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compliance and to verify reductions. While some of theGHG data categories may be relatively easy to document, monitoring individual air travel eventsin the required detail is impractical on a campus wide basis. The method described in this paperblends published statistical data with available campus information to determine campus GHGemissions due to air travel.What is ACUPCC?In summer of 2007, Dr. Jerilynn S. McIntyre, President of Central Washington University(CWU), became a charter signatory to the American College and University Presidents ClimateCommitment1. The basic intent of the climate commitment is an agreement to work toward aclimate-neutral campus by a future target date, reducing greenhouse gas emissions effects tozero. In achieving
C 3 VdLR A B C Discrete, VdL _R Filter _Inv Ts = 5e-005 s. 7 VdL_R (pu
design method and the importance of energy inour society.References1. Mid Atlantic Solid Waste Consultants, “Larimer County Two-Season Waste Composition Study”,, visited 3/6/2009.2. Cochran, Soni, “Vermicomposting: Composting with Worms”,, visited 3/6/2009.3. Datar, M.T., Rao, M.N., and Reddy, S., “Vermicomposting - A Technological Option for Solid Waste Management”, Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, v 24, n 2, May, 1997, p 89-93.4., visited 3/6/2009.5. Davis, Karen C., Perkey, Megan L., Harth, Nicholas B., and Dees, Nathan, “STEPing into the Classroom: An
they have also gained valuable engineering related experiences whichcan be used later on in their career.VI. References[1] J. L. Schmalzel, A. J. Marchese, J. Mariappan and S. A. Mandayam, "The Engineering Clinic: A four-yeardesign sequence," presented at the 2nd An. Conf. of Nat. Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, Washington,D.C., 1998.[2] J. L Schmalzel, A. J. Marchese and R. P. Hesketh, "What's brewing in the Clinic?," HP EngineeringEducator,2:1, Winter 1998, pp. 6-7.[3] New Jersey Clean Energy Program, New Jersey Clean Energy Program[4] NJ Anemometer Loan Program - Official Website: [Available ONLINE][5] Rowan University Clean
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initial chapter(s) of the Hybrid Electric Vehicle textbook.2. Perform basic calculations involving electrical current, voltage, and power as well and speed, torque, and efficiency. Discuss and perform basic calculation for hybrid topics such as speed coupling and torque coupling of multiple motor systems. Student Self Assessment: (Subjective) ……………..…. 89% Faculty Grades of Student Work: (Quantitative) ….….. 85% Student Comments From other classes Review a little from EGEE210 Described well in class Motors in the lab and in class. Completed homework Because of other classes Faculty Comments There was a very wide background of the students even though they
summer, excess heat is sent to the underground so that the house may be cooled.A typical geothermal system is shown in Figure 2. The amount of heat that can be transferredfrom or to the ground is given as equation 1. (Equation 1). where is the heat flow rate in W or Btu/h. is the mass flow rate of the heat carried fluid in kg/s. Cp is the constant pressure specific heat of the fluid in J/kg °C or Btu/lb°F Tin is the temperature of the fluid entering the ground loop in °C or °F. Tout is the temperature of the fluid leaving the ground loop in °C or °F. Figure 2. Typical geothermal
-transient data, the function starts from time0 s, and positively increments while comparing individual values of Va, Vb, and Vc until the first positive zerocrossing is determined for each voltage. The times for each of these first crossings are saved. Because every cycle has256 data points, the end point for the sample is determined by adding 511 to the time index. The end times for eachvoltage are also saved. For the post-transient data, the function starts from the maximum time (end of the waveform), 4instead of the beginning of the waveform. Again, individual values are compared, this time while negativelyincrementing. Once the first crossing is determined, the end of the sample is found
, an axial fan in a warehouse setting, it could be easily fitted with a VFD, PLC, andMODBUS cable to better and more accurately control the functions of an HVAC system.To start take a VFD from the VFD-S 230V series, these are noted for the MODBUS compatibility, andconnected it to the fan's motor. The PLC of choice is a model 1790-T16-BV0X, made by AllenBradley, for input and output. This allows it to connect to the VFD and to a computer. The MODBUScable chosen is the 8777 Multi-Conductor - Shielded Twisted Pair Cable.With this understanding of both VFDs and PLCs, it can be seen how these two devices have come toplay an important role in the automation of building systems. And with improved controls of buildsystems, energy consumption can be
sustainability and energy systems. At present, there is no immediate plan to meetthis request on a large scale (e.g. change courses), but some minor changes towards this aim hasbeen undertaken within the present curriculum.After the first 5 courses and the bachelor thesis, the students are free to choose relatively freelyamong a number of courses in the field of energy and environmental engineering. Examples ofcourses are Industrial energy systems Industrial ecology Gas Turbines Small scale renewable energy Biofuels for transport Page 26.572.9No student has so far graduated from the Master´s program, but there is a quite
." Energy 36.8 (2011): 5154-5161. [7] Mekhilef, S., R. Saidur, and M. Kamalisarvestani. "Effect of dust, humidity and air velocity on efficiency of photovoltaic cells." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16.5 (2012): 2920-2925. [8] Mani, Monto, and Rohit Pillai. "Impact of dust on solar photovoltaic (PV) performance: research status, challenges and recommendations." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14.9 (2010): 3124-3131. [9] IDEM - Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Air Quality in Indiana [Online]. Retrieved from: [10] Jiang, Hai, Lin Lu, and Ke Sun. "Experimental investigation of the impact of airborne dust deposition on the performance of
now, then it is going to be very difficult when each stateattempts to satisfy the energy needs through 100% natural renewable energy sources such assolar, wind and water.Interpretation of ResultsThe E3’s findings can offer some insight into the usefulness of rooftop PV in Pennsylvania.Assuming that Pennsylvania has a greater average sunlight than many other states, we canconclude that the results only encourage the use of rooftop PV in Pennsylvania. The small scaleinstallation threshold of 5000 KWh for California could be applied to small scale Pennsylvaniainstallations because of their comparable sun exposure. However, when considering the FederalITCs, both the contended conditions approach cost-effectiveness.ConclusionIt is undeniable that
; Watton, A. (2006, June), Teaching Improved Methods Of Tuning And Adjusting Hvac Control Systems. Paper presented at 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Field, B., & Ellert, D. (2010, June), Project Based Curriculum For Thermal Science Courses. Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. Ross, S., & Giordano, P., & Blanck, J., & Johnson, D., & Jansson, P. (2004, June), Undergraduate Research On Sustainability: Campus Energy Analysis And Building Lighting Audits. Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
, and a take-home activity; details for each are included below.Within a set of activities, the middle school students should be exposed to educational activitiesranging from basic comprehension to design and evaluation to reflecting on what they’ve learnedat home. The design team used Bloom’s Taxonomy7 as a guideline in this, and similar goalshave been set for other middle school engineering modules8. Kits developed to date include HeatTransfer, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy, Solar Power, and Wind and Water Power.Instruction Manual: The instruction manual consists of a guide sheet, lesson plans, handouts,and assessment forms. The contents of the Instruction Manuals are available online so teacherscan browse and decide which kit(s) to use
Paper ID #6593Hands-on Learning of Commercial Electrical Wiring Practices for ElectricalEngineering Students Through Two-University Cooperative EffortDr. Herbert L. Hess, University of Idaho, Moscow Herb Hess received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in 1993. He then joined the Univer- sity of Idaho where he is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His interests are in power electronics, broadly construed, to benefit the people of the Inland Pacific Northwest.Dr. Brian Peterson, U.S. Air Force Academy Brian S. Peterson is a Principal Systems Engineer at the LinQuest Corporation providing technical
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design projects. Critical Review Assignment1: M.Eswaramoorthy and S. Shanmugam, “A Feasibility Study on Solar Thermoelectric Hybrid Power Generation”, Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment, march 19-20, 2009. Read the paper and prepare your critical review the keeping following points in your view: 1. Is the presented material scientifically solid? 2. Did the authors miss any thing, or concept or in error? 3. Do you think, is it feasible? 4. Read one prominent reference and try to support or criticize the authors. Page 15.34.6
beincorporated in the new programs relating to disaster & emergency management and solarenergy at the undergraduate and graduate level.References1. Doyle S. Rice, “Report: Climate change behind rise in weather disasters,” USA TODAY, October 10, 2012.2. Jennifer Leaning, and Debarati Guha-Sapir, “Natural Disasters, Armed Conflict, and Public Health,” National England Journal of Medicine, November 2013.3. The World Bank. Munich Re, Leading Experts on Risk Solutions Worldwide. William R. Young, Jr., “History of Applying Photovoltaic to Disaster Relief,” FSEC-CR-96, Prepared by Sandia Laboratory, 1996.6. Solar PV emergencies & Resilience
. “Employers are looking for[AEE’s] CEM…and did not know what the LTU CEEM was all about….” The graduate alsoimplied that adding a co-op or internship would help.On the same scale, graduates were asked to rate the statement, “The amount of work required toearn a CEEM was appropriate.” The average rating was 3.68 with 73.7% agreeing or stronglyagreeing. One of the graduates who disagreed commented that he wanted more hands-on work!Another graduate who agreed to the statement loved the practical experience and wanted more tosupplement the coursework. The authors are encouraged to add more.Next, the graduates were asked to complete the statement, “The level of material that we coveredin the course(s) was….” On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being too easy and
encouraged.AcknowledgementsThis work presented herein was supported in part by Texas Workforce Commission under theaward number 2908WSW000 and U.S. Department of Education ARRA grant award numberS397A090044.Bibliography1. U.S. NRC, “Combined License Applications for New Reactors,” Sep 22, 2010, available online at U. S. Energy Information Administration, “Electric Power Industry 2009: Year in Review,” Nov 23, 2010, available online at K. Bozynski and J. D. McCowan, “Recruitment to the Profession: A Student-Led Approach,” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 257-261, July 1995.4. J. Gleason, K. Boykin, P. Johnson, L. Bowen, K. Whitaker, C. Micu
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Paper ID #8094Use of Various Software Tools in an Alternative Energy Systems CourseDr. Mehmet Sozen, Grand Valley State University Dr. Mehmet S¨ozen is a professor of mechanical engineering at Grand Valley State University. His general area of interest is thermo/fluid sciences with specialty in transport phenomena in porous media, thermal management of high heat flux systems and applications of alternative energy systems. Page 23.1300.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013
the APS Panel on Public Affairs Committee on Energy and Environment; Ridge, NY.4. Crick, K. A., & Seipel, M. T., & Larson, L. M., & Shelley, M. (2020), Work in Progress: Building Community, Providing Scholarships, Developing Leaders: Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Students in Engineering and Computer Engineering Departments, ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, Conference Proceedings.5. Jensen, P. H., & West, M., & Kellar, J. J., & Kellogg, S. D., & Karlin, J., & Degen, C. M. (2017), Culture and Attitude: A scholarship, mentoring and professional development program to increase the number of women graduating with engineering degrees. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Conference
team (2005)Bibliography1 Schmalzel, J. L., Marchese, A. J., and Hesketh, R. P. "What's brewing in the Clinic?," HP EngineeringEducator,2:1, Winter 1998, pp. 6-7.2 Schmalzel, J. L., Marchese, A. J., Mariappan, J., and Mandayam, S. A., "The Engineering Clinic: A four-year design sequence," presented at the 2nd An. Conf. of Nat. Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance,Washington, D.C., 1998.3 Dym, C. L., Agongino, A. M., Eris, O., Frey, D. D., Leifer, L. J., “Engineering Design Thinking,Teaching and Learning”, Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 103-120, January 2005.4 Dym, C. L., Engineering Design: A Synthesis of View, Cambridge University Press, 19945 von Lockette, P., Pietrucka, B., Acciani, D., Dahm, K., Harvey, R., Courtney, J
performed multiple research projects for several Federal agencies since 1990’s dealing with; power system analysis, physics based modeling, electromagnetic signature, sensorless control, elec- tric machinery, high frequency switching, electromagnetic Interference and ship power systems modeling and analysis. Professor Mohammed has currently active research programs in a number of these areas funded by DoD, the US Department of Energy and several industries. Professor Mohammed is a world renowned leader in electrical energy systems and computational electromagnetics. He has published more than 400 articles in refereed journals and other IEEE refereed International conference records. He also authored a book and several