disconnect, we focused an in-depth analysis on discovering how students understood “teamwork” and their teamworkexperience in this course.RQ2: What are the major themes senior engineering students report about their teamworkexperiences in those capstone design projects? To understand what stood out to students in their teamwork processes, we iterativelyopen-coded their responses to the question of “What is the importance of working on a team forthis project?” The themes in student responses that reflected the importance of working on ateam included team coordination, simulation to real world, necessity, and the challenges (seeTable 3). Team coordination included communication, individual responsibility, efficiency,strengths and
Paper ID #29382Student Confidence and Metacognitive Reflection with Correlations toExam Performance in a FE Review Course in Chemical EngineeringSheima J. Khatib, Texas Tech University Sheima J. Khatib is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech University. She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in the area of heterogeneous catalysis from the Au- tonomous University of Madrid. Apart from her interests in chemical engineering and finding sustainable paths for production of fuels and chemicals (for we she has received several grants including the NSF CAREER award), she is passionate
3D modelling software, justifying theirdesign choices by considering reactor volume and geometry favorable for mixing. Throughoutthese activities, learners were curious and engaged, thoughtfully weighing and selecting designchoices, offering and debating new ideas, and raising questions to be answered throughout therest of their chemical engineering studies.Designing this workshop, we aimed to activate the existing knowledge, skills, and motivations ofthese learners as resources for building knowledge about the chemical engineering discipline andfor identifying and practicing skills for creative and productive engineering design. Moreover,these learning experiences followed a cycle of reflection and action to support collaborativelybuilding
of the course were completedin groups, but to hold individuals accountable, every student wrote a weekly reflection on theirpersonal progress and learning. At the end of the semester, in lieu of a final exam, each studentsubmitted a 10-15 page learning portfolio in which they wrote a narrative and included curatedexamples of the work they completed during the term. Each assessed element of the course wasdirectly mapped to one of the course learning goals explicitly on the syllabus.In this paper, we provide key assignment and assessment documentation associated with thecourse and discuss how these elements connect to the literature on education. In next offering ofthe course, the pace of the course will be adjusted and more guidance will be
does provide may be missing essentialcomponents and the feedback it provides may not be properly timed or targeted [16-28]. Thehomework in the traditional-lecture approach is used for assessment; there are no opportunitiesfor students to practice and receive feedback on their solution prior to being assessed. A relatedproblem is found in the timing of feedback to the students: it occurs after their learning has beenassessed. That is, the correct solution to the homework assignment is made available after theassignment has been submitted. If a student makes a mistake on a homework assignment and,through the feedback, learns from that mistake (so that they will not repeat the mistake), thatlearning is not reflected in the assessment of their
” and reflective of what students expect to see intheir career or find personally meaningful. This study focuses on the students’ perceptions ofcourse elements and the extent to which students’ perception of the presence or absence of theseelements impacts their motivational state in their coursework.IntroductionIntrinsic motivation, defined as the “inclination toward assimilation, mastery, spontaneousinterest, and exploration”(2), is positively correlated with task-persistence and overallsatisfaction with a given task (3). Because intrinsic motivation is a self-generated state, onemight think that if faculty desire this as an outcome, they might have little impact on its presenceor absence in a given student - that’s what intrinsic means
. Consider how your lectures will proceed before recording or transmitting them in order to optimize their length. Are there images or equations that would be just as effective if presented in their final form, or should you plan to develop those as you might in a face-to-face course?. Remember students have a pause button they do not have in a live class where writing and reflective time is important. Shorter videos also ease your burden as there is less cost associated with technical glitches or individual errors that can wipe out a recording in process. 6. Accountability and Engagement. Consider how you can incorporate low-stakes assessments or other activities into your instructional materials to keep
in relative isolation from oneanother. Students were asked to complete the activity individually although some students werediscussing during the session and the instructional team did not intervene to limit this. It has beenshown that having students reflect on their past work can be beneficial for learning [11], and avisual representation such as concept maps can be easily used for this. Departments can useconcept maps to assess what students are drawing from the curriculum, as well as discoveringareas that are considered essential but perhaps are not front of mind for students, therebyexposing areas for potential improvement.Options for further study could include expanding the study to the end of the second term orfuture years. This may
Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering economics, and assessment of student learning.Prof. Marnie V Jamieson, University of Alberta Marnie V. Jamieson, M. Sc., P.Eng. is an Industrial Professor in Chemical Process Design in the Depart- ment of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta and holds an M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering Education. She is currently the William Magee Chair in Chemical Process Design, leads the
and potential consequence levels for the environmental-type incidents reported.defined the level: “Equipment completely destroyed”. When writing the consequence definitions,the authors had envisioned that the incident report would refer primarily to the unit operationequipment (e.g., distillation column, dryer, or pump), not to what one might consider basiclaboratory supplies. Therefore, although the student categorization of broken glassware as“Catastrophic” is technically accurate for one minor piece of experimental equipment, it was notreflective of a true catastrophic incident for the experimental process. These consequencedefinitions will likely be revised for the next iteration of data collection to better reflect that
-sponsoredCenter for Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources (CISTAR). This studyuses a Delphi methodology, which is a systematic solicitation and collection of feedback from apool of experts (approximately 10-30) on a particular topic through a set of carefully designedsequential surveys. In between survey collection rounds, data are synthesized, summarized, andpresented back to the experts for reflection and group consensus building. Once consensus for thisstudy is reached, the list of skills and competencies will be used in the center’s graduate courses,summer programs (e.g., Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Research Experiences forTeachers), and K-12 outreach efforts.MotivationChemical engineering evolved in the early to
state assumptions, investigateand find sources for data. Extensions become more important, and students are asked to reflect ontheir assumptions and solution method. Bringing students into the thought process required totake on these new responsibilities may be easier if the overall structure for problem-solving isconsistent in a curriculum. In third year, emphasis in instruction should be placed on thefollowing elements: • Data and Assumptions — Decide on relevant assumptions and data sources; • Solution procedure — Identify the best solution method (numerical or analytical); and, • Extension — Understand potential problem variations (impact of assumptions on solution procesure)..The Concept Map for Fourth-year Courses A large
that the Aspen Plus instructor slow down or otherwise provide“helping moments” during the lectures to ensure students keep up with the tutorial or examplemodels. Students responded well to this change, both in the mid-semester survey and in courseevaluations, leading the instructor to adopt this teaching method permanently.The in-person feedback session was a lunch-time meeting (with pizza provided by thedepartment) including the coordinators of the course and a panel of students selected from agroup of volunteers. The student panel was chosen to reflect the full range of academicperformers in the class as well as the diversity of experiences from working on different projects(with different advisors). These sessions often provided the most
National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE 1712186. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. This work was completed within the framework of University of Toledo protocol202214.References1. Crimson. Top 10 Jobs in 2030: Skills You Need Now to Land the Jobs of the Future: Future Skills. 2018 [cited 2019 January]; Available from: https://www.crimsoneducation.org/us/blog/jobs-of-the-future.2. Vest, C.M., Infusing Real World Experiences into Engineering Education. 2012.3. Daigger, G.T., et al., Real World Engineering Education Committee. 2012.4
more amenable to theirlearning than in a classroom full of other students at a set time. These advantages addressmultiple levels of diversity amongst learners.The newly found “class time” gained by delivering content outside of class rather than in theclassroom is then often used in F2F courses for activities that help students learn and retaininformation better. Some of these in-class activities could potentially be just as well done by astudent on their own; working on a calculation problem, reading and interpreting a passage,studying and interpreting a figure or graph, reflecting and writing a minute paper, to name a few.Other activities benefit significantly from the interactions between students or students andlearning facilitators