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Displaying results 361 - 390 of 759 in total
Conference Session
ECE Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yong-Kyu Jung, Gannon University; Karinna M. Vernaza, Gannon University
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Electrical and Computer
materials. She is currently the PI of an NSF S-STEM. Dr. Vernaza is the chair of the ASEE North Central Section (2017-19). c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 WIP: A Comprehensive Design & Prototyping Platform for Rapid HW/SW Development ClassesAbstract-Robotics, autonomous transportation, and other computerized physical systems become widely accessible subjects foreven a semester-long lecture and laboratory class. Sometimes, the physical systems are often transformed to cyber-physicalsystems (CPSs) by interfacing modules in physical systems to cyber system. It is often challenging for undergraduate students toimplement a CPS comprising of analog and digital hardware and software within
Conference Session
SDR & Programming in ECE Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick Cutno, Miami University; Chi-Hao Cheng, Miami University; Zhiqiang Wu, Wright State University; Bin Wang, Wright State University; Deng Cao, Central State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
implication of signal processing theory via real-life communications systemexamples with little difficulty.References 1. Heath, Robert W. Jr., Digital Wireless Communication: Physical Layer Exploration Lab Using the NI USRP, National Technology and Science Press, 2012. 2. Black, Bruce A., Introduction to Communications – Lab Based Learning with NI USRP and LabVIEW Communications, National Instruments, 2014. 3. Hoeffbeck, J. P. “Teaching Communication Systems with Simulink and the USRP,” American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2012 4. Oppenheim, Alan; Willsky, Alan S.; Hamid, S., Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1996. 5. Chassaing, Rulph; Reay, Donald, Digital Signal Processing and
Conference Session
Capstone Design in ECE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Howe, University of Evansville; Dick Blandford, University of Evansville; Deborah J. Hwang, University of Evansville
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
working professionals from each of computer engineering, computerscience, and electrical engineering. The judges are asked to visit each project alone so they arenot biased by each other’s questions and/or opinions. Projects are then reviewed one-on-one bythe working professionals. It is expected that the judges ask the students hard questions abouttheir projects and dive into the details as much as possible within a 20 minute timeframe. Eachworking professional completes a rubric for each project after visiting the student(s).At the end of the day, the department chair and program directors meet with the workingprofessionals for a wrap-up session. Since this group is familiar with the abilities of the students,this session is also used for
Conference Session
Curricular Advancements in ECE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brandi Geisinger, Iowa State University; Arlene de la Mora, Iowa State University; Cori J. Hyde; Diane T. Rover, Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
interactiveevaluation approaches will be discussed.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under award EEC-1623125. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.IntroductionResearchers and faculty have long acknowledged the challenges with undergraduate STEMteaching. As such, many engineering departments are striving to shed antiquated policies andrevolutionize department structures to enhance departmental climates, improve undergraduateeducation, heighten student retention, and increase student recruitment (particularly forunderrepresented students). However, attempts to improve curricula are often
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Coutermarsh, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Kenneth Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Don Millard, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
digital pinscan be used for various output modulation schemes (e.g. Pulse-Width Modulation, PWM)and as a logic analyzer; in addition to simple control and monitoring applications.Analog InputAt the heart of the analog input system is a 1MS/s, 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. TheADC is multiplexed to 12 channels, seven of which are available to the user via a screwterminal mounted on the board. Channels 3 through 7 are able to read voltages between 0and positive 2.5V. Channels 1 and 2 are enhanced in order to more closely match acommercial oscilloscope’s input capabilities (though any analog channel can be used inoscilloscope mode). The input range is -10V to +10V on these two channels, which isachieved via a digitally-adjustable front end gain
Conference Session
ECE Laboratory Design
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fitra Khan, University of Texas-Brownsville; Mahmoud Quweider, University of Texas-Brownsville; Juan Iglesias, University of Texas-Brownsville; Amjad Zaim, University of Texas-Brownsville
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
placed on the far side of the simulated Public Switched Network (PSN).Among the many tasks, it is used to simulate congestion on the PSN by transferring largeamounts of data back and forth across the PSN.Figure 1 shows the general schematic of CNL. The laboratory houses the 24 computers thatconstitute the 24-node rack-mounted Beowulf as a central component of B-CEIL. Networkdevices are required to simulate a real-world PSN. This consists of a pair of T1-to-V.35 devicesto simulate a leased line8, a pair of DACs to aggregate or cross-connect different channels ofT1's, a pair of routers to provide WAN-to-LAN connectivity at each end of the leased line, andVoIP units on each end to simulate real-world voice grade channels. The Beowulf nodes andother
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anil Saigal, Tufts University; Arun Karthik Saigal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Electrical and Computer
 Engineering Education  This paper attempts to quantify the hiring pattern in the field of EE/CS at the top 10 electricalengineering research programs in the United States. This is important as people who have trainedat great length and expense to be researchers confront a swindling number of academic jobs5. In1974, fewer than 30% of all science and engineering (S&E) Ph.D.s were working in industry,and more than 45% were in tenure-track faculty positions. By 1999, the trend had reversed withnearly 38% S&E Ph.D.s who had received their training in the United States were working in industry, whereas about 25% were working in a tenure‐track position in academe5.  MethodologyColleges and universities now customarily provide information about their
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lihong (Heidi) Jiao, Grand Valley State University
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Electrical and Computer
IPnetworks each month in 2016 1. The growing demands for bandwidth and capacity requirecontinuous upgrades in the optical communication network: the faster network speed (40Gb/s 100Gb/s  400Gb/s) and expanded network topologies (Long haul, Metropolitan, Access, Fiberto the Home). From the educational institutes’ standpoint, we must make sure that our graduateshave the knowledge and practical training to support the on-going changes. In response to these demands, the School of Engineering at Grand Valley State Universitydeveloped a three-credit senior elective course EGR458 “Introduction to Fiber Optics” in 2009 2.For the first two offerings, short active-learning exercises were supplemented for the lecture.Feedback from students showed that
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University; Jill K Nelson, George Mason University; Lisa G. Huettel, Duke University; Wayne T. Padgett, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Kathleen E. Wage, George Mason University; John R. Buck, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
challenges.ReferencesAmbrose, S., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M., Norman, M. & Mayer, R. (2010).How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco,CA: Jossey-Bass. Page 23.402.8Jamieson, L. H. & Lohmann, J. R. (2012). Impact for innovation: Creating a Culture forScholarly and Systematic Innovation in Engineering Education. Washington, D.C.:American Society for Engineering Education.Loucks-Horsley, S., Stiles, K. E., Mundry, S., Love, N., & Hewson, P.W. (2010).Designing professional development for teachers of science and mathematics (2nd ed.)Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.  Star, J. R. (2005). Reconceptualizing
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Richardson, Purdue University; Leslie Reed, Reed Environmental
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
S A N D S Comments A S D1. The idea is highly creative.2. The idea could lead to a broadly applicable product.3. The idea could serve as a catalyst for furtherideas/products.4. The problem does not respond to a clearly identified need.5. The proposed project fits the problem for which it wascreated.6. The problem description clearly communicates its purpose.7. The problem description appears incomplete.8. The idea shows evidence of careful thought and planning.9. The idea is not very easy to understand.Mark an "X" in ONE category below that best describes Commentsthe idea proposed for the project:10a.The idea is a truly new product
Conference Session
Improvements in ECE Signals and Systems
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Berenice Verdin, University of Texas at El Paso; Ricardo Von Borries, University of Texas, El Paso; Patricia A. Nava P.E., University of Texas, El Paso; Andrew C. Butler, Duke University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. Krudysz, J. S. Li and J. H. McClellan, "Web-based Bayesian tutoring system," in Proc. 4th IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop, Grand Teton, 2006.9. M. MacGrath, "Visual learning for science and engineering," Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 56-63, 2005.10. R. G. Baraniuk, C. S. Burrus, B. Hendricks and G. Henry, "Connexions: DSP education for a networked world," in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Orlando, 2002.11. J. Peukera and J. McFerran, "Effect of Multiple Choice Testing on Student Performance in an Introductory Engineering Course," in ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, 2013.12. M. Simoni, M. Aburdene and F. Fayyaz, "Analog Circuit Based Activities to
Conference Session
Integration of Research and Education in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuen-Yan Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Wai Yin Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Press, Washington, DC. (2004)3. Welch, W. W., Klopfer, L. E., Aikenhead, G. S., & Robinson, J. T.: The role of inquiry in science education: Analysis and recommendations. Science Education 65, 33—50 (1981)4. Bloom, L. Z. & White, E. M.: Inquiry: a cross-curricular reader. Englewood Cliffs (ed), Prentice-Hall, Inc. NJ. (1993).5. Tsankova, J. and Dobrynina G.: Developing curious students. Integrating Inquiry across the Curriculum, 85—109, Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2005)6. LaPlaca, M. C., Newstetter, W. C., Yognathan, A. P.: Problem-based learning in biomedical engineering curricula, In Proceedings Frontiers in Education Conference 2, F3E-16-21. (2001)7. Froyd, J. E. Ohland, M. W
Conference Session
Experiential Learning in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Peyton Jones, Villanova University; Connor W. McArthur, Villanova University; Tyler A. Young, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. Dodds, A. Howard, S. Tejada, and J. Weinberg, pp. 35-41. Technical Report SS-04-01. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press, (2004). 2. S. Coradeschi and J. Malec “How to make a challenging AI course enjoyable using the RoboCup soccer simulation system, in RoboCup-98: Robot soccer world cup II: Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, vol. 1604, pp.120-124, ed. M. Asada and H. Kitano. Berlin: Springer, (1999). 3. M. Goldweber, et al. “The use of robots in the undergraduate curriculum: Experience reports,” Panel at 32nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Charlotte, North Carolina.. 4. F. Klassner, “Robotics as a Unifying Theme for Computing Curriculum 2001”, National Science Foundation
Conference Session
Innovative Instructional Strategies and Curricula in ECE I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris C Delia Jr., Rowan University; Peter Mark Jansson P.E., Rowan University; John L. Schmalzel P.E., Rowan University; Carlos Daniel Barreiro; Kevin Anthony Whitten, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
-15]. The Engineering Clinicalso has been shown to provide students with the opportunity to strengthen their core “a-k”ABET competencies. In addition, the Engineering Clinic provides ample opportunities to dealwith many of the “other” areas that a program needs to address such as ethics, economicconsiderations, and societal impacts. Bibliography[1] J. L. Schmalzel, A. J. Marchese, J. Mariappan and S. A. Mandayam, "The Engineering Clinic: Afour-year design sequence," presented at the 2nd An. Conf. of Nat. Collegiate Inventors and InnovatorsAlliance, Washington, D.C., 1998.[2] J. L Schmalzel, A. J. Marchese and R. P. Hesketh, "What's brewing in the Clinic?," HP EngineeringEducator,2:1, Winter 1998, pp. 6-7.[3] "Civil & Environmental
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xingguo Xiong, University of Bridgeport; Linfeng Zhang, University of Bridgeport; Lawrence V. Hmurcik, University of Bridgeport; Navarun Gupta, University of Bridgeport
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
variousanalog/mixed-signal VLSI circuits such as current sources and sinks, amplifiers, S/Hcircuits, switching-capacitance circuits, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analogconverters, etc. They are expected to be able to design analog VLSI layouts, decidetransistor sizing, and simulate the designed VLSI circuits.2.4. EE 549 - VLSI TestingAs VLSI continues to grow in its complexity, VLSI testing and design-for-testabilityare becoming more and more important issues. This course covers VLSI testingtechniques such as such as VLSI fault modeling (stuck-at-fault), automatic testgeneration, memory testing, design for testability (DFT), etc. VLSI scan testing andbuilt-in self-test (BIST) are also covered. Students learn various VLSI testingstrategies and how
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Assessment in ECE II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rosalind Wynne, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
separation]. Ref: HW#4 Page 15.1219.10 problem 4.7” b. “[I] did not realize that gop [optical generation rate] and tau [recombination lifetime] were in different units. Reference: HW#4 problem: 4.7” c. “I used the value of 10-7 [u]s for tau instead of 10-1 us . Reference: Textbook: pg 143: Example 4-5 and pg. 131: Formula defined.” d. “I forgot how conductivity changed [when excess electrons and holes are created in a semiconductor]. Ref: Text: Pg. 124 and 102.” e. “I ran out of time and didn’t know how to do it [determine the quasi Fermi level]. Ref: Textbook pg 142-143” f. “For some reason I didn’t use no*po=ni2 [the
Conference Session
Electrical & Computer Engineering Division Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego; Rachid Manseur, SUNY-Oswego; Thomas Doyle, McMaster University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
ts s e le ne en ri e uip ab nd ct w ts pe ng a n la ex Cha me le nt d b a Implement changes ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES NO
Conference Session
ECE Division Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mustafa G. Guvench, University of Southern Maine
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Electrical and Computer
in oxide while a trench is back-etched in three steps torelease the device(s) above: (1) RIE removes the bottom oxide at the trench; (2) removal of thesubstrate using DRIE, stopping at the insulating oxide, and (3) a wet etch is used to remove theinsulating oxide from the bottom side of the field silicon. Once the trench is fully formed, theprotective oxide is etched from the top surface. Next, a photoresist mask is placed on the devicelayer so a final blanket metal consisting of 50nm of chromium and 600nm of gold can bedeposited for such things as residual stress, added mass, a second matrix of connectivity or anyother function a designer can imagine. Figure 1 gives cross section of the resulting structure. Thepiece seen hanging in air is
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wagdy H Mahmoud, University of the District of Columbia; Nian Zhang, University of the District of Columbia
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Dai; Yanmei Wang, “NLMS Adaptive Algorithm Implement Based on FPGA,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS), pp. 422- 425, 2010.10. L.D. Van and W.S. Feng, “An efficient architecture for the DLMS adaptive filters and its applications”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 359-366, April 2001.11. Hesam Ariyadoost, Yousef S. Kavian, and Karim Ansari-As, “Performance Evaluation of LMS and DLMS Digital Adaptive FIR Filters by Realization on FPGA,” Int. J Sci. Emerging Tech., Vol. 1 No. 1 September, 2011.12. Douglas, S.C., “Fast exact filtered-X LMS and LMS algorithms for multichannel active noise control, “Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 8
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zeran Zhu, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Ujjal K. Bhowmik, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Yue Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Zuofu Cheng, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Yuting W. Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
led to an increased interest in PDC topics. Surveys will be specifically designedfor the introductory sequence of courses and the specialized parallel computing course.References [1] Mohamed Zahran and Marsha J. Berger. Parallel computing at the undergraduate level: Lessons learned and insights. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, WCAE’19, New York, NY, USA, 2019. Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450368421. doi: 10.1145/3338698.3338889. URL [2] C. M. Brown, Y. Lu, and S. Midkiff. Introducing parallel programming in undergraduate curriculum. In 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum, pages
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Vibhuti Dave, Colorado School of Mines; Stephanie Claussen, San Francisco State University; Tyrone Vincent, Colorado School of Mines; Megan Sanders, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Emphasize? A Systematic Review," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 106, pp.475-526, 2017.[6] S. Sheppard, A. Colby, K. Macatangay and W. Sullivan, "What is Engineering Practice?,"International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 22, 2006.[7] J. Mills and D. Treagust, "Engineering Education, Is Problem-Based or Project-BasedLearning the Answer," Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 2003.[8] L. Shuman, M. Besterfield-Sacre and J. MCGOURTY, "The ABET 'professional skills'—Canthey be taught? Can they be assessed?," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, 2005.[9] E. P. Douglas, M. Koro-Ljungberg, N. J. McNeill, Z. T. Malcolm and D. J. Therriault,"Moving beyond formulas and fixations: solving open-ended engineering problems
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 11
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pong P. Chu, Cleveland State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Many small low-resolution graphic display modules are available for embedded systemprototyping. A 2.4-inch 320-by-240 TFT module is shown in Figure 6. The module is abreakout board that contains a TFT display and an ILI9341 chip. The ILI9341 device is a TFTdriver with an integrated graphic RAM and an interface circuit 9. The ILI9341 device supportsthe 16-bit color (5-bit red, 6-bit green, and 5-bit blue). The graphic RAM constitutes the framebuffer. The external host writes the pixel data to the RAM and the LCD control circuit fetchesthe data and sets the pixel colors. ILI9341’s interface supports both serial and parallel transfers.The former is done by SPI lines and the latter is achieved by 8080-like memory access. To saveI/O pins, the
Conference Session
Insights for Teaching ECE Courses - Session I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Soheil Salehi, University of Central Florida; Ramtin Zand, University of Central Florida ; Ronald F. DeMara P.E., University of Central Florida
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Electrical and Computer
environment, which is typical unattainable for undergraduate students.References [1] D. A. Willis, P. S. Krueger, and A. Kendrick, “The Influence of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program on Student Perceptions and Desire to Attend Graduate School,” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, vol. 14, no .2, pp. 21, 2013. [2] W. D. Jemison, W. A. Hornfeck, and J. P. Schaffer, “The Role of Undergraduate Research in Engineering Education,” In Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2001. [3] N. Dukhan, and M. Jenkins, “Undergraduate Research as a Motivation for Attending Graduate School,” In Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007. [4
Conference Session
Course Transformation in ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie A. Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Jessica Mary Smith, Colorado School of Mines
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Electrical and Computer
, Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2013.[8] R.F. Vaz, and P. Quinn, “Benefits of a Project-Based Curriculum: Engineering Employers’Perspectives,” Proceedings of the 2015 American Society for Engineering Education AnnualMeeting, Seattle, WA, USA, June, 2015.[9] Buck Institute for Education. “Essential Project Design Elements Checklist.”, 2015 [Jan. 29, 2019].[10] Death By Design. Directed by Sue Williams. Produced by Ambrica Productions, ImpactPartners, 2016.[11] “Conflict of Minerals Report.” Internet:,2013 [Accessed 26 Nov. 2018].[12] S. Claussen and V. Dave, “Reflection and Metacognition in an Introductory CircuitsCourse,” in Proceedings of
Conference Session
Assessment & Accreditation in ECE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karla Steinbrugge Fant, Portland State University; Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University; Phillip Wong, Portland State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
testing techniques.Bibliography[1] ABET “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs,” content/uploads/2015/04/E001-14-15-EAC-Criteria.pdf , accessed Jan. 30, 2016[2] M. McCracken, V. Almstrum, D. Diaz, M. Guzdial, D. Hagan, Y. B.-D. Kolikant, C. Laxer, L. Thomas, I. Utting, and T. Wilusz, “A multi-national, multi-institutional study of assessment of programming skills of first-year CS students,” ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 125–180, 2001.[3] R. S. Lemos, “Measuring Programming Language Proficiency,” AEDS Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 261–273, Jun. 1980.[4] M. J. Stehlik and P.L. Miller, “Implementing a mastery examination in computer science,” 1985, downloaded from
Conference Session
Microprocessor, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Felipe Patarroyo, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Gerson Beauchamp, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Aidsa I. Santiago-Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
and M. Gonzalez, "Integrating Control Concepts in an Embedded Systems Design Course," IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 1273-1278, 2013.[13] R. Streveler, K. Smith and M. Pilotte, "Aligning Course Content, Assessment, and Delivery: Creating a Context for Outcome-Based Education," in Outcome-Based Education and Engineering Curriculum: Evaluation, Assessment and Accreditation, K. Mohd Yusof, S. Mohammad, N. Ahmad Azli, M. Noor Hassan, A. Kosnin and S. K, Syed Yusof (Eds.)Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2012.[14] G. P. Wiggins and J. McTighe, Understanding by design, ASCD, 2010.[15] J. McTighe and R. S. Thomas, "Backward Design," Educational Leadership, 2005.[16] J. D. Bransford, A. L. Brown, R. R. Cocking and
Conference Session
Labs & Hands-on Instruction II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pong P. Chu, Cleveland State University
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Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
pN-3 … p0. The digital DDFSuses the MSB (i.e., pN-1) as the square wave output. One interpretation is to treat the pN-1 bit as asignal that divides the output period into two equal parts (i.e., two equal phases). The values of 0and 1 are assigned to the two phases, respectively. It is possible to assign multi-bit values, suchas 2 and 7, for the amplitude, and the output wave will oscillate between 2 and 7 instead. Similarly, if two MSBs (i.e., pN-1 pN-2) are considered, the same period is divided into fourphases. Different values can be assigned to the four phases. The same concept can be extendedto S MSBs, which leads to 2S phases in a period. A phase-to-amplitude lookup table with 2Sentries can be created to define the shape of the
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David H Hoe, University of Texas, Tyler
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Electrical and Computer
Work? A Review of the Research,” J. Engr. Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 223-231, 2004.8. R. F. Pease and S. Y. Chou, “Lithography and Other Patterning Techniques for Future Electronics,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 248-270, Feb. 2008.9. D. Helms, E. Schmidt, and W. Nebel, “Leakage in CMOS Circuits – An Introduction,” Proceeding of the 36th European on Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2006), pp. 399-402, 19-21 Sept. 2006.10. G. Bourianoff, “The future of nanocomputing,” IEEE Computer , vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 44- 53, Aug. 2003.11. M. Haselman and S. Hauck, “The Future of Integrated Circuits: A Survey of Nanoelectronics,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 11-38, Jan. 2010.12
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wookwon Lee, Gannon University; Sreeramachandra K. Mutya, Gannon University; Kirankumar Palthi, Gannon University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
embedded in the signal transmittedfrom an antenna array. In this scheme, each mobile node with an omni-directional, single-element antenna estimates the AOT based on one (or more than one) signature signal(s)transmitted from the fixed node equipped with an antenna array. The mobile node then furtherestimates its distance from the fixed node based on the RSS of the signature signal to ultimatelybe able to pin-point its location in the polar coordinates where the fixed node is assumed to be atthe origin. Page 15.868.2Although our work on a prototype of an indoor positioning system exploiting AOT will need tobe continued to the next stage, up to the
Conference Session
Distance and Web-based Learning in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Esteban Rodriguez-Marek, Eastern Washington University; Min-Sung Koh, Eastern Washington University; Claudio Talarico, Eastern Washington University; Jabulani Nyathi, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Winter Spring Freshman MATH& 151 Calc. I 5 MATH& 152 Calc. II 5 MATH& 153 Calc. III 5 VLPA 5 VLPA 5 VLPA or I&S 5 ENGL& 101 5 ENGL& 102 5 CSC 142 Computer Programming 545 Total 15 Total 15 Total 15 Sophomore I&S 5 ENGL& 230 Technical Writing 3 I&S 5 PHYS&