Paper ID #244102018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Controller Design for Mechatronic Rotary Inverted Pendulum (Part 1 andPart 2)Dr. Wangling Yu, Purdue University Northwest (Merged with Calumet) Dr. Wangling Yu is an assistant professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology De- partment of the Purdue University Northwest. He was a test engineer over 15 years, providing technical leadership in the certification, testing and evaluation of custom integrated security systems. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the City University of New
Paper ID #243662018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Research Experience for Secondary School Teachers on Renewable Energy:Design and Implementation of a Small Scale Solar TrackerDr. Rocio Alba-Flores, Georgia Southern University Rocio Alba-Flores received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tulane University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University. Her main areas of interest include engineering education, control systems, robotics, digital systems, microprocessors, and signal and image
Paper ID #243402018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Assessing Mechanistic Reasoning: Leveraging Systems ThinkingDr. Paul Jason Weinberg, Oakland University Dr. Paul J. Weinberg is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Science Education at Oakland Univer- sity (Rochester, MI), where he teaches methods courses for pre- and in-service secondary mathematics teachers. In addition, he teaches mathematics content courses, in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, for elementary education majors. Dr. Weinberg’s research focuses on students’ reasoning within STEM
Paper ID #243602018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Enhancing Engineering Lab Report Writing Using Peer Review AssessmentDr. Rocio Alba-Flores, Georgia Southern University Rocio Alba-Flores received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tulane University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University. Her main areas of interest include control systems, robotics, embedded systems, signal and image processing, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering
Paper ID #243562018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Straws, Balloons, and Tootsie Rolls: The Value of Hands-On Activities in theEngineering ClassroomCmdr. John Robert Schedel Jr., United States Naval Academy John Schedel is an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the U.S. Naval Academy. He is a career Naval Officer, having served 22 years as a Navy SEAL and as an engineer- ing professor. He enjoys teaching a variety of undergraduate engineering courses related to structural engineering, mechanical design, project management, and economic forecasting
Paper ID #243442018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Solar Photovoltaic Modules Degradation Rate Comparison and Data Analy-sisDr. Dugwon Seo, Queensborough Community College, City University of New York Dr. Dugwon Seo is an assistant professor in Engineering Technology Department at Queensborough Community College. Dr. Seo has been teaching engineering technology courses including digital circuit, computer applications, computer-aided analysis, and renewable energy. Her research interest includes various renewable energy, digital circuit system, remote sensing, and technology
Paper ID #243772018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Virtual Prototyping for MechatronicsDr. Haiyan (Henry) H Zhang, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Education Shanghai Jiao Tong University Mechanical Engineering B.S. 1983 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Mechanical Engineering (Hydraulic Control) M.S. 1986 University of Akron Mechanical Engineering (Neural Network) M.S. 1991 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. 1996 Oakland University Electrical & Computer Engineering M.S. 2007 Professional Experiences 2007
Paper ID #243572018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6A Study of Online Assessment Tools to Practice Programming and Their Ef-fect on Students GradesDr. Jose M Reyes Alamo, CUNY - New York City College of Technology ´ Jos´e M. Reyes Alamo did his undergraduate studies in Computer Science at the University of Puerto Rico at Bayam´on. After graduation he worked in the industry but his strong passion for education and research brought him back to school a year later. He went to Iowa State University (ISU) to pursue his Ph.D. in Computer Science. During his time at
Paper ID #243852018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Service-Learning through Student Generated Tutorial VideosDr. Anne Schmitz, Gannon University I received my Mechanical Engineering undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During my schooling, I explored many opportunities to apply my engineering degree. I was involved with the Formula One Racecar Team, did a semester long co-op working on fume hoods, did a summer intern- ship at Kimberly Clark designing a HVAC system, and did another summer internship at General Electric designing anesthesia
Paper ID #244042018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Developing an engineering mindset: teacher enrichment strategies employingproject-based learning in optics and cosmic ray studyDr. sunil Dehipawala, Queensborough Community College Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of CUNY.Prof. Vazgen Shekoyan Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan is a professor of physics and his experiences include pedagogy, CubeSat, etc.Dr. Raul
Paper ID #243992018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6The Effects of Peer-Led Workshops in a Statics CourseMelanie Villatoro P.E., New York City College of Technology Melanie Villatoro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology at NYC College of Technology. She teaches a variety of courses in the civil engineering major including statics, strength of materials, concrete, steel, soil mechanics, and foundations. Melanie’s approach to teaching builds on developing rapport with her students. She is highly effective in
Paper ID #243982018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of a Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete ShearWall BuildingDr. Felipe J. Perez, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Dr. Felipe Perez is an Associate Professor of structural engineering in the Civil Engineering Department at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. As civil engineering curriculum chair and coordina- tor of semester conversion, he successfully led the conversion of the civil engineering curriculum from a quarter system to a semester system. He is a member of the
Paper ID #244072018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Setting a Course for Student Success: Standards-Based Curriculum and Capacity-Building across Risk Prevention Management System DomainsDr. Lisa L Greenwood, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Lisa Greenwood is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Envi- ronmental Management and Safety at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Dr. Greenwood has been involved in national and international environmental standards development for over 15 years, and re- cently led the U.S. delegation on
Paper ID #244002018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Disruptive Technologies: An Educational PerspectiveDr. Wagdy H Mahmoud, University of the District of Columbia Wagdy H. Mahmoud is an Associate Professor of electrical engineering at the Electrical Engineering Department at UDC. Mahmoud is actively involved in research in the areas of reconfigurable logic, hard- ware/software co-design of a system on a chip using reconfigurable logic, application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC), digital logic design, image compressions, digital signal processing, computer architec
Paper ID #243882018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Improving critical thinking through the cognitive loading control of workingmemory in introductory physics classesDr. Vazgen Shekoyan, Queensborough Community College, CUNY Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan is a professor of physics and his experiences include pedagogy, CubeSat, etc.Dr. sunil Dehipawala, Queensborough Community College Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of
Paper ID #244842018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6STEM Awareness Starts at the Elementary and Middle SchoolsDr. Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College Rajarajan Subramanian is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Teaching at Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg. Previously, he worked for four years as Transportation Engineer at Maryland State Highway Administration. He earned his Ph.D. and master’s degree in engineering from the Depart- ment of Civil & Coastal Engineering, University of Florida. He has 25
Paper ID #244062018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Technological Advancements Applied to Cardiac CareChristopher Lawrence Norve, Wentworth Institute of Technology Biomedical Engineering Student at Wentworth Institute of Technology Expected Year of Graduation: 2020 Area of Interest: Emerging Trends in Biomedical EngineeringDr. Shankar Muthu Krishnan, Wentworth Institute of Technology Dr. Shankar Krishnan is the founding chair of the Biomedical Engineering program and an endowed chair professor at Wentworth Institute in Boston since 2008. He received his Ph.D. degree from the
Paper ID #243622018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Geothermal Heating/Cooling in Massachusetts General HospitalZoe Zyvith, Rutgers UniversityMr. Mark Thomas Trevena, Rutgers University Student in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Has conducted research in the past on safety risk modeling of unmanned air systems through NASA/NJ Space Grant Consortium fellowship program.Andrew YongMr. Ryan LamantiaMiss Lana E Sharp, Rutgers UniversityDr. Sasan Haghani, University of the District of Columbia Sasan Haghani, Ph.D., is an
Paper ID #243212018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Seismic Retrofit of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Dual Frame Buildingusing Fiber Composite JacketingDr. Yasser Salem, Cal Poly Pomona Yasser S. Salem is Associate Chair of Civil Engineering Department at California State Polytechnic Uni- versity Pomona (CPP); He is the Director of Assessment at the College of Engineering. He successfully oversaw the merge of the construction engineering program to the civil engineering department. He is a program evaluator at Accreditation Board for Engineering (ABET). He is a member of the
Paper ID #243432018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Telemetry Project For An Introductory Communications Systems CourseDr. Harold R Underwood, Messiah College Dr. Underwood is an IEEE Senior Member with an Amateur Radio Extra Class license (KB3OOM). He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989 and joined the faculty of the engineering Department at Messiah College in 1992. Besides teaching Com- munications Systems and other courses, he supervises undergraduate engineering students on credited work in the
Paper ID #243692018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6The importance of assessment of vulnerability for improving the robustnessof a computer networkMr. Dilnesa T Nukuro, University of the District of Columbia Dilnesa Nukuro was born and raised in Ethiopia. He studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of the District of Columbia and is planning to graduate in Spring 2018. His research interests include the application of wireless sensor networks and cybersecurity. He was awarded the IEEE Region 2 Project showcase 2nd place at New Jersey in 2017.Dr. Paul Cotae
Paper ID #243802018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6A Personalized Computer Based Tutor for Vector AlgebraDr. Vasudeva Rao Aravind, Clarion University Dr. Vasudeva Rao Aravind is an associate professor of physics at Clarion University. Dr. Aravind has a Ph.D from The Pennsylvania State University in Materials Science and Engineering and Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Physics from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India. Dr. Aravind is a highly accomplished scholar and researcher in the fields of materials science, condensed matter physics, materials for
Paper ID #243892018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6An experiential learning strategy in introductory mechanics using transferrableknowledge from daily examples and feedback inquiry in the development ofan innovative mindsetDr. sunil Dehipawala, Queensborough Community College Sunil Dehipawala received his B.S. degree from University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and Ph.D from City University of New York. Currently, he is working as a faculty member at Queensborough Community College of CUNY.Prof. Vazgen Shekoyan Dr. Vazgen Shekoyan is a professor of physics and his experiences
Paper ID #244362018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Application of Egyptian Fractions to Parallel ResistorsProf. Jeffrey L. Schwartz P.E., Queensborough Community College Jeffrey L. Schwartz received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from MIT in 1993. From 1993 to 2001, he was a Product Design Engineer on car radios with Ford Motor Company and Visteon Corporation. His first full-time teaching job was at DeVry Institute of Technology from 2001 to 2007, which is where he first became aware of the traps that students fall into when learning basic electronics
Paper ID #244052018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Medical Wearables for Monitoring Cardiovascular DiseaseMr. Timothy Matthew Murray, Wentworth Institute of Technology Biomedical Engineering Student at Wentworth Institute of Technology Class of 2020Dr. Shankar Muthu Krishnan, Wentworth Institute of Technology Dr. Shankar Krishnan is the founding chair of the Biomedical Engineering program and an endowed chair professor at Wentworth Institute in Boston since 2008. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Rhode Island with research work done at Rhode Island Hospital
Paper ID #243502018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Project-based study abroad programs in Engineering Technology: Challengesand lessons learnedDr. Marcia Ford, Murray State University Dr. Marcia Ford is an assistant professor in the Telecommunications Systems Management (TSM) Pro- gram at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky. She teaches undergraduate and graduate infor- mation communication technology and cybersecurity courses. Her research focus is intelligent personal assistants and smart home devices. Her interests also include developing and leading study abroad
Paper ID #243672018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Towards Personalized Performance Feedback: Mining the Dynamics of Fa-cial Keypoint Data in Engineering Lab EnvironmentsChristian Enmanuel Lopez, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Christian Lopez Bencosme, is currently a Ph.D. student at Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Indus- trial and Manufacturing Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. He has worked as an Industrial Engineer in both the Service and Manufacturing sectors before pursuing his Ph.D. His current research focused on the design and
Paper ID #244082018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Peer-led Team Learning Bridges the Learning Gap in a First-Year Engineer-ing Technology CourseDr. Chen Xu, New York City College of Technology Dr. Chen Xu is an Assistant Professor at Computer Engineering Technology department in New York City College of Technology. Her research interests are Engineering Education and Biomedical Optics.Dr. Ohbong Kwon, New York City College of Technology Ohbong Kwon is an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Engineering Technology Depart- ment at New York City College of
Paper ID #243482018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Mapping the development of applied critical thinking skills in engineeringtechnology majorsDr. Beth Carle, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST) Dr. Carle joined RIT in 1996 and is an associate professor in the Manufacturing and Mechanical En- gineering Technology (MMET) Department in CAST. Her research interests include critical thinking, STEM education, and program assessment. Beth serves as an ABET program evaluator.Dr. Jennifer Schneider, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Jennifer Schneider is the Eugene H. Fram
Paper ID #243642018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Node Centrality and Ranking ToolDr. Paul Cotae, University of the District of Columbia Dr. Paul Cotae, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering has more than 25 years of experience in the communication field (research and education). He received a Dipl. Ing. and a M.S. degrees in communication and electronic engineering in 1980 from the Technical University of Iassy and a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from ”Politechnica” University of Bucharest, Romania in 1991, and a Mas- ter in Applied Mathematics in 1998