subject matter content in these coursesshould be modified to include an appropriate coverage of these topics.Recently, a successful attempt was made to introduce environmental, health, and safetyissues and non-traditional manufacturing processes to mechanical engineering technologyundergraduate students in a beginning manufacturing processes course. The relativeenvironmental, health and safety aspects of each particular process was discussed duringthe traditional lecture(s) as well as during an individual lecture prepared specifically onenvironmental, health, and safety issues pertaining to manufacturing. In addition, aneffort was made to emphasize these important issues during the scheduled laboratory timeof the course. Future efforts include
Microprocessors,” Proc. of International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) Conf., Nov. 1997.[7] J. Hamblen, H. Owen and S. Yallamanchili, “An Undergraduate Computer Engineering Rapid Systems Prototyping Laboratory,” IEEE Trans. on Education, Feb. 1999.[8] M. Holland, J. Harris, S. Hauck, “Harnessing FPGAs for Computer Architecture Education,” Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Microelectronic Systems Education, June 2003.[9] J. Chang and S. Agun, “On Design-For-Reusability in Hardware Description Languages,” Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Workshop on VLSI (WVLSI'00), 2000.[10] Yong-Kyu Jung, Rapid Digital System Deisgn Laboratory Assignment: Instruction Decoder Design and Implementation in Verilog,
industry-supplied materials. Modeling software is used, with the actualCAD model being provided to the students (Figure 4), with enough information formodification(s) to be done by students.Figure 3. Powerpoint shot for Module 1. Figure 4. Solid model for relief valve (M2).The analysis material is based on SolidWorks Simulation; at the component level, the objective isto get students exposed to numerical analysis techniques to obtain performance information(Figure 5). Most of the calculations are CFD simulation for pressure drops (e.g., efficiency) as afunction of operational conditions. Tutorial on software use have been developed, and basiccomponents like valves, pipes, and gear pumps are used in this module. Students work
Engineering Technology program (or similarly named) in the USA has atleast one or two required course(s) in embedded system technology. In general, such coursesare offered either at freshman, sophomore and/or junior level. They train the students withtheory and application of embedded systems including how to program a given micro-controller and interface with different peripherals.In the author’s department, there is a sequence of two embedded system courses at the 1xxxand 2xxx level and they are required courses for the Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnology (ECET) undergraduate program. At the time of writing this paper, the 2xxx levelcourse used a popular microcontroller platform ATMEGA 2560. In addition, the author’sECET program also has
)Design.The first offering of the course will be in spring 2007. The goals of this course is to give students areal-world experience on FPGA logic design and give them the necessary training with industrywidely used design tools, XILINX ISE webPACK, Xilinx Spartan Family Evaluation board andModelSim simulation tool. On the other hand, the long term goals of this course is to provide alearning opportunity at the School of Technology which will result in a research activities focusedon FPGA and hardware design modeling. This research would provide more in-depth training for Page 12.1357.5senior students.References:[1] N. Alaraje, S. Amos and J. E
cycle, the result is a data error on the bus. Because of the high speeds…of today’s systems, jitter that used to be negligible is now very significant, and can prevent a system from working correctly.1 Today’s designers need the ability to analyze jitter, trace its root cause(s), and mitigate or eliminate the cause(s). In order to effectively analyze jitter, one must understand its nature, the various measurements, how those measurements can be displayed, and the tools used to do the measurement and display. The first section provides a brief review of these jitter topics. For a more detailed discussion, see the first paper in this series and its source references.1 The premise of this series of papers is that it is preferable
designs 2 K factorial design Two-level fractional factorial design Three level full and fractional factorial designs Statistical analysis of fixed effects modelModule-3: Taguchi MethodsQuality Loss Function Introduction Quality loss function for various quality characteristics Specification tolerance Tolerance designSignal to Noise Ratio Introduction S/N ratio for continuous variables S/N ratio for classified variablesIntroduction to robust engineering System design Parameter design Tolerance design Taguchi’s approach to design of experimentConclusionsWhile there is a growing need for quality engineering professionals in the current globalmanufacturing
fingerprint and other devices so that we will try to assure that a studentis alone.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge to the Spanish Science and Education Ministry and theSpanish National Plan I+D+I 2004-2007 the support for this paper as the project TSI2005-08225-C07-03 "mosaicLearning: Aprendizaje electrónico móvil, de código abierto, basado enestándares, seguro, contextual, personalizado y colaborativo".Bibliography 1. Martín, S., Castro, M., Peire, J. et al. Experiencias e introducción de dispositivos móviles en la Enseñanza a Distancia. Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence, Granada Spain, 2005. 2. Rivilla, I., Castro, M. et al. Development and implementation of a collaborative environment for
by the dean in thelate 1990’s to help stem the fairly high attrition rate of the engineering programs. At the time,each of the engineering technology programs (civil, electrical, and mechanical) had their ownfreshman course of two credits and didn’t really want to change. This change would add anadditional two credits to the curriculum which, under university guidelines, would mean that twocredits would have to be dropped elsewhere in the curriculum. Additionally, while the Page 11.835.2undergraduate engineering programs were four-year programs, with ninety percent of theirstudents starting as new freshman, the four year engineering technology
AC 2012-5131: IMPORTANCE OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH INENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMSDr. Sidi Berri, New York City College of Technology Sidi Berri is a professor and the Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department of New York City College of Technology.Dr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Andy S. Zhang earned his master’s in mechanical engineering from the City College of New York in 1987 and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1995. Zhang’s research areas include materials testing, composite materials, CAD/CAE, engineering animation, and mechatronics design.Dr. Gaffar Barakat Gailani, New York City College of Technology
the root of an equation f x 0 are 1. Evaluate f x symbolically 2. Use an initial guess of the root, xi , to estimate the new value of the root, xi 1 , as f xi xi 1 = xi f xi 3. Find the absolute relative approximate error a as xi 1 xi a = 100 xi 1Compare the absolute relative approximate error with the pre-specified relative error tolerance,s . If a > s , then go to Step 2, else stop the algorithm. Also, check if the number ofiterations has exceeded the maximum number of iterations allowed. If so, one needs to terminatethe algorithm and notify
they will encounter as they enter the workforce.Bibliography1. S. Datar, C.C. Jordan, S. Kekre, S. Rajiv, and K. Srinivasan, "The Advantages of Time-Based New Product Development in a Fast-Cycle Industry," Journal of Marketing Research 34 (1), 36-49 (1997).2. G. Kalyanaram and G.L. Urban, "Dynamic Effects of the Order of Entry on Market Share, Trial Penetration, and Repeat Purchases for Frequently Purchased Consumer Goods," Marketing Science 11 (3), 235-250 (1992).3. D. Hall and J. Jackson, "Speeding Up New Product Development," Management Accounting 74 (4), 32-36 (1992).4. M.A. Cohen, J. Eliashberg, and H. Teck-Hua, "New Product Development: The Performance and Time-to- Market Tradeoff," Management Science 42 (2), 173
device with cone shaped wind guide attachment) respectively. Table 1: Descriptive statistics with and without the WTA Page 24.184.5 Table 2: t-Test statistics with and without the WTAThe t-Test yields the mean of the Category 1 approximately as Mean=3.28 m/s while the mean ofCategory 2 resulted in approximately Mean 2=4.29 m/s. The p-value obtained from the analysiswas p=0.000. less than the alpha level of 0.05, which indicates that there is significant differencebetween the average means of the wind velocities with the use of custom constructed WTA withthe cone shaped wind guide
results to identify theresonant frequencies as part of their lab report.Introduction:A three-tiered structure serves as an excellent platform for students to conduct accelerometervibration measurements and analyze the acquired data with the ubiquitous Fast FourierTransform (FFT). While the concept behind the structure was originally developed at theUniversity of Pittsburgh at Johnstown 1, the current laboratory procedure has expanded theconcept by simplifying the structure, adding in an inexpensive adjustable vibration source thatallows for the exploration of multiple modes, and expanding the mounting possibilities of theaccelerometer(s).In conducting this lab, students gain experience with the mounting and use of accelerometers,learn about
local 100Mb/s Ethernet switch to a cable that provides an Internet connection through a WAN to threeremote servers. OPNET provides accurate models of real commercial devices—note in the figurethat the model for a real, commercially available Linksys cable modem is being used. They alsohave models for all popular protocols and you can define your own devices or protocols in ahigh-level language such as C. The link speeds can be chosen as well.A variety of traffic patterns may be specified. For example, traffic may be generated with arandom number generator using several statistical distributions such as normal or Poissonian forpacket length and inter-packet time. The simulator can produce useful information such asaverage and instantaneous
1269.84psi 0 1 100 10000 Log time(s) Figure 5: ABS creep plots at 200F and under various stresses. Page 22.1569.6 0.5 strain=ε=∆l/l0 0.4 0.3 σ=1269.84lb/in2 0.2
requiring large equipment may beable to implement remote control of physical equipment in a lab as presented by Gustavsson etal. [29].References[1] C. M. Toquero, "Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education Amid the COVID- 19 Pandemic: The Philippine Context," Pedagogical Research, vol. 5, no. 4, 2020.[2] Y. K. Dwivedi et al., "Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life," International Journal of Information Management, vol. 55, p. 102211, 2020.[3] S. Keskin and H. Yurdugül, "Factors affecting students’ preferences for online and blended learning: Motivational vs. cognitive," European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, vol
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 e… St s… V k Lo ty ac cs uf ms al lth ure g A nal t U GO l rg stry en em leve u ag or rin G utic i
”, Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – 2007, pp.131b. 5. Yvonne Lejtman, Ebrhim Shayan, Romesh Nagarajah, “Design of a suitable production management system for a manufacturing company”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 42(2002), pp.169-174. 6. Andrew Potter, Biao Yang, Chandra Lalwani, “A simulation study of dispatch bay performance in the steel processing industry”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 179, Issue 2, pp.567-578. 7. Simone Appelt, Rajan Batta, Li Lin, Colin Drury, “Simulation of passenger check-in at a medium-sized US Airport”, Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, S. G. Henderson, B. Biller, M.-H. Hsieh, J. Shortle, J. D. Tew
drivers. The RocketPort interface turned out to be easy once MSCommserial communications had been developed. Note MSComm only supports COM ports one to Page 11.89.5sixteen, which makes RocketPort COM ports seventeen to twenty invalid for VB.MC03 was found not to have the ability to receive serial data late in the development cycle. Thislimitation was a surprise for the project and GE Fanuc factory technical representatives. This isunderstandable due to the large quantity of PLC models GE Fanuc sells. A solution wasdesigned by directly wiring MC04’s outputs six to fourteen to MC03’s inputs eight to sixteen.Then, the transmitted serial data planned for
example of devising the laplacetransfer function of a second order continuous system for a desired performance and then converting itto discrete system: with zero steady state error, a 2% settling time of 0.5 seconds and 5% overshoot andthen convert to the discrete system. Step ResponseH= 134.4 1.2 1 --------------------------- 0.8 s^2 + 16 s + 134.4
, “Developmental trajectories of math anxiety during adolescence: Associations with STEM career choice,” J. Adolesc., vol. 67, no. August 2017, pp. 158–166, 2018.[7] L. Farrell and L. McHugh, “Examining gender-STEM bias among STEM and non-STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP),” J. Context. Behav. Sci., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 80–90, 2017.[8] M. Te Wang and J. L. Degol, “Gender Gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Current Knowledge, Implications for Practice, Policy, and Future Directions,” Educ. Psychol. Rev., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 119–140, 2017.[9] M. Te Wang, J. S. Eccles, and S. Kenny, “Not Lack of Ability but More Choice: Individual and Gender Differences
theirprofession is also reviewed.History of SMET, STEM & STEAMIn 2001, the acronym formally known as SMET turned into STEM (Science, Engineering,Technology, and Mathematics)[2]. However, this grouping has been recognized in educationalreports since the 1980’s [2]. STEM had been developed by the National Science Foundation(NSF) to group together these disciplines based on the common use of critical thinking andproblem-solving skills [2, 3]. The disciplines that make up STEM are distinct but linked, withthose in engineering also studying physics, chemistry and other sciences and math being studiedin all disciplines [4]. Noticeably absent from this group is the arts, which is not recognized to bepart of STEM.In order to compare ET students to their
. Retrieved from Interview-Education/47227/2. Martindale, G. (2010, February 3). College drop-out rates - Who's to blame. Retrieved from Rodriguez, S. (2003). What helps some first-generation students succeed. About Campus 8(4), 17-22.4. Braxton, J. M., Hirschy, A. S., & McClendon, S. A. (2004). Understanding and reducing college student departure. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.5. National Conference of State Legislatures. (2015, January 1). Performance-Based Funding for Higher Education. Retrieved from Astin, A. W. (1977
must have excellent power management, Page 11.1359.2an efficient hull design, and the appropriate drive train and propeller. These criteria must be metto have a successful craft. The power management consists of the proper batteries, motor(s), andelectrical system. Also an extremely efficient solar array is necessary to prolong the craftsendurance. All engineering and design aspects will be tested to their limits. The sprint will testthe boat’s overall hull design. The idea of the sprint is very similar to that of a drag race in thatyou exert as much power as possible over a short distance. Hull weight, displacement of water,and aerodynamics
2006-1999: TC2K: A SUCCESSFUL WORKING MODEL FOR CONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENTDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina-Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic communications, engineering economy, and construction
. lab)? - How does our study relate to others in terms of student programs of study and the size of the project database? - Does attending the first class have any correlation with the final grade?These and other aspects related to attendance and student success will be evaluated in the future.Additional data collected from new courses will be incorporated into the project database witheach passing quarter and the database will continue to grow. The project team will publish resultsfrom future studies in hopes of establishing a useful dialogue in higher education on the aspectsof attendance.Bibliography 1. Armstrong, J. S., 2012, “Would Mandatory Attendance be Effective for Economics Classes,” retrieved December
studies in hopes of establishing a useful dialogue in higher education on the aspectsof attendance.Bibliography 1. Armstrong, J. S., 2012 , “Would Mandatory Attendance be Effective for Economics Classes,” retrieved December 1, 2012 from 2. Beaulieu, R., and Sheffler, D., 1985 , “Positive and punitive contingencies and the control of absenteeism." College Student Journal, 19 pp. 242-245. 3. Berenson, S. B., Carter, G., and Norwood, K. S., 1992 , “The At‐Risk Student in College Developmental Algebra," School Science and Mathematics, 92(2) pp. 55-58. 4. Brewer, E. W., and Burgess, D. N., 2005 , “Professor's Role in Motivating Students to Attend Class
advanced and efficient design methods, theywill be trained to see the need to implement and promote technological changes at their work placethroughout their careers as a lifelong practice. Page 22.511.9References:[1] VHDL International, “VHDL International University Usage Survey,” VHDL International, Santa Clara, CA, 1995.[2] S. Palnitlear, Verilog HDL. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996.[3] Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design By Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic, Published 2002 McGraw-Hill Professional[4] S. M. Sait, “Integrating UAHPL-DA systems with VLSI design tools to support VLSI DA courses,” IEEE Trans. Educ
inexpensive (less than $650/unit), cover the 3-30MHz high frequency (HF) spectrum, plus they have reasonably decent technical specifications.The remaining sections of the paper introduce Scattering or "S" parameters which turn out to bethe language of network analyzers. Also, each of the three VNAs tested in this paper has its own"unique to the device" software front-end and, for comparison purposes, a common data displayformat was implemented. For each filter examined, a picture is presented showing the location ofthe filter on the NorCal 40A printed circuit board, followed by a schematic diagram of theselected filter configured for the network analyzer test set-up. Also, when appropriate, three plotsof the circuit’s performance using each of the