the program outcomes, where I = Introduced, R = Reinforced, and A =Assessed.The curriculum map was developed from our individual course outlines, recently updated by the Page 12.448.4faculty coordinators of each required course. An example of a course outline is included in theAppendix. Course outlines include both the course outcomes (CO’s) and the program outcomes 3(POs) associated with that course. Each faculty coordinator rated the degree of relationshipbetween CO’s and POs using the following rating scale: S = Strong, M = Medium, or L = Low.The collected information matrix
University and her M.S. and B.S. in manufacturing engineering and electrical engineering, respectively, from the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Dr. Nagel’s long-term goal is to drive engineering innovation by applying her multidisciplinary engineering expertise to instrumentation and manufacturing challenges.Mr. Stephen Keith Holland, James Madison University S. Keith Holland received his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of Virginia in 2004. He served as the Vice President for Research and Development with Avir Sensors, LLC prior to joining the Department of Engineering at James Madison University (JMU). At JMU, he developed statics, dynamics, circuits, instrumentation
of community would increase throughout the three course sequence as each course buildsupon the previous course(s). Entry and exit surveys already exist for each of the introductoryprogramming courses participating in this study; the participants and specific questions used forthis study are detailed in the next sections.Participants and CoursesThe entry and exit surveys were administered to students in four different large-enrollmentcomputer programming courses at a large, public research institution.Course 1a is a CS1-type course and is required of all engineering students and is taken in the firstyear of study; the students in Course 1a were offered a small amount of extra credit to completethese surveys. Course 1b is also a CS1-type
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classroom and as homework, that use of the approach be integrated in both classand lab settings, and that use be expanded to course pre-requisites as well as follow up/advancedcourses. Overall, the use of experimental centric approaches to learning and teaching appears tooffer a promising method of increasing and enhancing circuits based classes so that futureengineers will be better able to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world. Further research isneeded on the role of faculty teaching style, specific course content, and long-term achievementoutcomes.References: 1. Suitts, S. (2003).Fueling Education Reform: Historically Black Colleges Are Meeting a National Science Imperative. Cell Biol Educ. 2003 Winter; 2: 205–206.doi
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-termengineering projects. Each team consists of a mix of sophomores, juniors and seniors. Projects ofat least one year in duration are intended to solve real problems that are defined in consultationwith advisors who are Purdue faculty members, graduate students, or representatives of industryof the end-user population. Students are encouraged to participate in a VIP team for two or moresemesters via enrollment in ECE 295V while a sophomore, ECE 395V while a junior, and ECE495V while a senior. Projects that serve customers from community service or educationalorganizations will be conducted within the EPICS framework rather than VIP.Required Text(s): None.Recommended Reference(s): None.Course Outcomes:A student who successfully fulfills the course
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the structure and guidance they need to acquirethese fundamentals, and then allow them the freedom to make informed curricular choices laterin their academic program.Complete and seamless integration of EE and CE, as proposed in this paper, not only benefits thestudents in providing them the knowledge with both sufficient breadth and depth for them toprosper in the real world after graduation, it also provides flexibility in designing core andadvanced ECE courses to adapt to the rapidly changing technology world. As technologiescontinue to advance, the content of each course is bound to change, but the discipline of ECE,without the boundary between EE and CE, will last and stand the test of time.Bibliography1. S. W
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