Librarianship 36:158-165, 2010.7. Meyers, KL, SE Silliman, and NL Gedde, A comparison of engineering students’ reflections on their first-year experiences, Journal of Engineering Education 99:169-178, 2010.8. Angelique, H, K Kyle, and E Taylor, Mentor and muses: new strategies for academic success, Innovative Higher Education 26:195-209, 2002.9. Khazanov, L, Mentoring at-risk students in a remedial mathematics course, Math and Computer Education 45:106-118, 2011.10. Rodger, S, and PF Tremblay, The effects of a peer mentoring program on academic success among first year university students, Canadian Journal of Higher Education 33:1-18, 2003.11. Thorsheim, H, H LaCost, and JL Narum, Peer mentoring of undergraduate research in
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learning when compared to a controlgroup of students who performed the actual experiment. In the early 2000’s, Klahr1,2 published aseries of studies involving K-12 students that indicated that student experiential learning usingsimulations was comparable to learning using actual hands-on experiments. At about the sametime, several including one of the authors3,4,5 wrote describing the use of Internet-basedsimulations in undergraduate engineering laboratories.On line simulations are relevant to chemical engineering community and are used, in ourcurriculum, to train students in process control and top prepare students for complex laboratoryexperiments in distillation. These experiments, however, used early versions of Java™ abd weremuch simpler to
completion, a variety of timeline and calendar formats are possible) iii) Personnel (complete C.V.’s for the team) iv) Facilities (essential information such as square footage, availability of adequate utilities, code and safety specifications, possibly including a floorplan or photos)The students were given the task of preparing proposals for further work or equipmentimprovements (or both) based on the results they obtained for the fourth experiment. Page 22.157.7ConclusionsThe use of alternative ways of reporting laboratory data allowed the students to develop skill-setsin written, oral, and visual communication. The
the academic unit and the associated student group(s). Theexamples above demonstrate some aspects of how we examined the existing program/studentgroup relationship and make changes to build more of a partnership. There are a number ofexamples in the literature where aspects of this discussion have been mentioned by others, somein commentaries on student groups and others in research articles examining, for example, howstudents view their student groups. However, the goal here is to focus on building the proposedpartnership using examples and supported, where possible, using literature work.Additional concerns associated with funding should also be considered. For example, should thestudents be expected to raise funds to cover the advisors
these steps, and future work will address the second and thirdsteps.References [1] N. A. Peppas, “The First Century of Chemical Engineering | Science History Institute,” Science History Institute, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Jan-2020]. [2] “Global Energy & CO2 Status Report 2019 – Analysis - IEA.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26- Jan-2020]. [3] National Academy of Engineering, U. S. (2004). The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. [4] “Criteria for
actually practicing controlengineering in chemical process systems. These sources confirmed the comments we hadreceived. All sources, however, indicated that there are several aspects of processcontrol that graduates do need to know and that these areas were not being covered bycurrent course work.Based on inputs that the course content provided few useful skills to our students, seriousconsideration s given to dropping the process control course from the requiredcurriculum. Dropping this course would eliminate the wasted time and energy studentsspent in a nonproductive pursuit and allow inclusion of new courses in the requiredcurriculum. An alternate proposal involved creating a new course that met the needs ofstudents by including those skills
2003Figure 3: Do you use a chemical process simulator and, if so, which software package(s) do you use? (multiple answersallowed)Respondents were asked how they are trained to learn new software programs. Similar to 1997and 2003, the most reported method is “self-taught,” followed by “colleagues,” and then“company-provided training.” A detailed summary of methods is shown in Figure 4. 5 with 5 as primary source and 1 did not use. 4 Average Rating 3 2 1
Cost: The forgotten component of expectancy-value theory.” Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 232-244. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2015.03.002 (2015).11. J. Harackiewicz, A. Durik, K. Barron, L. Linnenbrink-Garcia & J. Tauer. “The role of achievement goals in the development of interest: Reciprocal relations between achievement goals, interest, and performance.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(1), 105-122. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.100.1.105 (2008).12. C. Hulleman, S. Schrager, S. Bodmann & J. Harackiewicz. “A meta-analytic review of achievement goal measures: different labels for the same constructs or different constructs with similar labels?” Psychol Bull. 2010 May;136(3):422-49. doi
-14.15. Glynn S, Brickman P, Armstrong N, Taasoobshirazi G. Science Motivation Questionnaire II: Validationwith science majors and nonscience majors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 2011; 48(10): 1159-76.16. Lackey L, Jack W, Grady HM, Davis MT. Efficiency of using a single, non-technical variable to predict tehsuccess of academic success in freshman engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education. 2003; 92(1): 41-8.17. Bryan R, Glynn S, Kittleson J. Motivation, achievement, and advanced placement intent of high schoolstudents learning science. Science Education. 2011; 95(6): 1049-65.18. Zygomatic. Free online word cloud generator and tag cloud creator.; 2016. AppendixEngineering Motivation
. I am willing toshare any or all course files (syllabus, grading rubric spreadsheets, assignments, readings, etc.)electronically with educators upon being contacted by email.References1. Kavianpour A & Kavianpour S (2016) The first course of programming: Python, Matlab, or C? Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference.2. Brophy SP & Lowe TA (2017) A learning trajectory for developing computational thinking and programming. Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference.3. Rhudy M & Nathan R (2016) Integrated development of programming skills using MATLAB within an undergraduate dynamics course. Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference.4. Kassim HO & Cadbury RG (1996) The place
.: University of Missouri – Rolla "Preparing for the First ABET Accreditation Visit under Criteria 2000," ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, 1999. 4. Pintar, A. J., B. M. Aller, T. N. Rogers, K. H. Schulz, D. R. Shonnard: Michigan Technological University" Developing an Assessment Plan to Meet ABET EC2000," ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, 1999. 5. Miller, R. L.: Colorado School of Mines "Reflections on Outcomes Assessment and the ABET Accreditation Process," ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, 2002. 6. Bailey, M.; R. B. Floersheim, and S. J. Ressler “Course Assessment Plan: A Tool for Integrated Curriculum Management,” J. Eng. Edu., vol. 84, p. 425, October
. Carletta, J., Bayles T.M., Kalveram, K., Khorbotly, S., Macnab, C., Nazhandali, L., Rice, J., Smith, J.A., Turner, L.E., Williams, S. and L. Wyard-Scott, “Special Session – Real World Engineering Projects: Discovery-Based Curriculum Modules for First-Year Students”, Paper published in the Proceedings of the 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference; presented in session T1A, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009. 3. Bayles, T.M., “Introduction to Engineering Design: An Emphasis on Communication”, Paper AC-2009-1482 published in the 2009 ASEE proceedings and presentation in the Freshman Programs Division, San Antonio, TX, June 2009. 4.
engineering as well as the traditional sophomore chemical engineering fundamentalstwo course sequence. Page 25.914.11References:[1] Collura, M.A., et al. “Development of a Multidisciplinary Engineering Foundation Spiral” American Society ofEngineering Education Proceedings of the 2004 Conference and Exposition[2] Collura, M.A., Daniels, S., and Nocito-Gobel, J., “The current generation of integrated engineering curriculum -assessment after two years of implementation,” American Society of Engineering Education Proceedings of the 2007Conference and Exposition[3] Felder,. R.M. and R.W. Rousseau, Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 3rd Ed,. New York
. Page 24.559.11References 1. Crumpton, M.A. (2012). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances. 25 (3), 98-101. 2. Schawbel, D. (2012). Why Students Should Gain Entrepreneurship Experience Before Graduating. TechCrunch. Accessed on June 30th, 2012. entrepreneurship-experience-before-graduating/ 3. Kriewall, T. J., Mekemson, K. (2010), Instilling The Entrepreneurial Mindset Into Engineering Undergraduates. Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship. 1 (1), 5 – 19. 4. Byers, T., Seelig, T., Sheppard, S., Weilerstein, P. (2013). Entrepreneurship: It’s Role in Engineering Education. National Academy of
Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, 6, 55 – 70. From 3. Kolodner, J.; P. Camp; D. Crismond; B. Fasse; J. Gray; J. Holbrook; S. Puntambekar; and M. Ryan; Problem-based Learning Meets Case-based Reasoning in the Middle-School Science Classrom: Putting Learning by DesignTM into Practice; J. of Learning Sciences; 12:4 (2003) pp.495-547. 4. Maida, C.A. (2011). Project-Based Learning: A Critical Pedagogy for the Twenty-First Century. Policy Futures in Education, 9(6), 759-768. Retrieved January 1, 2014 from 5. Elmore, Bill B., A freshman design course using LEGO® NXT Robotics, Chemical Engineering Education
organization, data interpretation, and analysis. Using an online simulationprovides an outlet for collection of data within constraints of a stand-alone technical writingcourse: limited time and laboratory equipment resources; and is an effective way to engagestudents in laboratory report writing.Works Cited1 Atman, Cynthia J., Sheri D. Sheppard, Jennifer Turns, Robin S. Adams, Lorraine N. Fleming, ReedStevens, Ruth A. Streveler, Karl A. Smith, Ronald L. Miller, Larry J. Leifer, Ken Yasuhara, & Dennis Lund. (2010).Enabling engineering student success: The final report for the center for the advancement of engineering education.San Rafael, CA: Morgan & ClaypoolPublishers. (
authors believe thisdemonstration can be extended for use in many different chemical engineering departments, andrecognize further assessment of the student’s improved knowledge of heat transfer and modelingshould be implemented in future use of this demonstration.References[1] S. Farrell, R. P. Hesketh, J. A. Newell, C. S. Slater, Int. J. Eng. Educ 17 (2001) 588-592.[2] D. Waechter-Brulla, M. Woller, Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 24 (2000) 327-333.[3] J. P. Holman, Heat transfer. 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Companies: New York, 1997 p xxviii, 696 p.[4] D. D. Joye, M. A. Smith, Heat Transf. Eng. 21 (2000) 47-54
suggests an importantrole, yet this professional is discussed nowhere in Herrmann’s accompanying text, i.e.,s/he has been “lost in translation” from diagram into words !Translation is difficult Within engineering, translation difficulties abound, as illustrated beautifully byFerguson in his text, Engineering and the Mind’s Eye3. In an historical example ofdesign description, he quotes medieval engineer Guido da Vigevano: “…and whenneedful (the hinged railings) are stood upright as is made clear and obvious in theillustration because I cannot so well set it forth in words as I see it in my mind’s eye. Butthe picture will show it.” Guido da Vigevano, 1335. Ferguson, p. 41.) Working engineers have long understood this translation
industrial and student side.However, now that the course itself it better established, more instructor time should beavailable to coordinate such activities. A related stretch goal is to have the problemsthemselves proposed by local industry. This has not been attempted in part due to thelimited ‘laboratory’ available for the class, but will hopefully be an option for futureofferings as plans for addition of a kitchenette to one of the classrooms are underway. Page 23.929.9Bibliography 8 1. Armstrong RC, Brennecke J, Butts S et al. How is the Discipline of
80 individuals who taught only chemical engineering students and another27 taught both chemical engineering students and related area(s) (biomedical, n=12; biological,n=6; environmental, n=7; materials, n=5; petroleum, n=3; plastics, n=2; paper=1). These twogroups were combined to represent chemical engineering respondents, n=107. These individualsrepresented 76 different institutions, including 72 that award ABET EAC-accredited bachelor’sdegrees in chemical engineering and two international. The ranks of these chemical engineeringinstructors were 36% full professors, 33% associate professors, 21% assistant professors, and 8%full-time instructors. Additional positions held by these respondents included 20% directors ofprogram or center, 16
communication with alarge number of outside customers. On the whole, the faculty and students are satisfiedwith this project as a suitable capstone for the first-year course.Acknowledgements:The authors would like to acknowledge the work of all of the faculty in ENGR 100 aswell as the students and customers that made this project possible. Page 22.746.13References1. Vigeant, M., K. Marosi, and R Ziemian. Evaluating the Seminar Model for First YearEngineering Education. Presented at American Association for Engineering Education, atHonolulu, HI, 2007.2. Vigeant, M., S. Velegol, J. Baish, R. Kozick, R. Zaccone, and R Ziemian.Restructuring Exploring Engineering At
, number of employees, etc.3. Describe the safety program at your facility/facilities and what you have to do to comply with it.4. Introduce your supervisor to us. What is his/her title? Primary job responsibilities? Who is his/her supervisor? What degree(s) does he/she have? What is his/her work history? Does he/she participate in any continuing education associated with his/her career? Plans for future career? Hobbies? Family? Hometown? You get the idea.5. Describe the projects that have been assigned to you. Please do not include any information that could be considered proprietary, such as chemical names, etc. If you are unsure about your response, please have your supervisor review your writing before posting
gapbetween research and practice: The research is not sufficiently persuasive or authoritative; Theresearch is not relevant to practice and does not address the issues and concerns of teachers; Ideasfrom research have not been accessible to teachers and are either difficult to find or understand; Theeducation system itself is either too intractable or too unstable, and therefore unable to engage insystematic change. Further, she notes that the gap between educational research and educationalpractice has been an ongoing phenomena and complaint of educational researchers since at least 1934.Careful experimental design was a focus of educational research in the 1960’s, but such research did notresult in broad and rapid adoption of researched
not just the university’s responsibility. You need to go and you need to try and develop your own skills and prepare yourself for the future…This shift in narrative was common for students. Alexander likewise repeated the importance of“tak[ing] advantage of everything they offer. At least, everything that [he] think[s] is applicableto [him] and [his] well-being.” Students began to reference other facilities and services providedby the university, including career offices, recreational activities, and wellness programs. Thefocus shifted from students simply putting effort into being good students and members of thecommunity to direct engagement with university structures.Financial Investment
): p. 5-13.12. McDonald, M.L., Advising high-ability business students. NACADA J., 2003. 23(1&2): p. 58-65.13. DesJardins, S.L., Jie, W., An analytic model to assist academic advisors. NACADA J., 2002. 22(1): p. 32- 44.14. Simmons, A.N., A reliable sounding board: Parent involvement in students' academic and career decision making. NACADA J., 2008. 28(2): p. 33-42.15. Sams, W.P., Brown, L. S., Hussey, R. B., Leonard, M. J., The development, implementation, and assessment of a systematic academic advising program for exploratory first-year students. NACADA J., 2003. 23(1&2): p. 75-85.16. Gordon, V.N., The Evolution of Academic Advising: One Institution's Historical Path. NACADA J., 2004