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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 48 in total
Conference Session
Best of Computers in Education Division
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Patrick Hogan, Missouri S&T; Dan Cernusca, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Computers in Education
AC 2011-702: INTEGRATING GALLERY WALKS AND WIKIS IN A SYN-ERGIC INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OFSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONSJohn Patrick Hogan, Missouri S&T Dr. John P. Hogan is an associate professor of Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. and MS degrees in Geology in 1990 and 1984 from Virginia Tech. He also holds a BS in Geology from the University of New Hampshire. His research interests include igneous petrology, structural geology, and tectonics. He has active projects in Maine, Oklahoma, Missouri, Egypt and southern Africa. He is also interested in enhancing student learning through integration
Conference Session
Best of Computers in Education Division
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcial Lapp, University of Michigan; Jeff Ringenberg, University of Michigan; Kyle J. Summers, University of Michigan; Ari S. Chivukula, MPS; Jeff Fleszar, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
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Computers in Education
into the classroom, and studying the effects of social networking and collaboration on learning. He holds BSE, MSE, and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.Kyle J. Summers, University of Michigan Kyle Summers is a second-year undergraduate student studying Computer Science in the College of En- gineering at the University of Michigan. His research involves applying computer science and technology to education.Ari S Chivukula, MPS Ari Chivukula is an undergraduate majoring in Computer Science at the University of Michigan.Jeff Fleszar, University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Conference Session
Pedagogical Issues in Computing
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tumkor Serdar, Stevens Institute of Technology; El-Sayed Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven K. Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
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Computers in Education
of Second Life. Tapir Academic Press, 2009.5. Seng, J. L. K. & Edirisinghe, E. M. N. S. (2007). Teaching computer science using Second Life as a learning environment. ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, pp. 583-586.6. Tüzün, H., Yılmaz S., M., Karakuş, T., Inal, Y. & Kızılkaya, G. (2009). The effects of computer games on primary school students’ achievement and motivation in geography learning. Computers & Education, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 68-77.7. García-Zubia J., Irurzun, J., Angulo, I., Orduña, P., Ruiz-de-Garibay, J., Hernández, U. & Castro, M. (2010). Developing a Second-Life-based remote lab
Conference Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arnaldo Mazzei, Kettering University; Richard A. Scott, University of Michigan
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Computers in Education
] (8)It can readily be seen from equations (8) that X 1 ≡ 0 on choosing k2 m2 = ω 2 (absorbercondition). Other conditions on the choice of k2 and m2, such as limiting the amplitudes of X2, Page 22.247.7and / or restrictions on the allowed new natural frequencies, are then applied.Consider the following numerical values, in which the forcing frequency is close to the originalnatural frequency: m1 = 10 Kg, k1 = 2000 N/m, F1,0 = 100 N, ω = 13.5 rad/s. Note that theoriginal frequency is k1 m1 = 14.14 rad/s which is quite close to 13.5 rad/s. The absorbercondition gives: k2 m2 = 13.5 rad/s. The amplitude of X2 is F1,0 /k2 and this
Conference Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seung Youn Chyung, Boise State University; Joe Guarino, Boise State University; Marion Scheepers, Boise State University, Department of Mathematics; Rey DeLeon, Boise State University, Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering Department; Charles Adams, Boise State University; Paul Williams, Boise State University
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Computers in Education
. Calculating the value of the curl.Figure 8. Curl vectors superimposed on a user-created vector field.Divergence ExerciseThe purpose of the Divergence exercise is to demonstrate the concept of divergence of a vectorfield. The users enter the components of a vector field which are then plotted as shown in Figure10. The users are given a “control volume” whose location can be chosen by the users. Thepurpose of this “control volume” is to provide a means to visualize whether the vector field isconverging or diverging at a particular location. Once the users choose a point that they desire,one user is prompted for an exact calculation of the divergence at the control volume‟s location.If the user answers correctly, the program continues to the next round
Conference Session
Computers in Education General Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Walter, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Computers in Education
on the inter-relationship between theory andpractical experimentation.It‟s commonly accepted that laboratory exercises are a critical component to developingengineering skills. Lab classes represent a significant portion of curricula of all engineeringdisciplines. Lab exercises in introductory courses are commonly designed to illustrate anddemonstrate known concepts or scientific laws. Students also learn practical skills associatedwith the measurements techniques and experience in the use of modern instrumentation. Othergoals of the lab experience are to sharpen observational skills, work in teams, and develop acapacity for independent learning by encouraging students to make self-directed inquires andexplorations. Research in how students
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher R. Carroll, University of Minnesota, Duluth
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Computers in Education
Digital Electronics course.The secret to presenting digital circuits successfully to students who have no technicalbackground is to avoid references to electricity or computers and stick purely with the 1’s and0’s. In such a setting, digital circuits are just implementations of mathematical expressions.There are no “volts” or “bytes” or anything that might confuse the simplicity of 1’s and 0’s. Bytreating digital circuits simply as implementations of mathematical expressions, and treatingwires as just pencil lines that connect logical elements in drawings, students can learn to designand build digital circuits comfortably.This paper provides applications of a lab station design that has been disclosed in an earlierASEE paper1, and discusses
Conference Session
Computational Tools
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Murat Tanyel, Geneva College
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Computers in Education
engineering curriculum. Dr. Tanyel received his B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Boazii Uni- versity, Istanbul, Turkey, his M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA and his Ph. D. in biomedical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Page 22.1204.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Putting Bells & Whistles on DSP Toolkit of LabVIEWAbstractMost Digital Signal Processing (DSP) courses rely heavily on MATLAB and/or C, representingthe state of the art in textual programming, for their standard computer tools
Conference Session
Tablet PC use in Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shreya Kothaneth, Virginia Tech; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech; Glenda R. Scales, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
introductory courses offered by the department. A qualitativeinvestigation revealed that ENGE‟s faculty members not only readily adopted the tablet PC buthave also helped faculty members outside of their department learn how to effectively use theTablet. Some of the faculty members within this department are also considered to be championsof other forms of instructional technologies. The COE has been finding it challenging to getother departments to wholeheartedly accept the tablet PC like ENGE did and are using the resultsof this study to assist in identifying strategies that can assist with greater diffusion ofinstructional technology across departments.IntroductionThe College of Engineering (COE) at Virginia Tech is considered to be a forerunner
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Norman Moses Joseph, Purdue University; David M. Whittinghill, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathleen C. Howell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David William Braun, Purdue University
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Computers in Education
. In addition, the study canact as an excellent test bed for revealing any limitations or bugs that may exist in the software.That we will be checking for statistically significant differences in the change in pretest andposttest scores between the three groups for this particular educational intervention differentiatesthis study from those currently seen in the existing body of literature. We are attempting todifferentiate between traditional lecture material, the use of visualization software alone, and theuse of the visualization software with stereoscopic effect. We expect to publish the results of thisstudy as soon as they become available.References1. Kim, J., Park, S., Lee, H., Yuk, K., & Lee, H. (2001). Virtual Reality
Conference Session
Computers in Education General Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Purdue University; Quintana Clark, Purdue University; Geovon Boisvenue, Purdue University; Stephen Paul Woodall, Purdue University
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Computers in Education
network. Page 22.1306.12References: 1. cross-tab. (2009). Online Reputation in a Connected World. Retrieved from: 2. Palfrey, J., & Gasser, U. (2008). Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives. Philadelphia: Basic Books. 3. Hoofnagle, C. J., King, J., Li, S., & Turrow, J. (2010). How different are young adults from older adults when it comes to information privacy attitudes and policies Retrieved from: 4. Debatin, B., Lovejoy, J. P., Horn, A.-K., & Hughes, B. N. (2009
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank T. Fisher, Stevens Institute of Technology; Hong Man, Stevens Institute of Technology
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Computers in Education
Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology. Advisory Committee to the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Education and Human Resources: Arlington, VA, 1998.3. Carr, S., What Are We Waiting For? Put Engineering First! Excellence in Higher Education, 8(3), 1999.4. Belytschko, T., A. Bayliss, C. Brinson, S. Carr, W. Kath, S. Krishnaswamy, B. Moran, J. Nocedal, and M. Peshkin, Mechanics in the Engineering First Curriculum at Northwestern University. International Journal of Engineering Education, 13(6): p. 457-472, 1998.5. Grose, T., Starting over at Sherbrooke. ASEE Prism, 10(4): p. 24-27, 2000.6. Culver, R.D., D. Woods, and P. Fitch, Gaining Professional Expertise through Design
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Smaill, University of Auckland; Colin Coghill, University of Auckland
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Computers in Education
teachers: students of senior physics are by no means guaranteed a teacher whomajored in physics. Such students are most likely disadvantaged in terms of both subjectskills and inclination to further study. The American Society for Engineering Education,reflecting the nation‟s anxiety over the situation in the U.S., in 2003 established a K-12 &Pre-College Engineering Division (website available at universities are now funding outreach programs to increase the number of engineeringundergraduates 4-15. Ideally, such outreach programs should have two positive outcomes:participating students should be both better prepared for and better informed aboutengineering careers. The University of Auckland‟s (UoA‟s
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neelam Soundarajan, Ohio State University
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Computers in Education
transition to becoming a professional in the disci-pline. The overlap in the ovals labeled knowledge-centered and reflection-centered corresponds tothe fact that the reflective activities by the student are based on the assessments of the knowledgeitems represented by the knowledge-centered components.Consider next the oval labeled “learner-centered” in Fig. 1. A key observation regarding studentlearning 2,36 made in recent research on how people learn is that “[s]tudents come to the classroomwith preconceptions –often incorrect– about how the world works, which include beliefs and priorknowledge acquired through various experiences . . . effective teaching [must] elicit the preexist-ing understanding and provide opportunities to build on, or
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alisa N. Gilmore, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Jose M. Santos, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Aaron Joseph Mills, Iowa State University
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Computers in Education
, builds, and races solar powered electric vehicles. His interests lie primarily in the area of embedded system hardware and software development. Page 22.364.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Computer Interface Innovations for an ECE Mobile Robotics Platform Applicable to K-12 and University StudentsSince the 1990’s, robots have been adopted into K-12 classrooms and a host of Universityprograms to engage and motivate students in STEM achievement and to aid in teaching coreSTEM disciplines. The robots used in these efforts have ranged from commercially
Conference Session
Computers in Education General Technical Session I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yizhe Chang, Stevens Institute of Technology; El-Sayed Aziz, Stevens Institute of Technology; Sven K. Esche, Stevens Institute of Technology; Constantin Chassapis, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
. Educational Researcher, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 19-29.[6] Freitas, S. D. (2006). Learning in immersive worlds: A review of game-based learning. Online report, prepared for the JISC e-Learning Program.[7] Wang, G. G. (2006). Bringing games into the classroom in teaching quality control. The International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 678-689.[8] Ebner, M. & Holzinger, A. (2007). Successful implementation of user-centered game based learning in higher education: An example from civil engineering. Computers and Education Journal, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 873-890. Page 22.43.12
Conference Session
Pedagogical Issues in Computing
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chia-Lin Ho, North Carolina State University; Dianne Raubenheimer, North Carolina State University
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Computers in Education
academic performance 2 and work-related performance 3. In an effort tounderstand the role of self-efficacy in engineering education, this study focused onengineering/computer science self-efficacy and computer self-efficacy and examined theirrelationship to computational capabilities, gender, and academic performance. In particular, theresearch question addressed in this study was whether acquiring specific computationalcapabilities would contribute to students’ self-efficacy beliefs in engineering/computer scienceand in the use of computers. Additionally, replication of the relationship of self-efficacy togender and academic performance was expected.Self-efficacySelf-efficacy refers to an individual's belief(s) that s/he can successfully perform
Conference Session
Computer Science Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Norena Martin-Dorta, University of La Laguna; Isabel Sánchez Berriel, University of La Laguna; David López Rodríguez; Héctor Amado; Jose Luis Saorin, Universidad de La Laguna; Manuel Contero, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación en Bioingeniería y Tecnología Orientada al Ser Humano (I3BH)
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
AC 2011-1653: DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF A 3D CONSTRUCTIONMOBILE GAME FOR THE IPHONE/IPOD TOUCH PLATFORMNORENA MARTIN-DORTA, University of La Laguna Norena Martin-Dorta is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics and CAD at La Laguna University (ULL). She earned a degree in Architectural Technology in 1998 from ULL, an MS degree in Library Science and Documentation in 2005 and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering in 2009 from UPV. She joined La Laguna University in 2001 and her research interests include development of spatial abilities using multimedia technologies and sketch-based modeling. Address: Av. ngel Guimer s/n, Escuela de Ingeniera de la Edificacin, Dpt. de Expresin Grfica en Arquitectura e Ingeniera
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Spivey, George Fox University
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Computers in Education
design/build projects at earlier stages in the curriculum, wherestudents will be required to participate in significant design/build projects before having therequisite skills to design the systems that control them. To address this issue, we have long been working to develop a system that would both mimicthe OSU model of the “Platform for Learning” and also enable students to design and buildsystem controllers using skills obtained in the freshman year and enhanced throughout the* The Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) is a very large engineering school with separate tracks for computer engineering and electrical engineering. At the 2005 American Society of Engineering Educator‟s Conference, presenters from MSOE stated that
Conference Session
Faculty Tools
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles J Lesko Jr., East Carolina University
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Computers in Education
taken advantage of thetechnology‟s capabilities including social presence, persistence and the visual presentation of thevirtual environment. Emphasis has focused on the visual presentation or building out theseenvironments for pedagogical deployment in an effort to develop virtual classroom and meetingspaces that not only replace the actual real world academic experiences, but also maximize theinherent unique functionalities that the new VW provides. Yet once the spaces are in place therecomes the need to communicate course content; there inlays the impetus behind a growinginterest in the use of VW environments as delivery media for presenting content bothsynchronously and asynchronously.This case covered the course delivery involving three
Conference Session
Tablet PC use in Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James E. Lewis, University of Louisville; Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb, University of Louisville
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Computers in Education
. Section 3 presents the development of the seminar and theworkshop (Tablet Faculty Learning Community). The seminar was presented in April of 2010and the workshop/faculty learning community was conducted over a 10 week period during thesummer semester of 2010. Section 4 discusses the authors’ experiences presenting the seminarand leading the workshop. Some conclusions and future direction are discussed in section 5.2. Background InformationA tablet PC is a laptop or notebook that has a screen capable of pen based input. Interest in thepotential use of tablet PCs as an educational tool began in earnest in the early 2000’s. Aspointed out by Joel Backon, “Tablet PCs merge the productivity improvement afforded by PCtechnology with the fundamental
Conference Session
Hardware Applications
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald J. Hayne, The Citadel
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Computers in Education
’ Figure 5. Instruction Fetch Sequence. Step RTN Control Signals T3 R(D) ← R(S) REGS_Read1 <= ‘1’ ALU_OP <= Pass_A Load_STATUS <= ‘1’ REGS_Write <= ‘1’ Clear <= ‘1’ Figure 6. Instruction Execute for MOVE Rs,Rd.VHDL ModelThe VHDL model for the instructional processor is developed in phases, with new capabilitiesadded in each phase. Phase 1 includes the components of the data path, which have beendeveloped throughout the
Conference Session
Computational Tools
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thad B. Welch III P.E., Boise State University; Sam Shearman, National Instruments
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Computers in Education
: Inexpensive hardware and softwaretools,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,pp. 2934 – 2937, March 2010.[2] C.R.A. Gonzalez, C.B. Dietrich, S. Sayed, H.I. Volos, J.D. Gaeddert, P.M. Robert, J.H. Reed, and F.E. Kragh,“Open-source SCA-based core framework and rapid development tools enable software-defined radio education andresearch,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 47, Issue 10, 2009, pp. 48 – 55.[3] T.B. Welch, T. Kent, C.H.G. Wright, and M.G. Morrow, “An Affordable Software Defined Radio,” inProceedings of IEEE DSP/SPE Workshop, pp. 791 – 796, January 2009 .[4] S. Katz and J. Flynn, “Using software defined radio (SDR) to demonstrate concepts in communications andsignal processing
Conference Session
Computational Tools
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael G. Morrow P.E., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Cameron H. G. Wright P.E., University of Wyoming; Thad B. Welch III P.E., Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
retail price of this new OMAP- Page 22.1118.2based system is $149 (USD),2 while the suggested retail price for the still-available C6713 DSK is$395 (USD). When compared to the TMS320C6713 DSK, this new experimenter kit has several Figure 1: The new LogicPD Zoom OMAP-L138 eXperimenter Kit.changes, and depending upon the intended application these changes may or may not be consid-ered improvements. The OMAP-L138 SoC includes a multi-core processor that contains both aC6748 VLIW digital signal processor and an ARM926EJ-S RISC general purpose processor, bothrunning at 300 MHz. In the experimenter kit configuration, the processor has 64
Conference Session
Computers in Education General Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Anne Macdonald, University of Technology, Sydney; Julie E. Mills, University of South Australia
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Computers in Education
and frequently with little interaction. This paperdiscusses the potential of BIM for improving collaborative AEC education, and proposes a wayforward for Universities, based on the outcomes of a series of surveys and interviews with arange of industry and academic stakeholders in the AEC professions, examining current andfuture practice in this important area.The need for collaboration in the AEC professionsIn the U.S., approximately eight per cent of the total workforce in 2007 was employed inconstruction and the industry contributed $611 billion, or 4.4 per cent of the gross domesticproduct (GDP) in that year1. Similarly, the construction industry represents approximately six percent of both Australia‟s and the UK‟s GDP2, 3. But despite the
Conference Session
Tablet PC use in Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
JUDITH VIRGINIA GUTIERREZ, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla; Aurelio Lopez-Malo, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla; Enrique Palou, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla
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Computers in Education
. Vanides (Eds.) International Society for Technology and Education. Washington DC (2011, in press).4. L. Gazca, E. Palou, A. López-Malo, and J. M. Garibay. Capturing Differences of Engineering Design Learning Environments by Means of VaNTH Observation System. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference. Austin, TX (2009).5. F. Kowalski, S. Kowalski, and E. Hoover. Using InkSurvey: A Free Web-Based Tool for Open-Ended Questioning to Promote Active Learning and Real-Time Formative Assessment of Tablet PC-Equipped Engineering Students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference. Honolulu, HI (2007).6. R. Anderson, R. Anderson, L. McDowell, and B. Simon. Use of Classroom Presenter in Engineering Courses. Proceedings of the 35th ASEE
Conference Session
Best of Computers in Education Division
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carole E. Goodson, University of Houston; Susan L. Miertschin, University of Houston; Barbara L. Stewart, University of Houston
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
be given careful consideration in designing and assessingonline courses.Bibliography1. Allen IE, Seaman J. Staying the course - online education in the United States, 2008. Needham, MA: Sloan Consortium, 2008.2. Picciano AG, Seaman J. K-12 online learning - a 2008 follow-up of the survey of U.S. school district administrators. Needham, MA: Sloan Consortium, 2009.3. Howell S, Baker K. Good (best) practices for electronically offered degree and certificate programs: A 10- year retrospect. Distance Learning. 2006;3(1):41-7.4. Goodson CE, Stewart B, Miertschin SL, Faulkenberry L. Comprehensive program assessment: the whys and wherefores. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education
Conference Session
Pedagogical Issues in Computing
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Perry Samson, University of Michigan
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Computers in Education
, 2002.4 Barak, M., A. Lipson, and S. Lerman," Wireless Laptops as Means For Promoting Active Learning In Large Lecture Halls", Journal of Research on Technology in Education Vol. 38, No. 3, 2006, pp. 245-263.5 Bonwell, C.C., and J.A. Eison, "Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom", A SHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports, Washington DC, 1991, pp. 121.6 Prince, M.," Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research", J. Engineering Education Vol. 93, No. 3, 2004, pp. 223-231.7 Addison, S., A. Wright, and R. Milner," Using Clickers to Improve Student Engagement and Performance in an Introductory Biochemistry Class", Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education Vol. 37, No. 2, 2009, pp. 84
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chi N. Thai, University of Georgia
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Computers in Education
controllers. 2. The Premium kit uses the CM-510 controller with additional capabilities beyond the CM- 5’s as it can also interface with user-created sensors using memory-mapped I/O ports. It also has similar RS-232 and ZigBee communications capabilities. 3. The CM-700 became available in mid 2010 as a bare-bone controller having all the capabilities of the CM-5 and CM-510, and also RS-485 interfaces to the more advanced servo motors from Robotis series RX and EX. The CM-700 is not yet used in our robotics course. Figure 1. Current Bioloid controllers CM-5, CM-510 and CM-700.For communications between a PC and the various CM-5/510/700 controllers, there are a varietyof options (see Fig. 2): 1. Plain RS-232 9
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Riddell, Baker College, Flint; Anca L. Sala, Baker College; Tom Spendlove, Baker College, Flint
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Computers in Education
. Thurston, S. Hundley, “Enhancing Student Classroom Engagement through SocialNetworking Technology”, 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.3. L. Frehill, A. Lain, C. Didion, “Destination Unknown: Gender Differences in Attrition from Graduate Study inEngineering”, 2010 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.4. J.K. Estell, “Connecting with Alumni: An Experiment In Social Networking Using Facebook Groups”, 2009ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings.5. ABET, “2010-2011 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.” Page 22.1707.6