to complete reflections on class content related to eachGrand Challenge theme area. It should be noted that, ASU operates a well-established NAEGrand Challenge Scholars Program that enrols more than 100 students every year. Throughthe knowledge transfer initialized by the joint course, UNSW aims to gradually launch itsown Grand Challenges for Engineering program locally in Australia.This work provides information about the course and describes the outcomes of the course asrelated to the students’ experience, instructor’s experience, and comparison to other courses.Formal assessment of course effectiveness was not completed in this pilot effort. To
Conference Session
International Educational Experiences (2)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B. Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Kirsten A. Davis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Timothy Kinoshita, Virginia Tech; Michelle Soledad, Virginia Tech, Ateneo de Davao University; Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. His research interests include graduate education, curriculum development, faculty development, global engineering education, and education policy.Ms. Michelle Soledad, Virginia Tech, Ateneo de Davao University Michelle Soledad is a doctoral student in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Her research interests include faculty development and data-informed reflective practice. Ms. Soledad has degrees in Electrical Engineering (BS, ME) from the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) in Davao City, Philippines, where she continues to be a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering Department. She also served as Department Chair and was a
Conference Session
International Research Experiences
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ming Li, Tsinghua University; Qing Lei, Beihang University
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ABET and its international trend, the practice of qualityassurance in engineering education within American colleges and universities has gonethrough different stages under the guidance of ABET. Engineering education accreditationpersonnel (ABET managers, staff, accreditors, etc.), engineering education professionals(administrators in engineering departments, engineering faculty, ABET liaison, etc.),engineering students (engineering undergraduates, engineering graduate students, engineeringdoctoral students, etc.) are important stakeholders. Researches based on the StakeholderTheory are mainly reflected in the following aspects, research on stakeholders and their rolein the accreditation process,2 research on evaluation culture in the
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pradeep Kashinath Waychal, Guruji Education Foundation; Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe P.E., All India Council for Technical Education
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)The Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles is one of the most popular learning style instruments [21],especially in engineering education. It is based on Felder and Silverman’s (1998) model and assesses preferenceson four bipolar dimensions: Active-Reflective, Sensing-Intuitive, Visual-Verbal, and Sequential-Global. Activelearners prefer doing things, particularly in groups. Reflective learners work better alone and spend some timethinking about the task before doing it. Sensing learners like facts, data, and experimentation and work well withdetails. Intuitive learners prefer ideas and theories, particularly when they get to grasp and generate new ideas.Verbal learners like to hear information and engage in discussion, particularly when
Conference Session
Nontraditional Teaching Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eugene Rutz, University of Cincinnati
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:  Assessments and Background Materials  Communication  Global Work Groups  Motivation  Leadership  Resilience  Work / Life BalanceContent in the modules is presented through videos and readings available in a LearningManagement System (LMS). Interaction in the course is facilitated through email and weeklydiscussion board posts. Students are required to write reflective papers approximately everyother week. Three short online tests are also part of the assessment used in the course. There isno final examination, rather there is a final reflective writing assignment.While all content, assignments, and instructions are available through the LMS, the instructorsends a weekly email message to all students informing them of the
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Boz Bowles, Louisiana State University; Paige Davis, Louisiana State University; Adrienne Steele, Louisiana State University
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seemed better able to capture the essence of the experience. These non-traditional assignments were created as a means to challenge the students’ thought processeswhile effectively communicating the experience. Reflection, analysis, and critical thinking werecomponents necessary to complete each assignment.Open-form EssayEssays generally come in 2 forms: open- and closed-form essays.9 Closed-form essays are thesis-driven essays in which there is a conventional format. Examples of these essays include thetypical researched arguments that are usually found in any writing course, as well as technicalreports, which have their own formal requirements. Open-form essays are very different. Ratherthan seeking to prove a known and researched thesis, an
Conference Session
International Educational Experiences (1)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alistair Cook, Colorado State University
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process but that don’t travel to the chapters partner community inEl Salvador, and those that are involved in the design process on campus and also travel to work with thecommunity.Currently, this project is attempting to understand the different instruments available to investigatestudent’s global competency and preparedness to work globally and how to measure and understand thedifferent models used in these six different groups. This paper will expand upon and reflect upon differentoptions for the project.Global engineering competencyIn engineering, global engineering competency can be seen as inhabiting three dimensions of technical,professional and global domains which contain the skills and attributes of a globally competent,professional
Conference Session
International Research Experiences
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin B. Wheatley, Colorado State University; Kristine Marie Fischencih, Colorado Sate University ; Lisa Abrams P.E., Ohio State University; Sheryl A. Sorby, Ohio State University; Harlal Singh Mali, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur; Anil Kumar Jain MD DNB MNAMS, Dr. P.K. Sethi Rehabilitation Center, Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital, Jaipur, India; Tammy Lynn Haut Donahue, Colorado State University
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apartment for the twelve-week research experience. From an evaluative standpoint, students were given a survey both pre and post travel,which included questions on their perception of their global aptitude (or awareness) and howwell prepared the students felt from a cultural and technical standpoint (post survey only) (Table1). A Likert scale was used as follows: “Strongly disagree” (1), “Somewhat disagree” (2),“Neither agree nor disagree” (3), “Somewhat agree” (4), “Strongly agree” (5). Students alsocompleted journal entries approximately twice a week reflecting on their cultural experiences,technical and research progress, and any other topics they found important. These journals actedas a method to reflect on all experiences while abroad
Conference Session
International Research Experiences
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauren Michelle Hatfield, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Nicole P. Sanderlin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Heather Elizabeth Lyne, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brent K. Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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internationalresearch activities that might help them to be successful if presented with future opportunities.From the quantitative data, it also appears that participants may have identified areas ofweakness or research skills on which they needed to continue to work. For instance, participantsdecreased in their self-rating of their ability to create and deliver effective academicpresentations and ability to find and synthesize relevant sources for their research projects; thiscould possibly indicate that students originally overestimated their abilities and corrected theirestimation as they reflected on their actual research experiences.One particular finding deserves further exploration. When asked to rate whether their“Understanding of how cultural
Conference Session
International Educational Experiences (2)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tom Lacksonen, University of Wisconsin, Stout; Scott Springer P.E., University of Wisconsin, Stout; Devin R. Berg, University of Wisconsin, Stout
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pro bono work, changing designs with input from communities, etc. Finally,some questions from the ethnocentrism scale developed by Neuliep and McCroskey26 wereincluded. This survey measures attitudes towards cultural differences and will be useful in seeingif students grow in their knowledge of and attitude towards the differences they encounter whendesigning engineering solutions in a different culture. Finally, basic demographic information(race/ethnicity, gender, etc.) was collected.Through the administration of the survey, students submitted responses to a set of promptsasking them to reflect on the curriculum and their perceptions of humanitarian engineering andhow those perceptions changed as a result of the curriculum. A total of 69
Conference Session
International Educational Experiences (2)
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy L. Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Julio Urbina, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Javier Fernando Del Carpio, Universidad ESAN; Nancy Matos P.E., Esan University
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definition wasextensive and was reflected in the summer bridge, FISE House, faculty mentoring over fouryears, the week spent with Habitat for Humanity, and the month-long Peru trip. The details ofthis initiative is explained below.International Educational Experience: PeruThe research to determine if the study abroad parameter is a significant factor in achieving high-percentage rates (> 90%) in graduation is limited [12, 25]. Surprisingly, this parameter is rarelyapplied to underrepresented students who are less likely to travel abroad [11, 12]. Most of thePathways Fellows who participated in this project had not traveled abroad before, and 8 out of 10indicated that funding was a critical determinant of whether they would have traveled or not
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Prewitt Penno P.E., University of Dayton; Roger J. Crum, University of Dayton; Eddy M. Rojas, University of Dayton
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reflected upon while abroad;• researching and discussing aspects of Florence to be explored and studied as students of engineering;• learning practical information about the program (housing, classroom logistics, packing, health and safety guidelines, cultural norms, and program policies and procedures while abroad);• learning specific information related to class schedules and content;• discussing how to integrate the study abroad experience into academic majors and career goals.During this pre-departure course, students are required to view William Whyte’s documentary,The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces4, and read John Stilgoe’s Outside Lies Magic: RegainingHistory and Awareness in Everyday Places5. These two works address
Conference Session
Continuing Education for Faculty
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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educative assessment (8, 27) .This would include decisions on how to provideinformation on students’ strengths and their mastery of course material, as well asguidance on how to proceed with learning activities to insure compliance withdefined goals and how to improve students’ performance and their grasp of newmaterial. Students will eventually need reliable feedback on their performance thatallows them to move forward as learners and deepens their understanding of thesubject matter. This feedback could come from the instructor, their classmates, theirown self-reflection, or a combination of the three. (27, 28)Another important factor in the optimization process is to integrate the differentcourse components (learning goals, teaching/learning
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Feifei Zhong, Southwest Jiaotong University; Gene Hou, Old Dominion University
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name. As indicated byLeydens, 20% to 40% of the work hours are spent in writing for engineers in the first few yearsin their career, which increases to 50% to 70% when they are promoted to middle managementpositions and over 70% and even to 95% when in senior management positions. This reflects thefact that technical writing is a skill set providing a life-long career benefit7. Thus, technicalwriting should be included in the curriculum throughout the whole higher education system. Onthe other hand, numbers of Chinese students are growing to study abroad, especially going toEnglish speaking countries such as US and UK. According to the news8, the number ofinternational students in US reached over one million in 2016. Among all international
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Khalilullah Mayar, Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul -Afghanistan
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from the participants should be succinct, and the designteam should analyze the feedback without reflecting their own bias (Delp et al., 1977). Selectingparticipants for the Delphi method is considered one of the crucial steps in designing the researchas the output mainly will be based on the opinions of the selected experts. Skulmoski et al.(2008) recommended four criteria for the selection of the experts: 1) their knowledge andexperience with the research topic, 2) they voluntarily agree to participate, 3) they have adequatetime to participate, and 4) they have proper communication skills. Based on these criteria, theparticipants for this research were selected from four different groups of people who wereinvolved in the engineering
Conference Session
Nontraditional Teaching Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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whenplaced within the context that considers the professor’s specific objectives, the complexity ofthe subject matter, the physical setting of the classroom, and the capabilities of the learners.The challenge is to choose a suitable method at the appropriate time. Understanding the prosand cons of the lecture method is a helpful starting point.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities andexperience of the lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject