1990’s. Topics studied included the analyses of various cycles(such as the spark ignition and compression ignition engines, vapor compressionrefrigeration, steam power plants) as well as components and processes (such as heatexchangers, coal combustion, gas turbines, boilers, pumps, and compressors).In 1996, the course began including lessons on advanced thermodynamic analyses,hydroelectric power generation, absorption refrigeration, and air conditioning. All of theadditional lessons were added to the course by reducing the scope of topics previouslycovered in the course. In particular, the lessons on coal combustion were significantlyreduced in number. These changes were motivated by an assessment conducted by theprimary course instructor at
Session 3560 Outcome Assessment and Evaluation of Engineering Education at Kuwait University Andreas P. Christoforou, Mohammad D. Al-Ansary, Ahmet S. Yigit, Aziz Tayfun, Adel A. Aly, Haitham Lababidi, Faridah Ali, Ibrahim S. Nashawi, Mohamed Zribi College of Engineering and Petroleum Kuwait University P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060 KuwaitAbstractThe initial stages of development and implementation of assessment plans for engineeringprograms at
) HardwareDescriptive Language. VHDL was developed in the late 1970’s early 1980’s under the directionof the Department of Defense as a means to document complex logic designs. Later, VHDLevolved into a simulation language for large designs targeted for ASICs. Finally, with theproliferation of low cost, quick time-to-market programmable logic devices (PLD, CPLD,FPGA) VHDL has become an industrial standard for logic synthesis. VHDL was standardizedin 1987 (IEEE-1076) and has since been updated twice, first in 1993 (IEEE-1164) and again in1996 (IEEE-1076.3). The 1996 update standardized VHDL as a synthesis language. Today,VHDL, along with Verilog, are industry standards for logic simulation and syntheses. VHDL Design
the instrument. Negligible Negligible Brian and Joyskilled user ergonomics / human factors : repetition When doing Serious High warning Serious Moderate On-goingnormal use the normal use of the instrument, the surgeon could be Frequent label(s), Frequent [Daily] Brian injured by repititious movements used in using the Unlikely standard Negligible and Joy instrument
The value of a “hands-on” experience in a reactor design course. Randy S. Lewis School of Chemical Engineering Oklahoma State University, 423 EN Stillwater, OK 74078Background. In 1999, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) held theinaugural Chem-E-Car Competition at the Annual Student Conference in Dallas, Texas. Thecompetition was initiated to provide national exposure to the chemical engineering discipline and“hands-on” experiences to students, similar to the concrete canoe race for civil engineers and themini-baja race for mechanical engineers. The competition is based on the
Education” Suggested Instructional Objectives A. Introduce the concepts of carrier, signal, symbol, transmission, bandwidth, and information. B. In a semi-qualitative way (i.e. with minimum math), explain modulation and demodulation as necessarily non-linear processes. C. Draw block diagram of a typical communication system, including transmitter, channel, and receiver. D. Explain the functions of critical sub-systems such as transducers, modulators, demodulators. E. Explain the effects and sources of noise, and the significance of S/N ration. F. Explain the significance of the channel capacity equation: C = (BW) ´ log 2 (1
1999). Learning in an online format versus an in -class format: an experimental study. T.H.E. Journal v, 26 no 11, p. 54-6.9. Freire, P.(1996) Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Penguin Books10. Mulligan, R., Geary, S. (1999) Requiring writing, ensuring distance learning outcomes. InternationalJournal of Instructional Media v.26 no4.11. Smith, S. B., Smith S.J., and Boone R. (Spring 2000) Increasing access to teacher preparation: theeffectiveness of traditional instructional methods in an online learning environment. Journal of SpecialEducation technology, v. 15 no 2.12. Smith, G., Ferquson, D., Caris, M. (Apr. 2001). Teaching college courses online vs face-to-face. T.H.E.Journal v. 28 no9, p. 18-26.13. Sullivan, E., Stewart, D., Spille
creative and effective project and laboratory assignments · facilitate communication among universities · give links to classroom resources for facultyBelow you will find links to various subtopics within Engineering Physics: · Physics · Electrical Engineering · Mechanical EngineeringSearchYou may also search the entire list of laboratory and project assignments directly. Type in your keyword(s) in the search box below: GoKeywords:Comments or questions? resource_manager@murraystate.edu Physics Engineering Home | FacultyModified December, 2001Figure 1: Snapshot of the main web page Engineering Physics Resource Page at MurrayState UniversityThe
course. Using an SAE student group as an industry sponsor of capstonedesign projects provides a unique experience for SVSU students enhancing their education.Bibliography1 Dutson, A. J., Todd, R. H., Magleby, S. B., Sorenson, C. D., “A Review of the Literature on Teaching EngineeringDesign Through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 1997.2 Todd, R. H., Magleby, S. B., Sorenson, C. D., Swan, B. R., & Anthony, D. K., “A Survey Capstone EngineeringCourses in North American”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 1995.Biographical Sketch Brooks P. Byam is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Saginaw Valley State University appointedin 1998. Dr. Byam received a B.S. in Physics from
Kaufman Publishers, San Francisco, CA.6. Huges, J., King, V., Rodden, T., and Anderson, H. (1995) “the Role of Ethnography in Interactive Systems Design,” Interactions, 2(2) 56-65.7. Rose, A., Shneiderman, B., and Plaisant, C. (1995) “An Applied Ethnographic Method for Redesigning User Interfaces,” Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, & Techniques (DIS ’95), G. Olson & S. Schuaon, eds., ACM Press, 115-122.8. Simonsen, J., and Kensing, F. 919970 “Using Ethnography in Contextual Design”, Communications of the ACM, 40(7), 82-87.9. Mueller, J., and Kuhn, S. (1993) “Participatory Design”, Communications of the ACM, 36(6) 24-28.10. Rettig, M. (1994) “Prototyping for Tiny Fingers”, Communications
MicromachinedTransducers Sourcebook by Kovacs 5 was used as a primary source/text in Spring 2000 and 2001and was supplemented with material from a three-day MEMS short course6. Since then severalnew teaching texts have been introduced including MEMS and Microsystems: Design andManufacture by Hsu 7, which was adopted for Spring 2002. Other lecture materials are largelydeveloped from the research literature.Student Projects The main vehicle, however, for learning in this course is the student design project. Toaccomplish this task, students work in teams that are diversified in terms of both discipline andexperience (i.e., a mix of seniors and first-year graduate students). As such, the course addressesABET 2000’s Criterion 3d, that students will demonstrate
was well worth the effort, although some changes involving more and in-depth communications early on in the project will be made when the next mentor-at-a-distanceproject is pursued. Page 7.1270.4 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Con ference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationBibliography1. NSF Grant Award Number 9872433, “Integrating Engineering Design with the Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Mathematics”, 1998.2. Shetty, D, Leone, D, Alnajjar, H, Keshawarz, S, Nagurney, L, and Smith, L, “Integrating Engineering Design
Prototype container(s), complete withCAD drawings, renderings, pictures, graphs, and all other relevant information to aid in thepresentation.IV. Implementing the case study.Instructors should have relative ease implementing this case study in to a secondary or postsecondary classroom. Some recommendation s for instructors is that they familiarize themselveswith High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and its characteristics as well as the recycling processesin their cities. There are many websites and companies that will send out sample products to yourstudents, if they request them. IT is also preferable that students do the research and themsubstitute a material that they can manipulate if they are going to build a scale model. Make sureto pay specific
Document 2002-31 MICROSOFT VISUAL C++ 6.0 IDE TUTORIAL Creating Win32 Console-Mode Applications Jeffrey S. Franzone, Assistant Professor Engineering Technology Department University of MemphisAbstractMicrosoft Visual C++ is a commonly used programming language and application environmentin many computer science and computer engineering technology programs. Visual C++ can beused to teach both C and C++ and it boasts a highly powerful, but easy to use, developmentenvironment. One of the strengths of the Visual C++ product is
, resulting in improving the trainees’ satisfaction. This article discussed such an e-education system taking advantage of the maturity of both XML and intelligence technologies. Page 7.355.7 Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2002, American Society for Engineering EducationAlthough the myCareer system was developed for professionals’ continue educationschools/centers, it can be also effectively used in traditional high institutions.Bibliographies1. Akamai, www.akamai.com.2. Centra, www.centra.com.3. Docent, www.docent.com.4. Deshpande, S. and
Clears the graph File Name 0 at start 0 Port Number rad T S=((T*P/180)*C)/(L/ Writes Data to File 1000);R=T*P/180; S 0 C L P R strain
and also Audiology), BrianGoldstein (Linguistics and also Phonetics), Travis Threats (Speech Science), and Jean Harrison(Disorders of Articulation). Thanks also to the many students who made a fifty-something yearold avionics instructor feel at home in the classroom.REFERENCES1. Course Notes, CDA 553, Augmentative Communication Systems, Saint Louis University, Summer 1995.2. Cundy, Dale R., and Brown, Rick S., Introduction to Avionics, Prentice Hall, 1997, Chapter 16 Flight Control Systems.3. Helfrick, Albert D., Practical Aircraft Electronic Systems, Prentice Hall, 1995, Chapter 9 Flight Control Systems.4. Light, J. et al., “The Effects of Message Encoding Techniques on Recall by Literate Adults Using AAC Systems
Francisco, CA, 2000. 2. Enerson, D. M., Johnson, R. N., Milner, S., and Plank, K.M., “Teaching with the Lectur e Method,” The Penn State Teacher II, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, University Park, PA, pp 30-31. 3. Wankat, P. and Oreovicz, F. S., Teaching Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1993. 4. Dale, E., Audiovisual Methods in Teaching, 3rd Edition, Dryden Press, New York, NY, 1969. 5. Dotton, J., Dutton, M., and Perry, J., “Do Online Students Perform as Well as Lecture Students?” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 90, no. 1, 2001, pp 131-136.MARILYN BARGER is an Associate in Research in the College of Engineering at the University of SouthFlorida and a Professor of
visited to highlight a particularmanufacturing concept. Grading for each project consisted of quizzes, preliminary reports, andfinal reports. FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMAutomation took on a whole new dimension in the mid twentieth century with the introductionof numerical control (NC) machine tools. (Manufacturing Engineering and Technology §38.2.1).Prior to this breakthrough automatic screw machines and turret lathes were the preeminentmachine tools in use. (Id.) Rapid deployment of NC machine tools and the refinement of thecomputer chip enabled manufacturing to undergo major changes. And that is exactly what thebench-top equipment has enabled technology programs like ours to experience. We went fromteaching 1950’s
thesemiconductor industry is benchmarked at 1.0, in Arizona that concentration is 6.8. The jobs arehere via industry leaders such as Intel Corporation, Motorola, Inc., Microchip Technologies, STMicroelectronics, Amkor Technology, Inc., ASML, and Medtronics, Inc., as well as manysmaller manufacturers and suppliers. In 1999 jobs in Arizona’s semiconductor and relatedelectronics and computer industries numbered nearly 55,000. Wages paid for these jobs by theregion’s semiconductor and related companies were 92 percent higher than the state ’s averagewage (1,2). As of 2000, semiconductor fabrication is the nation’s largest manufacturing activity,and the State of Arizona ranks 3 rd in the nation in semiconductor employment with 33,500 jobs(3).Yet a survey of
development.ConclusionsThe introduction of new web based tools is in “Air and Space Vehicles” are helping mostof the students learn. A variety of tools were implemented autumn quarter, 2001, andhave shown to have a positive impact. The overwhelming feeling among the studentswas that the web site as a whole was a great source of information that made learningeasier. Some students pointed to the models, estimators and posting tools to beparticularly effective.Building a course-specific web site is a big, but fun, challenge. Judging from studentfeedback in “Air and Space Vehicles”, it appears to be a worthwhile challenge.Bibliography1. Eberhardt, S., “Airplanes for Everyone: A General Education Course for Non-Engineers,” Journal of Engineering Education, Jan
thesame number of credit hours. In addition a number of required field trips, one overnight, are integrated into thecourses. Generally students have been Notre Dame undergraduate engineering student s in good standing, with anoccasional student from another institution. Participation in the program allows engineering students to makeprogress to their intended degree while maturing as well educated members of contemporary society. Required field trips have varied from year to year. Students have visited engineering projects unique to theUnited Kingdom, including the Channel Tunnel excavation, the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant operatedby British Nuclear Fuels, and the Thames Flood Barrier. We have also visited several industrial
teams (e.g. architects, builders, civil engineers, environmentalscientists, economists). However, if this is not feasible at a particular institution, individuallecturers or specialisation teams can still implement project-based learning within their owncourses.Project-based learning is sometimes used interchangeably with the term problem-based learning,a more familiar term to many educators. However, in the engineering context, they are not thesame things. Problem-based learning was introduced in the area of medical education in the1960’s and has become widespread in that area and related health professions since that time.The major objection raised against the use of problem-based learning in engineering, ascompared with medicine, is that
Copyright c 2002, American Society for Engineering Education • The theory and application of the voltage-clamp circuit ; • The analysis of voltage-clamp data to identify macroscopic and microscopic ion channel properties.Existing Pedagogical Approaches. In this section we review the approach taken by existing textbooks on this topic. While this ma-terial is covered in a variety of physiology texts in varying detail, we chose the following two textsfor discussion: Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach by R. Plonsey and R. Barr2 and Founda-tions of Cellular Neurophysiology by D. Johnston and S. M. Wu.3 Plonsey and Barr is commonlyused to teach electrophysiology at all levels to entry-level graduate and undergraduate
Society for Engineering Education”Acknowledgements: This work has been generously supported by the GE Fund through its LearningExcellence program.References:1. Karweit, N. (1993), Contextual learning: A review and synthesis. Baltimore, MD: Center for the SocialOrganization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University.2. Collins, A., J. S. Brown, and S. E. Newman (1989), “Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the craft ofreading, writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.) Knowing, learning, and instruction: Essays inhonor of Robert Glaser. Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum.3. Pierce, Jean W., and Beau Fly Jones (1998), “Problem-Based Learning: Learning and Teaching in theContext of Problems”, Contextual Teaching and Learning: Preparing Teachers to Enhance
, mostly due to changes in the academic administration at both schools.2. Comprehensive Exchange between the College of Staten Island, City University of New Page 7.1313.5 York (U.S.A.) and several chinese universities. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2002, American Society for Engineering Education The CUNY China Study Abroad program, initially developed in the mid-80's to provide american students with a cultural exchange program with the people's Republic of China, has become a springboard for a number of intiatives
Session 2251 THE TOSHKA PROJECT OF EGYPT: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING EDUCATION CASE STUDY Dr. Wafeek S. Wahby Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IllinoisAbstractWork is currently underway in southern Egypt to connect Nasser's Lake to a naturaldepression, located westward in Toshka, with a 300 km (185 miles) channel, then directthe lake's surplus water up North towards the Mediterranean Sea. Nasser's Lake is theworld's third largest lake, and the largest man-made freshwater lake in the world, locatedupstream of Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The Toshka
blanketendorsement, however, because very special psychological strategies were implemented in theweb-based course to ensure that this was true. Although the individual units are password protected for obvious reasons and unavailableto the general public, an overview of the site is currently open and available for a limited period oftime at: http://me205serv.me.utexas.eduA presentation emphasizing the importance of reinforcement contingencies was also delivered atthe International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training inKumamoto, Japan. 108. Bibliography[1] Skinner, B.F., The Behavior of Organisms, D. Appleton-Century Com, McGraw-Hill, 1961.[2] Keller, Fred S., Learning : Reinforcement Theory, Random House, 1954
Session 2215 A Team Oriented, Case-based Approach for a Transportation Engineering Course Shashi S. Nambisan, Ph.D, P.E. Professor of Civil Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas NV 89154-4015 Tel: (702) 895-1325, fax (702) 895-4401, E-mail: shashi@ce.unlv.eduAbstract Teamwork and the ability to work with contemporary and emerging technologies thatfacilitate collaboration are critical to the engineering profession today. Team oriented, case
-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses." American Journal of Physics (1998): 64-74.4. Saul, Jeffrey M., Deardorff, Duane L., Abbott, David S., Allain, Rhett J., and Beichner, Robert J., Evaluating introductory physics classes in light of ABET criteria : An Example of SCALE-UP Project , Proceedings of the 2000 Annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education.( also visit for related publications http://www.ncsu.edu/PER/articles.htm) Page 7.182.95. Vosniadou, S. (1990). Conceptual development in astronomy. In S. Glynn, R. Yeany, and B. Britton (eds.), The