I like the following session(s). 17 25 21 25 29 20 20 I think the following session(s) needs 2 1 6 3 5 8 7 9 improvement. I was able to understand the theory in 3 N/A 22 25 17 20 15 14 lectures better by doing the experiments. Especially the following experiment(s) 4 N/A 17 20 21 18 14 13 was helpful to understand the theory. Especially the
learning environment was How students feel in class (curious, comfortable uncomfortable, stupid, confident, Environmental successful, unhappy) [21] Home Highest educational status of par- Highest education status of stu- ents/guardians [20], [21] dents’ parent(s)/guardian(s) If they had an encyclopedia or a newspaper in the home [14], [18] Peer-group If schooling and grades are impor- How often peers helped their under- tant to friends [20], [22] standing of SS
observations. Finally, complexity had the lowest number ofobservations at 18; this constitutes only 8% of the total observations. The results showed that average scores in all 3 phases of the course and the final score havedecreased in recent years. The results of Welch's T-Test demonstrate that Spring 2019's averagehas been significantly lower than all other previous semesters. The box plots also demonstrate thatthe median results for each phase and final score of Spring 2019 are outside the box range of someprevious semesters. This suggests that there might be a significant difference between them, butthis result needs more investigation to understand how significant the difference may be.Additionally, the boxes leading to Spring 2019 have
outcome; (c) We tested and evaluated the possibility of hardware and software secure system co- design teaching and research integration; (d) Using the experience gained, lessons learnt for developing a respective multi-disciplinary laboratory for both research and teaching of hardware/software security (this is partly done and will be a future-work as step-forward for hands-on experiments); and (e) Inter- and intra-university research collaborations were initiated and will be pursued to ensure delivering an expanded set of outcomes for the integration.References[1] S. Ravi, P. C. Kocher, R. B. Lee, G. McGraw, and A. Raghunathan, “Security as a new dimension in embeddedsystem design,” in Proc. Design Automation
working for the Innovation and Techno- logical Development Centre of UNED (CiNDETEC). He is an expert in learning management systems (LMS) and web development applications. Currently, he is collaborating in a research project of open services integration for distributed, reusable, and secure remote and virtual laboratories (s-Labs). Page 25.326.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012Dr. Tovar Edmundo, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid Edmundo Tovar, computer engineering educator, has a Ph.D. (1994) and a bachelor’s degree (1986) in computer engineering from the Universidad
are often intuitors, though,and occasionally do not see why just presenting the mathematical result is not sufficient. Thismay be particularly true at MSOE, where our students are accustomed to courses that comprise Page 14.1131.6both lecture and lab experiences.Finally, thorough communications between the faculty teaching the two courses is necessary, sothat those concepts that students found difficult in the DSP course can be further addressed in theanalog course.Bibliography1. S. Williams, J. Mossbrucker, S. Reyer and O. Petersen, “A Forward Looking Electrical Engineering Curriculum,”ASEE North Midwest Section Meeting, Univ. of Wisconsin
,” SIGBED Rev., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-4, 2005.2. J. O. Hamblen, "Using a Low-Cost SoC Computer and a Commercial RTOS in an Embedded Systems Design Course," IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 51, no. 3, Aug. 2008.3. K. G. Ricks, D. J. Jackson, W. A. Stapleton, “An embedded systems curriculum based on the IEEE/ACM model curriculum,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 262-270, May 2008.4. A. Hoover, "Computer Vision in Undergraduate Education: Modern Embedded Computing," IEEE Trans. On Education, vol. 46, No. 2, May 2003.5. A. Bindal, S. Mann, B. N. Ahmed, and L.A. Raimundo, “An undergraduate system-on-chip (SoC) course for Computer Engineering students,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 48, no. 2, May 2005.6. G. Martin
can be used for actual programming, as well as forexecuting, debugging, and visualizing. Thus, our specific aim was two-fold: first, help learnprogramming/problem solving and, second, facilitate the learning of a textual programminglanguage – the C language. The actual hypothesis tested in the present study was X. The resultsof the experiment that was designed to test our expectation fully support our hypothesis. In whatfollows, we will briefly introduce the tool used and proceed with the discussion of theexperiment and the results.Related WorkThere are many different approaches to facilitating the acquisition of programming language(s).For instance, in order to avoid the complexity of full-fledged programming languages, one canuse simplified
Test Bed Figure 1: FlexARM1 Design Flow Different test vector sequences simulate certain CPU operations. For instance, the fileForward.hex runs a series of FlexARM1’s single clock cycle data-processing instructions to testthe forwarding of the 5-stage pipeline and verify there are no data hazards found in theinstruction stream. The software development also includes the writing of test (application)programs for the synthesizable FlexARM1 core. These application programs ensure overallfunctionality and provide a demonstration of the FlexARM1 operating in hardware. We arepresently developing several application programs (which we hope to finalize and demonstrate at
base (courtesy of Global Specialties2)From a historical standpoint, the modern breadboard has it origins in the late 1960’s and early1970’s. The style shown was developed by Ronald J. Portugal of EI Instruments, Inc. and filedfor patent in December of 1971 (US Patent D.228,136). The transparent breadboard shown inFigure 2 was developed by Eric Blauvelt of Interplex Electronics, Inc. and filed for patent in Mayof 2002 (US Patent 6,685,483 B2).A current variation of the electronics test station centered about a breadboard is shown in Figure3. The example shown is typical of electronic trainers. The trainer consists of a DC power supply
outcomes were assessed for the actual course (F and J),but all could be considered. These assessment tools are representative examples, and moreexamples could be created. The new ABET outcomes would also be able to map similarly to thecourse activities. Student Outcome Potential Assessment Tool(s) Mathematics: cryptology proof; science: electromagnetic (A) An ability to apply knowledge of mathemat- side-channel attack recreation or simulation; engineering: ics, science, and engineering any of the laboratory assignments listed in Table 1 (B
University.Dr. Kenneth A. Loparo, Case Western Reserve University Kenneth A. Loparo is the Nord Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and holds academic appointments in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the Case School of Engineering. He has received numerous awards including the Sigma Xi Research Award for contributions to stochastic control, the John S. Diekoff Award for Distinguished Graduate Teaching, the Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Engineering and Science Pro- fessor Award, the Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award, the Carl F. Wittke Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and the Srinivasa P. Gutti Memorial
keying. The data streams then are transmittedsimultaneously over the sub-carriers at a low symbol rate. The total data rate is maintained to besimilar to the conventional single-carrier modulation schemes in the same bandwidth 21. At thereceiver side, reverse operations of the transmitter are performed. The RF signal is first down-converted to baseband for processing. Then, the signal is low pass filtered, converted to digitalsignal using an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, and down sampled. The serial stream ofsampled time signal is converted into parallel streams by the serial-to-parallel (S/P) converterand the cyclic prefix is discarded from the received composite signal. The Fast FourierTransform (FFT) is used to transform the time domain
andmilitary experience and see if they have any type of impact as well.References[1] M. J. Pavelich and W. S. Moore, “Measuring maturing rates of engineering students using the Perry model,” in Proceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference - FIE ’93, 1993, pp. 451–455.[2] M. J. Pavelich and W. S. Moore, “Measuring the Effect of Experiential Education Using the Perry Model,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 287–292, 1996.[3] J. C. Wise, S. H. Lee, T. A. Litzinger, R. M. Marra, and B. Palmer, “A Report on a Four-Year Longitudinal Study of Intellectual Development of Engineering Undergraduates,” Journal of Adult Development, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 103–110, Apr. 2004.[4] R. M. Felder, “A
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Education, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 448–462, 2014.[4] J. S. Cole and S. W. T. Spence, “Using continuous assessment to promote studentengagement in a large class,” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 37, no. 5, pp.508–525, 2012.[5] J. Poza-Lujan, C. T. Calafate, J. Posadas-Yagüe, and J. Cano, “Assessing the Impact ofContinuous Evaluation Strategies: Tradeoff Between Student Performance and Instructor Effort,”IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 17–23, Feb. 2016.[6] D. Nicol, “E‐assessment by design: Using multiple‐choice tests to good effect,” Journal ofFurther and Higher Education, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 53–64, Feb. 2007.[7] S. Baghdadchi, Z. Nemerever, P. A. Hadjipieris, S. G. Serslev, and C. L. Sandoval, “CreatingEnvironments
introductory course in MATLAB, which features a verystrong alignment of curriculum objectives to assessment tasks; refer to Figure 3 where the arrowpointing from “objectives” to “assessment” implies the objectives of the course must beembedded in the assessment tasks. The proposal for this system is reported in the next section. Teacher S tu d e n t p e r s p e c t iv e p e r s p e c t iv e o b je c t iv e s assessm ent T e a c h in g L e a r n in g a c t iv it ie s a c t iv i tie s assessm ent o u tc o
. Stanford, J. Bardo, D. Dunlap, K. Burbank, J. Zhang, D.Quick, and S. Truesdale, “Enabling a Strong U.S. Engineering Workforce for Leadership ofTechnology Development and Innovation in Industry: The Economic Multiplier of Skill-SetDevelopment for Engineering Innovation and Leadership,” ASEE Conference Proceedings, AC2006-1747, 2006. Page 14.956.105 A. P. Sanoff, “Engineers for All Seasons,” Prism, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 30-33, 2003.6E. de Bono, “Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas,”Harper Collins, 1992.7 D. L. Shirley, “Managing Creativity: A Creative Engineering Education Approach,” ASEEConference
Variable Mean StDev N P os t-Ex am 86.44 11.69 9 0.030 P re-Ex am 73.22 13.20 9 0.025 De n s i t y 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Grades Figure 3- Fitting the Pre & Post Exam Grades into Normal DistributionsTo verify and validate these findings, a thorough
solution. When testing CAIRwith the student group, future work could study how students approach self-assessment usingCAIR. Along with the outcomes-based performance analysis, it would be beneficial to examinehow CAIR influences student problem-solving strategies over time.References[1] A. Carberry, M. Siniawski, S. A. Atwood, and H. A. Diefes-Dux, “Best practices for using standards-based grading in engineering courses,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.[2] R. L. Olds, B. M., Moskal, B. M., & Miller, “Assessment in engineering education: Evolution, approaches and future collaborations,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 13–25, 2005.[3] R. Stiggins, “From formative assessment to
Innovative Curriculum for Undergraduate Electrical and Computer Page 13.421.11Engineering Students.”References [1] M. Paulik and M. Krishnan, “A competition-motivated capstone design course: The result of a fifteen-year evolution,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 67–75, February 2001. [2] F. C. Berry, P. S. DiPiazza, and S. L. Sauer, “The future of electrical and computer engineering education,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 467–476, Nov 2003. [3] J. S. Bruner, The process of education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1960. [4] W. M. Clark, D. DiBiasio, and A. G. Dixon, “Project-based
Learning (ML) is a discipline that started evolving as early as the 60’s in the form ofArtificial Intelligence and that nowadays has permeated several aspects of high-tech applicationsas well as everyday life. Its charter is to study, develop and build models able to perform“intelligent” tasks that may be second nature for humans, but are well beyond the capabilities oftraditional computing paradigms. ML applications such as vending machines that recognize validpaper bills, document processing software that corrects our grammar and syntax in real time,voice-driven over-the-phone account management of credit, smart photographic cameras thatautomatically adjust their exposure and speed settings depending on the scene environment, aswell as
workload Function effectively on multi- • Being alert and prepared for the group meeting with clearly formulated ideas disciplinary teams to • Assume a designated role in the group including leaderships or a team player accomplished assigned tasks (d) • Provide unique expertise and willing to work with others 4-Inquiry Skills (SLO4) Performance Indicators Conduct research in electrical • Explore conceptual idea(s) using multiple learning opportunities to solve a problem engineering discipline as part of • Retrieve relevant and/or required information to solve a problem or design
mechanical design and encouraged to improve upon it(Figure 3). Designs for the electronic hardware are available on the web(www.cefns.nau.edu/~pgf/ETM/ETM_index.html). For development of the embedded softwareon the base and remote nodes, we used Code Composer Studio CCS, an integrated developmentenvironment (IDE) from Texas Instruments. In keeping with the objective of low cost, a freeversion is available; this version is program memory-limited, but the limit is well above thatneeded for any of the eight projects. The base node communicates with the PC via the eZ430-RF2500’s ability to tunnel asynchronous serial communication through the USB connection.The required driver is provided as part of CCS. For the user interface, we used a simple
Resistance 1 k2 S PS R W PS S 1 + - + - A RPM Voltage Simulink-PS Ideal PS-Simulink1 R + Gain Converter1 Controlled Voltage Rotational
-4021 experiments).Check boxes that apply: X Program director notification needed Course coordinator notification needed Entries below are for course coordinator and/or program director only. Action(s) taken by course coordinator: Action(s) taken by program director: Page 15.1152.10 Plan of action was presented by Dr. XYZ and approved (course coordinator) at program faculty meeting on 1/4/10. Refer to faculty meeting minutes. APPENDIX 2: Mapping Electrical Engineering Program Courses to Program OutcomesI=introduced, R=reinforced, A=assessed Curriculum Program outcomes Course a
computations. The work completed in this project could also be adaptedto be used as a mini project or laboratory activity for an undergraduate wireless communicationscourse.AcknowledgmentsThe author gratefully acknowledges the work conducted by Josiah Morales, a York College ofPennsylvania Electrical Engineering alumni, on this project.References[1] D. Lopatto, ”Undergraduate research Experiences Support Science Career Decisions and Active Learning”, CBE – Life Sciences Education, vol, 6, no. 4, pp. 297-306, 2007.[2] S. Russell, M. Hancock and J. McCullough, ”Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences”, Science, vol. 316, no. 5824, pp. 548-549, 2007.[3] S. Kaul, C. Ferguson, P. Yanik and Y. Yan, ”Importance of Undergraduate Research
68HC11 processors. TheMC9S12DT256 features the core cpu along with a variety of ancillary components on the chip,such as: ADC(s), asynchronous serial port(s) (SCI), Motorola sponsored synchronous serialperipheral interface(s) (SPI), Pulse Wide Modulation interface (PWM) plus others.One of the Bluetooth3 devices used to define the communications channel of the project was theConnectBlue OEMSPA 13i serial module. It is mounted on a development kit board that allowsfor convenient prototype wiring. The module supports RS232 signal interfacing (TxD, RxD,plus handshaking) and direct UART signal interfacing (TxD, RxD, plus handshaking). Themodule has 64KB of SRAM and 512KB of flash. Resident on the device is a Bluetoothembedded host stack. The other
) q[n] DCC s[n] RFFE A/D (N) q(t) q[n] s[n] t n nFigure 2: Illustration of the software defined radio receiver and its operation in converting an in-tercepted analog passband signal r(t) to a digital baseband signal s[n]. The analog-to-digital con-verter (A/D) identified in the illustration is emphasized at the beginning of the course to highlightthe importance of the translation between the analog and digital domains.Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT).In
Paper ID #18647ECE Teaching and Learning: Challenges in Teaching Digital Signal Process-ingDr. S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Idaho State University is the principal investigator of the National Science Foundation’s research grant, National Wireless Re- search Collaboration Symposium 2014; he has published a book (with Dr. Hu of University of North Dakota) on mobile computing in 2013. Professor Mousavinezhad is an active member of IEEE and ASEE having chaired sessions in national and regional conferences. He has been an ABET Program Evaluator for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering as well as Engineering Education