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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 116 in total
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in Architectural Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Pamalee Brady, California Polytechnic State University; Allen Estes, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
preferences for learning?We will seek to answer these questions with further investigation through engineering studentinquiry. The next step is to survey women and men students in the ARCE major to discern ifboth genders are influenced by the proximity of the program within the College of Architectureand Environmental Design versus the College of Engineering. Along with focused questionsregarding perceived strengths in technical topics as well as communication and collaboration,existing measures of learning style modes will be used including identify students learningpreferences in relation to the major. Possible assessments include the Kolb Learning StyleInventory, Myer-Briggs Type Indicator and Felder ‘s Index of Learning Styles. We hope toshow why
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in Architectural Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Davis, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
importantly, our graduates are finding a flattering reflection of their active-learning educational experience in the integration-rich workplace. Architecture is amultidisciplinary field of study that draws on many areas of study. Architecture education mustsuccessfully involve the integration of art, engineering, business, sustainability, and otherdisciplines.References≠ Nicol, D., and Pilling, S., “Changing Architectural Education”, E & FN Spon Press.≠ Boyer, E. and Mitgang, L., “Building Community, A New Future for Architectural Education and Practice”, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.≠ Kirby, J., Ozcan, H., and Fouad, F., “Sustainability in Engineering and Architecture Design”, Proceedings 2008 ASEE
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in AEC Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University
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, assignments and outcomes should be developed based on the assumption that alternative 3D – to 2D operations will be required.3. In order to accommodate course objectives similar to those outlined in the class documented in this paper, faculty will need to adjust course content to accommodate this inclusion of .stl file analysis and repair applications is essential for assignments requiring complex volume to 3D printing processes.4. Plug-ins (externally developed 3rd-party applications that extend the original application’s functionality) proved to be an important asset for most students’ projects. Therefore, faculty investigation into the available plug-ins for the application(s) used in the class may be necessary in order to allocate
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in AEC Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; David Cowan, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Michael Boyles, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Jeffrey Rogers, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Keith Goreham, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Jatmika Suryabrata, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia; Yulyta Kodrat, Indonesian Institute of the Arts
Tagged Divisions
environments. It should also be noted thatthis study followed upon extensive research that examined whether or not computer imagescould be used to accurately study the effects of luminance distribution on the subjectiveimpressions of luminous environments. This study will be briefly discussed to set the foundationof the work attempted within the classroom and the virtual reality theater. Page 14.1350.22.0 Literature ContextSubstantive research on the psychological aspects of lighting was initiated in the 1970’s, notablyby Flynn1,2,3. His investigations explored the effects of luminous environments on subjectiveimpressions of interiors and overt
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire Shigekawa, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
prominence and the line thatseparates the different roles in the construction industry has already become blurred. Thetwo professions are so interrelated that the industry values a background in both fields.Increasingly more universities across the country and the world have an ArchitecturalEngineering curriculum. However, most existing programs emphasize training inArchitectural Engineering with significantly less emphasis placed on structuralengineering. In this report, I devised an undergraduate curriculum(s) at NC StateUniversity to build a professional career in building/bridge design with strong emphasisin both the structural as well as the architectural aspects. This plan may serve as a modelfor programs interested in a similar training path
Conference Session
Project-Based Experiences in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
either T8, T5, T5HO, or LED. These types of fixtures are different interm of initial cost, energy consumption and can give you relatively the same quality of light(CRI and CT).Upgrade from T12: The need to upgrade the fluorescent T12 luminaires is not only to save up to40% of energy, but because of the legislation mandated the phase-out of the majority of T12lamp production is effective since July 2012. Other benefits are to improve the lighting quality,improves light output and color quality, eliminates flickering and buzz that T12’s can cause, andmakes your building look better/feel newer. All these lead to increase the productivity.For energy considerations, and according to International Energy Conservation Code, theLighting Power Density is
Conference Session
BIM in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Wu, California State University, Fresno; Ishan Kaushik
Tagged Divisions
Comparative Analysis of Issues, Perceptions, and Collaboration Opportunities, J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract. 140(2) (2014), 04013014.[2] M.S. Ball, Aging in place: a toolkit for local governments, Atlanta Regional Commission, Atlanta, 2004. Page 26.461.12[3] W. Wu, E. Handziuk, use of building information modeling in aging-in-place projects: a proof of concept, in: I. Brilakis, S. Lee, B. Becerik-Gerber (Eds), Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 2013, pp. 443- 450.[4] S. Kumar, M. Hedrick, C. Wiacek, J.I. Messner, Developing an experienced-based design review application for healthcare facilities
Conference Session
Collaborative Projects in Architectural Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Symans, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Mark Mistur, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Bruce Danziger, ARUP
Tagged Divisions
structuring twopairings, one of 'architecture and engineering' and the other of 'practice and the academy',significant dimensions could be added to the Rensselaer education of an architect and anengineer; dimensions that would have strategic impact on both the perspectives and practices ofRensselaer graduates. Such initiatives are not new. Modern era joint architecture andengineering educational initiatives have been pursued as far back as the 1970's when TedHappold, founder of Buro Happold, directed the interdisciplinary program for architecture andcivil engineering at the University of Bath which was successful in producing a generation ofcreative architects and innovative building engineers.2Components and History of the Bedford ProgramThe Bedford
Conference Session
Instructional Strategies in AE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Marsocci; P.K. Raju; Chetan Sankar
Tagged Divisions
this paper are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We thank the faculty membersand students at IIT Madras who provided the data and assistance in conducting this project.1 Chamberlain, J. (2008) “Multidisciplinary design of student projects in developing countries,” 2008 ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, pp. 1-14.2 Hsu, K., Lin, S., Lin, Y., Yeh, S. (2008). “Exploring the Eco-Pedagogy of an Urban Eco-Tourism Hill PathDesign,” 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, pp. 1-11.3 Montgomery, G., Sankar, C.S., and Raju, P.K. (2007). “Design and Implementation of a Case Study and
Conference Session
"Green" Topics in Architectural Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University; Jon M. Stevens, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
increasingly been recognized as a mechanism for synthesizing real-world experience with academic course content. In recent years, it has been widelyacknowledged that classes designed by utilizing PBL Project - Based Learning are effective inenhancing the problem-solving ability of university students. [1] First coming to prominence inthe 1990’s, effectively structured project-based learning exercises provide a framework in whichstudents are required to draw on their prior coursework to develop solutions for “real world”problems. In a project based learning environment the learners are “actively engaged in workingat tasks and activities which are authentic to the environment in which they would be used” witha focus on “learners as constructors of their
Conference Session
Architectural Design Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
, height and the number of stories,will affect the fire protection systems required, means of egress and so on.Building’s occupant group (s), mixed or single-use: based on activities, age, the possibility of havingalcoholic liquor, a determination of the building’s primary occupancy group can be made. Single, mixed,or separated occupancy of the building need to be identified.The building need to be classified in which of the five types of construction is associated. Fornoncombustible (concrete or metal) construction the design team has several alternatives for constructiontype (I or II), depending on the level of fire-resistance (a or b) the team is willing to incorporate into thedesign
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheena Nastasia Marston, The Ohio State University; Fabian Hadipriono Tan P.E., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA; Michael Parke, The Ohio State University; Olga Maria Stavridis, Ohio State University; Lisa Elanna Burris, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Tagged Topics
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modelled and analyzed individually without changing the nature of the remainder of thematerials. When combined with an in-depth understanding of the structure, the creation processbecomes more precise. Furthermore, this program is currently the industry standard, much likeAutoCAD was when it arose in the 1980’s; it has become the design standard and a larger part ofthe Building Information Modeling (BIM) movement within the construction industry and so ifany adjustments had to be made to the actual building, multiple firms could use the files toinform the changes. This also allows for the opportunity to test certain conditions, such as anychanges to be made and determine their impacts within the software prior to construction.Finally, Revit
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Dupuis, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Benjamin Thompson, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Lawrence Bank, University of Wisconsin - Madison; John Herridge, Autodesk
Tagged Divisions
Estimation and Project Planning with Revit” (Images courtesyof students S. S. Mikhail, H. Yoon, and D. Cho). Page 13.589.15Figure 11. Student Project - “Ram-Revit Link v. 2.0.” (Images courtesy of student A. McGraw).As can be seen by the topics covered and the sample images, the students did some impressivework for an entry level class. In reviewing the work done between the two semesters several ofthe topics covered where very similar. However, the instructors feel that the quality and depth ofwork produced was better for the second, fall 2007 semester. The authors feel that two changesled principally to this improvement.The first issue was group size
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suining Ding, Indiana University Purdue University-Fort Wayne (Eng)
Tagged Divisions
goals of appreciation the difference in life styles / living patterns across time and space, as well as the nurture an appreciation of cross cultural comparison of architecture. Students will learn a great deal from this freshly new and carefully crafted course.References[1] Ching, Francis D.K. Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1996[2] Liu, Laurence. Chinese Architecture. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. 1989[3] Kurtich, John, Eakin, Garret. Interior Architecture. York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1993[4] Rapoport, Amos. House Form and Culture. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1969[5] Timpson, W, Canetto, S, Borrayo, E & Yang, R. Teaching Diversity. Atwood Publishing
Conference Session
Structural Education Topics in Architectural Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
Tagged Divisions
? APEX, 15(4), 56-77.[2] Allen, E. (Ed.). (1992, Winter). Polarities: Teaching structures. Connector, 1(1) 1.[3] Salvadori, M. (1958). Teaching structures to architects. Journal of Architectural Education, 13(1), 3-8.[4] Bender, R. (1976, June). The teaching of structural design. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture [ACSA Memo]. Reprinted and cited by Black, R. G., & Duff, S. (1994). A model for teaching structures: Finite element analysis in architecture education. Journal of Architecture Education, 48(1), 38-55.[5] Faoro, D. F. (1994, Fall). Report of survey on structures curricula. Connector, 3(2), 2.[6] Bruning, R. H. (1994). The college classroom from the perspective of cognitive psychology. In K
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching in Architectural Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kuo Hung Huang, National Taipei University of Technology
Tagged Divisions
. Page 25.235.5 Independent variable Dependent Variable Student Background Information Teaching Content of Department of Gender Architecture Extension Education Age Previous Education System Description Architecture Teaching (12 items) Previous Major Studied Analysis, Current Education System Independent S
Conference Session
Practice/Partnership/Program Issues
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosemary Kilmer, Purdue University; Lisa Kilmer, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
is the first step towards this, and it is now up to the professionals in the field toimplement sustainable design into every aspect of their projects, as well as the educators who areteaching the professionals of the future.Bibliography1 Sandra F. Mendler and William Odell, The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design (New York: John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 2000), 1.2 United Nations, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 42/187, December 11, 1987.3 See note 1 above.4 “Web of life” is a frequently used term in a variety of contexts. Here it refers to the intricate interconnectednessand diversity of nature, of which we are inextricably a part.5 Sim Van der Ryn, and S. Cowar, . Ecological Design. (Washington, D.C
Conference Session
Practice/Partnership/Program Issues
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suining Ding, Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne (Eng)
Tagged Divisions
). The Ten Books on Architecture. Trans. Morris Hickey Morgan. New York: Page 12.496.15 Dover Publications, Inc. 143. Wassell S. (1998). Mathematics in Architecture. Ostwald M. (2000) Under Siege: The Golden Mean in Architecture. Nexus Network Journal. Architectural and Mathemetics online.5. David Harrington (2005) AutoCAD 2005, Pearsn Education, California. Page 12.496.16
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dong, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
, Chicago, June 2006.2. Austin, S, Design Chains: A Handbook for Integrated Collaborative Design, Telford – Thomas Limited, March 2002 Page 13.325.9
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in AEC Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Phillips, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
wasgiven a permanent home on campus. Originally constructed in 1918 as the Gymnasiumand Armory for the university, this two story building was renovated in the mid-1970’s toaccommodate the School of Architecture. During the renovation a third floor runningFigure 3: An early rendering of the original Armory by it's architect, Professor Redlichtrack was in-filled to convert the two-story building into a full three stories to be used asstudio space for the architecture students. While this new facility was far better thananything the school had been home to previously, the facilities were still greatly lackingin size and scope. Since moving into the facility in 1977, each NAAB and ABETaccreditation visit has resulted in notification to the school of
Conference Session
Professional Practice and AEC Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
. Conf. Modern Industrial Training, Xian, pp. 274-279, 1994.9. Harvey, L., Moon, S., Geall, V. ` Graduates Work: organizational change and student's attributes.` Centre forResearch into Quality, University of Central England in Birmingham, UK, (April 1997).10. Mole, T. ` Mind the Gap: An Education and Training Framework for Chartered Building Surveyors`. The RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors, London, (March 1997).11. Moohan, J. ` Procedures and Guidelines for Course Accreditation, Supplementary Advisory Notes:Postgraduate Programs. ` Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, London, UK, (1993).Gouranga C. Banik, Ph.D., P.E.Gouranga C. Banik is a Professor of Construction Management Department at Southern Polytechnic StateUniversity in
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in AEC Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dong, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
may be implemented in practicewhen they enter the work force. The influence of pilot classes like this one are potentially far-reaching and create an opportunity for revising professional curricula to hybrid models ofinstruction and partnerships with industry to stay current with the needs of the real world.Bibliography1. Friedman, Daniel, Report on Integrated Practice, Architectural Education and Practice on the Verge. Washington, DC: American Institute of Architects, 2006.2. Bloom B. S., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc, 19563. Elvin, George, Integrated Practice in Architecture, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cowan, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
that would involve more participantswould enable the data and conclusions to be further reaching in conclusions andrecommendations. As it now stands the conclusions can only be attributed to this small samplegroup. However, given the encouraging results from this study it appears that using an adoptedbuilding as a case study within this context could prove to be a valuable method for teachingstudents about commercial construction.References:1. Grabow, S. & Alexander, C. (1983). The Search For A New Paradigm In Architecture. Boston: Oriel Press, p. 88.2. Scott Brown, D. Breaking Down the Barriers between Theory and Practice, p.43.3. Cuff, D. (1991). Architecture: The Story of Practice. Cambridge: MIT Press, p. 7.4. Berg, B. (2001
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carisa H. Ramming, Oklahoma State University; Steven E. O'Hara, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Topics
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., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B. and Wong, B. (2010), “Doing” scienceversus “being” a scientist: Examining 10/11-year-old schoolchildren’s constructions of sciencethrough the lens of identity. Sci. Ed., 94: 617 – 639. Doi:10.1002/sce.20399Gottfredson, Linda S. (1981). Circumscription and compromise: A developmental theory ofoccupational aspirations. Journal of Counseling Psychology, Vol 28(6), 545 – 579.Hooley, T. (2017, February 01). Explainer: when should children start to think about theircareers? Retrieved February 11, 2017, from, V., Flouri, E., Joshi, H., & Sullivan, A. (2014). Fantasy, unrealistic and uncertainaspirations and
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Purdy, SmithGroupJJR; Paul Urbanek FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP, SmithGroupJJR
Tagged Divisions
and Computer Engineering Building [press release]. Available: https://7 [accessed 31 Jan 2017]. SmithGroupJJR. Designing for the T-Shaped Student [website]. Available: designing-for-the-t-shaped-student#.WJFskBsrJEY [accessed 31 Jan 2017]. Oakland University. School of Engineering and Computer Science Homepage [website]. Available: [accessed 31 Jan 2017].10 Oakland University. New Engineering Building [website]. Available: [accessed 31 Jan 2017].11 Roberts L., Lee S., et al. (22 Nov 2016). Promoting Peer to Peer Learning. Case Study: Oakland University-Engineering
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel D. Mosier, Oklahoma State University; John Robert Reck, Oklahoma State University; Heather N. Yates, Oklahoma State University; Carisa H. Ramming, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Predictors for Success in Construction, Architecture and Architectural Engineering ProgramsAbstract:Universities and colleges with Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (STEM)programs use standardized tests with a variety of names for student placement. The Assessmentand LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is an assessment tool created by McGraw-Hillwith a mathematics placement module. Similarly, College Board’s Scholastic Aptitude Tests(SAT) and American College Testing (ACT) Inc.’s college entrance exams serve as a basis foradmissions into higher education. Since 2012, the university studied has collected data forEngineering, Architecture
Conference Session
Educational Strategies in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
of Engineering, “Educating The Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the NewCentury”, National Academies Press, Washington DC, 2005 Page 26.1001.11Pollack, J. (2007). The changing paradigms of project management. International Journal of Project Management,25(3), 266–274.Wearne, S. (2008). Stakeholders in excellence in teaching and learning of project management. InternationalJournal of Project Management, 26(3), 326–328. Page 26.1001.12
Conference Session
Educational Strategies in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James B Guthrie P.E., California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
. There were several lessons learned that will beincorporated into the Spring Quarter 2015 classes however the basic approach to the course isnot expected to change. We believe that each student’s experience in integrating a buildingstructural system into his or her studio projects has been very beneficial and will serve them wellin their future careers.Bibliography1 Dermody, R, “Get The Form Right!”, 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings.2 Mac Namara, S, “Bringing Engineering into the Studio: Design Assignments for Teaching Structures toArchitects”, 2012 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings.3 Hitchcock, H, “The Structure – Design Studio Link”, 2013 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alec Roberto Zavala, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Peter Laursen, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Cole C. McDaniel, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Graham C. Archer P.Eng, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Divisions
above) and experimentally determined the natural frequencies and mode shapes. Theseare given in Table 2 and Figure 9. The experimental frequencies are lower than those from themodels by a margin of 22%/14% and 11%/3% for modes 1 and 2 respectively. Podium slab from beneath Timber structure on podiumFigure 6: Off-campus structure Fixed foundation model Flexible foundation modelFigure 7: Student off-campus structure models (ETABS4)Table 2: Off-campus structure Periods (s) Frequencies (Hz) Frequency % Error* Mode 1 2 1 2 1 2 Fix-fix hand calculation 0.137
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth Huffman, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Kelsey Lee Reker; Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
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tocompletion is a concept that resonates throughout various content areas.BibliographyArutchelvi, J., et. al. eds. (2008) “Biodegradation of polyethylene and polypropylene” in IndianJournal of Biotechnology,Vol. 7, January 2008, 9-22.Barnes, B., et al. (2006) Sustainable Characteristics of Earthbag Housing, Housing and SocietyJournal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 21-32.Galford, G., Hawkins, S., & Hertweck, M. (2015). Problem-Based Learning as a Model for theInterior Design Classroom: Bridging the Skills Divide Between Academia and Practice.Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 9(2).Hunter, Kaki, and Donald Kiffmeyer. Earthbag Building: The Tools, Tricks and Techniques.Gabriola Island, BC: New Society, 2004. Print.Mayo, J. A. (2004). Using Case