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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 124 in total
Conference Session
STEM Issues
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura Kasson Fiss, Michigan Technological University; John L. Irwin, Michigan Technological University; Sarah Tan, Michigan Technological University
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Engineering Technology
both from Michigan Tech. Her research program involves using complementary methods (e.g., statistical modeling and analytics, psychological assessment) to evaluate how individual differences are important and impact behaviors at a cultural, social, and behavioral level. She has served as a project evaluator in the multiple NSF funded projects. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 S-STEM Student Reflections and IDP ProcessIntroductionStudent reflections and using individual development plans (IDPs) for mentoring have been anintegral part of an NSF S-STEM project focusing on students pursuing baccalaureate degrees inEngineering
Conference Session
Focus on ETAC Accreditation
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston, College of Technology (MERGED MEMBERSHIP WITH COE); WEIHUA FAN
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Engineering Technology
Paper ID #31351SETS: Lessons Learned and Best Practices of Implementing S-STEM projectin the Engineering Technology Department of a Large Urban MinorityServing Public Research Intensive UniversityProf. Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston, College of Technology (MERGED MEMBERSHIP WITH COE) Dr. Xiaojing Yuan is Associate Professor in the Computer Engineering Technology program of Engineer- ing Technology Department. She is the founder and director of the ISGRIN research lab and actively incorporating undergraduate research activities as part of final project requirements in several undergrad- uate junior and senior level
Conference Session
Utilizing Digital Technologies in Classroom and Distance Learning in ET Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Usman Ghani, DeVry University, Addison, Illinois; Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, Addison
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Engineering Technology
- ments as well. Dr. Ghani holds MSEE from Illinois Institute of Technology, MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management and Doctorate from Northern Illinois University.Dr. Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, Addison Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a Senior Professor in the College of Engineering and Information Sciences at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. Dr. Khan has more than thirty-two years of experience in research, instruction, curricula design and development, program evaluation and accreditation, management and supervision. Dr. Khan received an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management, and his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in
Conference Session
Hands-on Active Learning
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammed Taqiuddin Taher, DeVry University, Addison; Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, Addison
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Engineering Technology
years of academic experience. He taught courses in Engineering, Computer Science, and Networking. Presently he is teaching courses in Cisco, Microsoft, UNIX, Data Communi- cations, and Emerging Technologies. Dr. Taher began his career as a Project Engineer for Zenith Data Systems Company. He worked at Benton Harbor Plant in Michigan for 2 years. Professor Taher is a member of IEEE and ASEE.Dr. Ahmed S. Khan, DeVry University, Addison Dr. Ahmed S. Khan is a Senior Professor in the College of Engineering and Information Sciences at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. Dr. Khan has more than thirty-two years of experience in research, instruction, curricula design and development, program evaluation and
Conference Session
Academe/Industry Collaboration
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy K. Sundheim, Saint Cloud State University; Aaron J. Barker, St. Cloud Technical and Community College
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Engineering Technology
Society for Engineering Education, 2019 T e c h n ic ia n -T e c h n o lo g y T e a m w o r k : M u ltifu n c tio n a l C o lla b o r a tio n o n I n d u s tr y P r o je c t sA b s tra c tT h e im p o r ta n c e o f m u ltif u n c tio n a l te a m w o r k h a s b e e n a d v o c a te d f o r s o m e tim e . T h is in c lu d e sh a v in g te c h n ic ia n s a n d e n g in e e r in g te c h n o lo g is ts le a rn to w o r k e ff e c tiv e ly to g e th e r . T h e g o a l o fth is p ilo t p r o je c t w a s to h a v e s tu d e n ts f r o m 2 -Y e a r a n d 4 - Y e a r p r o g r a m s le a r n to v a lu e th e irc o u n te r p a r ts b y w o rk in g to g e th e r o n a c o m b in e d
Conference Session
MET Papers 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Cynthia Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Cheng Y. Lin P.E., Old Dominion University; Nan Yao, Beihang University
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Engineering Technology
firstattempt, while additional attempts are recognizing the fact that they are still in the learning phaseand may require some “guidance”. No partial credit is given for problems with incorrect answer.The overall strategy is to simulate learning progression from educational environment toindustry/work setting. Although these modifications were initially greeted by students withapprehension, at the end of the course students recognized the benefits of this structured andrigorous approach and expressed very positive attitude towards the examination strategy.ResultsThe study was performed on the results collected during eight semesters (S’13 – F’16). Thecourse modification was made in the Fall ’14 and implemented in the Spring ’15. The reportedresults
Conference Session
Academe/Industry Collaboration
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aleksandr Sergeyev, Michigan Technological University; Mark Bradley Kinney, West Shore Community College; Scott A. Kuhl, Michigan Technological University; Nasser Alaraje, Michigan Technological University; Mark Highum, Bay de Noc Community College; Prince Mehandiratta, Michigan Technological University
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Engineering Technology
and places it for assembly 3) Robot 3 assembles the cap on the markerworking of multiple robots controlled safely with the PLC. Three teams work on three differentrobots to program individual tasks.The color of the markers, blue, red and pink are chosen in the increasing order of contrast. Thebelt being black in color makes it difficult for the robot to detect the dark colors such as blue.The students have to adjust the environment lighting and create enough brightness for the camerato detect the blue contrast. The caps are placed in the search region of robot 3 and the openmarkers are placed in the region of robot 2. The robot 2’s vision system detects the markersposition and orientation in ascending order of contrast (blue, red and pink
Conference Session
Project-based Learning in ET Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyril B Okhio, Kennesaw State University; Florian Misoc, Kennesaw State University; Austin B. Asgill, Southern Polytechnic College of Engr and Engr Tech
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Engineering Technology
scientists and engineersfor the coming generations. Page 26.945.3IntroductionBentley and Kyvik, 2012 found in their studies that faculty members spend more than 50hours of their time every week on the job, out of which only 20 hours are spent doing theactual teaching. Depending on the faculty status, either Tenure-Track or Tenured, or even asa function of the nature of the institution in which one find himself/herself, research orientedor purely teaching institutions as the case may be, these hours can be much higher (Bentley,P.J., and S. Kyvik, S.).It would be needed to inculcate time-efficient teaching practices into these new courses fromhere-on in order to give the students the best and facilitate their learning in
Conference Session
ET Curriculum and Programs II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yoonill Lee, Purdue University Northwest
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Engineering Technology
) C(S) P(S) y(t) - Figure 1. PID Controller Feedback Systemwhere x(t) is the desired value (i.e., set point) e(t) is the error (i.e., x(t) – y(t)) w(t) is the controller output (i.e., actuator output) y(t) is the actual output (i.e., process variable (PV)) C(s) is the transfer function of the PID controller in the Laplace domain P(s) is the transfer function of the plant in the Laplace domainLet F(s) be defined as the Laplace transform of a function f(t): ∞ 𝐹𝐹(𝑠𝑠) = ℒ {𝑓𝑓(𝑡𝑡)} = ∫0 𝑓𝑓(𝑡𝑡) 𝑒𝑒 −𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑where s is the transform variable.Taking the Laplace
Conference Session
Subjects in Renewable Energy and Sustainability in ET
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Virginia Charter P.E., Oklahoma State University; Ridge Reid, Oklahoma State University; Rachel Mosier P.E., Oklahoma State University
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Engineering Technology
wood pellet,s willprovide the necessary data to determine what additional testing or criterion the commercialcooking appliances should undergo or potential changes or exceptions to NFPA 96 and theexhaust hood requirements for solid fuel cooking.Standards and regulations requirements NFPA 96 sets the minimum preventative and operative requirements to design, install,operate, inspect, and maintain all public and private cooking operations. The purpose of NFPA96 is to reduce the potential fire hazards of cooking operations regardless of the type of cookingequipment used. NFPA 96 outlines the minimum fire safety requirements for all devices andcomponents that are involved in capturing, containing, and controlling grease-laden cookingvapors
Conference Session
STEM Issues
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology; Jeanne Christman, Rochester Institute of Technology; Jennifer A. O'Neil, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Engineering Technology
recruitment and retention ofstudents to the Engineering Technology (ET) programs within the College of EngineeringTechnology (CET) at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). This project is funded by aNational Science Foundation Scholarships in Science Technology & Math (S-STEM; NSFAward No. 1930313) awarded in 2020. The SD-COMETS program is a comprehensive programaimed at increasing enrollment of economically disadvantaged, academically talented students inET academic programs at RIT, with targeted recruitment of underrepresented groups. The projectis designed to increase first and second year persistence, known to be the critical years for degreecompletion. Using a research based approach, factors in the engineering education
Conference Session
STEM Issues in ET II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Meher Rusi Taleyarkhan, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Natalie Hobson, Sonoma State University; Therese M. Azevedo, Sonoma State University
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Engineering Technology
anxiety can bedevastating, as mathematics is an important part of life [3]. Math anxiety can cause individuals toavoid math or situations that require analytical and rational thought [4]. Several studies havebeen carried out with elementary and grade school students to learn more about human reactionto mathematics [5], yet fewer studies have been done on college students or later. Furthermore,the majority of these research studies on college students focus on first-year students enrolled ina mathematics course [3]. The current study of this paper is focused on a less studied populationof engineering technology students, and their tendency to engage in rational-analytical thoughtprocesses.Literature ReviewIn the 1970’s researchers indicated that
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy II
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology; Elaine M. Cooney, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Liza Ann Russell, Purdue University; Emily Schott
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Engineering Technology
Mathematics) wasdeveloped by the NSF (National Science Foundation), beginning as SMET and settling as STEMin 2001 [2]. The disciplines were grouped because it was recognized that they all emphasizeproblem solving and critical thinking skills [3]. STEM has been recognized in educationalreports since the 1980’s [2]. Though each discipline within STEM stands apart, they are alsointertwined-for example, physics and chemistry play a role in engineering and ET, and math isstudied in all disciplines [4]. STEM does not include the arts in this grouping.STEAM (Science, Engineering, Technology, Arts, and Mathematics) is an acronym developed atthe Arts-National Policy Roundtable in 2007 [5]. The acronym adds a “A” to STEM toemphasize the importance of arts
Conference Session
STEM Issues in ET II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University; Murat Kuzlu, Old Dominion University; Mujde Erten-Unal, Old Dominion University; Balša Terzić , Old Dominion University; George McLeod, Old Dominion University; Tysha Batts, Virginia Space Grant Consortium; Cynthia Tomovic, Old Dominion University
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Engineering Technology
the subject areas below. 8Post-program interests in STEM was different among genders. Male students were more likely toselect “interested” or “very interested” in all four STEM areas than their female peers. Femalestudents were more likely to select “slightly interested” option for technology and engineeringmajors than their male peers. Option “not interested” was selected more times by female studentsthan male students for each one of the STEM fields. 100% Pre and Post-Survey - Male 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% S-Pre S-Post T-Pre T-Post E-Pre E-Post M-Pre M-Post Not
Conference Session
New Directions for ET
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University; Shelly Tan, Purdue University; Liza Ann Russell, Purdue University; Mary E. Johnson Ph.D., Purdue University
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Engineering Technology
Laboratory Facilities for Engineering Technology Programs in Malaysian Technical Universities," International Journal of Social Science Studies, vol. 6, no. 5, p. 65, 2018.[7] Z. I. A. Karim and S. M. Maat, "Employability Skills Model for Engineering Technology Students," Journal of Technical Education and Training, vol. 11, no. 2, 2019.[8] P. Appiah-Kubi and C. Brion, "Effects of Service Projects on the Perceived Skills of Engineering Technology Students," International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, vol. 14, no. 1, 2019.[9] R. Taraban, M. Ceja, J. Suarez, D. Ernst and E. E. Anderson, "Building an Engineering Technology Workforce," Journal of Engineering Technology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 30-38, 2018.[10] J. Gallaher
Conference Session
Engineering Technology
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Technology
% 20% 10% 0% S T E M ET Overall Percentage 26% 10% 56% 2% 6% Figure 4. Engineering Technology Majors vs. STEM MajorsFigure 5 shows the ethnic diversity within STEM majors, noting overall percentages within eachSTEM category. Relative to one another, white students are most prevalent in STEM with aslightly higher percentage of black students in Technology as compared to the other STEMmajors. 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00
Conference Session
STEM Issues in ET
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nikunja Swain P.E., South Carolina State University; Biswajit Biswal, South Carolina State University; Eugene Kennedy, Louisiana State University
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Engineering Technology
consent of instructor (F, S)CS 161. Introduction to Programming. 3(2,1). An introduction to programming with a structuredlanguage on a standard computer system. Currently, we use C++ language and the UNIX operatingsystem; but the choice of language and operating system depend on availability and currency.Emphasis is on understanding the various programming concepts. Some of the programming conceptsinclude syntax, semantics, declarations, variables, input/output, formatting, selection, loops,subprograms, documentation, software engineering, and scope. Students apply those concepts by writingsimple programs in the given language. This course involves two hours of lecture and one hour ofstructured laboratory each week. Prerequisite: None. (F, S
Conference Session
Academe/Industry Collaboration
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aparajit Koshal; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Michael D. Johnson, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
and the subgroups did not allhave statistically significant populations. Future work will attempt to gather data from a largergroup of respondents. Future work will also attempt to analyze some of the open response datausing the comparative method 31, 32 method to provide further insights into how educationalinstitutions can better collaborate with industry to prepare the necessary workforce to fullyexploit the technological capabilities of Industry 4.0. Future work will details some expliciteducational initiatives related to these goals, particularly aimed at small and medium sizedenterprises.References[1] Ito, T., & Abadi, S. M. J. (2002). Agent-based material handling and inventory planning in warehouse. Journal of intelligent
Conference Session
Distance Learning in ET Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gonca Altuger-Genc, State University of New York, Farmingdale; Jeff Hung, Farmingdale State College
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Engineering Technology
learning environments: A systematic review”, Internet and Higher Education 27 (2015) 1–135. Hall,S., Amelink, C., and Conn,S., 2010, “A Case Study of a Thermodynamics Course: Informing Online CourseDesign”, Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE Conference, June 20-23, 2010, Louisville, KY.6. Kinney, L., Liu, M., and Thornton, M., 2012, “Faculty and Student Perceptions of Online Learning inEngineering Education”, Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference, June 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.7. Viswanathan, S. and Wyne, M.F, 2013, “Looking into Future: Online Engineering Education”, Proceedings of the2013 ASEE Annual Conference, June 23-26, 2013, Atlanta, GA8. Gürsul,F. and Keser, H., 2009, “The effects of online and face to face problem based learning
Conference Session
STEM Issues in ET
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Faruk Yildiz, Sam Houston State University; David E. Thompson, Sam Houston State University
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Engineering Technology
financially remunerate faculty who partnered with us, andin fact several excellent researchers turned us down for this reason. (5) Courses housed withindepartments may be better able to prepare undergraduates for the rigors specific types of research(e.g. ecological field research), than an interdisciplinary course.With the resources given, the course instructor(s) worked hard to make this course fly. Strongefforts were expended in assembling a curriculum, accepting overloads etc. In the end, consideringlow enrollment and lack of support from departmental chairs, the interdisciplinary “Ramps intoResearch” course that the STEM center had tested for one year was canceled. We have committedourselves to finding more viable ways for promoting effective
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Potpourri
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brian D. Tedeschi, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Julia K. Miller, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Nancy L. Denton P.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Technology
learningavenues and career choices. References[1] “Zoom Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing,” Zoom Video Conferencing , 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Dec- 2020].[2] Unknown. "Common Core State Standards." US Department of Education. (accessed 2021).[3] S. Murphy, “Participation and achievement in technology education: the impact of school location and socioeconomic status on senior secondary technology studies,” International Journal of Technology and Design Education, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 349–366, 2019.[4] C. Maiorca, T. Roberts, C. Jackson, S. Bush, A. Delaney, M. J. Mohr
Conference Session
STEM Issues
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emel Cevik, Texas A&M University; Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Jennifer Whitfield, Texas A&M University; Jay R. Porter, Texas A&M University; Joseph A. Morgan, Texas A&M University
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Engineering Technology
understanding of building automation, IoT, the engineering design process, andengineering careers.The S-STEM survey consists of 37 items. It is a five-point Likert-scale instrument that wasdeveloped to capture students’ attitudes toward science, math, engineering/technology, and21st century skills [18]. In the present study, the survey questions that measure students’attitudes toward science, math, and engineering/ technology concepts were utilized.Students’ responses to those questions were analyzed.ResultsAt the completion of the summer camp, evaluative feedback was collected from theparents regarding their knowledge and understanding related to building automation,Internet of Things, the engineering design process, and engineering careers
Conference Session
STEM Issues in ET II
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Meher Rusi Taleyarkhan, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Therese M. Azevedo, Sonoma State University; Natalie Hobson, Sonoma State University
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Engineering Technology
] S. L. Beilock, E. A. Gunderson, G. Ramirez, and S. C. Levine, “Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(5), 1860-1863, 2010.[5] G. M. Burton, “Getting Comfortable with Mathematics,” The Elementary School Journal 79 (3): 129-135, 1979.[6] K. Campbell and C. Evans, “Gender Issues in the Classroom: A Comparison of Mathematics Anxiety,” Education 117(3): 332-339, 1997.[7] C. S. Dweck, “Mindsets and Math/Science Achievement,” Carnegie Corporation of New York-Institute for Advanced Study Commission on Mathematics and Science Education, 2008.[8] M.W. Faust, M. H. Ashcraft, and D. E. Fleck, “Mathematics anxiety effects in
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy I
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Moin Uddin P.E., East Tennessee State University; Keith V. Johnson, East Tennessee State University
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Engineering Technology
responsive teaching. Urban Education, 266-289.Delpit, L. (1995). Other people’s children: Cultural conflict in the classroom. New York: New Press.Gay, G. (2000). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory. New York: Teachers College Press.Gay, G. (2002). Preparing for culturally responsive teaching . Journal of Teacher Education, 106-116.Griner, A. C. (2012). Addressing the achievement gap and disproportionality through the use of culturally responsive teaching practices. Urban Education, 585-621. 6Hershfeldt, P. A., Sechrest, R. P., Rosenberg, M. S., Bradshaw, C., & Leaf, P. (2009). Double Check: A framework of cultural responsiveness applied to classroom behavior. Teaching
Conference Session
ETD Learning Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Matthew DeMonbrun, University of Michigan; Michael Geoffrey Brown, University of Michigan
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Engineering Technology
. References 1. M. G. Brown, R. M. DeMonbrun, S. Lonn, S. J. Aguilar, and S. D. Teasley, “What and when: the role of course type and timing in students' academic performance,” in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (pp. 459-468), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2016. 2. B. J. Zimmerman, “Investigating self-regulation and motivation: Historical background, methodological developments, and future prospects,” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 45, no. 1, 2008. 3. R. J. Waddington, S. J. Nam, S. Lonn, and S. D. Teasley, “Practice (Exams) Make Perfect: Incorporating course resource use into an early warning system,” Journal of Learning Analytics, in press. 4. L. R
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy III
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brian Scott Rice, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Engineering Technology
Paper ID #28572How Extra Credit Quizzes and Test Corrections Improve Student LearningWhile Reducing StressDr. Brian Scott Rice, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Brian S. Rice is an assistant professor in the Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at Rochester Institute of Technology since 2016. He joined the RIT faculty after spending over 25 years in applied research while working at University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Ener- getics, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and Eastman Kodak Company. Areas of applied research include system dynamics and controls, solid mechanics, heat transfer, and
Conference Session
MET Papers 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oai Ha, Western Carolina University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University
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Engineering Technology
., Warren, C., & Newcombe, N. S. (2013). The malleability of spatial skills: A meta-analysis of training studies. Psychological Bulletin, 139(2), 352-402. 4. Carroll, J. B. (1993). Human cognitive abilities: A survey of factor-analytic studies, Cambridge University Press, New York. 5. Hegarty, M., and Waller, D. (2004). “A dissociation between mental rotation and perspective-taking spatial abilities.” Intelligence, 32(2), 175–191. 6. Lohman, D. F. (1988). “Spatial abilities as traits, processes, and knowledge.” Advances in the psychology of human intelligence, R. J. Sternberg, ed., Vol. 4, Psychology Press, New York, 181–248. 7. Maeda and Yoon 2013 8. Sorby, S., Casey, B., Veurink
Conference Session
New Directions for ET
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Huma Shoaib, Purdue University
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Engineering Technology
experiences and influence of learning style preferences on user intentions regarding MOOCs. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(3), 528–541., B. J., Baker, R. B., & Dee, T. S. (2016). Persistence patterns in massive open online courses (MOOCs). Journal of Higher Education, 87(2), 206–242., R., & Gillani, N. (2014). Communication patterns in massively open online courses. The Internet and Higher Education. 23. 18-26. doi:, L., Jiang, H., Wang, J.,, & Gong, Y. (2018). Design, implementation and evaluation of MOOCs and DBL‐based cross
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon K. Sweeney, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
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Engineering Technology
familiar estimationof standard deviation from range values. Although the Tabular Method is simple to use, it hassome disadvantages4. First, the range estimation of standard deviation is an approximation and issometimes inefficient. Second, it is sometimes desirable to obtain confidence intervals on thesources of measurement variation5, and that is not easily accomplished with the Tabular Method.Third, a gage capability study is truly a designed experiment so the principles of goodexperimental analysis should be applied. It is noteworthy the D. Montgomery, a leading author inthe field of quality control, has removed the Tabular Method from recent editions of histextbook(s).The later Design of Experiment Method applies those good principles of
Conference Session
Novel Teaching Methods In Engineering Technology
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy L. Denton, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Wei Dai Vian, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Technology
, 2016. 5. Reese, S. (2001). Excellence in engineering technology education. Techniques, 4, 26-27. 6. Kaufman, A., Warner, S., & Buechele, J., (2011). The characteristics of model technology education teacher. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 3, 25-34. 7. ASME Vision 2030 Task Force (2012). Vision 2030: Creating the Future of Mechanical Engineering Education, Phase 1 Final Report, 2030-project.aspx; retrieved February 1, 2016. 8. Grinter, I.E. chair, ASEE Committee on Evaluation of Engineering Education (1955). Summary of the Report on Evaluation of Engineering Education. Reprinted, Journal of Engineering Education, January