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Displaying results 481 - 510 of 604 in total
Conference Session
Managing and Funding Design Projects
2002 Annual Conference
Billy Smith
orbitwith it rather than deploying as a free-flyer. This, we hoped, would minimize theengineering challenge and mission risk to the primary payload and make us more invitingto mission management.Three challenges immediately stood out: we had no mission, no money, and nomidshipmen signed up to work the project. To solve the problem of mission, we turned tothe work of Jane Goodhue, a graduate of the class of 1997 whose First Class project hadexplored the concept of a small, inexpensive satellite to provide communications with theNaval Academy’s Yard Patrol (YP) boats when deployed along the Atlantic Coast duringsummer training cruises. Each summer the Naval Academy sends two squadrons of YPson extended, multi-week cruises to give rising Third Class
Conference Session
FPD IX: Research on First-year Programs Part III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin A.M. Hensel Ed.D., West Virginia University; Todd R. Hamrick Ph.D., West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
-orientedapproach addressing only topics relevant to the core engineering courses5; and instituting an“early warning” system with optional “intensive pre-calculus” mid-semester math tracks forstruggling students6,7,8. Many of these approaches have been successful in increasing studentsuccess in calculus and in increasing engineering retention at the specific university in which themethod was implemented. Each university environment has a unique set of characteristics,policies and culture. What works effectively in one university, may not be easily accomplishedor as effective in another. Page 25.334.2The mathematics department at West Virginia University
Conference Session
WIED: Strategies Beyond the Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cate Samuelson, University of Washington; Elizabeth Litzler, University of Washington; Candice L. Staples, University of Maryland; Paige E. Smith, University of Maryland, College Park; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
year and new external transfer students in the Clark School. Paige is the Co-Lead for the Mid-Atlantic Girls Collaborative (MAGiC). MAGiC, a regional collaborative within the NSF- funded National Girls Collaborative Project, brings together girl-serving organizations across Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC that are committed to increasing the number of young women pursuing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Currently, Paige is serving as the Immediate Past President for the Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN). Paige earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering and B.S. in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Virginia Tech.Dr. Catherine T
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pradeep Kashinath Waychal, Western Michigan University; Charles Henderson, Western Michigan University ; Daniel Collier, Western Michigan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
. The French et al. studyworks on the odds ratio. None of the four studies has showed statistically significant differencein men’s retention, though. Three studies indicate higher retention for women19,18,46. Cohen’sstudy has showed statistically higher retention for women students. The studies that are in favorof men retention have considered the MIDFIELD database and NC university database; whilethe ones that are in favor of women retention have considered a national database (Engineeringworkforce commission- EWC) of 1999-2001 graduating students and a mid-Atlantic collegedatabase. Three of the four studies that indicate higher retention for men compute 4-yearretention, while the NC study35, which indicates poor retention of women, computes
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Patricia M Kieran, University College Dublin
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
-Atlantic region. 2.2.2. Context 2: First Year Engineering Course at a University in the United StatesThe project was the basis of a course called Freshman Engineering Clinic at Rowan University.This two credit-hour course is offered in the fall and spring respectively. The class has twomeetings per week, once in a classroom for 50-minutes, and once in a laboratory for 165-minutes. Students from Rowan University’s five engineering disciplines – Biomedical,Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Computer, and Mechanical - are enrolled in the course anddistributed into multidisciplinary sections. There are currently 16 sections of the course offeredwith approximately 18-24 students in each section. Students work in teams on a semester-long,multidisciplinary
Conference Session
LEES Session 9
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cayla Ritz, Rowan University; Cheryl Bodnar, Rowan University; Melissa Montalbo-Lomboy, Rowan University
case study affect the development of undergraduate students’ perception of the entrepreneurial mindset? 2. How is interdisciplinary competence affected by the participation in a narrative-based interdisciplinary case study?MethodsThis study was conducted at a mid-Atlantic university with three sections of a project-based,multidisciplinary engineering design course for sophomore engineering students. The study wasconducted during the fall 2021 semester. This study consisted of a total of 54 students, 48 ofwhom consented to participate in the study. 37 students completed both the pre- and post-surveyrequirements. The survey for data collection was distributed in the first and last class. The surveyconsisted of questions from the
Conference Session
Simulation and Virtual Instrumentation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sorraya Khiewnavawongsa, Purdue University; Ron Leong, Purdue University; Edie Schmidt, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
use of the multimedia whiteboard system for helping them withlearning fractional division. Teacher education students at a mid-Atlantic university took a Web-based andlaboratory-based learning environments and test on four different cognitive achievements,consisting of analyze, apply, understand, and remember[7]. The result showed that studentstaking the Web-based course achieved higher scores at remember and understand levels thanlaboratory-based students did but scores on apply and analyze levels were in the failing range forboth groups. Mediasite is a highly automated, rich media presentation system by Sonic Foundry Inc.that offers the similar capabilities as Adobe Connect[9]. It is Instructors can give the presentationor
Conference Session
Horizontal and Vertical Integration
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin Z. Dymond, University of Minnesota Duluth; Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
The study was implemented in tandem at two different universities (denoted Univ 1 andUniv 2 in the data comparison tables). University 1 is a small, public, undergraduate onlybaccalaureate university with an art and sciences focus in a rural area of the Mid-Atlantic region.University 2 is a midsized, public, master's university in a medium density city in the West NorthCentral Region. The same semester-long project was assigned in a steel design class at university1 and a reinforced concrete design course at university 2. The background of the students wassimilar at both schools; the students had completed statics, mechanics of materials, and structuralanalysis courses. Most students at university 1 had already completed a reinforced
Conference Session
Examining "Big" Data
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Issam Wajih Damaj, American University of Kuwait; Ashley Ater Kranov, Washington State University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, such as ABET.This paper is organized so that Section 2 defines SoTE and explains the measurementframework. Section 3 presents the development of the Student Learning by Coursework ProgramCriterion. Section 4 is dedicated for analysis and evaluation. The fifth and final section concludesthe paper and outlines future work.The Measurement FrameworkIn terms of education, we define Sustainability as the ability to continuously improve withoutreducing the capacity to endure. In other words, the SoTE is Improvability and Endurance. TheSoTE is achieved at two levels, namely, the system and approach levels. At the system level, theeducational institution should be able to improve without reducing its ability to endure. Theinstitution should adopt an
Conference Session
Attracting, Developing and Retaining Talented ME Students
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashland O. Brown, University of the Pacific; Daniel D. Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas, Austin; Joseph J. Rencis P.E., Tennessee Technological University; Ella R. Sargent, University of the Pacific; Brock U Dunlap, University of Texas, Austin; Rachelle Kisst Hackett, University of the Pacific; Kathy Schmidt Jackson, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Kyle A. Watson, University of the Pacific; Ismail I Orabi, University of New Haven; Jiancheng Liu, University of the Pacific; John J Wood, U.S. Air Force Academy; Christopher Allen Wejmar, University of the Pacific; Paul Henry Schimpf, Eastern Washington University; Chuan-Chiang Chen, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
L. Meriam Service Award, and the 2010 ASEE Mid- west Section Outstanding Service Award. Rencis is a fellow of ASEE and ASME. He received a B.S. from Milwaukee School of Engineering in 1980, a M.S. from Northwestern University in 1982, and a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in 1985.Ella R. Sargent, University of the PacificMr. Brock U Dunlap, University of Texas, Austin Brock Dunlap is currently a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin studying active learning and prototyping methodology. He plans to graduate in May 2014 with a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus in design and manufacturing. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young
Conference Session
BME Course and Curriculum Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Aston, East Tennessee State University; William H. Blanton, East Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
instructors that the book is essential. Also, thank you very much for saving me the expense of buying a text for one of my classes. It helped tremendously. (K) I did enjoy the book and found it useful. (L) No answer given (M) The primary benefit of this book was the cost itself. But even without having to pay for it, it was not lacking in detail as one might expect from a free textbook N) Appreciate the use of this E-book (O) the textbook was very good over all. It could have used more examples of the calculations and more descriptions of where the information came from. (P) Add an index. (Q) No answer givenReferences1. Aston, R. “Engineering E-Book Generation” ASEE Mid-Atlantic Fall Conference 2008
2024 South East Section Meeting
John W. Brocato, University of Georgia
Tagged Topics
the United States. John has published on engineering-communication ped- agogy for many years, including papers on engineering ethics and communication; active-learning ped- agogies; and the intersection of engineering and theatre. He has also held multiple leadership roles at the section and national levels, including President of the Southeastern Section and the national Zone II Chair, and he presently serves as the ASEE Campus Representative for the University of Georgia. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 The Bioengineering Professional Persona: A New Communication-Intensive Course for a New Program in a New- ish College of
Conference Session
Robot Mania!
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elisabeth W. McGrath, Stevens Institute of Technology; Susan Lowes, Institute for Learning Technologies, Teachers College/Columbia University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
and time required to do the project; and theirperceptions of academic and 21st century achievements gained by their students through theproject.In the “bead and thread” analogy, the bead is the underwater robotics curriculum and the threadsare the specific science and engineering design concepts introduced in the curriculum. Page 22.877.5This paper will focus on teacher perceptions of the benefits and challenges on implementing thiscurriculum and, in the final section, relate this project to the existing literature on these benefitsand constraints. Previous papers have reported on the program’s professional developmentmodel for teachers; the
Conference Session
FOCUS ON EXHIBITS: Welcome Reception & NEW THIS YEAR! 2018 Best Division Paper Nominee Poster Session Sponsored by Engineering Unleashed
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sylvia L. Mendez, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Tagged Topics
ASEE Headquarters
educational attainment and schooling experiences of Mexican descent youth in the mid-20th century, higher education student success, and faculty mentoring programs. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Paper ID #22069The IMPACT Mentoring Program: Exploring the Benefits of Mentoring forEmeriti FacultyDr. Sylvia Mendez, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Dr. Sylvia Mendez is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. She earned a PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the
Conference Session
Research Frameworks for Identity and Equity: Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division Technical Session 9
2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Umair Shakir, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Sarah Ovink, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Andrew Katz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
issues related toscalability and transferability. These logistical challenges and intrinsic quality control issues inthe qualitative research paradigm may be partially addressed by recent state-of-the-artdevelopments in the NLP.Conclusion and Future Work This study publication was based on a research project that used a longitudinal qualitativeresearch methodology. The research site was an R1, Mid-Atlantic university. For the firstqualitative phase of the research project, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conductedwith 113 undergraduate students at the university - 41 students were from engineering majors,and 72 were outside of engineering majors. Of the total 113, 5 % (6 out of 113), and 10% (12 outof 113) of the study sample
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 15
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah Hug, Colorado Evaluation and Research Consulting; Suzanne Eyerman, Fairhaven Research and Evaluation; Trina L. Fletcher, Florida International University; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Texas State University; Michael A. Soltys, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
mechanical and electrical engineering. Projects are taken home to facilitate participants sharing their learning with their families. The Mid-Atlantic Workshops High school girls The Ambassador has created and implemented a series of workshops that are held at a local library. Participants are introduced to electrical and
Conference Session
Special Session Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the MATE International ROV Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Candiya Mann, Washington State University, Social and Economic Sciences Research Center
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
Challenge (Oahu, Hawai‘i) 6. Mid-Atlantic (Hampton, Virginia) 7. Monterey Bay (Monterey, California) 8. New England (Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts) 9. Pacific Northwest (Seattle, Washington) Page 22.648.4 10. Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 11. Southern California Fly-Off (San Diego, California) 12. Shedd Aquarium-Midwest (Chicago, Illinois, New in 2009) 13. Wisconsin (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, New in 2010) 14. Newfoundland & Labrador (St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador) 15. Nova Scotia (Halifax, Nova Scotia) 16. Scotland (Aberdeen, Scotland) 17. Hong Kong (Hong Kong)The top one or two winners of each regional
Conference Session
Engineering in the Middle Grades
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Schnittka, University of Kentucky; Michael Evans, Virginia Tech; Brett Jones, Virginia Tech; Carol Brandt, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Page 15.1138.5MethodParticipantsStudents in an after-school Boys and Girls Club at a middle school in a mid-Atlantic state wereasked to participate in the project. The club coordinator explained the project to the students andprovided them with information and parental consent forms to take home to their parents.Students whose parents completed the consent forms were given permission to participate in theproject.Of the eight students who participated in the project, five students were boys and three weregirls. All of the students were White/Caucasian. Their ages ranged from 11 to 14, with four 11year olds (all sixth graders), one 12 year old (a sixth grader), two 13 year olds (a seventh graderand an eighth grader), and one 14 year old (an
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division (GSD) Technical Session 2: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Engineering Graduate Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Larisa Olesova; Duoduo Liao, George Mason University; Ioulia Rytikova, George Mason University; Mihai Boicu, George Mason University; Harry J. Foxwell, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies Division (GSD)
when they participated indiscussions and peer reviews applied research activities.MethodsResearch Design. This exploratory quantitative research study examined STEM graduatestudents’ perceptions of metacognition when they participated and completed the appliedresearch course learning modules. Specifically, this study examined how the inquiry-basedcollaborative approach impacted STEM students' perceived individual (self-regulation) andgroup (co-regulation) metacognition when they completed the applied research modules as partof their course requirements.Participants. Participants in this study were graduate students (n=155) enrolled in the AppliedInformation Technology (AIT) courses at one of the public universities in the Mid-Atlantic areain
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Mohsen Mosleh, Howard University; Preethi Chandran, Howard University; Arlene P Maclin; John Harkless; Courtney J. Robinson, Howard University; Hassan Salmani; Sonya T Smith, Howard University; Gloria Washington, Howard University; Hessam Yazdani, University of Missouri
Tagged Topics
master and doctoral dissertations. Dr. Mosleh has received the Outstanding Teaching Award by the ASEE Mid- Atlantic Section in 2018 and the Outstanding Section Campus Representative from the ASEE in 2017. He a recipient of Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) in 2022.Dr. Preethi Chandran, Howard UniversityArlene P MaclinJohn HarklessCourtney J. Robinson, Howard UniversityProf. Hassan Salmani Dr. Hassan Salmani is an Assistant Professor in the electrical engineering and computer science de- partment at Howard University, Washington DC. His main research projects are currently on hardware security and trust. Dr. Salmani has published two books enDr. Sonya T Smith
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tina Lee, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Elizabeth Anne Buchanan, University of Wisconsin-Stout; Devin R. Berg, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
. Zoltowski, B. K. Jesiek, and R. Davies, “A Longitudinal Study of Social and Ethical Responsibility Among Undergraduate Engineering Students: Comparing Baseline and Midpoint Survey Results,” in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2018. [4] E. Martinez, C. M. Ouellette, L. T. Plante, B. M. W. P.e, and J. A. S. P.e, “An Environmental Engineering Sequence: Deliberately Addressing and Evaluating Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge (presentation & 6-page paper),” in 2017 Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference, Oct. 2017. [5] S. Dexter, E. Buchanan, K. Dins, K. R. Fleischmann, and K. Miller, “Characterizing the Need for Graduate Ethics Education,” in Proceeding of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Conference Session
Models and Practices of Community Engagement for Engineering Faculty
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic M. Halsmer P.E., Oral Roberts University; Peter Wesley Odom, Oral Roberts University
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
these, and all, fields of study to be in productive dialogue, not only tohelp solve the world’s problems, but also to help answer life’s biggest questions. It may turn outthat these two objectives are very much related.In the mid-1990s, writer John Brockman asserted the ascendency and predominance of scienceby publishing provocative interviews with several big-name scientists in his book, The ThirdCulture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution. These scientists had been successful at popularizingtheir work by writing in a manner that captured the attention and imagination of the public.2 In asense, they represented a new integration of science and the humanities, since they were able toharness the power of compelling literature to promote scientific
Conference Session
Evidence-based Practices in Faculty Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Megan Huffstickler, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Joseph C. Tise, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Thomas A. Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Sven G. Bilén, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development Constituency Committee
mid-Atlantic research-focused university. In response to a call for proposals from the Leonhard Centerfor the Enhancement of Engineering Education (the College’s teaching and learning center), theengineering design program proposed the creation of a set of multi-disciplinary modules about theprofessional skill set and contemporary issues in engineering, focusing on topics such ascommunication, innovation, and sustainability. The modules would be implemented in a first-yeardesign course, which is a required course for most first-year students intending to major inengineering.Because of the large size of each year’s incoming class and the desire to keep class sizes fairlysmall, the number of sections offered each semester is large. Challenges
1999 Annual Conference
Donald V. Richardson
squares of “duct tape”. c.) DATA: The stalls were repeated over and over and motion pictures from the GSAP cam- eras clearly showed that the stall started at the root of the gull section of the left wing. The affected area was conspicuous because the yarn would stand up and lash violently in a stalled area. These yarn stall detectors are still used today even on new space shuttle de- signs. d.) INTERPRETATION: When synchronized motion pictures of the right and left wings were projected side-by-side, the unsymmetrical stall was clearly shown. Enlarged prints of sequential stall progression were used to pinpoint the problem. e.) DECISION: It was soon determined that the desired cure would
Conference Session
Creative and Cross-disciplinary Methods Part II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Melissa Marshall, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Enrique D. Gomez, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Esther Gomez, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Angela D. Lueking, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
validity of tests and instruments.Ms. Melissa Marshall, Pennsylvania State University, University ParkDr. Enrique D. Gomez, Pennsylvania State University, University ParkDr. Esther Gomez, Pennsylvania State University, University ParkProf. Angela D. Lueking, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Page 25.1442.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Using student ambassadors to relay themes from Changing the Conversation in Engineering First Year SeminarsAbstractThis paper describes the efforts at a large mid-Atlantic university to integrate themes
Conference Session
Stories, Communication, and Convergence in Engineering Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna G Burchfield, University of South Florida; April A. Kedrowicz, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
communication will afford students with thecompetencies necessary to navigate the challenges faced by 21st Century engineers.The authors’ experiences teaching interpersonal communication in technical engineering coursesoffers a roadmap for how professional communication instruction can be effectivelyimplemented even in large-section engineering courses to further discussions around diversity,equity, and inclusion. Furthermore, the authors’ research and experiences working in anddeveloping integrated communication programs in engineering and other STEM fields providesthree unique cross-disciplinary case studies at three different institutions that offer clear andtransferrable recommendations for how communication instruction can be
Conference Session
Committee on Educational Policy Presents: Pillars of Student Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michelle Oswald Beiler, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
propose policy is critical. For the leadership section,some highlights of what is covered include discussing the paper “What is EngineeringLeadership? A Proposed Definition” [19], specifically how to define engineering leadership andhow to compare it with engineering management. Also, ten qualities of an effective leader arediscussed and students complete a self-evaluation of their own leadership qualities based on“The Art of Leadership” [20]. Individually, students rate each of the ten leadership qualities(vision, ability, enthusiasm, stability, concern for others, self-confidence, persistence, vitality,charisma, and integrity) on a scale of one to ten (low to high) based on their success in thatparticular area. Then, they provide a self
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 1: Partnerships Making It Real!
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University; Anne E. Shea, Northeastern University; Christiane Amstutz
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)
Program,” presented at the 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2006, p. 11.1410.1- 11.1410.13. Accessed: Sep. 27, 2022. [Online]. Available: integrate-k-12-outreach-into-a-first-year-engineering-program[22] M. Lima, “The LSU Community Playground Project: Reflections on 16 Years of an Engineering Service- Learning Program,” Int. J. Serv. Learn. Eng. Humanit. Eng. Soc. Entrep., pp. 492–508, Dec. 2014, doi: 10.24908/ijsle.v0i0.5565.[23] G. J. Delagrammatikas and E. M. Waters, “Development of a Multi-Tier K12 STEM Outreach Program in New York City,” presented at the 2018 Mid Atlantic Section Fall Meeting, Oct. 2018. Accessed: Nov. 22, 2022. [Online]. Available: https
Conference Session
Data-informed Approaches to Understanding Student Experiences and Outcomes
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Qin Liu, University of Toronto; Greg Evans, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, analytics, and visualization for STEM education," in Proceedings of at the annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016, June 26-29.[38] C. E. Lopez and C. Tucker, "Towards personalized performance feedback: Mining the dynamics of facial keypoint data in engineering lab environments," in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference, Washington, District of Columbia, 2018, April.[39] N. Seliya, H. J. LeBlanc, J. B. Hylton, Z. Youssfi, and M. Schweinefuss, "Data-driven investigation of curiosity in student text responses," in Proceedings of at the annual American Society for
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chris Gewirtz, Virginia Tech; Francesca Giardine, Smith College; Robin Ott, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Anne Kary
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
college in the northeast, and two large publiccomprehensive universities (one in the mountain west and one in the mid-Atlantic). After startingwork, participants were interviewed with a semi-structured protocol that focused on theirresponsibilities, work activities, challenges, and accomplishments at 3, 6, and 12 months ofwork. All subsequent data collection was managed by three researchers (co-author [Author 1] aswell as two additional members of the research team, [Member 1] and [Member 2]). Allworkplace interviews used a common base protocol, followed by tailored prompts to follow upon previous data collection; for example, the six-month interviews followed up on commentsfrom the three-month interviews and so forth. This approach allowed the