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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 133 in total
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mariajose Castellanos, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Joshua A Enszer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Paper ID #12430Promoting Metacognition through Writing Exercises in Chemical Engineer-ingDr. Mariajose Castellanos, University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyDr. Joshua A Enszer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Page 26.1276.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Promoting Metacognition through Writing Exercises in Chemical EngineeringAbstractA high-level goal of all disciplines is for students to develop the capacity for lifelong learning. Todevelop the capacity of lifelong
Conference Session
Using Communication and Writing Techniques to Improve Student Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mariajose Castellanos, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Joshua A Enszer, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
included complaints about having to “know” toomany equations, the existence of an apparent disconnect between theory and real worldexamples, and a textbook they do not enjoy using. We believe that focusing on how studentsunderstand their own work with the textbook addresses not only the last complaint, but also theother two, and to that end have modified our thermodynamics course structure with an emphasison reading activities and self-reflection.Now in class, students practice regular reflection through a short weekly assignment that we call“the reflection paragraph,” which supplements the regular problem solving homework. Studentsare instructed to write 200 words to explain what they have learned and to provide evidence ofthat learning. They are
Conference Session
Using Communication and Writing Techniques to Improve Student Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Ciston, University of California, Berkeley; Sean Poust, University of California-Berkeley
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
capstone design and laboratorycourses. The course runs as a one-semester, stand-alone course (not coupled to a complementarytechnical or laboratory course) with assignments ranging from laboratory reports, design reports,resumes, cover letters, interviews, technical presentations, and project proposals tocommunication with lay audiences. This paper takes a case study approach to examine theevolution of the laboratory report assignment over the course of three semesters. We found thatincorporating additional authenticity into laboratory report writing assignment motivated studentengagement and learning. Midterm and final course evaluations are used as data to reflect on theeffectiveness of three iterations of the assignment:· Fall 2011: Common
Conference Session
Teaching Professional Skills in Chemical Engineering
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stephanie G. Wettstein, Montana State University - Bozeman; Jennifer R. Brown, Montana State University - Bozeman
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
skills,both oral and written,[2, 4] and need to be fluent across platforms and in different contexts,including data representation and visual communication.[12]The movement towards more effective teaching of communication skills to engineers hasresulted in opportunity for collaboration with communication experts[9, 13] and the launching ofWriting Across the Curriculum (WAC) or Writing in the Disciplines (WID) programs.[10, 14,15] Interdisciplinary collaborations have occurred in many forms, including creation of stand-alone courses,[16] embedding of communication experts as consultants in engineeringcourses,[17] and training of student technical writing peer tutors to aid in courses.[18]In addition, student learning of communication skills is
Conference Session
Work-In-Progress Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kitana M Kaiphanliam, Washington State University; Olivia Reynolds, Washington State University; Jacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Campbell University; Olusola Adesope, Washington State University; Bernard J. Van Wie, Washington State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
that require them to write extensively, whether that be in industry or graduateschool. Additionally, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) lists theability to communicate effectively an expected student outcome of accredited baccalaureateprograms. Because of insufficient writing requirements in undergraduate engineering curricula,however, many engineers are unprepared for the writing-demand necessary to convey their ownideas or understanding of ideas. More rigorous writing practices would not only improve effectivecommunication skills as undergraduate students pursue their education, it can also help studentsdevelop a deeper conceptual foundation of engineering topics. The writing pedagogy of interestfollows a
Conference Session
Adaptive and Supportive Learning Environments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric C. Huang, Manhattan College
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering, Minorities in Engineering
25.499.2majors.15 Peer-mentored individuals “have demonstrated improvements in connectedness toschool and peers.”16 The purpose of this paper is to describe whether a similar effect on socialintegration can be observed, specifically, for students in different graduating classes of the sameengineering discipline.MethodSophomore students entering the chemical engineering discipline were given the opportunity toparticipate in a peer mentoring program organized and monitored by the faculty. Mentors weresenior students in the same discipline who qualified for the respective honor society. At the timeof solicitation, sophomores were informed verbally and in writing that the program wouldrequire meetings with their mentor on a monthly basis. Fourteen sophomore
Conference Session
Communication in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elif Miskioglu, The Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
or design of posters. Pairs then translate their mock-ups onto the board for their peers, and the class discusses common components and key differences between designs before establishing a new “best mock-up” together. This guides discussion of why certain components are necessary for the poster, why they are arranged where they are, what else needs to be considered, and how a different prompt may result in a different poster. The final outcome is a general set of guidelines for poster design that the students developed themselves, with mediation from the instructor. • Proposal Writing—students are given a topic on which to write a proposal and asked to develop a proposal outline. They
Conference Session
ChE: Innovations in Student Learning
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Danial Hohne, University of Michigan; Leeann Fu, University of Michigan; Barry Barkel, University of Michigan; Peter Woolf, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
12.1485.6 Figure 1: Writing process for wiki articles.After the presentation, student reviewers would submit anonymous peer reviews of the article.These reviews were given in standard form asking the reviewer to provide key points, majordifficulties with the article and specific improvements needed. The reviews were then compiledand given to the authors for rebuttal. One week after the initial review of the article, the rebuttalswere given to the reviewers who then submitted final reviews based on the edits completed bythe initial authors. The authors are assigned grades from the reviewers based on their work andreviewers are also graded on the quality of their reviews. One benefit of the wiki format is thatall reviews
Conference Session
Work-In-Progress Postcard Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell William Buccalo, Bucknell University; Elif Miskioglu, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
benefits of dedicated technical communication training for chemical engineers as abasis for better understanding TC training as a whole.BackgroundAs mentioned, this need to educate engineering students in the written, oral, and interpersonalcommunication skills necessary for career success is manifested differently across manyengineering departments [2]. While some programs provide communication training distributedacross many courses (such as writing or speaking assignments in core technical courses), othershave developed specific Technical Communications (TC) courses targeted for engineers.Dedicated TC courses are at times coupled closely with either a technical course or a capstonedesign course. Other dedicated TC courses in engineering
Conference Session
New Trends in CHE Education II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sundararajan Madihally, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
researchers and technicians. If theybecome faculty members, they mentor graduate students, teach classes and write proposalsdespite no formal training in any of these roles. Their success in these roles is measured by theirproductivity and ability to bring financial resources. For example, a faculty member is measuredfor tenure on the number of publications in peer-reviewed journals, student evaluation fromdifferent courses they teach and success in obtaining extramural funds. These outcomes dependon the ability of a faculty member i) in coaching graduate students to be productive, ii) in Page 14.79.2teaching courses effectively, and iii) writing
Conference Session
Improving Laboratory Education in Chemical Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Cooper, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
arbitration of a helpful instructor4, 14-16.Despite the importance of UO courses in chemical engineering programs, many faculty membersavoid opportunities to teach them. Myriad time-consuming and (at times) frustrating tasks arerequired of the UO instructor, including assigning student teams, preparing students forlaboratories, grading reports, and assessing peer evaluation results. Since faculty are often busywith other commitments such as research, grant writing, student advising, etc., it isunderstandable that instructors feel they do not have the time available to do an excellent jobteaching UO courses15, 16.Considering the importance of UO courses to the ChE curriculum, it would be ideal to relieve thepressure of time constraints upon
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Freshman and Sophomore
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Joe Branch, University of Utah; Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. From these analyses, twovariables emerged as highly predictive of student performance: scores on peer evaluations andhomework submission timeliness. This relationship remains strong even when the measure ofstudent performance is adjusted so that student peer evaluations and late penalties on homeworkassignments do not directly factor into their adjusted overall score. We discuss potentialexplanations for and practical implications of this result.BackgroundBeginning in Spring 2013 we implemented a new freshman-level chemical engineeringlaboratory course [1, 2]. In this course, students work on open-ended product and process designprojects in teams of three to four. We use many different presentation techniques in order to caterto different
Conference Session
Real and Virtual - "New" Approaches to Teaching "Old" Courses
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel D. Burkey, University of Connecticut; Daniel D. Anastasio, University of Connecticut; Aravind Suresh, University of Connecticut
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
generated. These tasks included actions students couldtake during their experiments (such as presenting evidence of intermediate data analysis), duringdata analysis (such as looking up examples in textbooks or asking specific questions to theinstructors), while writing (such as peer editing or taking their draft to the university WritingCenter), and throughout the semester (such as carrying a full experimental design from the firstgroup of the semester to the last).Criterion 3 was difficult to implement at first. It was undesirable to make all of the optional tasksreward XP, which translated directly into points and, hence, grades. Doing so made the optionaltasks feel compulsory, and the extra points might skew the class grades by an
Conference Session
ChE: Curriculum Reform & Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Froyd; Jean Layne, Texas A&M University; Lale Yurttas, Texas A&M University; David Ford, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
semiconductor fabrication semiconductor fabrication b.4 Analyze and evaluate - Written and oral applications of conceptual framework chemical engineering systems - Opportunities to write and receive peer review on critical elements to be using an entire systems approach integrated (for example - use of Calibrated Peer Review™ software) b.5 Use framework and systems - Assign problems over a range of scales in which students demonstrate approach to encompass length and application of the conceptual framework. Use peer critique and correction time scales with consistent - Assign complex and highly varied systems “cases” and grade approach comparative analyses. Desired Outcome c
Conference Session
Project-Based, Inquiry Guided, and High Performance Learning Environments: Effective Approaches
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon G. Sauer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Pedro E. Arce, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
teammembers are likely to divulge it as part of this exercise. In order for the instructor to intervene in a timelymanner, a mid-term or mid-project evaluation is critical. This approach requires self-reflection on thepart of the student and also provides peer evaluation. This information can be invaluable to the instructorwho may likely not have had the opportunity to observe the finer workings of the team. As anotherexample, to assess whether or not students have utilized a process in decision making, as opposed to, forexample, a majority vote, students can be asked to write a short memo outlining a decision they made,options considered, and the means by which they determined the outcome. A well-defined rubric canthen be used to analyze the
Conference Session
Focus on Capstone Experiences in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David L. Silverstein, University of Kentucky; Margot A. Vigeant, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
ABET EC2000assessment process for program outcomes. Data for 2009-2010 as reported by instructors.Common ConcernsSurvey respondents were asked what they believed were the biggest issues encountered bystudents taking this course. The majority of responses indicated the following commonchallenges:  ODE solving skills  Mathematical software skills  Chemistry preparation  Unsteady-state conservation law writing  Dependence on “design equations” rather than fundamental conservation lawsThe Role of the InstructorInstructors often take different approaches to teaching. For many responding to the
Conference Session
Improving Laboratory Education in Chemical Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joshua A Enszer, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
lab report is due every week from design teams; these reports are graded quickly usingan electronic form for feedback so that the instructor distills comments to the most importantareas for improvement, rather than noting every detail that is out of place. This rubric is providedas Appendix C. Students are required to individually reflect on their group’s performance in thelab and in their writing by explaining which parts of the instructor’s feedback they consideredmost important and how they would improve for future reports. (8) A peer and self evaluation isdue through CATME (9) after every other lab.A final exam is conducted at the end of the term. This exam is designed to largely emphasizeconcepts from the professionalism and laboratory
Conference Session
New Pedagogical Approaches in Chemical Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah; Kyle Joe Branch, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, the inter-cohort groups work together for approximatelythree weeks to complete a capstone laboratory project. Significant logistical hurdles wereencountered due to the divergent expectations, schedules, and priorities of the two groups.However, effective management methods were developed to address these issues, and mitigateinterpersonal conflicts.Survey results were collected for over 300 students involved in this program. Peer, mentor, andmentee evaluations were also collected, along with faculty evaluations of the senior team’smanagement and use of their freshmen employees. Results reveal significant freshman andsenior satisfaction with this collaborative project, but this satisfaction is greatly dependent uponthe senior team’s use of
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Upperclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University; David Ollis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
development in chemical engineering at a large publicuniversity. The topical content which has been developed may also be used “À la carte” forincorporating elements into existing engineering courses if there is not room in the curriculumfor an integrated course of this type. The complete course content, including the syllabus,subject matter presentations, assignments, and relevant links, is available on a public web sitefor use by engineering instructors: ( Course evaluationsindicate that students assign high values to this required seminar.IntroductionEngineering departments employ different strategies for introducing soft skills such as writing,oral presentation, teamwork, information literacy, and ethics. A frequently
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Junior, Senior, and Graduate
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick S. Vasquez, University of Dayton; Zachary J. West, University of Dayton; Matthew Dewitt, University of Dayton; Robert J. Wilkens, University of Dayton; Michael J. Elsass, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Effective Teamwork Dynamics in a Unit Operations Laboratory Course1. IntroductionThe Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory is a unique course that relies heavily on acooperative team effort for successful learning that leads to a compelling laboratoryexperience[1-3]. In this course, team assignments play a critical role in the performance of agroup because every laboratory session involves peer interactions, hands-on experimentationfrom start to finish, data analysis and discussion, and a significant amount of writing time, i.e., aworkload that is intentionally more than one individual is expected to manage. The dauntingworkload for this course should
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering in Silico
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew W Liberatore, Colorado School of Mines; Charles Russell Vestal, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
from 32 years of work in the oil industry and has returned to his roots at Colorado School of Mines as a Lecturer in the Chemical Engineering Department. Page 22.1344.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Student led development of engineering estimate problems based on YouTube videosAbstractYouTube Fridays devotes a small fraction of class time to student-selected videos related to thecourse topic. The students then write and solve a homework-like problem based on the events inthe video. Five recent pilots involving over 400 students have developed a
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Courses in Emergent Areas
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
majors and career fields. The factors that havebeen studied fall into three broad categories: individual attributes(17-20), environmentalconditions(7,21-28), and learning pedagogy(19,23,25,29-31). The academic and career experience forwomen in STEM has been characterized by isolation, a lack of mentors, and a shortage of rolemodels(26). Faculty and peer interactions have substantial influence on the satisfaction andretention of students(2,3,32). Specific faculty influences include the frequency of interaction withfaculty, the quality of teaching by faculty and TAs, and the availability of female faculty and TArole models. Peer interactions affect the classroom climate and influence women’s confidenceand sense of belonging(29). Peer interactions
Conference Session
New Pedagogical Approaches in Chemical Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joshua A Enszer, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
limitations.” College Teaching, Vol 60, No 4, p170-175 (2012).3 Castellanos, M., and Enszer, J. A. “Promoting metacognition through writing exercises in chemical engineering.”Proceedings of the 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA (2015).4 Ohland, M. W., Loughry, M. L., Woehr, D. J., Finelli, C. J., Bullard, L. G., Felder, R. M., Layton, R. A.,Pomeranz, H. R., & Schmucker, D. G. “The comprehensive assessment of team member effectiveness: Developmentof a behaviorally anchored rating scale for self and peer evaluation.” Academy of Management Learning &Education, Vol 11, No 4, p 609-630 (2012).5 Brown, P. C., Roediger III, H. L., and McDaniel, M. A. “Make it stick: The science of successful learning.”Harvard University
Conference Session
Impact of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill on Chemical Engineering Education & Misc.
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Frances C. Ray-Earle, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Center for Biorefining & Biofuels (C2B2); Nancy S. Tway, University of Colorado
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
to engage in research collaboration beyond traditionalgeographic barriers.Goal 3: Train students in the skills and knowledge needed to conduct research – Throughout the10-week REU Program in Biorefining and Biofuels, students attend a minimum of six (6) one-hour seminars as a group at one of the four research sites and engage in the remainder of theseminars via videoconferencing technology through his/her assigned research institution.Seminar topics are aligned by program administrators and are specific to the field of biofuels andbiorefining, and are designed to teach other important research practices including laboratorysafety, writing and presentation techniques.Students share their research in a peer presentation forum which enables
Conference Session
Computer-Based Learning in Chemical Engineering Courses
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jamie Gomez, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico
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Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
place students on a higher performance leveland can lead to fading or scaffolded achievement [7].Recent research raises concerns about over-scaffolding learners; while they sometimes performbetter on short-term knowledge gains than peers who are not scaffolded, they also reportedlydevelop negative attitudes toward the subject matter [8]. Instead, providing goals, such as adesign challenge, can better organize their learning. Other forms of scaffolds can also providebenefit. For instance, scaffolds that organize student work on ill-structured problems can supportthem to think about the problem and learn as they do so [9].The design process spans definition of problem, navigation of the scientific literature forbackground, brainstorming multiple
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogical Techniques II: Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Miriam R. Wattenbarger, University of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
from classmates in a collegial atmosphere. The reviewers gain agreater understanding of the specific details and clarity required in a proposal. The reviewersoften identify problems in a proposal that are also present in the proposal written by thereviewers themselves. The ability of the reviewers to see their own mistakes critically and edittheir own proposal is greatly improved.The students have 3-4 weeks to finish writing their proposal after the peer review. Each groupgives a 10 minute oral presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions during the last week ofclass. Every group member is required to speak during the presentation and be prepared toanswer questions. The students and instructors ask questions after each presentation.In
Conference Session
Project-Based, Inquiry Guided, and High Performance Learning Environments: Effective Approaches
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Khairiyah Mohd-Yusof, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Syed Helmi Syed Hassan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Mohammad Zamry Jamaludin, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Nor Farida Harun, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
serves tocontextualize the new content that students have to learn before solving the problem. Lectureson the new content are not given. Instead, students are guided through a PBL cycle that helpsthem to identify and construct new knowledge that is synthesized with their existing knowledgeto be applied in solving the given problem.10, 11 As shown in Figure 1, the typical PBL cycle11basically consists of • Phase 1: problem restatement and identification, • Phase 2: peer teaching, synthesis of information, and solution formulation • Phase 3: generalization, closure and reflection. Meet the problem Self-directed learning Phase 1 Problem identification
Conference Session
Course Design, Course Projects, and Student Perceptions in Chemical Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joshua A Enszer, University of Delaware; Catherine A Fromen, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
)? (3) How did you engage with course materials outside of the class period? (4) Did you communicate your learnings to someone not in the class? Did you relate your learnings to any current events? (5) What did you learn about how you learn (or how you could learn) more effectively?A simple 3-point grading rubric to evaluate the weekly writing reflections was established at thebeginning of the semester with input from the class. The agreed-upon rubric is shown in Table 3.This regular assignment prompted students to discuss course topics and how they relate tocurrent events with their peers, as well as regularly assess their own engagement in the course.The simple grading approach allowed students to feel comfortable being candid in
Conference Session
Best Practices for Chemical Engineering Lab-Based Courses
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael David Mau Barankin, Colorado School of Mines; Tracy Q. Gardner, Colorado School of Mines; Jason C. Ganley, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
amongstall involved and motivate student engagement and cooperation. This in turn leads to studentsachieving significant technical and non-technical learning outcomes and the course is recognizedby alumni and recruiters as highly effective at preparing students for theworkplace. Furthermore, despite the intense pace and depth and breadth of skills covered andassessed in the course, the fail rate is effectively zero.The course is offered twice each summer, each 6-week session currently accommodating up to84 students, with a Student-to-Professor ratio of up to 12:1 (yes, 7 faculty per session!). Thereare also writing instructors, a lab manager, and at least two TA’s working full- to nearly full-timeto help manage the course. There is 1 experiment per
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessment in Chemical Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah S. Goldberg, University of Maryland, College Park; Jinwang Zou, University of Maryland, College Park; Ganesh Sriram, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
and resources that enable them to succeed. Thisincludes time and task management, assistance with planning an academic roadmap as well asinformation on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that could develop one’s portfolio as achemical engineer, such as research, internships, co-ops, study abroad and (chemical)engineering clubs. Finally, the curriculum does not typically provide early information on thesteps necessary to prepare for one’s career. Failure to understand the answers to such questionscan result in students dropping the major, struggling academically, failing to make a connectionwith peers and resources, and facing challenges when applying for jobs due to inadequate careerpreparation.To address this gap in the curriculum