Paper ID #9625A Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis for a Green Roof InstallationDr. Brandon S Field, University of Southern IndianaDr. Kerry S Hall, University of Southern Indiana Kerry Hall teaches civil engineering materials and structural engineering at the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville. Page 24.74.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 A Multidisciplinary Design and Analysis for a Green Roof InstallationAbstractA
Paper ID #5673Enhancing Student Learning Through a Real-World Project in a RenewableEnergy Courses CourseDr. Oxana S Pantchenko, University of California at Santa CruzMs. Tiffany Wise-West P.E., University of California Santa Cruz My civil engineering background is in utility infrastructure planning, design and project management, specializing in urban water and energy systems. Broadly, I am interested in the sociocultural and political economic dimensions of community-based natural resource management. My current research work is focused on sustainable municipal infrastructure projects, ranging from renewable energy to
AC 2011-75: ENHANCING STUDENT LEARNING THROUGH HANDS-ON LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCESOxana S Pantchenko, University of California at Santa Cruz Oxana Pantchenko received B.S. degree and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from University of Cal- ifornia, Santa Cruz in 2006 and 2008 respectively. She is currently pursuing her PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Santa Cruz. Her interests include education, renewable energy sources, sustainability engineering and ecological design.Daniel Scott Tate, University of California, Santa Cruz Daniel Tate is finishing his B.S. degree in Bioengineering from the Univserity of California, Santa Cruz. He will be attending law
AC 2012-4794: INCREASING STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN A SUSTAIN-ABILITY COURSEDr. Brandon S. Field, University of Southern Indiana Brandon Field teaches in the thermal fluids area of mechanical engineering at the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville.Dr. Zane W. Mitchell Jr., University of Southern Indiana Page 25.767.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Increasing Student Involvement in a Sustainability CourseAbstractStudent projects that have been included as part of an engineering course for the past two yearsare described in this paper. It is a new course, which is
other uses. This enables VayuWind to extract wind power using existing structures such as commercial buildings and skywalks with minimal noise pollution.Dr. Sridhar S. Condoor, Saint Louis University, Parks College of Eng. Page 22.1240.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Renewable Energy-based Senior Design Experience for Undergraduate StudentsAbstractEnergy is becoming very important in the economic development of our society. Thecombination of the limited fossil fuel supply together with concerns about pollution and globalwarming has brought
Paper ID #6635Piloting an Energy Specialist Training Program: Lessons LearnedDr. Sungwon S. Kim, Minnesota State University, Mankato Dr. Sungwon S. Kim joined the Mechanical Engineering faculty at MSU Mankato in January of 2011. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University (2008), working in the area of synthesizing carbon nanotubes, his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), working in the area of designing and analyzing double spiral heat exchangers, and his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Korea University (2000
Paper ID #33679ETHR-ENRG Smart Solar Project KitsMs. Danielle S. Washington, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Danielle Washington is a first year graduate student majoring in Information Technology at North Car- olina A&T State University. Danielle obtained her Bachelor of Science in Electronics/Computer Systems Engineering Technology from North Carolina A&T State University as well. She also obtained an As- sociate of Applied Science in Electrical/Electronics Engineering Technology from Guilford Technical Community College. She is a very perseverant, ambitious and analytical
AC 2012-3758: SMALL-SCALE SMART GRID CONSTRUCTION ANDANALYSISMr. Nick J. Surface, University of Kansas Nick Surface is a British student studying in Kansas for a master;s degree in mechanical engineering. In 2007, he received his bachelor’s degree at City University London, followed by six months interning at BMW in Munich, Germany. His specific area of interest is automotive technology. The focus of his thesis is developing energy infrastructure for the purpose of charging electric vehicles and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.Mr. Bryan Anthony Strecker, University of Kansas Bryan Anthony Strecker has a B.S. in mechanical engineering, University of Kansas, and will have a M.S. in mechanical engineering
AC 2011-2684: USE OF ADAPTABLE SIMULATION-BASED VIRTUALLABORATORIES FOR TEACHING ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AND EN-ERGY CONSERVATION IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMSYakov Cherner, ATEL, LLCAhmed S. Khan, DeVry University, DuPage Dr. AHMED S. KHAN is a senior Professor in the College of Engineering and Information Sciences, De- Vry University, Addison, Illinois. He received his M.Sc (applied physics) from University of Karachi, an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management., and his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in the areas of Fiber Optic Com- munications, Faculty Development, Nanotechnology, Application of Telecommunications
of curricula for active , design pedagogy, and assessment of professional skills.Dr. Dev S. Shrestha, University of Idaho, Moscow Dr. Shrestha is an Associate professor at Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at the University of Idaho.Mr. Russell Scott Smith, University of Idaho Energy Plant Energy Plant Supervisor/Manager since 2002 Page 26.357.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015Collaboration between Senior Design Students and Campus Facilities Staff in Creating a Viable Cogeneration Design for the Campus Wood-Fired BoilerAbstract An
the Power Electronics Course AbstractA n e x e r c i s e t o
synchronous machine functions without the price tag of a finite element softwarepackage.The Overall ObjectiveThe objective of this Animation Tool is to assist the studying engineer in understanding theelectrical and magnetic interactions of a 3 phase synchronous machine. This educational motiveis achieved by permitting a simple way to enter Synchronous Machine (S/M) parameters andimmediately see interactive results all in the familiar software environment of MathCAD®. Avisual depiction of an axial cutaway view of a S/M is automatically produced and isaccompanied by a corresponding phasor diagram. To further enhance S/M understanding, thetool visually depicts changes to electrical and magnetic parameters as the user graduallyadvances through full
. The first topic is steady-state three-phase inductionmotor theory. The presented motor theory is based on the equivalent circuit model.5 Thismodel requires rotor and stator resistances, rotor and stator leakage reactance, and the motormagnetization reactance parameters. Locked-rotor and no-load tests find these parameters.Solving the equivalent circuit model gives the rotor and stator currents as a function of motorslip, s. After rotor current is obtained, the rotor developed power and motors losses can be foundfor any operating point. The tutorial introduces the motor developed torque equation anddemonstrates how to plot the motor torque-speed curve from the developed power found fromthe equivalent circuit.Machine load factor and efficiency
the smallest size drive, rated at230 volts and 1 hp. The current price for these drives is $235,which meant we could buy drives for all eight workstations forless than the price of a single “name brand” drive. The drives arepulse-width-modulated, IGBT drives and are fully-featuredincluding simple volts/hz control, sensorless vector control withautotune, and adjustable acceleration/deceleration ramps withlinear and S-curves, among others. The drive has an RS485 portfor communications that can be configured for ethernetcommunication with an optional interface. The drive is relativelycompact, measuring less than 5" wide, 7" tall, and 6.5" deep.The drive can be configured using the human interface module(HIM), which is mounted at the top, right
error bars was conducted.For each set of data, the following was determined and plotted: 1) the average of the 12 averagemeasurements, 2) the average of the 12 maximum measurements, 3) the average of the 12minimum measurements, 4) the maximum of the 12 maximum measurements, 5) the minimum ofthe 12 minimum measurements, 6) and ± 2 standard deviations of the average (Fig. 10). 1s 5s 10 s 25 s 1 minute 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12 12 12 12 12
representing the stator core loss; jxM – the impedance representing the mutual flux shared by the stator and rotor windings; and r2/s – the resistance representing the rotor resistance and shaft load - both reflected to the stator.The relative magnitudes are as follows: r1, r2, jx1, and jx2 are of the same order of magnitude andusually much less than unity (the larger the machine, the smaller the values); jx M is almost twoorders of magnitude larger than the jx2; and rfe is usually several times larger than jxM. Theelement rfe is disregarded more often than not by authors when numerical examples areconsidered; with rfe removed, the resulting model has been referred to in the literature as theSteinmetz Model. As will be developed, the two most
expressed, Stokes’theorem can be described by considering a surface S having a bounding curve C. Here, v isany sufficiently smooth vector field defined on the surface and its bounding curve C. It isvery important to emphasize the fact that C is any closed curve in three dimensional spaceand S is any surface bounded by the said curve C. Mathematically this is written as: Page 22.257.4 ∫ (∇ × v) • dS = ∫ v • dx s cIn addition, it is important to note that when one considers only a two-dimensional space,Stokes’ theorem effectively becomes Green’s theorem.Another method of
in the rejected heat by a shaded and unshaded condenser isdue to solar flux received by the condenser face area. Thus, to investigate the effects of a shadedcondenser on the COP of the refrigeration cycle, solar flux was skipped for the correlatingequations and compared to the normal case when solar flux is available.The improvement in the COP of the cycle was defined as:𝐼 (1)where the subscripts “s” and “u” stand for shaded and unshaded cases, respectively.To evaluate the COP of each case, equations (2) and (3) were used for shaded and unshadedCOP, respectively.𝐶𝑂𝑃 (2) ,𝐶𝑂𝑃
textbook for the students tosolve and submit. After the assignments were collected, the instructor would grade two of the 50 Students Completing 45 40 35 30 Course 25 20 15 10 5 0 F S S F S F S F S F S F S F S F S F 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17
gas and electricity later. Page 23.948.3Table 1: Measured parameters (time, Amperage, and power) at every 5C water temperatureincreaseTemperature Readings (°C ) Time Elapsed (s) Cumulative Time (s) Amperage (A) Power (W) 30 0 0 43 9331 40 1190 1190 41.5 9005.5 45 194 1384 42 9114
description, methodology and results are presentedin the following sections.Description of the Senior Design ProjectIn this senior design project, students should minimize the energy consumption of an industrialrobot without changing its planned task defined by manufacturers. The LR Mate 200iD/4S R-30iB Fanuc industrial robot [13] was employed in the research study defined in this project. Thisrobot is shown in Fig. 1 and has 6 axes, with 550 mm reach area. The motion range of Joints 1 to6 of this robot is 340°, 230°, 402°, 380°, 240°, and 720°, respectively. The maximum speed ofJoints 1 to 6 is also 460°/s, 460°/s, 520°/s, 560°/s, 240°/s, 720°/s, respectively. The maximumpayload capacity of this robot is 4 kg. The ultimate goal is to develop MATLAB
application, starting at $14,000 for a model with a maximumflow velocity of 0.3 m/s and a 70 in2 test cross-section, much less than the 400 in2 test cross-section needed.This paper describes the conversion of a pre-existing 24 foot diameter 4 foot deep above-groundpool into a variable flow-rate “water tunnel” facility using $500 of additional equipment. Steadystate flow rates of 0.89 m/s are achieved using an 80 pound thrust (rated) trolling motor poweredby a pulse-width-modulated motor controller drawing approximately 970 W of electrical power.Calculations indicate that approximately 400 pounds of rated thrust will be required to reach ourgoal of 2.0 m/s flow rates near the outer edge of our pool river simulator.1 Introduction and Motivation1.1
. These figures show the comparison of the various parameterchanges with respect to the blade span at 5ms-1 Effect of Angle of Incidence variation on Effect of Angle of Incidence variation Tangential Force Coefficient CD on Drag force from baseline at 5m/s Normal Force Coefficient CN Lift force from baseline at 5m/s
module is 1x1x1 ft3. Note that the module is completely enclosed to avoid any stray light,particularly during dark I-V measurements. The front lead and side cover plates can be removedeasily as they are magnetically attached. The developed hardware setup and the softwaretechnology is currently being assessed for a provisional patent application. The author(s) intend todemonstrate the functionality of a smaller prototype version of the online lab module at the ASEEmeeting.Figure 4. Photographs of the fabricated remote lab module (v1.0) with the front lead open – (a) LEDs off, (b) LED array operating at 40% intensity, and (c) LED array operating at full intensity.Multiple of these modules can be used together to perform complex experiments
and comments on theinitial experiments, and the author‟s observations and recommendations for other instructorsattempting student-led laboratory design. The results can help shorten the laboratorydevelopment learning curve and alert faculty to common early project errors and omissions to beavoided. More significantly, the results show the value of employing student feedback duringthe laboratory development phase.Introduction and Lab ObjectivesA new course in energy conversion systems was designed to meet several developing needs: therenewed or expanding government and private interest in support of alternative energy sourceresearch and applications, and the technology and society studies requirement in the universityGeneral Education program
asking students to sketch thermodynamic cycles on a temperature-entropy T-s or pressure-volume P-v chart. The typical analytical steps involving propertyretrieval followed by depiction on a property chart is disjointed and reversed. If property valuesare acquired directly from a property chart, the process is integrated into a single intuitive stepthat promotes deeper understanding. While printed charts exist, they can be challenging to readconsidering a single point must supply up to six discrete values (namely P, T, v, u, h, and s).Instead, an interactive property chart that displays properties values for user-identified states canbe highly effective visual aid. This was the inspiration behind the Clausius app. Clausius allowsusers to simply
America‟s energyproduction; not only because of the region‟s market liberalization, governments push for clean energy andinvestment in new sustainable technologies, but also because of the enormous untapped solar, wind, andbiomass (among other renewable energy sources) potential in the area. Even though there exists largedisparities in terms of availability of conventional sources, Latin America is endowed with abundantrenewable energy resources, which until now are grossly underutilized [10] (See Fig. 1, 2, and 3). A key aspect in explaining the fast evolution of DG sources is the development of promotion programs,subsidies and compensation mechanisms, points which countries in Latin America are beginning topromote and implement in order to
temperature (and with that performance)of solar modules, is the airflow around them. With only average daily and not hourly wind data available from anearby town, this data may only be used to verify a visual trend of any impact stronger winds may have onmodule temperature. Figure 4 gives an example of this data, the trend-line creating a very clear divide on highinsolation days, between higher winds (red- above 2.65m/s) and lower winds (blue- less than 2.65m/s).This didnot hold up for some other months, as seen in Figure 5. While seemingly random, all high winds for themonth(>=3m/s – Figure 6) did correlate to lower temperatures (though not vice versa). This is expected to bedue to the necessity for much stronger winds in order to cool the
(2)where I is the improvement factor, and the subscripts s and u stand for shaded and unshadedCOP, respectively. Figure 1. Thermocouples wrapped on the refrigerant pipes across the condenser. Note the temperature of the pipe leaving the condenser was used; the one entering the condenser was measured for reference purposes only Figure 2. Canopy used to shade the condenser For the simulated part of the study, data for a 3-TR unit were simulated from Carrier website[10] and the results were compared to the experimental
t t ec ec ec ec ec ec Fa (S (S (S (S (S